There are three basic types of error correction: 1. Teacher correction: The teacher corrects the student. 2. Self correction: The teacher indicates the student has made a mistake or error (usually by repeating in a quizzical tone) and gives the student an opportunity to self-correct. 3. Peer correction: The teacher asks other students to correct the mistake or error. A decision to correct or not is based on many factors: the most important criteria is whether the activity you are doing is for accuracy or fluency. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
There are three basic types of error correction: 1. Teacher correction: The teacher corrects the student. 2. Self correction: The teacher indicates the student has made a mistake or error (usually by repeating in a quizzical tone) and gives the student an opportunity to self-correct. 3. Peer correction: The teacher asks other students to correct the mistake or error. A decision to correct or not is based on many factors: the most important criteria is whether the activity you are doing is for accuracy or fluency. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.