| - You move the great distance northwest to the Middle Atlantic State region.Middle Atlantic StatesNew York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Washington D.C., New Jersey, and Maryland consist of rolling farmland and woods, ancient, worn-down mountains, wide rivers, and verdant valleys. New York adds the largest city in the country, New York City, and the breathtaking Niagara Falls. Pennsylvania offers the steel center of Pittsburgh and the coal mines of the northeast along with the historic port city of Philadelphia. Delaware is the home of Du Pont chemical company, plus food processing and automobile assembly plants. Washington, D.C., capital of the U.S., displays world-famous monuments, buildings, and too much governmental spending. New Jersey contributes the drab city of Newark, the gambling of Atlantic City, and the New Jersey Turnpike. Maryland includes the polluted Chesapeake Bay and the major seaport city of Baltimore.Contents:Ambulance (First Aid)Police CycleSweepcraft [Revenant]Hun-GrrrHardshellFulcrumShockwaveGold hovertruck arrives from the Southeastern State region far to the southwest.Gold hovertruck has arrived.Dirt Bike arrives from the Southeastern State region far to the southwest.Dirt Bike has arrived.1985 mack firetruck arrives from the Southeastern State region far to the southwest.1985 mack firetruck has arrived.Victoria Haeber arrives from the Southeastern State region far to the southwest.Victoria Haeber has arrived.DepthCharge arrives from the Southeastern State region far to the southwest.DepthCharge has arrived.Andi Lassiter arrives from the Southeastern State region far to the southwest.Andi Lassiter has arrived.Microscope arrives from the North Central State region far to the west.Microscope has arrived.Sweepcraft [Revenant] comes hurtling out from the inky blackness of space entering earth's atmosphere at a tremendous speed a small orange yellow flare of light in the sky after passing through the upper layers of atmosphere he levels out and locks on to the nearest Decepticon transmissions. rapidly gaining on his objective finally the other Decepticons come into sight. He doesn't bother signalling his presence instead he flies earthwards transforming as he does so to land not to far from Shockwave's position.The sweepcraft reforms into the imposing figure of Revenant.Ravage emerges from the state of New York.Ravage has arrived.Ravage arrives silently into the room, his optics focuses cautiously as he examines the environment he has entered.Fulcrum scowls as the Sweep comes into land. Oh goody, a pyschopathing surfboard with long nails. Just what the mission needed.The Decepticons have landed! Well, a small band anyways. The crates have been put down, and Fulcrum, under Shockwave's guidance, is erecting the weather-control pylon. All other Decepticons have been assigned to sentry duty, with Hun-Grrr handling the details of that.Hardshell flies just behind Shockwave, carrying the component of the machine. He mutters, "So this is Earth..." The Aquacon lands and puts down the components.Hun-Grrr lands with a massive thud behind Shockwave, and immediately moves out to flank Shockwave. The massive Terrorcon transforms into his much-preferred dragon mode, and he moves out, forming a perimeter around the cyclopean Decepticon commander. "Fan out," he grates to Ravage and Revenant. "If you see an... Autobot sigil... kill it." He pauses. "Make sure... to save me... the leftovers."Falling down and with a shifting of parts, Hun-Grrr transforms into his dragon mode, finishing with a fearsome bellow.Police Cycle leads the massive convoy of Autobots into one of the areas where the snowfall is heavy, but managable for humans to be in. Transforming, he smiles. "This will be the greatest snow fort...EVER."Groove rears up, arms swinging outwards, feet deploying, wheels and steering column disappearing to reveal his visored head.Victoria Haeber is leaning against sheng's door, snoring softly as she sleeps.o/~ Tis the season to be jolly! o/~ a light snow falls over the mid atlantic states. In particular, in New Jersey. Although the snow fall is light, it is steady and very constant. If it keeps up, schools will definately be closed tomorrow, and traffic will be a total problem. One can expect the odd traffic accident to occur, but nothing serious. At the moment this fabled 'snow storm' isn't much more than just a steady fall. Kids'll be out playing in the snow, those who ski will be pleased, and anyone without a snowblower will be cursing. Bots' TurnGold hovertruck hovers at her usual ten feet above her hovering surface, scanning for any sign of the decepticons. She's actually at the tail end of the convoy, hovering over the churned up snow that the others have drivien through. As Groove transforms she slows to a stop and hovers to the side, ending up over a small hill of unbroken snow. She shifts her weight back and forth a bit. "We're here."1985 mack firetruck plows through the snow clearing a path for the groundbots. Lights flash on the cab while the bumper clears the snow away like so much water. Happly Spoot pushes along, he has a purpose, even it's just a snow plow.Ambulance (First Aid) pulls up to Groove and opens up his door in order to let Perceptor disembark, "You're telling me... now we still have to decide, will the icicle tower be outside the fifty foot outer wall, or inside? And where's this drawbridge going to go, anyway?" Clearly Aid has high hopes for this trip. Bout damn time the Bots had something fun to do.Dirt Bike drives along under sheng since Ten feet is more than enough clearance. At the back of the convoy the snow is nicely pre driven and Tinker is having a rather fun time with it. "Sheng ?... Are we there yet ?" she asks.Gold hovertruck says, "Aye, we're there."DepthCharge continues to hover along, riding on his hoverscooter. Due to the uneven, snowy surface of the ground DepthCharge has more and more trouble keeping the scooter travelling forward until finally, the scooter stops moving forward all together and the Aquabot falls off into a snowbank with a thud.White Porsche 935 follows inside the convoy enjoying some road trip music, more precisely 'Disco Science' by Mirwais. "Finally here, well it's as nice as I remember it." The sports car slows down to a halt in order to check out the area.Gold hovertruck hovers as low to the ground as she can manage and opens her doors so her two human passengers can get out safely.1985 mack firetruck pulls up next to DC, throwing a bunch of snow off onto the aquabot with a laugh. "You ok DC? Need someone to dig you out of there? You seem a bit in over your head this time." The protectobot transforms to one knee and stands and sighs, "I always have to rescue you guys."With a flash of light and a familiar transforming sound Hot Spot appears where a firetruck once was.Microscope pops out of First Aid and transforms, taking a look around. "Oh dear," Perceptor mutters fretfully. "I may not have all the necessary equipment I need to study this storm in greater detail."Andi Lassiter gets out after Sheng stops and takes a good minute to stretch. "Oh, finally. I'd forgotten how much I hate sitting in a car for that long."Perceptor transforms into robot mode.Victoria Haeber takes a moemnt to wake up... then the door opens and she screams as what she was leaning against suddenly moves, and she tumbles out to land on her back inthe snow. "Gah! I'm awake!" slowly, she sits up, blking around. "So where is 'here' ?The White Porsche unfolds, arms and legs are becoming visible. The body seems to cartwheel in mid-air, the robot form of Jazz stylishly lands and is ready for action.A fierce wind blows through the area, most likely causing any humans to tug their coat collars just a bit tigher to their faces, shiver, and make plans to find the nearest place where they can get a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Either that, or it's the type of fierce wind that'll get the foolish outdoors for snow shoeing or driveway shovelling. You'd have to be an idiot to be outside. Or have a bunch of huge robot friends to carry you around. Either way. Decepticons' TurnGold hovertruck says, "Oh, sorry, I thought you were awake..." the gold femme moves a few yards away from the humans, then transforms to her robot mode. "Honestly? I have no idea.""With the traditional transformation sounds, Sheng transforms from an updated hovertruck to her sleek and deadly battle-mode, ready for whatever may come.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon trudges through the strange white substance called "snow." "This..." he rumbles, "...is not proper... weather." He stomps the ground to find suitable traction, slightly shaking the earth. "Revenant, Ravage, report." The dragon snorts a cloud of steam, clearing the frost of his optic visors.Transmission from Jetfire: Curious. I have entered within range to establish an uplink with Teletran Two and after examining the latest activity report, I am compelled to inquire the purpose of the detachment of Autobots around the region within the Middle Atlantic States, Jazz.Proper weather? Hah! This is nothing compared to the Russian winters, thinks Fulcrum as he puts together the prefabricated pylon sections, arm-lasers set to "weld". Whether it's the cold conditions or the simple task, the Blacksmith actually seems to have cheered up. Truly, the end times are near.Revenant looks over at Hun-grrr intoning solemnly, "Do not presume to order me primitive Hunter. I do as i will and if i find any Autobots there won't be anything left of them to find." With that he turns and stalks off from the the base area quietly disappearing into cover. There may not be any prey yet but it will be fun when he finds some, receiving the transmitted message he replies curtly, "I will alert you if i find any prey." ooO(Unless there is only a few of them i wouldn't want my fun to be over too quickly.)Hardshell starts to open a box and pulls some components out of it. The aquacon looks around him to see if they're alone. He looks at Fulcrum and Shockwave, "I can't help you to assemble this machine. It's not a task for a warrior like me."Kill anything walking that has an Autobot sigil on it? That certainly will be something that's going be bigger than Ravage can chew. Eliminating structures are his forte and giving Autobots the boot up the rear are his brothers' forte, but when the Decepticon empire runs short of volunteers, problem like these happens. The Cybertronian panther growls an affirmative to Hun-Grrr before padding off silently. An irritable growl is given in response to Hun-Grrr's query, obviously the environment on Earth has found its way under Ravage's skin.You transmit a message to Jetfire: Actually, the Protectobots decided to go on a 'road trip', make snow forts and have a snowball fight. Eventually everyone joined and here we are...I know it's weird.Shockwave watches Fulcrum, actually building up a crust of snow on his exterior that he has to brush off, since he doesn't move much. As the tower is rapidly assembled, he steps to the cavity near its base, opening it and plugging in the core of the pylon: the waveform emitter. He nods to Hardshell, intoning, "Assist Hun-Grrr with his duties." He begins connecting up the 'laptop' unit for controlling the device.The snow keeps falling. The snow keeps building up. Slowly it gets higher and higher. Surely it can't keep this up forever. The air turns somewhat colder and a heavy fog starts to roll in. Off in the distance from where the Autobots are, a car crashes into a telephone pole as it skids along the slush. Autobots' TurnVictoria Haeber's backpack lands in the snow as Sheng transforms, and she reaches over to pick it up. She grins "That's ok. That's the easiest way to wake me up." she states, scrambling to her boots. Then she flinches at the sound "Uh oh..." paling, she turns in that direction and starts towwards it at a thumpGroove blinks, hearing the car crash. "Should we check it out?" He looks to Spoot and FA. "Somebody could be hurt..."Transmission from Jetfire: Ah yes, I see. Very well then, I shall return to Autobot City shortly. My search for the origin of the high levels of EM radiation has concluded in failure, I am afraid the... unusual climate around the region has eliminated any lasting traceable leads.DepthCharge is pretty buried in the snowbank (yes it is a large snowbank) with only his feet visible, which periodically kick in the air. He mutters, head hidden in the snow, "I have fallen and I can't get up.."Hot Spot looks up from trying to pull DC up out of the bank. Spoot drops DC's arm and says, "Sorry..." He looks over at Groove and First Aid and nods while saying, "It's time to roll out." He transforms and says, "Finally! Something to do other than play in the snow." The truck takes off towards the car calling out, "Help is on the way!"Dirt Bike transforms and walks out from under Sheng... Her green paint scheme stands out in the snow like a sore thumb... She looks around before picking up some snow and rolling it into an ice hard ball.Now that Perceptor has gotten out of him, First Aid transforms and immediately kneels. The snow comes up surprisingly high. Wearing a concerned frown behind his mask, First Aid gathers up a ball made up of snow (a 'snow ball', if you will). Looking over his comrades carefully, he ponders who would make a good target. Alas, the car crash intervenes. First Aid gasps and nods to Groove, "We better get over there!" Captain Obvious is about to transform, but frowns at the height of the snow. He begins wading through it to get to the car. "Someone help out DepthCharge!"The white ambulance folds up into the Protectobot known as First Aid.The dirt bike flips and transforms into Tinker.Andi Lassiter blinks as Victoria falls out of the hovertruck and goes over to help her up out of the snow, pulling the wool scarf a little tighter around her neck. "Are you okay?" She startles also at the sound of a car crashing somewhere. "That did sound bad." She looks around at the fogbank rolling in. "This weather is getting stranger. It's straight out of Narnia."Sheng lands in the snow and sinks a few feet. She snaps her head up at the sound of the crash and frowns. "I think we should go check on that... the human driver might be injured..." she pauses and glances to the side as the protectobots swing into action and leave Depthcharge buried in the snow. knowing she won't be much help, she decides to stay and keep an optic on the humans... And help Depthcharge out of the snow... "Here, DC, let me help you out of there..." She looks at Andi. "Narnia?"Jazz is busy having a radio conversation and turns around after hearing the car crash in a telephone pole. The autobot concludes his transmission and sees the Protectobot seems to have the situation well in hands.You transmit a message to Jetfire: Roger that, gotta run. Some terran crashed his car in a telephone pole. The other might need my help. Over and out.Tinker looks to Sheng, "Well they do say... Reach out and Touch someone."The snow keeps on building up. Anyone less than a truck will find it quite difficult to get through the heavy snow (except for people with freaky ass skis, of course. Cough, Jazz :-)). The fog thickens. You could see the location of the crash moments ago, but unless you hurry you'll miss it soon. The snow picks up and takes it up a notch (Bam!), now coming down on a heavily angled slant. Decepticons' TurnPerceptor brushes some snow off his shoulder, then resumes shifting his weight from one leg to the other. He seems so unsure if he should just go ahead and collect the data with the equipment he has, or just to forget it entirely. The crash wakes him back up. He watches the Protectobots zoom off worriedly, and latches onto DepthCharge and helps Sheng yank him out of the snow bank. "I hope the situation is not terribly serious. Although wonderful, such conditions bear danger for our smaller, more fragile allies. I suppose it is rather ironic."Even Shockwave is starting to notice the sheer amount of frozen precipitation, and is starting to worry that it'll affect the device. The keyboard is shielded from contamination, but he has to keep wiping snow off his optic as he intones, "Fulcrum, is the top section mounted and locked down?" He boots up the systems of the emitter, waiting for a reply before he activates the pylon.