| - Chrysosarus (Zonomegachile) Mitchell 1980: 72. Type species Megachile mariannae Dalla Torre 1896: 438. Original designation and monotypy. Megachile (Zonomegachile) Michener 2000: 568. This subgenus is difficult to associate with any other, though it bears some similarities with Chrysosarus. Two species are Amazonian and one is from the cerrados of central Brazil.
* 1. Megachile (Zonomegachile) gigas Schrottky Megachile gigas Schrottky 1908: 235-236. Female. Type locality: São Paulo state, Brazil. Type repository: MZSP. Megachile (Acentron) gigas : Moure 1948: 332-334 (R-M). Megachile (Zonomegachile) gigas : Silveira et al 2002: 213 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Schrottky 1913a: 139 (K), 167 (D, R-F). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: DF (Raw); MG; SP.
* 2. Megachile (Zonomegachile) moderata Smith Megachile moderata Smith 1879: 74. Female. Type locality: Ega [= Tefé, AM, Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2430. Examined. Megachile mariannae Dalla Torre 1896: 438. New name proposed in error for "Megachile moderata Smith 1853". Chrysosarus (Zonomegachile) mariannae : Mitchell 1980: 72. Megachile (Zonomegachile) moderata : Raw 2002 # 7: 37. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1927a: 13, 15 (D, K). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni. BRAZIL: AM- Tefé.
* 3. Megachile (Zonomegachile) nigribarbis Vachal Megachile nigribarbis Vachal 1909: 6. Male. Type locality: Matto Grosso, Brésil. Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Megachile (Zonomegachile) nigribarbis : Raw 2002 # 71: 37. M. nigribarbis may prove to be the male of M. moderata. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: MT.