| - frame|taris Taris es un pokemon tipo hechizo de la Region Legendaria.
- Taris is a Star Wars planet, located in The Outer Rim. It features vast city-scapes, and a multi-level architecture where the wealthy inhabitants of the Upper City live far above the squalor of the Undercity. In Second Life, Taris is a non-combat roleplay sim, where all are welcome (roleplayers and nonroleplayers). Taris is owned and administered by Furia Freeloader. __TOC__
- Taris is a woman in Nashkel who is looking for a man she describes to be of a certain height and 'width.'. She can be found standing outside the Nashkel Inn, or inside.
- Taris, was the planet that the Galactic Republic escape pods crashed on after the Hammerhead-class capital ship Endar Spire was destroyed by a Sith Interdictor-class Cruiser. The planet was blockaded by the Sith during the Jedi Civil War, and later heavily bombarded from orbit by the Sith in an attempt to kill Bastila Shan, a Jedi who escaped the Endar Spire, but crashed on the planet. Taris had three major levels: the Upper City, where Human nobles lived, the Lower City, where aliens and swoop gangs resided, and the Undercity, a rakgoul-infested level where the exiled Humans were forced to.
- Taris was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories. During the Jedi Civil War, it was controlled by the Galactic Republic
- Hey, wie gehts?
- Hey, wie gehts?
- The Aldryami representative on the Nysaloran Council of 411 ST
* Also known as Taris Sharpthorn
* He worshipped High King Elf
- fill this in with JvS relevant info (don't plagurise wookieepedia!)
- [Source] Taris était une planète polluée de la Bordure Extérieure. En plus d'une pollution atmosphérique qui se traduisait pas une sorte de brume jaune, le paysage de la planète était jonché d'épaves de vaisseaux.
- The planet taris is the third planet in the Taris System. Taris orbits a single sun and a single moon orbits the planet. This planet is located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy and is in between the planets Alkarin and Tarkon.
- Taris was a soldier from Nespa. He fell in battle near Thebes while saving the life of his friend, Tyron. Taris had two brothers who blamed Tyron for his death when the soldier brought Taris' armour home to them.
- Taris era un pianeta nei territori dell'Orlo Esterno, localizzato nel sistema Taris, settore Ojoster.
- Taris era un planeta urbano en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, sede de varios eventos clave en la Guerra Civil Jedi, incluyendo la Batalla de Taris. Fue un planeta tan esplendoroso que rivalizaba con el propio Coruscant. También fue el blanco de un bombardeo planetario masivo que dañó bastante la reputación del Imperio Sith de Darth Malak. En el curso de los milenios siguientes el planeta fue reconstruido y se recuperó, aunque nunca al grado de su antigua gloria.
- Empire, the planet's population of 6 billion was utterly destroyed during a massive conflict between Jedi and Sith forces. In the millennia since, the planet has been resettled. Inhabitants have rebuilt some of the cities on Taris although much of the planet still lies in ruin. Historians believe the swoop bike originated here and continue to excavate the ruins all over the planet in search of proof.
- Taris is the fifth planet in its star system, located in the Outer Rim areas of the Seat of the Empire region. Taris's level bracket is 16-20 for the Republic, and 32-36 for the Empire. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Taris on Wookieepedia
- Taris was a planet in the Outer Rim. Darth Revan and his rascally gang of lovable scamps chilled here for a while a long time ago, rescued a hot Jedi chick, PWN3D some Sithies and stole a a pretty crappy ship. A few weeks later, Darth Darth Binks and his L33t time-travel skillz went back in time and really fucked up Taris, with the gang conveniently escaping just before the PWNage. Taris was split into three levels, including a fourth one nobody gave a fuck about because it wasn't in KOTOR. The Lower City: Yep. Gang wars. I'm beginning to think that Taris is supposed to represent LA.
- thumb|Taris (2365) Subcommander Taris ist die Kommandantin des romulanischen Warbirds der D'deridex-Klasse IRW Haakona. 2365 gehört ihr Schiff zusammen mit der USS Yamato und der USS Enterprise-D zu den drei Raumschiffen, die von der Iconianischen Sonde mit einem Computervirus infiziert werden, der die Yamato zerstört und auf den beiden anderen Schiffen schwere Schäden anrichtet.