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon roars back at Ravage, caught up momentarily at sniping at his much smaller comrade. No sense of respect. Why Hun-Grrr... oughtta... oh, nevermind. The Decepticons' SpecOps commander surges through the ever deepening snow, not for the first time wishing that the weather here was like it was in the Warrens. None. The blasted stuff is really getting on the Terrorcon's last nerve. "I see... nothing... Shockwave!" A pause. "Of course... an entire... battalion of Autobots could be... two feet in my face... and I wouldn't see them," he growls under his breath as he presses on.Fulcrum hovers in mid-air making the final adjustments, boot jets keeping the ice from building up too much but he's still covered in snow. "It is complete, Commander" he calls down to Shockwave, sounding almost cheerful.Hardshell walks aways from Shockwave and Fulcrum. Then the aquacon takes off to get a better look around. He starts to fly in circle above the other Decepticons. Hardshell sees nothing but snow. "Snow, snow every where..." He radios Shockwave, "No sign of the Autobots commander."The piercing light reflects unyieldingly off the snow in front of Ravage, its intensity threatening his delicate optics and the terrain is no less hospitable either. Eventually the Cybertronian panther abandons his attempts to travel on the ground and discards stealth by gliding up onto the roof of a building and observes keenly from the elevated location.Revenant smiles coldly as the weather conditions worsen he isn't bothered by these conditions at all they aren't even dangerous, in fact they will probably aid him in surprising any prey that may show up. Finding a good vantage point he settles down into the snow and allows it to cover over him. ooO(If there are any Autobots or foolish humans out there they will have to come this way soon enough or at least they will when they figure out what the machine is doing.)A car horn can be heard as a small Honda finds a drift in the middle of the road that it just can't get out. Its tires spin pathetically, but no luck. People rush by, holding their coats as tightly as possible. Others just seem concerned with finding shelter, no matter what it might be. A small delivery truck skids out of control, but the quick thinking driver manages to get things back under control before something horrible could happen. The snow is definately now in the Not-Safe height. The fog is certainly a safety hazard as well. Visibility is nil. Sensors might get ya a little bit further, but not much. Autobots' TurnTinker follows Sheng along to the site where the car crashed... The heavy snowfall has effectively turned her green armor to white... She looks like a big snowman... snow woman... Which ever. Happily she hums, "Oh the weather outside was frightful but dum De dum Delightful... But what ever you do... Don't play where the Huskies go... Oohhhh Yellow snow Yellow Snow Yellow Snow!"Victoria Haeber continues forwards, feeling the ground beneath the snow changing. She clops onwards doggedly. She flinches a bit, looking up and down for the car. "I can't see a thing. Its a whiteout!" she shouts, stopping "Andi, can you hear me?"Sheng frowns as the snow picks up and visibility drops. She pulls on her cloak while she still has time to do so and quickly walks back towards Andi, dropping to one knee near her. "Can you two handle this cold?" The gold femme pulls her cloak a bit tighter around her form, looking around worridly as visibilty drops rapidly to zero. "Perceptor, Depthcharge, stay close, we're going to have no visibility in a few moments... As the tempatures continue to drop and the visibility vanishes, the gold femme quickly picks Andi up in one hand and looks around for the other. Hearing the voice she focuses on it. "Primus take it..."First Aid grunts as the snow keeps building up. Using one hand he tries to shield his optics form the onslaught of snow as it hits against him. "Well that's just... not good." he mutters to himself. Taking a quick look around, he suddenly realizes that he doesn't see any of his comrades. "Uh... guys? Guys?!" he calls out. But his voice is lost in the howling of the wind.Andi Lassiter explains the Narnia reference to Sheng, mentioning the set of books that start with 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'. She'd help Sheng unbury DC, but that would likely be hazardous to a human's health. She puts one hand up to shield her face from the snow and looks toward Sheng's outline. "What the heck is going on with this weather?" She blinks and looks around. Did she just hear something vaguely like the Jurassic Park T-Rex roaring? Nah. Must've been a trick of the wind. She turns to look at Victoria, and realizes the other woman's wandered off somewhere more than three feet away. "Victoria?" she calls out, but the sound is deadened by the snow. Frowning, she pulls her little medical scanner from her coat pocket then looks up at Sheng. "It's tolerable so far...where's Victoria?"Groove heads to the stuck Honda, and kneels next to it. "Just stay cool, folks. We'll have you back on the road in a second!" Then, he blinks. "Um...except....you disappeared...? Aw, dammit..."Hot Spot rolls up to the car allowing the rest of the protectobots to get up to the car. He transforms and looks behind to his brothers, "Blades, Streetwise, see to any other humans on this road. First Aid, check on the human here. Groove and I will check for damages." He begins checking out the power lines incase they've gone down and notices the white out. He flips on his locator beacon.Sheng says, "Lost track of her. I can hear her, but can't see her." Hot Spot says, "Turn on your locators, we'll be lost without them."Victoria Haeber inhales and shouts louder at the top of her canadian-plains grown lungs "ANNNNDDDIIIII!!!!"Which is pretty darn loud, lemme tell you. Groove says, "Righto. Activated." First Aid says, " Yessir! Wh... where are you guys?"Andi Lassiter says, "Stand still, I'm trying...whoa. That was her. Which way did it come from?"Jazz searches through the blizzard for the humans "Victoria! Andi! You guys around ? This is getting ridiculous. Spot! Spot! Did you get to that car ? Still need a hand ?" Jazz wades over towards the road.DepthCharge is yanked out of the snow by Perceptor and Sheng and, after brushing himself off, he offers his thanks. The Aquabot medic activates his shoulder mounted search lights to try and mark out his position in this blizzard and he ponders how the local terran law enforcement people are going finding that kitten in this blizzard. Sheng says, "Roger that. Victoria is missing tho... nevermind I just heard her..."Sheng nods and walks slowly and carefully in the direction of the sound, "Victoria, don't move."Victoria Haeber inhales again, throwing her head back to let out another scream of Andi's name. "ANnnnnnndiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!" She looks at the ground,t rying to find her footsteps, but doesn't move.Andi Lassiter puts the medscanner back in her pocket and removes one glove to fumble in her other pocket for her radio/cellphone.Andi Lassiter says, "Sheng, I can't yell that loud, yell back."Sheng says, "Cover your ears."Andi Lassiter covers her ears dutifully.Perceptor swipes off more snow, keeping close to Sheng and DepthCharge. "Peculiar. If only I had the time to fetch the proper equipment, then perhaps we would not be in such a dilemma!" He brings his hands to his face and wipes the snow from his optics, quietly lamenting his woes.The raging blizzard - as it can easily now be called - beats against anything and everything in its path. A tree cracks under the pressure and falls, and others are now leaning in ways that they probably were not meant to lean. Decepticons' TurnShockwave hears Fulcrum's affirmation, and nods, hitting two keys, then pressing the large purple button on the console. The pylon begins to thrum, a deep, subsonic sound, as an antenna rises from its peak. Beginning to rapidly generate powerful electromagnetic and subspatial energy patterns, as Shockwave tries to tame the beast that is this snowstorm.Fulcrum gets the hell away from the top of the pylon and those energy patterns - don'Two-Headed Mecha Dragon plods through this snow, swinging both heads opposite ways in a vain effort to see. Not Autobots, but -anything-. There's a crack as a tree falls, cracking against Hun-Grrr's armored hide. The Terrorcon spins, suddenly thinking he's under attack, and promptly loses his balance in the snowstorm. There's much thunderous crashing, followed by growling. The dragon forms a nice little ice scupture under the overturned snowdrift. "This... had better... be worth it." He straightens to push himself free.By now, Ravage has already regained his composure and through it, finally accepts the unfavorable climate of which he is now operating in. The Cybertronian panther sits motionless atop the building, a significant amount of snow already building on top of his body, as he makes use of his acute sensory devices located in his nose. Through the hollow wailing wind in the background, something catches Ravage's attention... an unique yell originating from a source of which he is aware of. Then eventually something confirms the cassetticon's suspicions.The wind become stronger and it's not a good time to fly around so Hardshell decides to lands and to continue his patrol on the ground. I never heard about such a powerful storm. He radios Shockwave again, "Still no sign of the Autobots sir, but I can't see very far."Fulcrum gets the hell away from the top of the pylon and those energy patterns - don't want the old cerebro-circuits fried. The blacksmith lands heavily in the snow with a 'Whumf' sound, almost losing his footing as his still-hot boot jets melt the snow underfoot.Revenant feels the weather conditions worsening all around him and the visibility dropping considerably. Deciding that at this point spotting prey is almost impossible he starts to rely more on his other finely tuned senses after all anyone coming through this lot will be causing a lot of disruption and making a fair amount of noise too. He hears human voices carrying through the blizzard but decides to ignore it after all what can a mere human do. He decides to transmit a statement over the Decepticon radio frequency, "Sector clear."'Tries to tame the beast that is this snowstorm'. Well shulks, the beast evidently doesn't /like/ that. Just as Shockwave makes his attempt with his new (untested as of yet) device, the storm seems to take this thing to a whole new level. The wind rips through the air at a deadly speed, trees are renched from the ground and send plowing through the snow as it billows in every direction. Finding that car's going to be a /real/ fun job now, let me tell ya. The howling that mother nature puts out would make a banshee blush. Sensors ain't going to do you much good, and the visibility is to the point where you can probably see your own hand. Maybe. You guys could easily run into members of the other faction if you're not careful (go for it if you like). Ravage and Revenant might be ok in the sensor/nose department, but everyone else?... Autobots' TurnGroove goes to Locators, and freezes. "Guys? I can't see snot...and there's some people trapped out here. FA, can you get down to my location to scan? Reeaaaaaaly carefully?"Tinker idly turns on her holo emitter and projects an Eskimo driving past in a dog sled.. "Yeah Yeah!!!.. Mush Mush!" dogs barking as they run past Sheng and vanish into the snow... Tinker sighs happily then pulls out her scanner and starts to Scan for humanoid life signs it probably be much simpler to find the missing humans before they turn into frozen goods. She looks up hearing Victoria screaming and thinks she has good vocals... So she starts to walk in that direction... "Victorya!!!...."Andi Lassiter pulls her scarf from under her coat and wraps it around her mouth and nose and over head. Why did she agree to come along? This is ridiculous. Thankfully, she's at least no longer on the ground, having let Sheng pick her up. Now her attention and worry is focused on Victoria. This is nasty weather, and with Autobots wandering about she's at extreme risk. She fumbles again for her radio so she can stay in contact with everyone, including Sheng. The wind's wailing will make normal talking impossible.Victoria Haeber hears someone calling her name, and bellows back "OVER HERE! ANDI??" she shouts at the top of her lungs again. Then she blinks, and faceslaps. "Duhh..." She rummages in her backpack and pulls out a small black rectangle and starts to press buttons...Andi's Cellphone starts to ring.First Aid stops dead in his tracks as the snow builds up around him to one side. "What?!" he calls out. He pauses, and coulda /sworn/ he heard something, or someone. "Is that you, Miss Haeber? Miss Haeber?!" I guess he learned Vicky's name during the huge long trip over here. Aid doesn't have the vocal cables to give a good shout, so it's doubtful that Vic will be able to hear him. "Wha? Groove? Where are you?! My scanner's not working! Find Andi and Victoria!"Andi Lassiter manages to get out her phone/radio just as it rings. She answers it fumblingly, gloves making the task difficult. "Hello?"Jazz kneels down to maintain his balance as the wind picks up. "Oh boy this is starting to suck. Get the humans to safety!" The autobots wades towards Hot Spot's position while gently sweeping infront of him with his hands in case he finds someone or something. "Like a bunch blind dudes in an orgy we'll have to feel our way through."Hot Spot growls as the wind howls all about him. He's made of sterner stuff and holds his feet under him. He looks around for a second after wiping his optics clear and sees a dark form just a few dozen feet from him on the ground apperently. Spoot makes his way for the form calling, "First Aid...is that you guy? Good idea to stay....down." He leans in the wind and says, "This isn't....natural. Where's....perceptor?" One again he's blinded by snow, and once again he wipes his optics clear, "First....Aid? PRIMUS!" Almost on top of the form he sees it for what it is.DepthCharge's search lights don't do much. He idly muses to Perceptor as he steps forward, "Yes, these conditions are most interesting. Kind of reminds me of the time I got caught out at sea in a typhoon. Damaged my directional sensors and I wasn't able to find my way back to America for four months." Oh great. Don't tell me all of us are going to be trapped in this room for months. ;) DepthCharge idly prattles away, walking deeper into the snow as he tries to work out where everyone is.Victoria Haeber pulls her hudson bay coat tighter around her as the wind blows it about and she puts her cellphone away again. Then she inhales and shouts "I"M GONNA KEEP SHOUTING SO YOU GUYS CAN FIND ME OKAY?!?" Pausing, she starts to sing America The Beautiful at the top of her canadian lungs."VICTORIA!!" Sheng's voice rips through the snow storm, hitting levels that most humans can't manage. Hearing Victoria a second time (WAAAAY back up there;) the gold femme snaps her head in that direction and takes a few careful steps that way, being VERY careful where she steps. The Autobots can keep track of one another via their locator beacons... but Victoria has no such advantage... As visibiltiy drops even more, the gold femme drops down so that she is almost sitting on her heels. She begins moving slowly, staying as low to the ground as possible... "this is not good..." This is very simular to the conditions Sheng is used to for the big sandstorms on her home planet. Only colder... Much, MUCH colder... "Oh smeg, NOW it gets worse?" She shivers slightly and pulls her cloak closer to her form. Still no sign of the missing human... Hearing the human starting to shout again, she keeps moving, slowly and carefully, towards the voice...Perceptor wipes a new layer of snow from his optics and finds when they're clear, DepthCharge and Sheng have disappeared from sight. "Um, Sheng? DepthCharge? Fellow Autobots?...anybody?" He peeps out, reaching his arms out to search for...well, anything. "That's it!" He cries, folding his arms over his chest adamantly, "I am /never/ departing from my laboratory so completely unprepared again!" He then remembers that he should probably start looking for people, in case they need help, and begins to wander off through the storm blindly. "Hello? First Aid? DepthCharge? How in the world is this possible? This is /not/ natural!"Maybe you stepped out of America and went into Narnia, as Andi suggested? Starting to look more and more likely, as the wind and snow continues to do its stuff. The people who boarded up their houses before this all started will thanking their lucky stars that they did. Decepticons' Turn Sheng says, "Every one DOES have their locator beacons on right? ...And, any one that knows this planet better then I... Is weather like this natural?"Two-Headed Mecha Dragon :growls. Big talk from a red and blue fire truck. He lunges back and circles what he thinks his Hot Spot's location, unable to hear the Protectobot fool scampering away, too. Both heads scan the area, finally finding tracks, quickly filling in. So intent is he on these tracks he lumbers between Hot Spot and Jazz, unbeknownst to him, circling back around Hot Spot. This would be quite an ideal oppurtunity to get a nice sucker-punch in on them, if their backs weren't to each other. "FACE ME!" The dragon roars. "COWARDLY PROTECTOBOT! CAN YOU ONLY DEFEND, NOT ATTACK! SHOW ME YOUR COURAGE!" Both heads' jaws drop and columns of flame tear themselves from his mouths, incinerating the snow before him to find... a now melted late-model fleshling car. "BAH!" The Terrorcon turns and lunges, only to run into a snowbank again. "DAMN THIS WEATHER! DAMN YOU AUTOBOTS!" Suddenly he attributes his current meteorological woes to them. This might be a problem, if he didn't just lumber past Hot Spot again, the big reptilian goofball.Shockwave still hasn't acknowledged Hun-Grrr's yells. Then again, maybe he trusts Hun-Grrr to handle things. Not realizing that Perceptor has just walked within arm's reach, he says absently, "Fulcrum, make sure this cold isn't causing cryofracturing in the pylon." He turns another dial on the console, typing something into the keypad rapidly.Revenant listens patiently to all the banging and curses and cries of near battles and tries to develop in his mind roughly the various positions of all those present he also notes that there seem to be a lot more Autobots wandering around than there were in this little Hunt group. Then he hears movement seemingly coming this way at this point it could be anyone, but Revenant is not worried whoever it is he will be able to deal with them.Hardshell is not used to fight in these conditions but he quickly realize that there is an Autobot in front of him and that this Autobot thinks that Hardshell is one of them. The aquacon takes advantage of that, he summons his photon rifle from a subspace. But shooting is rather difficult in a storm so he decides to go for a close combat. Hardshell jumps towards where he thinks is Depthcharge's location but there is nothing around him.Fulcrum tries to regain his balance. Can't be a big scary Decepticon if you keep falling on your aft. "Guess again, Autoscum" he intones, reaching forward to grab the medic, a non-trival task given the white-out conditions and First Aid's white and blue coloring. Oh, and he's no-where near Shockwave anymore. Wonder if the one-eyed guy has noticed?Fulcrum succeeds in grasping First Aid, throwing him off-balance.Ravage remains as he is, above on top the roof of a building where he utilizies his keen sense of hearing and acute mind to visualize each individual's location. Too bad it takes an extremely long time for the Cybertronian panther to accomplish this, keep the screams coming.