| - Weegee's downfall is the sequel to Weegee Strikes back, In it Weegee rules everything, but is thwarted by Woogee who drains his powers with a thing he got from somewhere. In order to get his powers back this time he must go through an even more complicated quest involving facing off with Ganondork, Dweeby Kong, King Loser Koopa, Count Hack, and the evil guy with the super complicated design nobody wants to draw. Then out of no where Ultimate Molleo show's up (Woogee's brother) TRIWEEGEE A BEING SIMILAR TO TRIGON FROM TEEN TITANS (But Weegeefied)
| - Weegee's downfall is the sequel to Weegee Strikes back, In it Weegee rules everything, but is thwarted by Woogee who drains his powers with a thing he got from somewhere. In order to get his powers back this time he must go through an even more complicated quest involving facing off with Ganondork, Dweeby Kong, King Loser Koopa, Count Hack, and the evil guy with the super complicated design nobody wants to draw. After that Weegee get's his powers back, and then must do battle with Ultimate Woogee, but he soon finds Ultimate Malleo has regained his power's, and then Ultimate Walleo and Ultimate Waweegee got their power's. Then out of no where Ultimate Molleo show's up (Woogee's brother) Then Wowoogee and Wolleo all show up in Ultimate forms, Ultimate Woogee absorbs their powers transforming he Ultimate forms then transform into one massive ridiculous creature, the most powerful thing in all universe's ever (Until someone makes something more ridiculous) TRIWEEGEE A BEING SIMILAR TO TRIGON FROM TEEN TITANS (But Weegeefied) Triweegee reclaims control of everything, and then obliterates all life, the end!