-- Fair Use of all material for humor & parody. -- Oobi, his sister Uma, and his 'Grampoo' (??????), a family of hands, all go out for dinner at a chinese restaurant/whorehouse where Uma learns the art of Chopdicks, a radical and illegal practice of inserting your phallus into someones mouth using chopsticks. She wants to learn the art so desperately even though she cannot ever learn it due to obvious reasons, so the chinese waitor convinces her she has learned -- SONGS USED IN THIS VIDEO -- "Fuel" by Metallica "Hit The Lights" by Metallica (pitch shifted up by 2) "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake
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| - -- Fair Use of all material for humor & parody. -- Oobi, his sister Uma, and his 'Grampoo' (??????), a family of hands, all go out for dinner at a chinese restaurant/whorehouse where Uma learns the art of Chopdicks, a radical and illegal practice of inserting your phallus into someones mouth using chopsticks. She wants to learn the art so desperately even though she cannot ever learn it due to obvious reasons, so the chinese waitor convinces her she has learned -- SONGS USED IN THIS VIDEO -- "Fuel" by Metallica "Hit The Lights" by Metallica (pitch shifted up by 2) "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake
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| - -- Fair Use of all material for humor & parody. -- Oobi, his sister Uma, and his 'Grampoo' (??????), a family of hands, all go out for dinner at a chinese restaurant/whorehouse where Uma learns the art of Chopdicks, a radical and illegal practice of inserting your phallus into someones mouth using chopsticks. She wants to learn the art so desperately even though she cannot ever learn it due to obvious reasons, so the chinese waitor convinces her she has learned by...well....you can probably guess..it's how all girls get jobs at the chinese whorehouse...by giving one. Plus, Michael Rosens reaction! (He monetized this video and took the credit, fuck him) -- SONGS USED IN THIS VIDEO -- "Fuel" by Metallica "Hit The Lights" by Metallica (pitch shifted up by 2) "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake "Taking Coins" from Mario Party 1 (N64) OST