*gasp*, did Shockwave do something right? Must have been luck! Either that or it's the craziest weather on the face of the planet. With the electro-magnetic waves doing all sorts of sci fi technical stuff, the effect can easily be seen. The blizzard changes to a snow fall, and the snow to a light flurry, and the flurries then fade out. All in the span of about three seconds. The wind cuts out like someone realized that a window was open and finally closed it. The fog rolls back as if mother nature suddenly ran out of the stuff. Where does this leave our intrepid heroes and diabolical villains? Well, it varies depending on the mech, but the sky is now as clear as ever. Many are /right next to a mortal enemies who are sworn to kill them and gut their corpses/. The snow is still deep, which will mess up one's mobility, of course, but the conditions have most certainly changed. Autobots' turnTinker continues on as she picks herself up... "Stick closer Sister Sheng..." Tinker then looks back at her scanner after finding it in the snow and continues to search for Victoria... Homing in on her human life signs.... Tinker almost Steps on Vic but stops as she sees the dot on her scanner right under her... Tinker peers down and says again... "Victoria ?!"Victoria Haeber strugles along, until she literally nearlyruns into a wall of dark gleaming metal. She peers at the snow-crusted siding and guesses its a vehicle. LIstening to the shouting, she leans against it and crouches down, pulling her cap down tightly. As the wind dies and the fog lifts, she blinks and looks around, her back to Revenant's left foot.Groove blinks to clear his eyes as the snow disappears...then he looks up...and...um...oh, shit. Hello, Hun-grrr. Looking at the Terrorcon with a frown, he backs up as best he can. "Hi. Um...I'm from Amway. Would you like to buy some shampoo?"Hot Spot sees the light and flame from the terrorcon. He's sure that's Hun-Grrr, just because none of the other autobots likes trashing cars. Well, maybe Perceptor but that'd be it. Spoot reaches behind him and draws out a short pole, only slightly longer than his fist. With a quick twist the pipe extends with a sheng sound to his full arm lenght. One end flares to yellow life in the form of an energy axe. The protectobot says, "You're going down terrorcon, destruction of private property, that'll give you 10 to 20 aft kickings from me!" He sky clears with little notice to Spoot, just the terrorcon, which he can suddenly see a million times better, thanks Shockwave. He jumps into the air, with his axe raised high over his head for a downward chop. Right when the bot lands his heavy booted feet on the creatures back with a thud, the axe comes down.Hot Spot strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with Big Axe O' Doom.Valkyrie VF-19 is currently high above the storm in the upper atmosphere. "Damn, those winds are killer...Literally." he says as he gets the data from his sensors. He floats high and waits, trying to get some kind of a lock on the party of bots down below. "Slag it..." he says as he ponders and rotates to have his nose pointed towards the eye of the Storm.. "This is gonna be fun." he says as he seals up all open panels and shuts the engines off, and switch them to the deep space mode...He then powers them up and begins his decent into the Blizzard. "Sensors don't fail me now..." he says as his nose hits the outer edge of the storm.He flies onward, as the high winds begin to hit the incoming projectile. His whole body shakes as alarms go off inside and he shuts them off. All of the sudden, a strong gust of wind slams into him and he is sent failing as he flips wing over wing. "Gahhhh..." he yells as he fights to regain some control and manages to hit an empty pocket just long enough to stabilize himself. Then he is in the thick of it. He sighs as the snow begins to build up on his frame and he sends some power to warm his outer hull up. This manages to melt the snows on his frame, but that only turns it to ICE. Yes folks, that is right. ICE, and it is building. He then spots the flame from Hun-grr...only it was like a small match in the night sky. He tries to angle in on that spark of light.Then something big slams into him. To be precise, a couple of big things slam into him. "What the..." is all he manages to say as trees and cars and yes even houses, well parts of houses slam into him. "I can't...." and he is nailed and rolls, only to find himself getting bombarded by more debris. "take much more..." and his attitude meter goes out, as well as his GPS unit. It went out as soon as he breached the barrier of the storm, now it has completely shut down. This and the rest of his sensors as well "Damn." he says as he knows what this is. The terran pilots call it flying blind, and that is just what he is doing....At the final moment, "I think I'll survive better on the ground..." and he transforms. He fires his jet engines to slow his fall, only the wind begins to throw him like a rag doll, and his thrusters are just sending him faster. "OH SSSSSSHHHHHIIIIII...." and he slams into the snow, and slides into a building, then two then three. He was traveling at a good rate of speed... "Oh!!!" he says as he hits and skids to a stop. His body smoking, but the smoke is just mixed with the howling wind...But then it stops and he just lays there. "Oh my head..." he mutters as he slowly stands up in the building and walks out, covered in snow and ice and debris.Before you, is a large blue Valkyrie VF-19 . It shakes and shrinks into the Autobot known as Stratosphere.First Aid raises his arm in a pathetic attempt to defend himself, but he's easily grabbed by the Decepticon technician, "Hey! You're not Perceptor!" He wiggles around and tries to break free, but doesn't have any luck. He can't even seem to reach his photon pistol. Desperation sets in, "Fulcrum! What are you doing?!" Blades's words of wisdom sink in 'attack attack attack', and he uses his only weapon at his desposal. Trying to point his fists towards Fulcrum, two low powered surgical laser beams streak out. It's very low powered as Aid hadn't taken the time to charge them up for battle. "What th..."Aid notices the sudden change in the sky, but is too busy to comment on it.Perceptor continues to wander and to listen, wondering when DepthCharge got so smart and tight-assed sounding. Before he can question it, though, the sky clears up and Perceptor's standing right next to Shockwave. Guh? He just kind of freezes like a deer caught in headlights. Recovering from the shock, he finds his voice again, and uses it, "Oh no."DepthCharge is completely unaware that he has stumbled onto a Decepticon. He still thinks it is Perceptor and fortunately Hardshell's lunging at him missed. So DepthCharge keeps on talking to the 'con, hidden by the snowstorm. "And then there was the time that the Autobot Sub was stranded at the bottom of the ocean." Oh god. DepthCharge is attacking Hardshell with sToRies tHat no oNe wAnts to HeAr! Weren't such inhuman attacks outlawed by the Geneva convention? Fortunately it is about this time that Shockwave gets his whacky machine working correctly and the snow fades. The snow fades and DepthCharge gets a good look at the person he has been talking to. The first words that come out of DepthCharge's mouth as he looks Hardshell's way are, "Umm, excuse me Autobot Perceptor. But you by any chance haven't had a rebuild recently, have you?"First Aid succeeds in grasping Fulcrum, throwing him off-balance.Sheng blinks and looks up sharply as the snow stops. Not bothering to stare at it in shock she looks around widly for the missing human and, spotting her, she leaps that was as fast as she can. She can see several Decepticons in the area. She skids to a halt though, as she gets a good look at the metal Victoria is leaning against. NOW she's in a tight spot. If she goes to get the human, whoever's hiding there may take it as an incoming attack... but if she DOESN"T move the human could be killed... "Victoria... I need you to walk towards me... quickly..."From his kneeling position Jazz quickly takes into account his surroundings noting who or what is where. "Primus help us...Close quarter urban combat guys watch what you shoot and where! Let's rock." Jazz darts out of his hiding place.Victoria Haeber is coated head to tail with snow. She can't hear Sheng.The snow is still deep, there are still trapped humans inside said cars, moving around will be a tough thing to do, and trees that were ripped out of the ground lay about, half buried. Decepticons' turnTwo-Headed Mecha Dragon looks around in confusion as the snow slows, then stops. What have we here? Ah. Very good. Someone small and helpless. Hun-Grrr grins down at the Protectobot vagabond. "No. Would you like... molten liquid... sprayed in your face?" The Terrorcon acts before Groove can answer, deciding that, of course yes he -would- like the fluid Hun-Grrr uses to melt down what he eats horked all over him. The burning liquid erupts from the dragon's mouths at Groove. Ew. Granted, his witty banter makes him ignore Hot Spot's burbling about whatever, and he doesn't even -notice- the All American Hero Protectobot until his slams the big ol' hunk of sharp metal into his flanks. Not that he could move fast enough to dodge anyway. Ow.Hardshell is confused a moment by the babbling, his logical circuit are almost overloaded. "You talk too much Autobot, I'm not one of your fellow Autobots." The first objective of the aquacon is to stop Depthcharges's babbling as soon as possible, so he raise his fist into the air and tries to slam it on Depthcharge's face.Hardshell DepthCharge evades his Big Punch attack.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon strikes Groove with Tiamat's Legacy.Shockwave turns his head to -stare- at Perceptor. This would be far more intimidating if Shockwave wasn't half covered in snow. Then again, it's worse, as he powers free of his miniature drift, reaching for the Autobot scientist with his hand. "How unfortunate you have chosen to interfere," he states clinically. Uh oh.Revenant waits and listens as the being comes closer finally the Human as it turns out bumps into him and then seeks to use him as shelter how dare a pathetic fleshling use a sweep in such a manner. Then a plan forms in his mind and he smiles inwardly. Then the blizzard suddenly stops and Revenant decide to make his move with frightening speed a hand darts out grabbing the human sheltering under him. "You will learn to regret that mistake."Ravage remains the silent observer, his obligations now fulfilled, allows the situation continue without interference. Yes, fight hard, my pawns. You shall serve as my entertainment for tonight!Fulcrum flinches as the low-powered beams strike his optics. "Graah!" he growls, one hand reaching up to protect his face, the other still grasping his foe. Irritated by First Aid's unexpected agression, Fulcrum hurls the Protectobot away from him blindly, hoping he'll land on somthing (or someone) sharp.Victoria Haeber blinks as the wall behind her shifts suddenly, and she follows her instcints to RUN... which is hard in waist-deep snow in huge snowboots, a 2 layer heavy wool full-length coat, a sweat-suit, a sweater, a tee-shirt, long underware and cotton panties. As it is, she's caught up neatly, and inhales sharply to scream at the top of her lungs. Maybe she'll shatter some optics.Autobots' turnSheng narrows her optics and quickly hands Andi to Tinker, then shifts into a fighting stance between the Junkion and Decepticon. "Let the human go, Revenant." she glances at Victoria as she screams and then snaps her optics back to the Sweep. She can't attack, but she's trying to think up a way to get the con to release the human... Stratosphere says, "Hey Sheng, I got a good bead on the Sweep."First Aid is flung away from Fulcrum and lands in the deep snow, sinking straight to the bottom. Grunting as he apparently hit something, he looks down and spots a tiny Toyota stuck in the snow. Getting to his feet, he can see a family of four, all terrified as they huddle in their car. Aid frowns. He landed perfectly to crush the front hood of the car. His optics flash with annoyance and for a brief second he gets angry at Fulcrum. It passes, "Wait! Fulcrum, hold your fire!" He holds out his hand in the universal 'stop' position. "At least let us do this without harming any innocents." He pleads. Sheng says, "Don't fire, he's holding Victoria in his hand... If I can get him to release her, then please fire away."DepthCharge's optic visor flares and a look of fear flashes across DepthCharge's facial features as Hardshell tries to smash in DC's face. The Aquabot medic makes a move to defend himself but ends up slipping on some snow, falling to the ground. Fortunately the fall brings him out of range of Hardshell's punch and DepthCharge lies there on the ground, looking up at the Aquacon. He offers, "You seem to have some anger management problems, due to the sudden violent tendencies you have displayed. Perhaps you would like to talk about what is troubling you, get your feelings out in the open? I am a qualified medic, after all, and I should be able to help you."Stratosphere looks around and hears the scream and he blinks "Huh???" he states as he walks slightly, and spots a "Sweep." he says to himself as he pulls his large Gunpod out. He then drops to one knee, and thinks as he takes aim on the sweep. "Just stand still.." he mutters as he moves to the side, speaking into his radio. "Just give me the word." and he aims for the snow bank next to him and smiles as he nods. He just stays kneeled. Stratosphere says, "Roger. I got my Compressed Air Gunpod lined up on the snow bank next to him." Sheng says, "Roger that."Hot Spot feels the blade dig into Hun-Grrrs armor to little or no effect. He growls and yanks the axe out saying, "Hey ya oversized lizard, I'm talking to ya!" The protectobot looks at the other protectobots and sighs, too spread out to merge just now. He calls out to Groove on the other side, "Don't worry about him Groove, get to the others." He reaches out and grabs a leg yanking at it with all his strength to lift up the creature and suplex it with a crash. "This will teach you to listen to me!"Jazz runs (as fast as the snow allows him) towards Revenant, on his way the autobot pulls out his Photon Rifle. "Let the human go before this gets any uglier." Jazz has a plan and is trying to close the distance as much as possible before Revenant uses the human as a shield to make him stop in his tracks.Tinker takes Andi and decides to be heading out its not safe for a human to be around this kind of activity... Tinker takes the low road and ducks down a bit sneaking out of the combat area.Hot Spot strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with suplex of justice.Groove reels backwards, burning. "AAAAAAAGH! EYUCK! GEDDITOFFF!" Rolling in some snow to extinguish the goo, he looks upwards. "Dude. That was -sick-." Nodding to Hot Spot, he backs off, and begins to dig out a car near him. "Better get you folks out of here...."Tinker moves the vast distance southwest towards the Southeastern State region.Tinker has left.Perceptor urks! as Shockwave's hand clamps around his neck. "I should, gkk, I should have suspected Decepticon involvement! A storm of that magnitude is simply not feasible in this location." His optics spy the now-revealed pylon. "Aha!" He marvels, forgetting he's been caught by one of Decepticon's deadliest. "Of course! A weather manipulation device! Very...gaaack! Very clever, Shockwave! A commendable effort, but ultimately futile...Whatever you hope to accomplish, I am certain the Autobots will, grrk, defeat you."Decepticons' turnTwo-Headed Mecha Dragon lets out a yelp of suprise (er, 'bellow of anger), as the Protectobot Commander makes like he's in an episode of Ultraman and slams his draconic foe to the ground with a heavy -thud-. It takes only a moment for the Terrorcon to regain his wits, and he hisses at Hot Spot. "Rest... assured... meat. You have... my... FULL... attention... now." The dragon braces himself and lashes out with the razor-sharp claws tipped on the leg Hot Spot was so thoughtful enough to grab.