| - File:Quake1.gif File:Globe.png VQuake is a source port of Quake that was specifically designed for use with the Rendition Vérité V1000 accelerator. The oldest known source port, VQuake was originally released as Beta 10 on December 2, 1996. VQuake was the first version of Quake to have hardware acceleration, coming out more than a month earlier than the earliest version of GLQuake. John Carmack felt that Vérité provided the best performance per dollar at the time, resulting in the effort by him and chipset maker Rendition to make this the premium Quake experience. Carmack later regretted this choice, finding programming on the Vérité to be frustrating, which resulted in his support for non-propitiatory APIs such as Direct3D and OpenGL (the former of which he later became frustrated with
| - File:Quake1.gif File:Globe.png VQuake is a source port of Quake that was specifically designed for use with the Rendition Vérité V1000 accelerator. The oldest known source port, VQuake was originally released as Beta 10 on December 2, 1996. VQuake was the first version of Quake to have hardware acceleration, coming out more than a month earlier than the earliest version of GLQuake. John Carmack felt that Vérité provided the best performance per dollar at the time, resulting in the effort by him and chipset maker Rendition to make this the premium Quake experience. Carmack later regretted this choice, finding programming on the Vérité to be frustrating, which resulted in his support for non-propitiatory APIs such as Direct3D and OpenGL (the former of which he later became frustrated with as well, resulting in his full support for OpenGL). Made earlier and for a cheaper chipset, VQuake was not as powerful as the later GLQuake. As this was made for proprietary APIs that could only be found on certain graphics cards in the late 90s, this means that this version could not be as widely distributed as the later source ports. While VQuake enjoyed some early popularity around Christmas of 1996 due to being the first hardware-accelerated version on the market, the release of OpenGL eliminated the need for proprietary hardware. Furthermore, due to the lack of emulators (even modern DOS emulators such as DOSBox lack support for Vérité) or other forms of backwards compatibility for the Vérité, modern computers cannot play this source port.