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- Le Mana est l'énergie dont le personnage dispose. Il est utilisé pour lancer des sorts ou utiliser des capacités. Si le mana est épuisé, lancer des sorts devient impossible jusqu'à ce que le personnage ait récupéré assez de points de mana. La quantité de mana est modifiée par des objets disposant d'attributs en mana ou en Energie. Les classes liées à l'utilisation de sorts comme le magicien dans Diablo I et la sorcière dans Diablo II sont très dépendantes de leur mana et sont une cible facile lorsqu'ils sont à court de mana. Seul le féticheur dispose de mana dans Diablo III.
- Mana displays how much Magic you have left, after a battle, to regain Mana after a battle you can restore from: Boroville Temple for a hefty cost. Certain restore MP after a battle Resting
- Mana is created by non-living/dead things. When a living thing dies, and decomposes, it's energy is absorbed, and chenged in the ground/trees/water/etc. When this happens, the energy stored in that place is called mana. Nomaly it is very weak, but when two, or more diferent kinds of mana are joined, their overall energy grows(not like 1+1=2, but more like 1+1=5). Mana is automaticly absorbed by anadites, and they have to consentrate not to absorb it. For mystrians, it's the reverse, they have to consentrate to absorb it, rather than adsorbing it naturaly.
- Mana(マナ) is a fictional character from the After War Gundam X: Under the Moonlight manga.
- Mana is a special thing that allow magic to be made. Mana can be found in many forms, with Feathers being the most common. Mana can be used to use Juju Powers, or do other things, such as Throwing. Mana is a big part of the Tak games, and Tak collected much Mana to perform spells, and even transform into animals.
- All vocations use mana although mages use mana more than rangers or warriors due to the fact that they have more energy to do more spells. Also, it is important to say that mages are the vocation who gains more mana each level, they gain 15 mana per level while rangers and warriors only 5.
- Mana on pyhää voimaa, jota kaikki taikovat käyttävät. hahmoluokista manaa käyttävät. Mage, Priest, Shaman, Paladin, Druid ja Warlock. Mana regeneroituu yksittäisinä pisteinä, eikä isoissa klimpeissä kuten ennen. Manaa voi palauttaa taikajuomilla, ruuilla, juomilla, buffeilla ja saamalla tason. (Tason saaminen ei ole kovin relevantti tapa saada manaa takaisin) Jos ryhmä ei usko manasi olevan vähissä, voit kirjoittaa /Lom (Low On Mana), tai /Oom (Out Of Mana.)
- Fichier:Mana.jpg Le mana correspond à l'énergie magique dont vous disposez. Maître: Cormac
- There is a Mana creature throughout the world, that harbors Mana. Mana Creature, If Kya attacks it, it will spit out Mana.
- Manning Adventurers n' Arcanists, is a group that plays the FEAR RPG game inside the world of Kayna. It has had the following players over time (in order of which they joined):
* Ben (created MAnA)
* Luke
* Wade
* Ryan
* Matt
* Josh
* Ben G. We are currently putting a holding spot on this many players, although, if one drops out, another may take their place.
- Le mana est une ressource que les champions utilisent pour la grande majorité de leurs compétences. Le mana d'un champion est affiché, de même que leurs PV, sous forme d'une barre bleue au dessus du champion. La barre bleue qui apparaît au bas de l'écran affiche deux nombres (#/#); le premier chiffre représente votre mana actuel, et le deuxième chiffre représente votre mana max. Veuillez noter que les listes trouvées sur cette page affichent uniquement le mana fourni par l'élément indiqué. Pour voir les informations complètes, suivez les liens pour chacun.
- Le mana est une ressource que les champions utilisent pour la grande majorité de leurs compétences. Le mana d'un champion est affiché, de même que leurs PV, sous forme d'une barre bleue au dessus du champion. La barre bleue qui apparaît au bas de l'écran affiche deux nombres (#/#); le premier chiffre représente votre mana actuel, et le deuxième chiffre représente votre mana max. Veuillez noter que les listes trouvées sur cette page affichent uniquement le mana fourni par l'élément indiqué. Pour voir les informations complètes, suivez les liens pour chacun.
- Mana is a recurring gameplay element in Disgaea. It is used as a currency for most Dark Assembly proposals such as character creation, Reincarnation, and unlocking various gameplay elements such as Shoe/Belt/Weight Inventories, the Land of Carnage, etc. It is not the same as SP, which functions like the "mana" in most other games and fuels special attacks.
- Mana (born 26 December 1979) is a Finnish drummer, bassplayer, singer, guitarist and record producer. He's best known as current drummer of Finnish metal band Lordi, using Balbex drums. He's a fan of Kiss, Ian Paice, Cozy Powell and Vinny Appice. He has produced songs and albums for various Finnish bands.
- Mana is a magical essence that fuels a Royal Wandolier's wand. It is used to build things or put things in place. Mana can be found nearly anywhere. Prospecting, mining, fishing. It even grows on trees. Mana must be used to create new items on any island. However Marlon enchanted the Reward Island so you can create as much items as you want there without using any Mana. Also, deleting existing items from the world will add Mana to your Wand. How much Mana you receive depends on the cost of the Mana the item originally required. You can only have up to 9999 Mana.