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon strikes Hot Spot with Fury of Typhon.Hardshell 's optics flashes as Depthcharge continues to talk. Obviously the aquacon is fighting to keep his cool. "Stop talking and face your doom like a warrior." Hardshell steps foward and raises his powerful photon rifle. He takes a good aim at Deptcharge's head and then pulls the trigger.Hardshell manages to strike DepthCharge with his Photon Rifle.Shockwave is, for his part, efficiently throttling Perceptor as he looks out onto what seems to be developing into a major brawl. "Your bravado is of no consequence, Perceptor," he intones, turning his head back to stare with that blank yellow optic into the Autobot's face.Revenant rises from his position an evil tight lipped smile upon his face as for now he has nothing to worry about he has a bargaining chip to play with. He stares coldly at Sheng as she shouts out to him, speaking in a condescending tone of one that knows he is untouchable, "Why would i want to do that Sheng?" His heightened senses pick up the various Autobots marking him up as their first target and he materialises his weapon from subspace, "I would tell your frinds to lower their weapons if you want to get this one back in an operable condition." With that he gives Victoria a little squeeze, not enough to cause any serious damage....just yet.Fulcrum shakes his head to clear the spots from his optics, blinking at the post-storm brightness as First Aid says his little humanitarian speech. Fulcrum cares not for the fate of a family dumb enough to be driving in this weather.. but his foe does. Pointing an arm-laser directly at the car, the blacksmith intones "Then surrender, Autobot. Or your precious humans are so much carbon scrapings."Fliptop has arrived.Victoria Haeber stops screaming as she's squeezed, and flinches as the talons close around her. She squirms a little bit, but then stops as the edges bite further into her body. however, very little fear is in her eyes as she turns her head around, trying to glimpse her attacker, one hand wriggling towards her backpack (Which she's had in her hands since she got the cellphone) and the surprise inside. DepthCharge says, "First Aid is my bitch. First Aid is my bitch... "Autobots' turnSheng straightens suddenly, and holds her hands palm up, very obviously no longer in combat stance. This HOPEFULLY will work. She knows very well that she's high on the Sweep's 'hunt' list... So maybe... "Take me instead, Revenant. Release the human and I will be your prisioner." She hopes that this will work. "I'm sure capturing me will please Scourge... And I give you my word of honor that I will let you take me prisoner... But only if you release the human." the femme glances at Jazz and then Stratosphere in a very 'don't fire, let me try this first' manner.Hot Spot takes the claw across the arm and causing a nice sized gash in the armor. He growls, "Good..." His hand reaches out towards terrorcon as his forearm compartment pops open on the side letting a small weapon roll out and fire a beam of energy at one of the terrorcons heads. "Just like I want..."Groove continues to dig out the cars. "Get yourselves to safety while you can! Run like hell before Baby Huey spits up again!"Hot Spot strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with Electron charge.Stratosphere holds his aim and waits for the word from Sheng. It's her show. He nods once and still holds his aim on the Sweep, well, the snow bank next to him.Victoria Haeber stops screaming as she's squeezed, and flinches as the talons close around her. She squirms a little bit, but then stops as the edges bite further into her body. however, very little fear is in her eyes as she turns her head around, trying to glimpse her attacker, one hand wriggling towards her backpack (Which she's had in her hands since she got the cellphone) and the surprise inside. She pulls out a small box with two antennae and growls "Don't do it Autobot. " she then flips a switch, and slams the taser into the gap in the top of Revenant's foremost finger, where the joint is at the nuckle.Victoria Haeber misses Revenant with her Taser attack.Fliptop just popped into the roomDepthCharge's concern is rewarded by a gun pointed in his face. He mutters a small 'Crap' and brings his hands up to try and protect his beautiful face. The mean, mean Decepticon then opens fire and both DepthCharge's arms and some of his face are consumed by the blast. The smell of molten metal fills the air and DepthCharge starts to roll around in the snow, trying to stop his features from melting any further. After a few moments of his embarrassing antics DepthCharge gets up, looking slightly worse for ware, and says whilst backing away from the Decepticon, "Stay back.. I can shoot if I have to." To prove this, DepthCharge's electro-booster weapon extends from his arm and he fires a 'warning shot' of Electrical Energy near Hardshell.First Aid stares at Fulcrum and hesitates, wasting about three seconds before coming to a decision. With a glance down at the car stuck in the snow with the family staring back up at him, First Aid closes his optics for a moment and nods to Fulcrum. He holds up his hands to show he has no weapons - surgical lasers not included - and replies, "I... I surrender." The Protectobot medic, as far as he's concerned, has no choice in the matter. "Just don't hurt them, please."DepthCharge strikes Hardshell with snaking tendrils of electricity.Of course, DepthCharge is such a bad shot that his 'warning shot' hits. Doh!Sheng's optics widen as Victoria attacks Revenant. "Smeg..."Jazz slows down his approach and slowly points his rifle away from Revenant and off to the far side. The autobot nods to Sheng and relaxes his posture and takes a quick look behind him to see if he is being snucked on. Jazz tries to keep the sweep focused on his weapon and opens his speaker port sending 200db worth of annoyingly loud music straight at Revenant hoping to stun him long enough for Sheng to rescue Victoria.You successfully strike Revenant, who is now temporarily incapacitated.Perceptor latches his hands onto the single arm gripping his neck. "Erg, you are correct," Perceptor hisses out, pushing and swinging his shoulders around to bring a fist at Shockwave's face, "Perhaps a more concrete alternative is in order!"Perceptor strikes Shockwave with Fisticuffs.Stratosphere blinks as the human does that "Well, there goes that plan.." he mutters as he squeezes the trigger of his gun. Over his radio he has currently with Jazz and Sheng "I'm going for the shot, just be ready to catch the Human." and he squeezes the trigger. The gun hums some as it glows. It then fires as the tornado like winds fly from it and spin. The aim was at the snow bank next to the Sweep, hopefully causing a mini snow storm.Stratosphere strikes Revenant with Gunpod Cyclone Mode.Decepticons' turnTwo-Headed Mecha Dragon's head is jerked back as it takes the tiny blast full on the chinder. Both heads shake briefly, then bellow their rage to the world. Wow, his breath is bad. When your digestive juices are lava, it's hard to keep your breath minty fresh, okay? Using his claws which're all nice and hunkered down into the Protectobot, Hot Spot feels himself take on ALL of Hun-Grrr's not inconsiderable weight as the dragon uses the Autobot to right himself. The suprisingly agile mechanical monster takes this simply DIVINE chance to lash out with teeth, in stereo. "I WILL FEAST!" he roars. "ON YOU THEN THE REST OF YOUR PATHETIC CREW!"The electricity strikes Hardshell right in the middle of his chestplate. The armor is partially burned but the aquacon doesn't slow down, he runs towards his opponents and tries to kick him in the face a la Hulk Hogan. "You're no match for me Autobot and you're going down NOW"A random gumby Autobot soldier suddenly goes *vvvvvzzzzt* in a cool Matrix like faction and with the magic of an animator's brush, Fliptop suddenly appears in his place. He glances over at First Aid and Fulcrum and removes his weapon from his back, cocking it and aiming it at Fulcrum's trigger finger. His thumb eases the gun to semi-auto and he takes aim. "EY, FIRST AID! TACKLE THAT SMEG HEAD! I GOTCHA COVERED!!" he shouts and pulls the trigger. *BRATATATATATATATATA* Fliptop fires a brief burst of rounds at the Decepticon's gun, hoping to at least knock it away.Hardshell manages to strike DepthCharge with his Big Kick.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon strikes Hot Spot with Eater of the Dead.Fliptop strikes Fulcrum with Automatic Gauss Gun.Shockwave is completely flat-footed at Perceptor's physical attack. And, well, even Shockwave will react when you give him a good poke in the optic, even if the optic-cover is sturdy enough to take a hit. More stunned than actually hurt, Shockwave turns, and THROWS Perceptor at where he -thinks- Hot Spot was, right before he got nailed in the eye. Where Perceptor actually LANDS is anyone's guess.Fulcrum is... stunned by First Aid's surrender. He didn't expect that to actually /work/. In fact, he's so surprised he doesn't notice Fliptop appearing in a burst of continuity errors. He /does/ notice the gauss-gun peppering his frame. Spinning around to face his new assailant, all thoughts of capture are driven from his mind as he returns fire with his arm mounted lasers. "Grah! It was a trick!"Fulcrum misses Fliptop with his arm-mounted lasers attack.Revenant first finds himself stunned and then blasted by the various gathered Autobots not to mention the human fiddling with some little contraption no doubt in an attempt to struggle free. Knocked from his feet he crashes to the floor thankfully his tightened grip on the human stops her from getting away and also stops her being crushed under his body, staggering to his feet he glares at the Autobots, "Try that again and she is a smear, very well Sheng throw your weapons away and come here."Hot Spot growls letting Hun-Grrr bite each of his arms at the base and hold on tight, "Ya, that's it." His arms suddenly wrap around each head and says, "Eat this hungry!" He would have swung his arms together to try to knock each head together with a mighty thwack. Protectobots...to...ahhhh!" The protectobot commander is suddenly plowed into a bank of snow thanks to the perceptor projectile and causing Hun-Grrr to let go of his meal with a ripping of metal. The only thing visible of Spoot now sadly is a twitching blue leg sticking out from the snow and to the side of the autobot scientist.Autobots' turnFirst Aid didn't even see Fliptop coming, but does a remarkably good job of taking advantage of the situation. But instead of doing what Fliptop told him to do, he calls out, "Wait, I gotta get them to safety!" The Protectobot doctor hesitates, a bit unsure of how he can accomplish this. But then, it's just a little car, so... Aid bends up and picks up the car carefully. He wades as best he can away from Fulcrum and Fliptop, and sets the car down where the snow hasn't build up nearly as much due to the shelter of a nearby building. Then, turning around, he hesitates, not being quite sure what to do. He spots Perceptor get tossed aside like a rag-doll and draws his photon pistol. Fliptop seems to be doing just fine without him against Fulcrum, "I'm going to help Perceptor, Fliptop. He's in trouble!" He faces the Decepticon Commander of Military Operations. "Shockwave! Using some device to kill innocent humans! This is a new low. Even for you!" he charges as fast as he can through the snow, firing the pistol at the huge purple mech of doom. Going after Shockwave? Is he insane? No, but humans are in danger, so Aid takes a risk he might otherwise not.First Aid strikes Shockwave with Laser.Groove blinks, as he watches Hot Spot get his head handed too him. And Perceptor's head, for that matter. "Aw, geez...." Standing up, he raises his pistol, set for laser emissions. "Nobody eats the boss except....er....wait. That didn't sound good, did it? Oh, well...." He then opens fire on Hun-Grrr.Groove misses Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with his Photon Pistol attack.DepthCharge's beautiful face is attacked again! This time by Hardshell's foot. Poor DepthCharge, I guess his modelling days are over. The Aquabot medic's optic visor cracks at the blow and due to the force DepthCharge spins clockwise. But due to the spin DepthCharge's arm whips about as the Autobot attempt to balance himself. Unfortunately this carelessly flung arm seems that it might impact with Hardshell.DepthCharge strikes Hardshell with punch.Perceptor soars through the air like a majestic bird. A big, metal majestic bird. That is, until he crashes violently into Hot Spot. Taking a nasty crack to noggin, Perceptor is rendered unconscious on impact as his emergency systems kick in to compensate for the damage. Bouncing off the Protectobot, the prone form of the Autobot scientist tumbles into a snow drift and stays down. So much for heroic nonsense.Victoria Haeber yeeeeps as Revenant starts to fall, and she wriggles as his grasp is loosened. The wet inside satin lining of her coat acts like a lubricant and she slips out of his grasp, falling a few feet to the ground. Now freed of her backpack and coat, she bolts, kicking her heavy boots off in the process and runs like hell towards the Autobots.Stratosphere looks as he blinks and flips a switch on his weapon and then takes aim on the head of the Sweep. He thinks as he waits and gets a good aim and tries to be close and nail the Sweep in the optics. . o 0 (optics, don't fail me now...) he thinks as he thinks and then moves forward, his Gunpod still pointed at the Sweep as he goes to pick up the Human "I'll grab the Human Jazz. Cover me." he says as lowers his hand to scoop up Victoria "Here, you'll be safer and warmer."Sheng starts to run forward as Jazz's attack connects, but she stops as the Sweep gets to his feet. She sighs and again holds her hands palm up, claw sheilds activating. "Very well." she carefully puts her pistol down, then walks towards the Decepticon, keeping in a non-combative stance. Stopping within arms reach of the Sweep she lifts her head. "Release the human now, Sweep. And you will have me as your prisoner." If Jazz and Stratosphere fire at him again, Sheng can handle the results FAR better then the human. She blinks as Victoria proceeds to run past her. oO(Okay... this plan has fallen apart...) the gold femme pauses, uncertain if she should stay still so as to keep Revenant distratced, or make a run for it...Fliptop dives down into the snow, evading the blast with some minor difficulty. Pulling himself up, he looks as First Aid gets the humans to safety and starts tackling... Shockwave? "Oh man, why does he pick NOW ta find his courage?" Fliptop mutters and gets back up. Hitting the release on his gun, he lets the clip fall into the snow and reaches back, popping a new clip into gun with a slide of metal and a clang. He levels his weapon at Fulcrum and shouts, "Gotta do better than that, Con!" He opens up again, firing at the Decepticon.Fliptop strikes Fulcrum with Automatic Gauss Gun .Jazz holds his pose for the 'prisonner' exchange "Never thought the sweeps were so cowardly. We have braver minibots than you. Hiding behind a human hostage what a powerful hunter you must be. When you hunt autobots do you carry a seeker or a tape as a shield ?"...Jazz sees Vic struggling free "Party's over sweep!" The autobot swings his rifle back towards Revenant and fires.You strike Revenant with Photon Rifle Blast .:Low Power:..Captani America drives in, but sees the situation under control and keeps goingOkay, done.Decepticons' turn Ficking Captain America.Depthcharge's arm slaps Hardshell accross the face and the aquacon falls on the ground. He doesn't try to get on his feet, instead he transforms into his giant mecha-tortoise mode. He moves to face his opponent and he tries to use his claws to slash into his opponent armor.With a classical tranformation sound, Hardshell's body split in two, Hardshell tranforms into a giant mecha-tortoise.Mecha-Tortoise manages to strike DepthCharge with his Claw from the depth.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon stands in amazement as Shockwave's new attack, the PerceptorCannon, finds its mark in his opponent Hot Spot. Now THIS is high comedy for the Terrorcon. He's about to go turn both the Protectobot Commander and the Autobot Brain into the Blue Plate Special at Denny's, when a small blast zaps past his foreheads. The dragon, almost smoothly, turns and lumbers over to Groove. He looms over the smaller mechanoid. Hun-Grrr is very good at looming. "THAT... was... a mistake." The dragon suddenly explodes in a flurry of teeth and talons, biting and clawing for all he's worth. Who knew the Terrorcon had a puree setting?Two-Headed Mecha Dragon strikes Groove with Cerebus' Fury.Fulcrum staggers a little as a more concentrated burst of projectiles impact on his armor. Sheilding his optics, he growls in frustration. "Try harder, Automidget? Try this!" The snow around Fulcrum hisses as he fires his jets, hurtling towards Fliptop with one knee extended.Fulcrum misses Fliptop with his Jet Assisted Knee To Face attack.Shockwave barely notices the laser bolts that strike his armor and mostly screw up his paint job. He holds his hand to his optic for a moment, checking for any leaking fluids before looking up at First Aid. There's a tiny crack in the yellow optic -- congratulations, Perceptor! Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent Shockwave from swinging his arm up and firing his gun arm at the Protectobot, trying to shake-and-bake the annoying medic.Shockwave strikes First Aid with Microwave Beam.Time continues to pass steadily beyond the anticipated schedule, much to Ravage's distaste of course. There is a reason why the Cybertronian panther has a preference over conducting assignments solo, this sort of thing is what compells him towards that preference. Having observed the situation below long for long enough, the Cybertronian panther takes aim at the Autobot nearest Revenant and expels a burst of optic blast downwards.Revenant optics widen slightly in surprise as the human wriggles free suddenly and without warning he leaps away from the distracted Sheng and straight at that loud mouthed pain in the neck scrap pile Jazz, soaring through the air he flies quickly past Jazz lashing out with his wings as he passes. "Now you will die."Ravage strikes Sheng with Optical Blast: (Evasive Position/Defensive Position). Revenant used slash. