| - Well, fiddlesticks. Looks like the someone's trying to kill the named character with some kind of projectile weapon. Arrows, bullets, throwing knives. And just to make things worse, the character in question is unarmed. How on Earth can they defend themselves from such a vicious onslaught? Simple, really. Stretch out that hand, grab the weapon that's being hurled, and fling it straight back to the attacker! That'll teach anybody to try and screw around with long range combat. After all, everybody knows that close range weapons are way cooler. Examples of Catch and Return include:
| - Well, fiddlesticks. Looks like the someone's trying to kill the named character with some kind of projectile weapon. Arrows, bullets, throwing knives. And just to make things worse, the character in question is unarmed. How on Earth can they defend themselves from such a vicious onslaught? Simple, really. Stretch out that hand, grab the weapon that's being hurled, and fling it straight back to the attacker! That'll teach anybody to try and screw around with long range combat. After all, everybody knows that close range weapons are way cooler. To understand the Real Life viability of this trope, first, look at Arrow Catch and Bullet Catch. Take the probability of pulling off such a catch, multiply by itself, and that's roughly the chance of this actually working. At least, as far as launched weapons. Thrown weapons can vary, depending on size, pointiness, and victim's preparation. Lobbing a ball-sized object at a lacrosse player? Justified. Flinging a shuriken at a nudist? Not as much. This trope is the concept behind many a Counter Attack. Compare Attack Reflector, which doesn't bother with the catching part, and Lodged Blade Recycling, for when said part goes awry. See also Tennis Boss. Grenade Hot Potato is a subtrope. Examples of Catch and Return include: