| - The store consists of seven categories that are available for individual sale. There is an eighth, Premium Content, which contains items that are only available with the purchase of an item set, or world. The seven individually purchasable categories are:
* Worlds - This category is by far the most expensive, and the smallest in quantity. However, it is arguably the biggest thing you can buy in the store. It even has its own subsection in the forums. The price for one world is generally $20–$25, or 2000-2500 simpoints.
* Venues - This section includes pre-made lots to place in your town, usually community lots.
* Sets - This section has collections of items, usually with one collective theme for each. It sells sets with Build/Buy items, CAS items, or even both. It also has a wide variety of prices depending on the set, ranging from free to $72!
* Build/Buy - This section sells individual items for Build/Buy mode, such as fireplaces, plants, columns, lamps, appliances, and everything type of item you can purchase in Build/Buy. The items they offer are usually themed, or look especially luxurious or cool. You can browse through the sections through the item types (Hobbies and Skills, Lighting, Comfort, etc.), not their room categories (Living Room, Study, Bathroom, Bedroom, etc.).
* Create a Sim - This section divides into two main categories: Hair and Clothing. From both hair and clothing, it divides further into Male and Female subcategories. From there, you can browse organizing by price, newest to oldest and vice versa, or Expansion Pack.
* Sale! - This section displays all the items that are on sale at the time. However, it is not an independent section. The sale section shows items that can be found in other sections. It simply shows the collection of all item on sale at the time.
* Daily Deal - This category is like the sale section, but it features one particular item, usually one of the more expensive ones, and sells it for about 50% off. It also displays two timers: one that shows when the next 2 "deals" start, and one that shows when the current "deal" ends. However, they have the same countdown time, so you can look at either.
* Make Me an Offer - This category is like the sale section, it will search 3-5 items that you dont own and put them on sale with random discount between 10% and 60% for 1 hours. You can spin 5 times in per day and the limit will be reset after 24 hours or if you decided to purchase the bundle that Make Me an Offer offered. Make Me an Offer have some exclusive item that can only be purchased when they offered randomly.