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)You evade Revenant's Wing Scythe attack.Forces of Good!Jazz dives over to the side and rolls "If I had an energeon cube for everytime I heard that one, I could buy off Monacus." The Autobot spins around, flicking a little switch on his rifle and fires another shot at Revenant.Revenant evades your Photon Rifle Blast .:Medium Power:. attack.Victoria Haeber leaps away from Stratosphere, startled by his sudden appearance and yeeps, before stumbling and rolling through the snow, now completely white. She looks up, then practically boltsright into Strats' hand. "Get me OUT of here!"Stratosphere looks as he smiles and replaces the Gunpod on his arm "I'm Stratosphere, nice to meet you." and he transforms. AS he does, he places Victoria inside of him where she can get warm. He turns on the heat and lifts off into the sky. He comes to a stop and hovers about 3/4 of a mile off the ground, keeping the Human safe. "It'll be warmer up here then down there." he statesAs you look, Stratosphere alters, shakes, transforms and grows into an extremely large blue Valkyrie VF-19 that has hypercritical (forward-swept) wings.Sheng growls as she's struck from the side. She snaps her head in that direction. She sees Ravage and lifts both optic ridges. But when she looks in that direction she also gets her first good look at the object the Decepticons were constructing. Deciding to ignor Ravage's attack she transforms t her hovertruck mode and races over there, transforming back to robot mode once she's close enough... "Alright... Let's see how well this... whatever it is... works when it's a pile of scrap metal!!" the femme's claw sheilds go down and she gets ready to attack...Fallout Boy shouts, "Jumpin' Gee-Willigers, Radioactive Man!"Groove is...oooh. Pretty colors as he gets eaten. "Ohh...that...that's just not good." However, he does the the chance to raise his hip mounted weaponry, locking it into Hun-Grrr's chest. "Gnnh. Go bug somebody else!" *BOOM!*Groove misses Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with his Funkadelic Dance Blitz attack.Hot Spot pops out of the snow and rubs his head, "What the heck hit me?" He can't recall, which is probably safer for Perceptor in the long run. Climbing out he looks to Hun-Grrr and says, "Time for a beating mech." He strides up to Hun-Grrr's exposed flank and rocks back his fist saying, "Hey, I'm talkin to ya!" *thwack!*"I don't think now is a good time for introductoins." the human replies "Only seventy degrees will be fine. I'm used to the cold." she starts to peel off her wet sweater quickly, and her wet socks.DepthCharge seems to be pretty outmatched by this Decepticon. Already his optic visor is cracked and parts of DepthCharge's form are leaking energon. To add insult to injury the Aquacon transforms into a tortoise and starts to claw at him. As the claws dig into his chest armour, DepthCharge cries out says, backing away, "You aren't any tortoise /I/ know." Does anyone even know what that means? Does anyone even care? DepthCharge covers his now bleeding chest wounds with his hands and decides to a tactical retreat. He needs cover, but where? In the distance DepthCharge spies Shockwave's weather control machine. The Aquabot thinks to himself that it looks like something good to hide behind and begins to stagger over towards it.Hot Spot strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with mighty punch o' blue.Fliptop ducks under the attack as the kick flies over his head. Dude, it rules to be short. Fliptop merely smirks at Fulcrum and says, "I got ya this time." Dropping down to the ground, the Minibot scissors his legs and spins them around, attempting to trip the Decepticon into the snow. Despite his success or not, he rolls backwards and exchanges clips again. "Hang on, Firsty, gimme a couple more minutes 'ere!"Fliptop succeeds in grasping Fulcrum, throwing him off-balance.First Aid takes the shot in his shoulder, and goes tumbling backwards due to it. The Protectobot doctor gasps in pain and forces himself back to his feet. Gritting his metallic teeth, First Aid forces himself back to his feet. He stares in fear of the huge Decepticon he just attacked. "Oh boy... Groove!" he calls out, looking over his shoulder, "Help!" The Protectobot doctor isn't prepared to get close to Shockwave as he knows he'd be in trouble. Hell, he's in trouble any way that you slice it. "Fliptop!" he calls out, hearing his voice, "Don't worry, I'll hold him off..." Aid's voice trails off, "Ah... I'll buy us a few seconds!" he promises. Raising his photon pistol again, he fires it, aiming for the golden optic.First Aid strikes Shockwave with his Special attack.Perceptor is unconscious.Valkyrie VF-19 smiles internally "I have it set to 75." he states as the human starts to undress. "If you want a change of cloths, there is a jumpsuit in the utility locker to your left." he says to her as he hovers "If you wish to make a call to anyone, you can use the radio."Decepticons' turnTwo-Headed Mecha Dragon swings around slowly, growling at Hot Spot. "And here... you call US.. cowards. What have you done... but strike me... in the back." The Terrorcon transforms into robot mode, easily Hot Spot's size. He grins, and it's not pleasant. "You use an axe," he states. "My chosen weapon." With a *snap-HISS* his blood-red energy axe springs into existence. With a massive overhand double swing, he brings the weapon down at the Protectobot goober. Curiously, he feels the need to bellow, 'THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!' but doesn't. Thank Primus.The heads become the legs as Hun-Grrr leaps forward and transforms into his robot mode.Mecha-Tortoise watches Depthcharge trying to reach the weather control machine. The aquacon knows he must stop him. "Oh no you don't go there you coward, come here and fight me like a warrior." Hardshell growls as his turret mounted laser cannon fires at the Autobot.Hun-Grrr strikes Hot Spot with Soul Cleaver.Mecha-Tortoise manages to strike DepthCharge with his Turret mounted laser cannons.Fulcrum falls flat on his face as his legs are swept out from under him. How embarrassing. And Fulcrum really doesn't like to be embarassed. Roaring with rage, he gets to his feet, looking like an extremely angry Frosty The Snowcon. Lashing out with his fists at the anoyingly small Autobot, Fulcrum hopes to distract him before he can reload that gauss gun.Fulcrum misses Fliptop with his punch attack.Revenant spins round from his primary attack and smiles as he nimbly evades Jazz's counter attack, "Maybe you have scrap pile, but a Sweep keeps his promises." With startlingly fast reflexes he whips up his gun arm and fires off a volley of shots towards Jazz's gun arm in an attempt to disable it.Normally, Shockwave's optic is capable of filtering out this kind of photonic attack. However, Perceptor's hasty blow must've damaged some critical system, because Shockwave's vision whites out. He staggers backwards, almost into the pylon, trying to reboot his complex optical array. Revenant used ballistic. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)You evade Revenant's Assault-Rifle attack.Gazing down, Ravage tracks Sheng's movements intently. That is until the femme across the street and into the cover of the building, effectively denying Ravage the opportunity of mounting a second cowardly strike. Ravage growls slightly as he relocates himself, jumping over to the roof of the building across him, before gazing down at the next target of opportunity. The freaky powder blue Protectobot, Hot Spot. Mrrowr!Autobots' turn!Ravage strikes Hot Spot with Optical Blast: (Evasive Position/Defensive Position).Jazz clumsily cartwheels to the right thew snow does not make things easy. The special ops dude flicks the little switch once more. "What scrap pile ? You better not be talking about my $6000 stereo pal. Time to show you the bots can keep their promises as well. Maybe next time you will think twice about taking a human hostage." Jazz lines up his rifle at Revenant and fires.Fliptop slams his fresh clip into his gun and levels it as Fulcrum charges. He sidesteps Fulcrum and jams his gun into the gut of his foe, a smirk crossing his features. "Gotcha, ya stinkin' Con...," he says, the smirk turning into a smile of triumph. Fliptop meets Fulcrum's optics for a split second, before the Mini-Bot pulls the trigger back all the way. The air is filled with the sound of magnetic projectiles as they fire from the weapon, hopefully with Fulcrum dumb enough to hang around to get a chassis full of pellets inside him. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"Revenant evades your Photon Rifle Blast .:High Power:. attack.Fliptop unleashes his The Big Good-Bye attack on Fulcrum, striking no one.Groove blinks, as Spoot doesn't just take a blow for him, he gets blown from both sides. And that's just not cool. "Hey! TOASTER ASS! I'm the one you wanted, remember?" To underscore the point, he raises his pistol again, setting it for electrical blasts, and fires, hoping to draw some of the heat off the Fireman.Groove strikes Hun-Grrr with electricity.Valkyrie VF-19 hovers up a little higher, just incase some Cons try to target him.First Aid is such a badass. His photon pistol needs to recharge, and his surgical lasers don't have the range to nail Shockwave from where he is. But... First Aid does NOT want to get anywhere /near/ that huge walking calculator of doom. But he's running out of ranged attacks (something to app for, methinks). Thankfully, Blades's advice once again comes through. 'Attack attack attack'. Transforming into his ambulance mode, the huge jet black double barreled decrystalizer cannon that lays on the roof swivels and points at the blind Shockwave, "C'mon... please leave?" he begs.First Aid transforms into an ambulance.DepthCharge gets shot in the back by Hardshell before he could make it to cover. How rude! Also, how painful. For DepthCharge cries out again and is sent face planting into the snow, his energon leaking out and stain the white frozen water. DepthCharge summons what energy he can, as he lays there in a world of pain, and erects his own 'shell' around himself thanks to his handy, dandy forcefield projectors.Ambulance (First Aid) strikes Shockwave with Laser.DepthCharge successfully activates a powerful protective forcefield, shielding him from the next attack.Victoria Haeber looks around again as she strips her pants off - and yes, she has boxers so she's not in her undies yet! She then asks "Where are we now?"Hot Spot gets smacked by the axe in the shoulder causing him to waver slightly but something bites him in the buttocks! Maybe it's that fabled million dollar wound but knowing the autobots, he'll never see dollar one of that. He grunts from the pain, "That's it!" Hot Spot takes a few dramatic steps back as a shimmer of subspace around his hand reveals a fireball launcher! The launcher rises up to point at Hun-Grrr and says, "Fire in the hole!" *thwaump!*Sheng swings at the support pylons, claws slicing through the first one with relative ease... Unfortunatly, there are ALOT of supports to go... And there are now two cons near by... Oh well, maybe Shockwave won't notice the deep gold and black femme destroying the object that they came to earth to create...Hot Spot strikes Hun-Grrr with blue fireball of justice.Maybe Hardshell won't spot her either.Bandit has arrived.Valkyrie VF-19 is hovering and he emit s"We are roughly a mile above the battle. currently out of the way of any attacks." he says as his scanners come to life and a tactical display appears. "The blue dot is us, the red dots are the Decepticons and the green dots are the Autobots. This shows our realitive position as the battle is going on." he says "If you get cold, the jumpsuit is to your right." he saysVictoria Haeber stops and looks up, paling a little bit "A mile?" She swallows a bit, only now feeling a bit decompressed. "I see. No I'll be fine. I'm warming up now." she states, eyeing her wet clothes. "But I will borrow the jumpsuit though till this stuff dries. Thanks for pulling me out."Decepticons' turnMecha-Tortoise transforms back to his robots mode since his mecha-tortoise mode his too slow to reach Depthcharge. The aquacon takes off and flies towards his opponent. He summons his rifle from a subspace and fires at Depthcharges. "You will not escape me Autobot!"Hardshell unfolds and shifts to his robot mode.Hun-Grrr lets out a roar as he's both fried and, yes, lightly roasted. The Cajun-style Terrorcon (Mmmm mmm good, I gar-UN-tee) takes a tottering step back, glaring vibro-daggers at both. He draws his sonic cannon, but instead of depressing the trigger like any sensible Decepticon, he flips it over so he's holding the barrel. Hey, kids, his gun transforms, too! Into a club. "FIRST... YOU..." he roars at Streetwise. "THEN... YOU." He sizes Hot Spot up again. "THEN... I FEAST." With a sudden lunge, he swings his new blunt object at Groove's chirpy head.Hardshell DepthCharge evades his Photon Rifle attack.Hun-Grrr strikes Groove with Rifle Swing.Fulcrum just... stands there, as Fliptop unleashes a storm of magnetically charged projectiles which COMPLETELY MISS the blacksmith. He should be dead my friend. It's a miracle. Primus came down from heaven and stopped those gauss fletchets. But really? Fulcrum doesn't even have an opinion. He just wants to crush Fliptop's skull into a metal pancake. Pulling his hammer from it's place at his belt, Fulcrum swings it overhead.. then back down at his midget foe. "Stand still!"Fulcrum misses Fliptop with his Blacksmith's Hammer attack.Revenant watches as Jazz manages to throw himself clear at the last moment saving himself from being maimed and avoids the retalliation by soaring skywards. Revenant sneers, "Yes next time i will make sure i crush it. But you needn't worry for you shall not be operational." Changing weapons he carefully aims at Jazz's knee after all he doesn't want such an interesting prey to run very far. Revenant used laser. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)You evade Revenant's Laser-Rifle attack.With a leap canards and wings begin to fold out and rotate into place. Arms retract and legs change into powerful engines. Out of what seems a flurry of motion streaks a sleek and powerful jet fighter.Shockwave snaps out of the dazed state, as First Aid's shots pitter-pat across his armored hull. It's like a hard rain, only less interesting, as he leans against the pylon, which shudders a bit. Shudders? He looks up to see Sheng hacking at the supports, and in a fit of exasperation, he charges after her, balling his fist and trying to bring it down on her head. "Decepticons! Protect the pylon!"Shockwave strikes Sheng with Punch.White Su-35 XS flies through the air and through the clouds. The chaotic weather seems to feed the seeker onward. His white fuselage begins to glow and humm with energy. He spots multiple targets all around. Bogeys here and there. He does his best to take the time to aim, and then unleashes a barrage of energy. What looks like bolts of lightning streak outwards like tendrils of hot death.Bandit strikes you with Maelstrom Barrage for 6 points of damage.Bandit unleashes his Maelstrom Barrage attack on Jazz, Groove, DepthCharge, First Aid, First Aid, Sheng, Perceptor, Hot Spot, Hot Spot, Hun-Grrr and Shockwave, striking Jazz, DepthCharge, First Aid, First Aid, Hot Spot, Hot Spot, Hun-Grrr and Shockwave.The fact that Ravage's optic blast serves little more than act as an irritation for Hot Spot doesn't come as much as a surprise to the cassetticon, however his effort has served his purpose. Progressing onwards with the dangerous, at least in Ravage's opinion, work of providing supporting fire, he cycles onto his next target... another Protectobot! Groove, baby I choose you!Ravage strikes Groove with Optical Blast: (Evasive Position/Defensive Position).Back to IC, guys! Autobots turnSheng looks up at Shockwave's shout, just in time to 'catch' Shockwave's punch and slam into the pylon she was last slicing... Well, that's one more pylon down... The gold femme scrambles to her feet and then has to throw herself to the side to evade Bandit's attack, which proceds to take out yet ANOTHER support pylon!! She drops into a devensive stance. "I've beaten you before, I can do it again, Shockwave!" the gold femme leaps forward, aiming her claws at Shockwave's optic (seems to be a continuing gag... But at the very last second, she twists and sends her claws raking along the Decepticons gun arm.The Autobot skillfully dodges once then is nailed by some random electrical barrage. The spy shakes off the slight damage and places himself in a in a square/stable position. Jazz summons his shoulder mounted missile launcher from subspace, after 3 seconds of aiming at the sweep the familiar locking tone is heard. "Dodge this." The missile is fired at Revenant.You strike Revenant with Say 'Hello' to my little friend!.Sheng misses Shockwave with her now you see me, now you don't attack.Valkyrie VF-19 smiles to himself as a picture of his face appears on the screen next to the Holo-projector "It's my job ma'am." he says. "I am here to assist those who need help." he states. Then his radar beeps as a new arrival comes in "Ut oh." he says as he spins, doing a 180 to get a bead on who is coming in. "Bandit." he says as the lightning bolts fly forward "Hold on..." he says as he moves to dodges the bolts that just erupted from Bandit "I would suggest ma'am, that once you are suited up, to have a seat and buckle up."Fliptop leaps into the air, grabbing ahold of the handle as it whizzes past him. "What, so you can hit me? Like that'll happen," he says, as he vaults over the Decepticon and lands in a drift behind him. Wheeling around, Fliptop ejects his empty cartridge, loading a fresh one in one deft move. "But maybe you can hold still this time, right?" he says, with a smirk. He dodges to the side, opening fire upon Fulcrum once more. "BANZAI!"Fliptop strikes Fulcrum with Automatic Gauss Gun .Groove sees stars for several seconds from the overhand blow, ironically snapped out of it by Ravage's blast to his back. "Euuugnh!" Damage beginning to appear obvious, he draws back and takes a page out of the Big Book Of Blades. See Con. See Fist. Draw Back Fist and Insert Fist