Distractions and Diversions, commonly known as D&D, is a RuneScape game feature released by Jagex on the 2nd of September 2008. The only difference between Distractions and Diversions and Activities is that D&Ds can change locations and sometime have a limit on how often they can be played. All 13 parts of Distractions and Diversions are members only.
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- Distractions and Diversions
- Distractions and Diversions
- Distractions and Diversions
| - left|Distractions and Diversions Distractions and Diversions zijn een aantal activiteiten die gespeeld kunnen worden in RuneScape. Distraction and Diversions zijn anders dan Activiteiten, aanezien de locaties bij Distraction and Diversions kunnen veranderen en zich verplaatsen in Gielinor. Veel Distraction and Diversions hebben een limiet aan speeltijd en kunnen bijvoorbeeld één keer per week gespeeld worden. Alle Distraction and Diversions zijn alleen beschikbaar voor members. Op 3 maart 2010 werden de activiteiten Tears of Guthix, Treasure Trials en Champions Challenge Distraction and Diversions.
- Distractions and Diversions, commonly known as D&D, is a RuneScape game feature released by Jagex on the 2nd of September 2008. The only difference between Distractions and Diversions and Activities is that D&Ds can change locations and sometime have a limit on how often they can be played. All 13 parts of Distractions and Diversions are members only.
- Nämä tapahtumat ovat yleensä kääntävät pelaajat huomion, josta nimikin tulee. Esimerkiksi pelaaja kehittää Lahtausta tappamalla ihmissusia Canifisksessa, ja tähdenlento tippuu pankin läheisyyteen, tämä saattaa häiritä pelaajaa jolloin pelaaja menee kaivamaan tähdenlentoa. D&D tokenit tarjoavat pelaajille mahdollisuuksia nollata D&Dt rajoituksista johtuen, jolloin pelaaja voi tehdä tapahtuman useamman kerran. Niitä saa välillä Onnenpyörästä.
- These events are usually used to divert the original intentions of the player, therefore a 'distraction' (as the name suggests). For example, if a player were to be training on werewolves in Canifis and then a shooting star lands near the bank, this could distract them from their combat training. Furthermore, these events could possibly be negative to those with strict training schedules. Players who attempt every Distraction and Diversion can unlock the title . Progress towards this title can be tracked by clicking on the title in the Titles interface.
- Distractions and Diversions (rozptýlení hry), někdy zkracováno jako D&D, je klasifikace herních prvků původně zveřejněných Jagex dne 2. září 2008. Tyto herní prvky jsou odlišné od normálních miniher, protože se některé z těchto her nebo událostí buď pohybují po RuneScape, nebo mají limit na to, jak často mohou být hrány, nebo dokonce obojí. Všech čtrnáct z Distractions and Diversions jsou pro [[Pay to play|members]]. Tyto události se obvykle používají ke změně původních záměrů hráče, proto "rozptýlení," (jak název napovídá). Například, jestliže hráč chce trénovat na vlkodlacích v Canifis a poté uvidí padající hvězdu, která přistane blízko břehu, mohlo by to odvrátit je od jeho bojového tréninku. Kromě toho tyto události mohlo být negativní pro hráče s přísnými tréninkovými plány. D&D token
- D&Ds are a subclassification of minigames. However, unlike minigames many D&Ds move around the world to various locations, have a limit on how often they can be played, and only occur at particular times of day. Distractions and Diversions aim to divert the original intentions of the player in order to provide an interesting distraction from their everyday routines. D&Ds come in many different shapes and sizes; covering Combat, Gathering, Artisan, and Support skills, there are a wide variety of different options available to suit the players choice.