- Mana Is Required To Use Skills
- Mana beschreibt eine Universale innewohnende Kraft
- Mana is a derived statistic in Lionheart.
- Mana, also known as MP, is a stat in Demon's Souls.
- Mana (魔力 Maryoku) is the magical energy required to cast any sort of magic in the Nanoha universe.
- Mana is an energy source present within all beings that allows people to cast spells. It can be easily generated using special items. There are many different varieties of mana, depending on the being that it lies within. There are eight known basic varieties of mana, with the ninth being discovered at some time during the plot of the First game.
- Wird benötigt, um Zaubersprüche einzusetzen. Je mehr Mana man hat um so mehr Zauber kann man einsetzen. Wird um 1 Lernpunkt pro Mona gesteigert.
- It's the resource used to cast spells and infuse runes. The amount of mana increase with each level, being sorcerers and druids the classes that gain the most, followed by paladins and being knights the ones who get the lowest quantity.
- Mana is used to cast spells. Mana can be regenerated by eating food or resting. A character's maximum mana is affected by the Intelligence and Wisdom attributes.
- Mana, represented by a blue bar in the interface, is a pool of energy that is consumed when casting most skills. All demigods have a mana pool, and all characters have skills that utilize mana, though some have more available mana and mana-using skills than others. Mana will regenerate slowly over time on its own, though there are many skills and effects that can increase the rate of regeneration. In addition to effects that increase mana regeration, there are effects that manipulate mana in other ways, such as Hungarling's Crown's -35% Mana cost aura.
- Mana is the magical energy that serves as ammunition in Hexen. It comes in two forms, Blue Mana and Green Mana. The first weapon of each class consumes no mana, the second uses blue mana, the third is powered by green mana, and the fourth requires both varieties. In addition to containers of blue and green mana, there is also a Combined Mana container that provides both types in one package. The player can store 200 mana of each type regardless of class.
- Es un alien absorvido de Ben 10:Perplemacia Alienigena (Gracias a Juan Cruz Alonso por la imagen)
- Mana (魔力 Maryoku?, lit. Magical Power) is the energy that allows magicians to use magic.
- Mana is the energy of life. It is produced from lands and comes in several different colours, but the five main colours are White, Blue, Black, Red, and Green.
- Mana is the game resource required to pay for the cost of the cards that you wish to play.
- Under normal circumstances, mana can only be reduced through the use of one's own powers. Mages and barbarians, however, have the ability to directly attack the mana bar of an enemy. For mages, the powers Energy Borrow and Sadistic Servants both steal mana from an enemy and add it to their own supply, while the powers Mana Burn and Evendim's Fury turn enemy mana into damage. Barbarians can strip away a percentage of the mana bar with the power Rend.
- Mana is the resource of some champions necessary to cast most of his/her abilities. The mana pool is represented by a blue bar below the green health bar and two numbers ( # / # ) in the middle of it. The first one is your current amount of mana and the second refers to the maximum amount you can store. Mana regenerates over time and this rate can be increased with masteries and items. At level 18, the base mana pool ranges from to . Maximum mana has a gold value of per point. Mana regen has a gold value of per percent of base mana regen per 5 seconds.
- Le Mana est l'énergie servant à utiliser la Magie. Il est représenté sous la forme d'une "Barre de Mana" qui permet à certaines classes de lancer des sorts ou d'utiliser des compétences spéciales. Généralement, les lanceurs de sort essaient d'avoir le plus de points de Mana possible tout comme les combattants au corps-à-corps tendent à privilégier les Points de vie. Les Classes utilisant la Mana sont les suivantes :
* Chaman
* Démoniste
* Druide
* Mage
* Paladin
* Prêtre
- Mana – magiczna energia, podarunek od bogów, dzięki któremu ludzie mogą używać magii zaklętej w runach i zwojach. Maną najlepiej posługują się magowie, którzy po wprowadzeniu się w odpowiedni krąg magii mogą używać run. Magią zaklętą w zwojach może posługiwać się każdy człowiek (lecz zaklęcie zapisane w zwojach jest jednorazowe), gdyż bogowie nie pominęli żadnego człowieka w obdarzaniu maną.
- Mana are spirits which lend their power to humans in order to allow them to use alchemy. In both the Iris Series and Mana Khemia series, Mana holds great importance to the advancing of storyline and also to enchant characters' ability in battle. In Mana Khemia 2, it's shown that some Mana, if not all, have the ability to adopt a human form in order to perform day-to-day activities more easily.
- Mana is the life force that dwells within all living things, and the driving force behind the powers of Flux and Thaumatech. Mana also dwells within the world itself, but with the power of Flux and the abuse of Thaumatech the Mana is quickly being drained out of the continent, resulting in a rapid progression of the desertification. There exists a basic, fixed quantity of Mana in the continent, and the Mana that is consumed can never be recovered. However, the Boundary Tree in Celestia has the exceptional power to create small amounts of Mana to supply to the earth.