into Con. Fall, Con, Fall.Groove misses Hun-Grrr with his Hammer Jab attack.Victoria Haeber jumps and looks around for someting to hold on, finally just grabbing onto a nearby panel as she nods. "gotcha." standing, she makes her way oacross the lurching deck, not unlike that of the HISPANIOLA in the middle of a storm. She grabs the suit, then reaches up and finds a handy gripping spot to lift herself off her feet, slipping both pant legs on at once. Landing with a squishy thud, she pulls the top on and zips up.Ambulance (First Aid) is heavily struck by Bandit's weaponry, and in this mode he's quite prone to enemy firepower. The armour of an ambulance just isn't up to snuff compared to his normal Protectobot mode. The lightning bolts crash through his roof, setting bits of First Aid's interior on fire. Aid screams and transforms. Rolling in the snow, the fire seems to be put out nicely. Groaning, the doctor just tries to get to his feet. "Wha...? Pylon?" he murmers as Shockwave calls out about it. "Guys... guys, destroy that pylon!" he points at it.The white ambulance folds up into the Protectobot known as First Aid.Sheng says, "That's what I'm TRYING to do!"Hot Spot growls as a bolt of energy streaks down and nails him in the chest sending a whisper of smoke up into the windy air. Hot Spot growls and transforms. The engine roars to life as the firetruck takes off to close the distance on Hun-Grrr, tires squeal in protest against the ice covered ground but the truck is just to heavy to be bothered with it. Hun-Grrr's reflection can be seen on the grill before the inevitable occurs.In a flash of light and sound Hot Spot is no more, only replaced by a fire truck.1985 mack firetruck strikes Hun-Grrr with Protecto High Impact Ram O' Justice!.DepthCharge's forcefield crackles and dies under Hardshell's blast, leaving him open to the attack by Bandit. Small explosions impact with DepthCharge's form and both armour and parts go flying. Yet still DepthCharge survives. Well, not really. It seems that this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back. With a shudder, DepthCharge's systems go off line, leaving him lying in a pool of energon. DC is out for the count.First Aid just grunts in reply to Sheng and falls back onto his face, laying in the snow.Decepticons' turnNow that Depthcharge is not a threat for the weather control machine anymore, Hardshell turn his attention to Sheng. He flies towards her and takes a good aim with his rifle. He tries to be sure to not strike to machine if he misses Sheng. He waits a second, takes a better aim and then pulls the trigger.Hardshell misses Sheng with his Photon Rifle attack.Hun-Grrr staggers back inadvertently dodging Groove, the toll of the battle from fighting two on one and Bandit's little aerial assault clearly having taken the toll. Will Hun-Grrr surrender in the face of these overwhelming odds? Hell, no. Then he'd be locked in a brig and Scattershot would come mock him everyday. We can't have that. Almost with palpable exhaustion, the Terrorcon transforms into his dragon mode. He quickly dives on the scatter bits of Autobot and, yes, even -himself- that've been knocked off during the fracass. Hot Spot, Groove, Perceptor, parts that were once connected all disappear down the Decepticon's ravenous gullet. There's a low rumble as internal furnaces start working, and the dragon wheels on Hot Spot, the one who just tried to commit FIRKING VEHICULAR HOMICIDE on him. Both heads rear back, and he launches some sort of regurgitated missile at the Protectobot commander. He's all SORTS of digestive fun in combat, is our Hun-Grrr.Falling down and with a shifting of parts, Hun-Grrr transforms into his dragon mode, finishing with a fearsome bellow.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon strikes 1985 mack firetruck with Rage of Bahamut.Fulcrum's armor begins to crack under the hail of fire, the gauss fletchets puncturing electronics and send out showers of sparks. Falling back, Fulcrum decides that this would be a good time to follow Shockwave's orders. "I'll deal with you later, turbo-rat!" he growls, snapping off a covering shot as he rises skywards and heads for the threatened machine.Fulcrum strikes Fliptop with Arm-mounted Lasers.Revenant watches as his attack flies wide of the mark yet agian as he tries to compute a better attack vector against this nimble prey he doesn't see the missile arcing at him until almost too late. At the last second he twists avoiding the direct impact but the missile detonates anyway causing a serious amount of damage to his back armour as the explosive force and fragments of missile tear into him. With a snarl of fury he dives back down towards the prey that dared to marr his perfect form hands out stretched streaking towards Jazz's head. Revenant used claw. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)Revenant strikes you with Optic Gouge for 7 points of damage.Shockwave is -just- fast enough to whip out his chainsword and parry away the slashing talons... sparks flying as he leans back out of the lethal range of those talons. "Die efficiently," he states cruelly, bringing the heavy blade back and trying to ram it into Sheng's guts. Unpowered.Shockwave misses Sheng with his Chainsword (Unactivated) attack.White Su-35 XS streaks around the air at near mach speed. He uses his advanced maneuvering systems and vectored thrust to spiral through the clouds and around the various tracer fire that is being launched into the air and all around. Explosion and flak make near misses on the white seeker as he prepares for another attack run. He hears the Autobot Stratosphere call out to him and warn his passenger about the rough ride. He thinks to himself just how right stratoshere is as he begins to target the large craft. Once his weapons have triangulated the ships position, he dives towards the ship, opening his weapons bay doors as he does. A shiny missile falls downwards and then ignites and streaks towards his most worthy opponent. Protection of the device is of the utmost importance.White Su-35 XS manages to strike Stratosphere with a devestating his Apocalypse Missile attack.A sense of satisfaction flickers inside Ravage as his optic blast hits home on Groove, its effects more potent than against the Protectobot commander. The Cybertronian panther leaves behind his target as Hun-Grrr steps in between him and Groove, likely to administer more physical injuries. Gazing around, Ravage finds another target, funkay Jazz! Ravage used laser. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)You evade Ravage's Optical Blast: (Evasive Position/Defensive Position) attack.Autobots' turn*CRASH*WOOMPH* Fliptop gets struck and embedded in the snow. As Fulcrum begins to move away, Fliptop's head pops out of the Mini-Bot impression he left and he shakes his head. "EY! We ain't done yet!" shouts the Mini-Bot. Not able to risk reinforcements arriving for Sheng, he leaps atop the snow, transforming into his car form. Kicking it into fourth, he drives right towards Fulcrum and launches like the Mach 5 off a drift and transforms into his robotic form in an attempt to land on Fulcrum's shoulders. "'First we crack the shell' my Aunt Petootie!" he shouts, hammering atop Fulcrum's head with the butt of his gun, he would say, once upon him and locking his legs around him as well.1985 mack firetruck gets a nice side blast mark on the side of his cab as he drives by. Sparks fly from the newly made hole and smoke starts pouring out of it but Hot Spot won't give up. The firetruck turns around half way as a turret pops up from the top of the cab. It turns on Hun-Grrr as foam begins spewing out from the hose hardening seconds after exposure to air.Fliptop succeeds in grasping Fulcrum, throwing him off-balance.Valkyrie VF-19 hovers and begins to move as a warning tone is heard "Crap." he says as he throttles up and is nailed by the missile. "Ah hell...." he says as he waits and notes that Vic is seated and says "Hold on." and he throttles up as he comes about and rushes the SU-35 "Tag, your it." he says as he flies past the jet, traveling at a speed of Mach 3, but inside, Vic cannot feel the pressure, just for amoment, she is pushed slightly into the seat by the acceleration and he hopes the slipstream from his flyby messes the Con up. "Maybe later."Stratosphere retreats from the area swiftly, outdistancing all pursuit and parting shots.1985 mack firetruck strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with his Ultra Immobilizing Foam! attack.Jazz falls down as Revenant gouges the spy's protective visor, as he falls down the autobot kicks upward with both legs hoping to kick Revenant away. Seems Jazz's maneuver threw Ravage off guard as the laser blast sails past the autobot.Sheng hears the high pitched whine of a weapon charging up behind her and ducks and rolls to the left, avoiding Hardshell's attack, and letting the cond do more damage to the pylon for her. She gets to her feet, then barely manages to throw herself to the side, avoiding Shockwave's attack. She smiles grimly as Shockwave does damage to the pylon as well... The femme backs up a few feet, making it nearly impossible for anyone to attack her without hitting the weather control device. "Come on, Shockfool, try and kill me... if you DARE."You strike Revenant with Double Kick.Groove should've never listened to Blades. See what happens when you listen to Blades? Hun-Grrr spits slime at him, and the boss reacts with thick white foam is what happens. So instead, he'll just take a shot at kicking this boob in the backside. Gotta step up for the boss, after all.DepthCharge lies there and bleeds. Poor DepthCharge.Groove strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with Pancake Kick.First Aid slowly gets up from where he was laying and manages to look at least halfway respectable as he raises his photon pistol. He doesn't aim it towards Shockwave, however, but instead at the pylon that Shockwave is guarding. He just hopes that Sheng can keep the big purple guy busy for long enough.Victoria Haeber tenses, and she starts to breathe hevily, trying not to panic. OoO(I hate flying I hate flying I hate flying...)... she closes her eyes.Valkyrie VF-19 emits as he outruns the other jet and slows to a hover about 5 miles away "We are out of the battle now ma'am." he states "Our current position is about 5 miles or so. If need be, I can takes us to a higher attitude.Victoria Haeber opens her eyes and swallows faintly "Err... no, that's fine." she states, voice a little faint. "How're the others doing?"Valkyrie VF-19 emits as the tactical image appears "So far, we are holding our own, but if the battle progresses, it is hard to say." he states "Right now though, it is any bodies game."Decepticons, ho!Hardshell curses as his attack strikes the weather machine. He can't shoot at Sheng, or he may strike hit again. Instead he transforms and falls on the ground near Sheng. He growls and turns to face her, then he steps fowards and tries to bite the Autobot's arm.With a classical tranformation sound, Hardshell's body split in two, Hardshell tranforms into a giant mecha-tortoise.Mecha-Tortoise misses Sheng with his Abyssal Bite attack.Fulcrum growls in irritation as the Minibot latches onto him like a parasite. "Get OFF me you piece of scrap!" he yells, halting in mid air and reaching up in an attempt to grab Fliptop and hurl him back to earth.Fulcrum strikes Fliptop with Land on something sharp.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon roars his rage to the world as he lunges toward Hot Spot, only to be caught in the all-encompassing foamy goodness that is Hot Spot's foam. Hun-Grrr's suddenly the world's ugliest modern art sculpture. The foam interacts, badly, with the cracks and dents in the Terrorcon's armor, making worrying hissing and popping noises. Groove's childish kick doesn't do anything to break the mold, either. He stands, a big foamy target to the masses. (No attack, statueized)You briefly assess your condition...Current Endurance: 69 Damage Level: 86% Energon Level: 96Revenant smiles with pleasure as his attack strikes home removing some of Jazz's visor but is reward by two feet in the stomach launching him up and away from the prone Autobot but instead of falling to the ground he executes a somersault and returns the favour with his own feet attempting to crush the bot into the ground. Revenant used kick. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)Revenant strikes you with Flying Stomp for 4 points of damage.Shockwave looks exasperated at Hardshell's bumbling assault. "Hardshell, desist. Remove the waveform emitter from the pylon's core." He thumbs the switch on his chainsword, bringing the blade to life as it growls. Uh oh. He brings his arm back, and swings downward at Sheng's arm in turn. One good attempt at 'disarming' deserves another, right?Fliptop lands in the ground, grunting as he lands on his back. "AIGH!" he says as he lands on a sharp, pointy rock of some kind. He rolls around and looks at Fulcrum, smirking. "Eh, check the back of yer neck, bub..." Fulcrum would then suddenly become away of a shaped object on the base of his neck, beeping. "Toodles!" Fliptop buries himself in the snow.Ravage ducks back into cover momentarily before deciding to vacate the current roof top he is on. Once he's made sure that no Autobots below has set their attention to him, Ravage makes a graceful leap across over to another building's roof again. Stratosphere says, "if you need a pick up, radio and I will return to pick you all up."Shockwave strikes Sheng with Chainsword (Activated). Autobots' turnWhite Su-35 XS flies towards the pilon and transforms. He flies down towards the fracas between Hardshell and Sheng. The weather machine must be protected...and that autobot is proving the most dangerous to it at the moment. He takes aim with his disruptor making sure to take a shot at an angle that will not his the machine.The nose bends forward as the wings flip and rotate backwards. The engines spilt and extend, as arms, fists and feet are revealed. A head flips upward and locks into place with a purple shimmer of the optics.1985 mack firetruck transforms a bit painfully, good enough time to do this now that Hun-Grrr is a bit frozen and out of action. Ending up on one knee he coughs out, "Protectobots! Get your skid plates over here and let's finish this!" His optics glow a bright blue as an infusion of energy starts crackling over his body,Bandit misses Sheng with his Disruption Beam attack.The firetruck rises up into the air, the arms split from the cab as the legs split from the rear. The head rises as the optics flair a bright blue for a second.Jazz is stomped on before he can get back up .oO(Got to find a way out quickly)Oo. The autobot grabs the sweeps foot before the sweep can move away, opens his speaker ports and lets Revenant have some 200dbs of music at point blank. "Hope you guys like some good ol' music!"You successfully strike Revenant, who is now temporarily incapacitated.First Aid jogs over towards Hot Spot and grins behind his surgical mask, clearly pleased that they should be able to finish this little situation that they have here. "You got it, Hot Spot!" The Protectobot medic folds up into his third mode. The huge fireball cannon arrives out of subspace and alters, refolds, and grows into the defender's weapon. First Aid grips it tightly as thrusters carry him up to the already rising Hot Spot, where he attaches to the torso of the Autobots' mightiest protector.Valkyrie VF-19 watches and emits over the Autobot Frequency "Autobots, if you are in need of retrieval, radio and I will come in to pick up those who need it." and he slowly, at a speed of 70 mph, gotta love VTOL.Groove moves over with Spot, transforming again...damaged, but still willing to become greater than himself...joining Streetwise as the pillars of strength that drive the Big D onward.Victoria Haeber sits in the seat and buckles up, still inside Stratosphere as she simply waits anxiouslyHot Spot shouts, "Protectobots, MERGE to form Defensor!"With a shudder of metal, the Protectobots undergo a stunning transformation and combine into the mighty form of Defensor!Hot Spot has left.Groove has left.First Aid has left.Defensor has arrived.Defensor stomps into the room.Valkyrie VF-19 emits "then again, I think we have the battle won." he adds as he says that towards Vic as he moves towards the battle at a hovering speed.Sheng hears Hardshell transform and dodges his attack...Unfortunatly, that puts her into the direct path of Shockwave's sword. The gold femme's optics widen, but that is all the reaction she has time for before the sword slams into her upper torso. Were she human, it would have pierced her lung. she falls heavily to the ground, gasping in pain. Fortunatly (I guess) the fall means that she's no longer skewered on Shockwave's sword. Grittng her teeth, She pushes herself up and tries to kick the Decepticon's feet out from under him... "I'm... I'm not down yet!" She curses as the cold REALLY starts to take effect. oO(I'm in trouble.)Sheng strikes Shockwave with here, see the stars free of charge.Fliptop lands in the ground, grunting as he lands on his back. "AIGH!" he says as he lands on a sharp, pointy rock of some kind. He rolls around and looks at Fulcrum, smirking. "Eh, check the back of yer neck, bub..." Fulcrum would then suddenly become away of a shaped object on the base of his neck, beeping. "Toodles!" Fliptop buries himself in the snow.Fliptop unleashes his *KA-BOOM!