- Distractions and Diversions are a set of activities used to gain experience outside of the normal skill. On Soulsplit, these consists of the Evil Tree and Shooting Star activities. Players are able to gain experience in various skills and rewards for their designated skills from each. Players receive Kindling and Stardust while mining or cutting the respective Distraction. These can be traded in with the Leprechaun or Alien who spawn when the Tree or Star is completely cleared. The locations where each spawns can be found using the guides listed below:
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| - left|Distractions and Diversions Distractions and Diversions zijn een aantal activiteiten die gespeeld kunnen worden in RuneScape. Distraction and Diversions zijn anders dan Activiteiten, aanezien de locaties bij Distraction and Diversions kunnen veranderen en zich verplaatsen in Gielinor. Veel Distraction and Diversions hebben een limiet aan speeltijd en kunnen bijvoorbeeld één keer per week gespeeld worden. Alle Distraction and Diversions zijn alleen beschikbaar voor members. Op 3 maart 2010 werden de activiteiten Tears of Guthix, Treasure Trials en Champions Challenge Distraction and Diversions.
- Distractions and Diversions are a set of activities used to gain experience outside of the normal skill. On Soulsplit, these consists of the Evil Tree and Shooting Star activities. Players are able to gain experience in various skills and rewards for their designated skills from each. Players receive Kindling and Stardust while mining or cutting the respective Distraction. These can be traded in with the Leprechaun or Alien who spawn when the Tree or Star is completely cleared. Each of these activities spawn at timed intervals around the world of Soulsplit. When a new one spawns, the old one disappears. One must finish the star or tree prior to the next one spawning to trade in the currency for rewards. Further explanation of how to participate in each Distraction and Diversion can be found by clicking their respective activity name below: The locations where each spawns can be found using the guides listed below:
- Distractions and Diversions, commonly known as D&D, is a RuneScape game feature released by Jagex on the 2nd of September 2008. The only difference between Distractions and Diversions and Activities is that D&Ds can change locations and sometime have a limit on how often they can be played. All 13 parts of Distractions and Diversions are members only.
- Nämä tapahtumat ovat yleensä kääntävät pelaajat huomion, josta nimikin tulee. Esimerkiksi pelaaja kehittää Lahtausta tappamalla ihmissusia Canifisksessa, ja tähdenlento tippuu pankin läheisyyteen, tämä saattaa häiritä pelaajaa jolloin pelaaja menee kaivamaan tähdenlentoa. D&D tokenit tarjoavat pelaajille mahdollisuuksia nollata D&Dt rajoituksista johtuen, jolloin pelaaja voi tehdä tapahtuman useamman kerran. Niitä saa välillä Onnenpyörästä.
- Distractions and Diversions (rozptýlení hry), někdy zkracováno jako D&D, je klasifikace herních prvků původně zveřejněných Jagex dne 2. září 2008. Tyto herní prvky jsou odlišné od normálních miniher, protože se některé z těchto her nebo událostí buď pohybují po RuneScape, nebo mají limit na to, jak často mohou být hrány, nebo dokonce obojí. Všech čtrnáct z Distractions and Diversions jsou pro [[Pay to play|members]]. Tyto události se obvykle používají ke změně původních záměrů hráče, proto "rozptýlení," (jak název napovídá). Například, jestliže hráč chce trénovat na vlkodlacích v Canifis a poté uvidí padající hvězdu, která přistane blízko břehu, mohlo by to odvrátit je od jeho bojového tréninku. Kromě toho tyto události mohlo být negativní pro hráče s přísnými tréninkovými plány. D&D tokeny jsou občas přidány do Squeal of Fortune, který nabízí reset D&Ds, dovolující jedno opakování i přes normální omezení a tím lze získat více odměn.
- D&Ds are a subclassification of minigames. However, unlike minigames many D&Ds move around the world to various locations, have a limit on how often they can be played, and only occur at particular times of day. Distractions and Diversions aim to divert the original intentions of the player in order to provide an interesting distraction from their everyday routines. D&Ds come in many different shapes and sizes; covering Combat, Gathering, Artisan, and Support skills, there are a wide variety of different options available to suit the players choice. Players who attempt every Distraction and Diversion can unlock the title . Progress towards this title can be tracked by clicking on the title in the Titles interface.
- These events are usually used to divert the original intentions of the player, therefore a 'distraction' (as the name suggests). For example, if a player were to be training on werewolves in Canifis and then a shooting star lands near the bank, this could distract them from their combat training. Furthermore, these events could possibly be negative to those with strict training schedules. Players who attempt every Distraction and Diversion can unlock the title . Progress towards this title can be tracked by clicking on the title in the Titles interface.
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