- During the Mandalorian Wars, Taris served as a crucial rallying point for dissident Jedi who had decided to fight against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. As the lower classes were crushed beneath the rich, crime became rampant, and the Tarisian government did little in response. This caused Lhosan Industries, a mining company which employed half of the planet's lower class in its operation, to leave Taris. The millions left unemployed rioted against the government, kidnapping the planet's senator in the Galactic Senate as well as the local constable. This caused the local Jedi to leave Taris as well, leaving the planet in a state of chaos, as the war raged on around it.
- [[Imagen:Ciudad_Alta_Taris.JPG|thumb|200px|La Ciudad Alta de Taris, bajo la cuarentena Sith.]] Taris es un planeta cubierto completamente por grandes edificios en forma de cúpula. Taris aparece en Star Wars: The Old Republic y en Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República, en el cual es destruido por la flota Sith de Darth Malak, luego de un ataque a la Espiral de Endar, una nave nodriza de la República.
- Der Planet Taris war eine stark bevölkerte Stadtwelt und säkularer Sitz des Kalakarai-Duumvirats, bevor die Yuuzhan Vong in ihrem Versuch, die Galaxis zu erobern, 26 NSY auch über den Planeten herfielen und die Kalakarai auslöschten und vertrieben. Die urbane Oberfläche und die Bevölkerung mussten nicht weniger leiden. Taris' tragische Geschichte von zu überwindenden Verwüstungen spiegelt sich teils mit der Bombardierung durch Darth Malak 3.956 VSY und deren lang anhaltenden Folgen.
- In 2382 Admiral Taris is appointed by Fleet Commander Tomalak as his second-in-command. She is ordered to mobilize and re-organize Romulus’ military forces. When Tomalak suffers a defeat against Empress Donatra's fleet at Xanitla on Stardate 60900.31, Admiral Taris defects with twelve ships to the Imperial Romulan State. (2383) The Empress sends Taris as representative to negotiations with the Romulan Star Empire at the Romulan capital, Ki Baratan, in 2384. Donatra recalls her when Praetor Tal'aura is found murdered. Taris is ordered to prepare for defending the Imperial territory.
- Sub-commander Taris was a female Romulan officer of the Romulan military in the 24th century. She was the commanding officer of the Romulan warbird Haakona in the 2360s. In 2365, her ship discovered the Federation ship USS Yamato inside the Neutral Zone when it was trying to identify the planet Iconia. She eventually found it when it made a rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-D and watched it explode after downloading some of the contents of its computer while cloaked. Unfortunately, the computer contents contained an Iconian program that re-writes alien programming, affecting the Haakona the same way as the Yamato.
- V roce 2365 se její loď odmaskovala v Neutrální zóně v blízkosti USS Enterprise-D, která vlétla do Romulanské neutrální zóny na žádost Donalda Varleyho, kapitána USS Yamato, který zde hledal mateřskou planetu vyhynulých Iconianů. Krátce po setkání obou lodí, USS Enterprise a USS Yamato, nastala úplná destrukce lodi Yamato z důvodu postupného vysazování všech jejích lodních systémů. Toto zničení lodi se později přičítalo jejímu setkání s iconianskou sondou, která do ní naskenovala nežádoucí přenosový software.
- thumb|300px|Taris Taris er en urbanisert planet i Ytre Rim Territoriene av Galaksen. Taris var en viktig strategisk planet i krigene lenge før Det galaktiske imperium. På et tidspunkt rivaliserte Taris' byer med de på Coruscant. Uheldigvis har Taris hatt flere nedgangsperioder. Da handelen til og fra Taris sank klarte de ikke å betale tilbake lån og den overbefolkede planeten falt i gjeld. Styret bestemte seg for å satse på industri, men havene gikk tapt mot fabrikkene og en viktig matkilde forsvant. Rasisme vokste også sterkt fram mellom mennesker og andre vesner. Etter hvert klarte de å stable økonomien på beina.
- President Romana eventually made her way to the Antiverse, following clues left by Sentris. Rorvan and Taris made a personal appeal to Romana, but the Oubliette of Eternity had erased all memory and knowledge of their existence.