| - thumb|Joret Dal (2370) Joret Dal ist ein cardassinischer Informant der Föderation. Im Jahr 2370 wird er in einer Rettungskapsel von der USS Enterprise-D geborgen. Nachdem er der Föderation wertvolle Informationen über die Truppenbewegungen des cardassianischen Militärs geliefert hat, soll er mit einer List wieder nach Cardassia Prime gelangen. Er soll sich als Kopfgeldjäger ausgeben, der ein Shuttle der Föderation gestohlen und eine Bajoranerin in seine Gewalt gebracht hat. Die Rolle seiner Gefangenen übernimmt Fähnrich Sito Jaxa, auch wenn Dal erschrocken feststellt, wie jung sie ist.
- Joret Dal was a male Cardassian and a member of the Cardassian military in the 24th century. In 2370, Dal became an operative for Starfleet and provided the crew of the USS Enterprise with intelligence about Cardassia's strategic intentions towards Bajor and other planets on their border with the Federation. In order to help Dal return safely to Cardassian space without arising suspicion, Sito Jaxa accompanied him by posing as a Bajoran he had captured. The Enterprise later intercepted a Cardassian report that stated a Bajoran prisoner had escaped her captor and had been killed. (TNG episode: "Lower Decks")
- Joret Dal was a Cardassian military officer and a Federation operative. In 2370, he was rescued from an escape pod by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. He risked his life to contact the Enterprise-D to provide information about Cardassian military movements. These movements threatened Bajor and other nearby planets. This information he provided would help strengthen the security of Bajor. He did not consider himself a traitor, but rather a patriot. He had served in the military all his life, only to see it become "little more than a platform for ambitious Guls hoping to make their reputations in battle." He believed that Cardassia was being led down the path to destruction.
| - Joret Dal was a Cardassian military officer and a Federation operative. In 2370, he was rescued from an escape pod by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. He risked his life to contact the Enterprise-D to provide information about Cardassian military movements. These movements threatened Bajor and other nearby planets. This information he provided would help strengthen the security of Bajor. He did not consider himself a traitor, but rather a patriot. He had served in the military all his life, only to see it become "little more than a platform for ambitious Guls hoping to make their reputations in battle." He believed that Cardassia was being led down the path to destruction. In order to return home, he needed to make it appear as if he were a bounty hunter on the run from Starfleet. He planned on pretending that he stole a shuttle and had captured a Bajoran terrorist. He was given the shuttlecraft Curie and was temporarily accompanied by the Bajoran Ensign Sito Jaxa, who posed as his prisoner. Although Dal safely returned to Cardassian territory, Sito was believed killed as she attempted to return to the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Lower Decks" ) The final draft script of "Lower Decks" refers to Joret Dal as being "about forty" at the time of the episode's setting. The character was played by actor Don Reilly. Regarding the casting of Reilly as Joret, René Echevarria said, "The idea of a Cardassian defector immediately changes the tenor of, you know, what we were looking for. And he has a nice mix there of cold [...] and that prejudice that they brought towards the Bajorans." ("Lower Decks" audio commentary, TNG Season 7 Blu-ray special features)
- thumb|Joret Dal (2370) Joret Dal ist ein cardassinischer Informant der Föderation. Im Jahr 2370 wird er in einer Rettungskapsel von der USS Enterprise-D geborgen. Nachdem er der Föderation wertvolle Informationen über die Truppenbewegungen des cardassianischen Militärs geliefert hat, soll er mit einer List wieder nach Cardassia Prime gelangen. Er soll sich als Kopfgeldjäger ausgeben, der ein Shuttle der Föderation gestohlen und eine Bajoranerin in seine Gewalt gebracht hat. Die Rolle seiner Gefangenen übernimmt Fähnrich Sito Jaxa, auch wenn Dal erschrocken feststellt, wie jung sie ist. Nachdem man Sito kosmetisch so aussehen lässt, als habe Dal sie misshandelt, brechen die beiden auf. Unterwegs erzählt Dal ihr, dass er sich nicht als Verräter sehe, sondern als Patriot, da das Militär seinen eigentlichen Zweck, Cardassia zu schützen, nicht mehr erfülle und er den Krieg satt habe. Zwar gelingt Dal die Rückkehr nach Cardassia, Sito Jaxa wird allerdings abgefangen und, nachdem man Trümmer findet, die wahrscheinlich von ihrem Rettungsshuttle stammen, für tot erklärt. (TNG: ) Joret Dal wurde von Don Reilly gespielt und von Torsten Michaelis synchronisiert.
- Joret Dal was a male Cardassian and a member of the Cardassian military in the 24th century. In 2370, Dal became an operative for Starfleet and provided the crew of the USS Enterprise with intelligence about Cardassia's strategic intentions towards Bajor and other planets on their border with the Federation. In order to help Dal return safely to Cardassian space without arising suspicion, Sito Jaxa accompanied him by posing as a Bajoran he had captured. The Enterprise later intercepted a Cardassian report that stated a Bajoran prisoner had escaped her captor and had been killed. (TNG episode: "Lower Decks") Dal himself also disappeared, with Jean-Luc Picard wondering if the truth about him had been discovered or if he was a double agent. (TNG - The Dominion War novel: Behind Enemy Lines)