* attack on Fulcrum, striking Fulcrum.Decepticons' turnMecha-Tortoise quickly notices that the Protectobot merged, "It's time to save the machine" he tought. The aquacon transforms back into his robot mode and jumps on the machine. He grabs the waveform emitter and pulls it out of the machine. Then he takes off and flies away from the machine AND from the Gestalt.Hardshell unfolds and shifts to his robot mode.Shockwave is kicked by Sheng, but it barely registers, as Hardshell does his proper duty (he'll worry about building a new pylon later -- that emitter's the important part). Kicking aside the crippled Sheng contemptuously, Shockwave leaps into the air, transforming and levelling his huge maw at the Autobot gestalt... white sparks flaring across the muzzle, energy building until it reaches critical stage -- whereupon a searing white spear of power thunders out toward Defensor's broad chest.Shockwave leaps up and transforms into his imposing space-cannon mode.Revenant can see this Hunt turning as he makes a second follow up attack contacting with the Autobot. He snarls down at the prey, "Not so good now are y...aaargh!" He screams out as his audio receptors are once more bombarded by a cacophany of sound.Flying Cannon strikes Defensor with Quantum Beam .Bandit sees Defensor merges and he growls. He raises an arm and fires at the Behemoth, hoping to do something.Bandit strikes Defensor with Fusion Beam.Fulcrum has enough time to say "A likely sto.." before the bomb planted at the back of his neck goes off, engulfing him in flames and sending the blacksmith plummeting downwards like a shooting star . Hitting the ground face-first with a painful THUD, Fulcrum is almost immediatly obscured by a huge cloud of steam, as his super-headed shell vaporises the snow around him. When the steam clears, the bearded seeker is lying facedown in a crater, a nasty, jagged, smoking hole in the back of his head and neck. Looks like he's down for the count. Or his player has to go now. You be the judge.Two-Headed Mecha Dragon shakes off the semi-hardened foam, staggering to and fro, looking around for Hot Spot. "COWARD! WHERE DID YOU GO! FACE HUN-GRR AND DIE!" He looks around at the strange, almost mechanical trees that've suddenly sprouted up in his way. "Blasted... Earth... trees... MOVE..." The Terrorcon pauses, the thought slowly stealing into his head that something very, very bad is happening. Like, right over him. Both heads raise up. "Oh," he says in a small voice. Maddened with primal terror, the dragon turns and lopes towards the pylon, ESPECIALLY after he sees Defensor shrug off the cannon blast. He regroups under Shockwave's hovering form. If he breathed, he'd be panting hard.Fulcrum vanishes out of reality.Fulcrum has left.Sheng blinks in vague confusion as Shockwave suddenly takes aim at someone (or something) outside of her range of vision. She tries to get to her feet to see who he's attacking and if she can help, but she collapses back tot he snow before she can even make it all the way to her feet... oO(Cold... Primus this planet is cold...) the femme's gold optics flicker, then shutter as she passes out, going limp in the remains of the pylon. Battle damage and the cold of her surroundings combining for a rather... bad... outcome... Stratosphere says, "Jazz, anyone need to be moved out of the combat area?"Bandit has disconnected.Fliptop pokes his head above the snow and looks at Fulcrum. "Jerk," he mutters and looks up at Defensor. "Bout time they pulled that stunt...," he mutters and speaks into his radio. Fliptop says, "'Ey, I'm still in the game, but damaged. They're down one Seeker though. Heh. Guy was a cakewalk." Jazz says, "Sheng, Perceptor and possibly DepthCharge (All are logged off are about to are logged off but are still there technicly)"Autobots' turnJazz takes advantage of the musical distraction and gets up quickly, moves around Revenant and arches backward executing a textbook move from one of earth's most watched program. "Oh yeah I'm taking you down and walking away with the belt!"You strike Revenant with German Suplex.Defensor shrugs off the cannon blast like a big punch to the shoulder. The huge autobot just flinches from the blast and decides to return the hot Shockwave love. With a giant booming voice Defensor says, "You are on American soil, you destroy American property, and harm Americans. Leave this place, or die!" The giant raises First Aid with a rushing sound of air and a grinding of hydraulics. The huge fireball launcher charges up with a high powered hum, like a transformer ready to explode from a power surge. A crackle of fire begins to spew out from the barrel of the dark blue weapon then bursts free like a rushing rapids, flames and plasma fire out in simi-round shape towards Shockwave with a roar of energy and light.Fliptop removes his empty cartridge and slides in another, before taking a seat next to Fulcrum. "And that's why ya don't mess with Autobot's non-Yellow Mini-Bot crack-spy, ya smeg head. I ain't no pushover..." He looks over at Jazz and clicks a load into his chamber, then speaks into his radio again. Fliptop transmits, "Ey, Jazz... need a hand? I got me this wonderful trophy 'ere..."Defensor misses Flying Cannon with his Fireball attack. Jazz says, "Make sure Sheng, Perceptor and Deptcharge are safe before engaging." Stratosphere says, "I am on my way in to pick up the wounded."Fliptop nods and steps up, lightly kicking Fulcrum again before heading over where he last saw Perceptor, keeping his weapon primed. He's not attacking, so he's posing his action as they come. He finds Perceptor in a drift and moves to haul the larger bot out, muttering into his radio.Decepticons' turn Fliptop transmits, "'Ey, I got Perceptor, get down 'ere and home in 'fore my transistors freeze..."Two-Headed Mecha Dragon turns wounded, almost broken heads up towards Shockwave. In a cracked and batter voicebox, he grates, "What now, Commander?" Blackened visors eye the Autobot giant warily.Valkyrie VF-19 flies forward "Hang on, I need to pick up wounded." he says as he moves in and drops to the ground. He flies Andover down to land next to Fliptop "Get him on, and then grab other wounded." he states as he moves some to avoid being hit.Flying Cannon realizes rapidly that this is getting out of hand. Transforming back, he barely dodges the hellish fireball that goes roaring past, instead soaring down to grab onto Fulcrum and carry him off. "Decepticons: Return to the shuttle immediately!" Say what you will about Shockwave, but he is NOT playing with a gestalt. Not after his maulings at the hands of Piranacon.Revenant finds himself pummeled into the ground causing further damage to his disaster area of back armouring much more of this and it might be time to back off and plan a better attack but not now. Using his wings as a springboard he launches himself upright lashing out with a vicious backhanded punch at the celebrating Autobot, a single snarled word stinging out at the prey, "Die!"Shockwave rapidly transforms from space-cannon to robot mode. Revenant used punch. (&combatspam me=1 to stop this.)Revenant strikes you with Punch for 5 points of damage.Shockwave begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Valkyrie VF-19 , Revenant.Hardshell doesn't want to come close of the Gestalt, it would endanger the emitter. So the aquacon makes sure to stay aways from Defensor but he fires at it with his photon rifle at full power. "Take that Autobot!"Hun-Grrr begins retreating, leaving itself vulnerable to parting shots from Defensor, Fliptop, Valkyrie VF-19 , Ravage, DepthCharge, Jazz, Revenant, Hardshell, Shockwave.Hardshell strikes Defensor with Photon Rifle.Fliptop watches Hun-Grrr retreat and pulls his weapon up and taking aim at Hun-Grrr. "Go ahead and run, ya stinkin' Cons!" he shouts, pulling the trigger and taking aim at each of Hun-Grrr's heads and taking a shot.Fliptop strikes Two-Headed Mecha Dragon with Automatic Gauss Gun.Jazz is backhanded by the sweep and and sent twisting much more than such a blow should have...as the autobot finishes his spin Jazz aims a back elbow at Revenant "I got better things to do tonight than die sweep." (Pays $5 to Springer for cheesy use of a movie quote)Valkyrie VF-19 spots the retreating cons and takes aim, firing on Shockwave as he leaves.You strike Revenant with Snow Fair!.Valkyrie VF-19 misses Shockwave with his Autocannons attack.DepthCharge lies in the snow, unconscious, whilst a squirrel darts across the snow and begins to take refuge from the battle inside his body. Damn Squirrels.Defensor is willing to allow the Cons to retreat, and to tend to the injured, when Hardshell's strike slaps acrost his cheek. "You just don't want to quit, DO YOU? Isn't putting all these people at risk enough? Isn't trying to kill us ENOUGH? ISN'T IT EVER ENOUGH FOR YOU?" Running forward, he simply goes for a powerful punt kick. Looks like someone might be blasting off again....Defensor strikes Hardshell with Flying Feet of Justice!.Fliptop is sitting with Perceptor, molesting him in the snow... or something.Hardshell is knocked back by the Gestalt kick but he manages to regain control and he doesn't fall. The aquacon would like to stay and fight the protectobots but his duty is to save the emitter and Shockwave ordered him to retreat anyway. Hardshell starts to retreat towards east.Hardshell begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Defensor, Fliptop, Valkyrie VF-19 , Ravage, DepthCharge, Jazz, Revenant, Shockwave.Revenant accepts the returned blow from Jazz and apart from a slight change in his stance he stands still and laughs a cold dead laugh that chills you right down to the core, "Well well Autobot it seems today is not your time, but it will be soon enough....count on it." With that hew leaps skywards transforming as he does so and heads off after the other retreating Decepticons.Revenant shifts and blurs into his sleek sweepcraft mode.Revenant begins retreating, leaving itself vulnerable to parting shots from Valkyrie VF-19 .Valkyrie VF-19 looks and ponders firing. He locks on to Revenant and thinks. "Have fun." he says as he firesValkyrie VF-19 strikes Sweepcraft [Revenant] with Disruptor.Shockwave soars upward to the Sky above the Eastern United States.Shockwave has left.Hardshell soars upward to the Sky above the Eastern United States.Hardshell has left.Sweepcraft [Revenant] soars upward to the Sky above the Eastern United States.Sweepcraft [Revenant] has left.You stop everyone from following you.Hardshell descends from the skies above.Hardshell has arrived.The heads become the legs as Hun-Grrr leaps forward and transforms into his robot mode.Hun-Grrr soars upward to the Sky above the Eastern United States.Hun-Grrr has left.Defensor watches Hardshell carefully and is about to reach out with his massive hands to crush the Decepticon. But mercy easily outweighs bloodthirst for the giant gentle defender of peace and justice. Instead the Protectobot Supreme casts a watchful optic on both of the remaining Decepticons. Then, without a moment's hesitation, his attention turns to the humans trapped in the horrible snow storm. He kneels down on one knee and carefully lifts a car out of the snow, "Do not worry, friends," he tells the occupants in the car in a whisper that's still a loud rumble, "You're safe now." With a massive wave of his other arm, he sweeps away a large clearing in the snow and sets the vehicle down. Defensor smiles at the humans as they get out of the car and stare at him in both awe and fear. Standing back up, the Protectobot reaches out and grabs an eletrical pole that had fallen and is dangerously sparking. With great strength, he replaces it where it should be. "Is everyone alright?" be booms, scanning for other humans who might need help.Valkyrie VF-19 is hovering next to Fliptop, waiting for him to load Preceptor and other wounded up so they can return to Autobot City to rest.Jazz chuckles as the sweep retreats..."Yeah...I'll bet. Lucky I let you off in one piece." (No parting)Hardshell soars upward to the Sky above the Eastern United States.Hardshell has left.Valkyrie VF-19 lands finally, his thrusters giving off heat to melt the snow around him, giving him a place to land.. "Quickly, load up the wounded and I'll fly them to Autobot City." he states as he emits to Victoria "Ma'am, if you wish, I can take you to Autobot City so you cna rest up, or I cna take you to where you want to go."Fliptop drags Perceptor aboard slowly. Hey, he's damaged, he's a Mini-Bot and he's got 32 str. Give him a fucking break.Victoria Haeber nods at that, pale "Yeah, sure, whatever..." she states, not really listening.Jazz runs a little diagnostic..."Not too bad." walks over to help out Fliptop "Anyone else left ?" looks around at snow for any vapor from hot weapons in cold snow or smoking bodies.Valkyrie VF-19 chuckles "Just relax, the battle is over and the trip to Autobot City will be an easy one." he syas "I am Stratosphere, and who might you be ma'am?" he asksDepthCharge bleeds in the snow. With a squirrel in his chest. Don't forget DC! Don't leave him at the hands of the evil squirrels.Sheng lays motionless in the unit that held the device of Shockwave's.One squirrel with big black eyes cackle suddenly "With this new Warrior robot I, NORMAN THE DISGRUNTLED SQUIRREL, will RULE THE WORLD!" He muahahahas, standing on DC's chestplate. Yes, this is OOC.Fliptop shrugs and looks at him. "Sheng an' DepthCharge," he says, looking a little beat up, but he seems to be in dandy shape, all things considered. "I got Sheng," he mutters and moves towards the unit, where he saw her duck in. "She's a pain in the tail is what she is, Strats," he mutters as he walks off, about Victoria.Defensor looks around in case any decepticons might still be lurking around. He shifts his weapon up to rest against his shoulder while it still smokes. The weapon cools as he nods satisfied that the cons are gone and he demerges with a shudder of metal.Hot Spot has arrived.Defensor separates into the individual Protectobots.Groove has arrived.Groove moves in, scanning the area carefully.First Aid has arrived.Defensor has left.Jazz walks over to pickup DepthCharge "You need to lose some plating my friend." the spy dude walks back to Stratosphere and looks up at Defensor "Yo Defensor! See anyone we forgot from up there ?"Valkyrie VF-19 emits "She was in the wrong place at the wrong time Fliptop. She is safe and we managed to stop the Decepticons. granted the device or whatever it was not destroyed, so that means they can use it again. I think we are in for a long fight this time."Victoria Haeber doesn't answer, she looks a bit pale.Andi Lassiter has connected.Groove looks to Jazz. "I think we've rounded them all up."DepthCharge's squirrel friend jumps out of DC's chest as Jazz picks him up, runs up Jazz's head and then bounds off.First Aid lands on the ground and is just about to say what Groove was about to say, but Groove beats him to it. Insted he just nods.Valkyrie VF-19 is sitting with a pale Victoria in side him, she is not fond of flying. Jazz and Fliptop are carring the wounded into him for there trip back to AC. "Is andi ok?" he asks as he scans Victoria "Jazz, I think the passenger is not doing well. she is extremely pale."Hot Spot lands with a heap, sparks and smoke pour from his body, man is he messed up. The hole that shockwave fired into Defensor now has grown into a huge one taking most of his shoulder off with it. Hot Spot can only grown as his heated body snapps and hisses in the snow.Victoria Haeber lifts a hand and waves "I'm fine I'm fine. I just don't like flying in anything with more speed than a two-prop plane." she states, then offers a smile.First Aid, being a medic who's actually still awake, immediately starts to take notice of what's going on. He himself is quite injured by the damage that Defensor took, but rushes over to help Hot Spot anyway, "Groove, help me out here! Someone, we need to get these wounded back to Autobot City immediately."Groove kneels next to Spoot... "Oh, man.......hold it together, Boss. We'll get you patched up here..." Regardless of his own wounds, this is something more serious...Trying to lift Spoot as best he can, he looks to FA. "If we get him into Strat....can you stablize him there?"Jazz nods "Allright, everyone who is seriously injured will ride aboard Stratosphere. The rest we roll out to Autobot city to take care of our injured. We'll send a team tomorrow to have a closer look at that structure." Jazz runs over to Hot Spot "Hey there buddy you don't look so hot. Better get you aboard Stratosphere quickly."Fliptop pulls Sheng out and loads her up.Valkyrie VF-19 nods internally "I cna fly at that speed if need be ma'am." he says to her "For the trip back to Autobot City, we will be traveling faster then you would like, but that is because of our wounded." and he clears his throat "First Aid, I am transporting all of us back to Autobot City." he says as he continues his conversation with Victoria "I can see if First Aid has something that can help you feel better ma'am."Sheng has left.Valkyrie VF-19 takes Sheng.Valkyrie VF-19 takes Perceptor.DepthCharge has left.Valkyrie VF-19 takes DepthCharge.First Aid looks up at Stratosphere and then back to Groove, "I... Yeah, I should be able to patch him up a bit once we're on the way back." He wobbles slightly, "You don't look too good yourself, Groove..." He nods to Stratosphere, "Great. Everyone, get Hot Spot aboard!" He does his best to haul Spot, hopefully with help.Fliptop has left.Victoria Haeber has left. Victoria Haeber nods again "I'll be fine. The quicker its over the better."Groove smiles... "I'll...mmph....make it..." Suddenly, there's a loud *SNAP!