| - The Salem's main weapon is a double-barreled Proton Cannon with sufficient range to make it effective as an early shore-bombardment unit. It is also equipped with Nanite Torpedoes for attacking Submarines, as well as a Torpedo Defense to reduce vulnerability to Torpedoes. It moves fairly fast through the water, but its remarkable special ability is the capability to move across land on six spider-like legs. Once on land, the Salem Class is a powerful, long-ranged and durable unit, but its slowness and limited anti-air weaponry renders it vulnerable. It should be given protection when on land. The Salem Class is best used in attacks against other naval units, and near-shore targets. This unit will only move onto land if a waypoint includes a point on land. Otherwise it remains in the water where it is vastly more maneuverable and typically less vulnerable. However, if this unit is confronted by enemy submarines, (or there is intelligence that such a conflict may soon occur) then the land mobility option gains significant merit. The land deployment, when used in conjunction with land-based shields, also allows for a land-based artillery system with a higher rate of fire (if smaller area of effect) than the tech 2 artillery installation. It's important to note that the Salem's cannon can out-range T2 Point Defence. Consider including one or two in a mid-game assault to lighten up the defences.