| - This is a list of "bad girls" who have appeared on the American television show, Bad Girls Club. Contestants are called "bad girls" due to their behavioral problems and dominant behaviors on the show. The series first aired in 2006, there has been five seasons to date, which have been filmed on two locations. The fifth season, Bad Girls Club Miami, aired on Tuesday, August 3, 2010. A total of 44 participants have appeared in the five seasons of the Bad Girls Club series.
| - This is a list of "bad girls" who have appeared on the American television show, Bad Girls Club. Contestants are called "bad girls" due to their behavioral problems and dominant behaviors on the show. The series first aired in 2006, there has been five seasons to date, which have been filmed on two locations. The fifth season, Bad Girls Club Miami, aired on Tuesday, August 3, 2010. The cast of the Bad Girls Club are to follow certain rules that are placed for them to avoid being removed from the show, either for, being violent towards television producers, the house, or harming other "bad girls" in the house which would result in a immediate removal from the show. In some cases, a bad girl would wish to leave the show for personal issues regarding their love life, court, or other personal issues that void the bad girl in the house. Once a "bad girl" is removed from the house, producers of the show will, if early in the show, replace the fallen bad girl with a new one. In some rare occasions a replacement bad girl may also wish to leave the show, also Season 1 was the first season, so far, to have had multiple replacement bad girls which has not occurred until Season 5. A total of 44 participants have appeared in the five seasons of the Bad Girls Club series.