* from inside Groove as they get Hot Spot into Stratosphere...and he falls, drained.First Aid has left.Hot Spot has left.Groove has left. Groove moves in, scanning the area carefully.Andi Lassiter has left.Jazz returns his launcher to subspace and helps First Aid get Hot Spot aboard.Valkyrie VF-19 ************************************************************************************** For those inside of stratosphere, you see that there is enough room for a variety of Transformers, since he has been rebuilt inot a big mode and is now able to transport people. As you enter him, you notics seats lined against the wall and three seats up from where the cockpit is. Among the seats, are human sized ones as well as Transformer sized seats. Set in the missdle of the cockpit, between the two front most seats is olographic Navigation Computer. From this Computer, you are able to bring up a three dimentional image of the star charts between Earth, Cybertron, Junkion and any other places listed. You can also plot various courses and store them into memory. As you look through the list, you see that there are three maps currently stored in the Computer. The interior is midnight black in color, with the seats being steel blue in color. Their also appears to be a metal shield of sometype that covers the canopy and it seems to be retracted. The color of this shield is steel blue in color. Set in the wall is a monitor that is currently displaying the status of Stratosphere and next to that is a monitor that has various readings that his sensors are recieveing. Mounted in front of the cockpit seats are a varity of switchs, buttons and HUDs. You also see an AM/FM CD.Cassette Player and a small 9 inch TV. Near the entrance hatchs, you also notice human sized Enviormental Suits that are white in color and proudly show the Autobot Emblem on the left brest.**************************************************************************************Contents:Andi LassiterGrooveHot SpotFirst AidVictoria HaeberFliptopDepthChargeHolographic Navigational Computer First Aid grunts. Now he has /two/ beat up Protectobot buddies to worry about. "Ooooh boy. This is one that we'll remember for a while. Next time, we should let Defensor take over a bit sooner, eh?" Well, that's what we get for running off in different ways when we got there.Hot Spot grunts from the pain and by shear willpower he slowly, ever so slowly rises up to his hands and feet. "I...ugh...got to..." His shoulder sags as it bangs against the floor, then the rest of his body does.Fliptop sits there, looking slightly beat up, but okay. "Me, I'm cool. I got him. BAM."Groove lies there, mostly, but you'd swear he was almost snoring....First Aid immediately gets his medical kit from the compartment in his chest. "Fliptop, take your hand and apply pressure on this tube. Don't let anymore servo-fluid leak from it." He points at something in Hot Spot's bloodied wound.First Aid continues barking out orders, "Jazz? You're my new nurse. Run this medical scanner over Groove. Make sure he isn't leaking internally."Hot Spot moans out in pain, "Must...keep...fighting." His arm starts twitching and wurring while trying to slip under his body for support. It gets under his form and begins to push up while shaking.Jazz grabs the scanner and runs it over Groove "I think he has some. Not much but there is definately something broken...well I think so anyway. Dammit First Aid I'm spy not a nurse." he says with a little smile."First Aid glares at Hot Spot and tells him, "Stop it. Stop moving. You're making your wounds worse." Dunno if Spot can hear him, "Stop it or I'll confine you to the medical bay for a month!" He uses his surgical lasers to begin patching up the major injuries. "Oh, great," he mutters to Jazz, not getting the Trek reference, "Well it's about time you learned how to use a laser scalpel. Cut Groove open and..." he eyes Jazz untrustingly, "Nevermind. I'll do it."Hot Spot stops trying to move, it's unknown if he heard FA or just passed out from the pain. One way or the other, it does not matter.Groove is dreaming of a land full of open roads, free energon, and loose Femmes. In the meantime, the part of him vaugely aware of what's goin on is rather relieved that Jazz in fact will not be slicing up his sweetbreads.DepthCharge dreams of loose Femmes too. Maybe they are Groove's loose femmes? Whatever the case, Dream DepthCharge takes out a sonic-screwdriver and begins to tighten all the femmes up. So that they are functioning properly.Andi Lassiter has been busy stabilizing DepthCharge, and has reached a point where he'll be okay until the medics have more time. She hurries over to where First Aid is, roll of duct tape in one hand, her medical scanner in the other. "Where should I start?" She's out of breath and sweating -- still wearing her winter clothes -- and knows what to do the moment she take a look at Hot Spot. She gets to the protectobot about the same time FA does and starts jury-rig patching the leaks she can see with her own eyes and reach easily. Considering at the moment she can just about crawl into Spoot's chest cavity through the hole in his shoulder, that's a lot to patch.Victoria Haeber sits in her chair and tries not to think about flyingFirst Aid shoots a look at Fliptop to tell him to get his butt moving. He shuffles over to Jazz and snatches the scanner from his hands, "Ok, first, see this isn't calibrated right. It'd be great if Groove was Omega Supreme, but he ain't." He presses a few buttons, "There." To Andi he says, "DepthCharge took heavy damage. I haven't had time to look him over." He runs the scanner over Groove, "His nervous system took quite a jolt. Probably from the damage Defensor took. He'll be ok, though. Spot's our main worry."Groove sees DepthCharge messing with his loose dream femmes, and rising up to wail on that crackerass, then saves the women for his own dark amusements.Fliptop has left. Fliptop has arrived.Andi Lassiter says to FA without looking up from what she's doing, "I've already stabilized his critical functions."Dream DepthCharge gahs and is beaten up by Dream Groove. Dream DC runs away to go pretend to be Optimus in Rodimus' dreams again. They are always fun:- 'You are such a disappointment!'Groove returns to bleeding contently...First Aid looks at Andi, "Who? DepthCharge's or Hot Spot's?"First Aid begins work on Hot Spot's severe injuries.Andi Lassiter says, "DepthCharge. I'm working on Hot Spot now." If you can call duct-taping Spoot's innards working on them. "as soon as you've stabilized Groove, you WILL lie down and let the medtechs help you to the repair bay. Got that, First Aid?"Victoria Haeber couldn't stand fast enough, and she ends up by the door. Then she looks at the others "Uh... any way I can help?"Andi Lassiter has reconnected.Andi Lassiter has partially disconnected.Andi Lassiter glances toward Vicky. "Can you duct tape hydraulic lines to stop leaks?"First Aid nods to Andi and wobbles slightly, "Yes yes, Groove is almost done anyway. Just a little patch here and a little nip here..." Aid tilts his head, "Gosh, he sure does have a happy look on his face for someone who was just beaten up."Victoria Haeber nodnods "I do it all the time." she walks over towards Andi quickly."DepthCharge's cracked optic visor sparks and his form twitches as all the temp work Andi did is /just/ enough to bring him back around. The Aquabot's body twitches and he says, "Mental note. Never leave Autobot City again. Ever." You move south to the Repair Bay... Repair Bay(#363 RVatN) Contents: Gumby Medic Recharging Station Med-CommJazz looks outside "We are finally at Autobot City, we better get them to the medbay."Repair BayThis is the main repair bay for the Autobots. Several operating tables lie in a row here, and a long bench lines one wall. On the bench are assorted tools used in repairing damaged transformers. Scattered throughout the room are various repair bots, awaiting the arrival of more wounded to repair. The room gives you the perception of being immaculately clean, with not a single tool out of place.Contents:Valkyrie VF-19 Gumby MedicRecharging StationMed-CommVictoria Haeber has arrived. Andi Lassiter hands Vicky the mostly gone roll of duct tape. "Don't worry about neatness, it's only temporary. And put your gloves back on, the pink stuff will burn your skin."First Aid has arrived.Andi Lassiter has arrived.DepthCharge has arrived.Groove has arrived.Groove moves in, scanning the area carefully.Valkyrie VF-19 drops Perceptor.Sheng has arrived.Valkyrie VF-19 drops Sheng.First Aid begins work on Sheng's severe injuries.Jazz helps carry the various injured bots on bedsAndi Lassiter begins work on First Aid's severe injuries.Andi Lassiter begins work on DepthCharge's injuries.Groove rests quietly on the bed...Hot Spot has arrived.Valkyrie VF-19 drops Hot Spot.First Aid pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on Groove.Before you, is a large blue Valkyrie VF-19 . It shakes and shrinks into the Autobot known as Stratosphere.Andi Lassiter pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on Hot Spot.Andi Lassiter pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on DepthCharge.Victoria Haeber clambers out with Andi, then states "Kay, what needs to be duct taped?" she asksStratosphere walks in after everyone else and is the least damaged "I will go last on the repair list. I am not that badly damaged." and he looks to Victoria then to one of the Human medical Gumbies and lets him know to look over the young lady when she is done helping. "He then sits down on a bench and watches everything going on.Jazz looks at the medics go to work and stays out of their way.First Aid begins work on Groove's severe injuries.Andi Lassiter points to one of several conduits that are leaking energon or one of any other number of fluids. "Anyhting leaking. And when the orderlies with gurneys come, don't stop. Just hang onto something while they move you." She leaves Vicky to this and heads for First Aid as the medtechs start repairing DepthCharge and the others.Andi Lassiter pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on Jazz.Andi Lassiter begins work on Jazz's minor injuries.Andi Lassiter pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on Stratosphere.Andi Lassiter pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on Sheng.Victoria Haeber nods as she starts to duct-tape up the bot, ripping the tape with her teeth, ignoring any sparks or anything as she goes about sealing up a bot.Stratosphere walks over to Jazz before he sits down and talks to him also "Jazz," he says to him "About the young lady who was held by the Decepticons. I feel that it would be wise if she spent the night here to get fully rested and warmed and checked out for any injuries. She most likely does not have a guest pass to be here however." he states.Andi Lassiter looks at the others quickly, then heads for First Aid. "Your turn. Lie down now before I have someone make you lie down."First Aid is working on Groove's injuries seeing as how the humans have Hot Spot under control. The Protectobot uses his welder to patch up a leaking pipe, which was preventing Groove's higher functions from working. Groove could wake up now, possibly. Staggering back, Aid wipes his brow, "Uhhhh... think I'm going to take a little break." He sits on one of the tables.First Aid nods meekly to Andi.Groove hhrrmmgh....mmmn.... "Mhmm. What happened...?"First Aid weakly replies to Groove as he lays back so Andi can do her thing, "We won."Main systems restored to normal functionality.Groove says, "Oh? Good..."Hot Spot has disconnected.Jazz nods at Stratosphere "That's cool. As long as she does not wander out of the medbay. We will discuss this guest pass thing at another time."Victoria Haeber cuts and applies more duct tape to Groove. Or whoever she's working onDepthCharge chimes in, after Andi's question, as he lays on the table being worked on by medtechs, "Did anyone get to scan that device?"First Aid shrugs pathetically as Andi does her thing on him, "Well... I seem to recall it being damaged a lot... think Hardshell took something that was attached to it before he ran off." First Aid's optics dim, "Hey, Stratosphere... thanks for helpin' us out here. Hate to think what might have happened if we were unable to get back here so soon."Stratosphere nods to Jazz "Understood sir." and he looks "Should I have some Guest Quarters readied incase she wishes for a warm bed?" and he looks "I will also go and get some food for Andi and the guest to help them. They are most likely hungry." and he turns to see Victoria helping Andi and smiles "I need to learn to help out more in the medical bay, however, I am not the most technically inclined."Groove feels all shiny and pretty. Like when he wore a yellow dress! He felt so pretty in his yellow dress... "Mmhm...I sorta remember the turtle guy holding something...I think Sheng checked it out? Not sure, tho...."Victoria Haeber stops suddenly and turns her head quickly to the side to let out a triplet of violent, high-pitched and amusing-sounding sneezes.A pair of medtechs finally make it to Hot Spot and Vicky the queen of duct tape. "Um...ma'am?" one of the says hesitantly, then steps back in alarm as the human explodes...or something.Stratosphere nods to First Aid "I am always glad to help out when needed. Currently, Me, Jetfire, Sky Lynx, Cosmos and Omega are the only ones to my knowledge able to travel to other planets and cross the world in a matter of seconds if not minutes."Stratosphere chuckles at the medtechs "She is sneezing." he says to them.Victoria Haeber sniffles, then states "I'm okay... " she smiles a bit. "Just fumes. " she explains, going back to the duct tape, which has now wrapped tiself around her ring finger and won't let go.Jazz nods "Yeah make sure some guest quarters are available in the human barrack section." then he turns to the others "Tomorrow I will set out with a little team to go check out the rest of the structure maybe we can learn something from what's left."The medtech ohs at Stratosphere, then tries again. "Ma'am? We can take over now."Andi Lassiter pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on First Aid.Victoria Haeber then states "My name is Victoria. Vicky for short." as she finally rescues her finger from the duct tape, and scoots back slightly from her work.Stratosphere nods and goes to get those rooms ready. After a few minutes, he returns with two human sized trays in his hands and sits them down on a table "I brought some food, and some dry warm cloths for you Victoria and Andi." he says "I have also prepared some quarters in the Barracks for the both of you." he adds as he steps back out of the way.Andi Lassiter finally finishes the emergency repairs on First Aid to her satisfaction and lets a medtech take over the rest. She looks exhausted, and her coat, gloves, and scarf are all filthy with energon and other such Cybertronian 'guts'.Victoria Haeber slips off the table and walks to the food and drink table. She nods gratefully, before setting the duct tape down. "Thanks..." glancing about, she starts to strip off the wet, clothing stained with various machine fluids.Fliptop enters from the Main Lobby - First Floor to the north.Fliptop has arrived.Fliptop has been on a medical bed the whole fucking time, he has.First Aid begins work on Fliptop's minor injuries.Andi Lassiter says, "Oh, wonderful. Thank you, Stratosphere." She sheds the winter clothes as well, being extra careful to not let any of the energon get on her skin. The coat et al end up in a pile on the floor."Victoria Haeber has some cuts and bruises on her shoulders, arms and legs. some old, some very very fresh.Stratosphere nods to the both of them and he moves a divider over to give the human women some privacy as they change. He then moves and takes the cloths and places them in a unit to have them cleaned "I will make sure these are cleaned by morning." he saysAndi Lassiter has a solid spider's web of scars on her hands and arms, most old and faint, some very new. No new scratches this time, though, as her winter coat and gloves took the brunt of the abuse. She eats ravenously, then retires to one of the guest rooms Stratosphere had prepared.Andi Lassiter has disconnected.First Aid has disconnected.Victoria Haeber grabs a towel from the tray and carefully wipes off any excess water from her near-nekkid form, then smiles, berfore rubbing her face vigorously with the towel. "Is everyone okay?" she asks worriedly, finally tying up her long black hair in the towel.Groove has disconnected.Stratosphere nods "I am fine. thank you for asking Victoria." he says to her as he has a divider up to give them some privacy. "If you wish to stay the night, after the medical Staff take a look at you to see if you are damaged, a guest room has been prepared for you. I have also took your cloths to have them cleaned for you. They will be ready first thing in the morning."Jazz sits down to rest for a few minutes "You all did great out there and back here as well."Victoria Haeber finally puts on the clean clothes, smiling at the nice dry socks. "That'd be great... " her smile fades "Uh, I take it nobody got my jacket?"Fliptop sits as a medic works on him. "Yeah, we all made great punchin' bags..."Stratosphere blinks at this and looks "I think that it was destroyed in the battle that occurred after we left." he says to her as he sits down near her. "I am sure one cna be made again to match it." and he looks to Fliptop and just sighs.Victoria Haeber ohs. Then she shrugs "That's ok. I can get another one easily. We use them sometimes in my business." she smiles at that "But thanks. And again, thanks for pulling me out of there. If there's any way I can pay you guys back..."Stratosphere nods and smiles "Well, just be careful." he says as he looks to Jazz. "If I may be so bold to ask ma'am, what kind of business are you in?"Victoria Haeber replies "I make people happy." she pulls the shirt over her head, then readjusts her towel once more, tucking it up in a way only a woman knows how to. THen she smiles "In fact, that gives me a good idea on how to pay you back."Jazz gets up and slowly heads out "If anyone is looking for me. I'll be in my office." ***** *** * * * * * * *** *** **** * * *** * * * * *** * * *** *** ** * * ** * ** * *** *** *** * * *** *** * * * * *** **** * * *** * * * * *