- Mana is a tribe from Survivor: Game Changers. Their tribe color is orange.
- thumb|Pasek many w grzeMana, inaczej MP (ang. magic points) - zasób energii magicznej, którą przekazuje się na ataki specjalne. Maksymalna ilość many to 100. Ilość many gracza wyraża się w postaci niebieskiego paska na górze ekranu. Mana regeneruje się przez cały czas, jednak im mniej gracz ma punktów życia, tym prędzej odnawiają się punkty many. By przyspieszyć proces regeneracji many, można pić mleko (słaba odnowa) lub piwo (szybka odnowa).
- Under any circumstances, the hard cap on a player's mana (even with boosts) is 400.
- Mana can refer to:
* The series of videogames and other media
* The element sourced from the Mana Tree
* The posthumous character from Sword of Mana
- Mana is one of the main attributes in ADOM, the eighth value displayed to the right of your character's name. Its abbreviation is Ma.
- Mana is required for magicians to draw runes and summon familiars. The Elf, Imp, Blob, and Ghost familiars can mine mana from crystals and bring it to the runes for storage. Stocking up mana allows magicians to summon more powerful runes and familiars.
- Mana (マナ?) is a power source often found in the Tales series, often used in magical actions or when referring to health, or life force. It is an important theme in both Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia.
- Mana was born on March 19, in Hiroshima; while many unsubstantiated rumors proliferate, his real name and year of birth are unknown. At an early age, Mana was introduced to classical music by his parents, who were both music teachers; classical music has remained an influence ever since. Mana has said that he started making music when he was in high school, at which time he listened to Mötley Crüe and had a mohawk. Typically, Mana's compositions blend classical music (especially baroque music, featuring pipe organ and harpsichord; he also likes music by Johann Sebastian Bach) with heavy metal music, gothic rock, industrial music and other more unlikely elements such as French pop music. In a recent interview Mana revealed that he has no formal training in music theory.
- Mana can be found throughout fictional universes, such as Mobius, the Mushroom Kingdom, the Pokémon universe and Equestria, as well as CaerulElimo. It is one of the three Trigonometric Elements.
- Mana or Spell points (SP), if expressed as points, is an expression of how much capacity for magic, casting spells a player has. If mana falls too low the player will not be able to cast powerful spells, or, indeed, any at all. In addition to mana, a player may also have Health, and Stamina, at least on AlexMUD, a DikuMUD.
- Mana can be defined as lifeblood. It is a measure of arcane energy, which counteracts fel energy.
- Wird benötigt, um Zaubersprüche einzusetzen. Je mehr Mana man hat, umso mehr Zauber kann man wirken. Manapunkte werden beim Einsatz von Magie verbraucht, man kann sie jedoch durch Schlafen oder Manatränke auf den Maximalwert bringen. Wird um 1 Lernpunkt pro Mana gesteigert. Kategorie:Regeltechnik
- Mana is a standard RPG term for "amount of magic points." If a spell requires 75 "mana" that means it requires you to spend 75 points of your magic points.
- Mana is the energy you use to summon cards, any sort of card. Every card has a mana cost except for mana itself. The mana cost of a card is seen in the top-right corner of it, along with the element needed. 1. The cost/mana type neccesary to summon the card 2. The cards race (monster only) 3.The cards type/requirement 4. The card's information 5. The card's picture.
- Mana ist die Standard-Ressource in League of Legends. Sie wird benötigt, um Fähigkeiten eines Champion zu nutzen. Dargestellt wird Mana als blauer Balken unter der Lebensanzeige. Verfügst dein Champion über zu wenig Mana, um eine Fähigkeit einzusetzen, so verblasst diese und ist nicht einsetzbar.
- Mana ist die Energie für Magier, Priester und Ritter. Diese Energie benötigen die Charaktere, um die meisten Skills auszuüben. Die Charaktere beginnen mit vollem Mana. Durch den Gebrauch von Skills wird das Mana reduziert. Das Mana lädt sich automatisch wieder auf. Kategorie:Charakter
- Mana benötigen einige Klassen um Zauber zu wirken. Jeder Zauber verbraucht Mana, ist kein Mana mehr vorhanden kann man nicht mehr zaubern. Dies wird von vielen Spielern mit oom abgekürzt, was für out of mana steht (englisch für "kein Mana mehr")
- Android One Zero (アンドロイド・ワンゼロ Andoroido Wan Zero?) is a remodeled Heisei/"modernized" version of the original Zero One android (Ultraseven) that appeared in Ultraman Ginga S. She was a servant of the Alien Chibu, named Exceller. However in the middle of the series, she redeemed from her past acts and joined the UPG, renamed as Mana (マナ Mana?).
- Mana is the magical energy at the disposal of an actor. It is represented by the in-game metric of Mana Points (sometimes also said to mean Magic Points), abbreviated MP and is an integral part of a system of Magic in which spells consume MP and thereby limit the amount of spells that can be cast by a mage (in contrast to the Vancian Magic employed by systems such as Dungeons&Dragons). This system was taken from Final Fantasy and is the one most commonly used in Random Kingdom. It is also the one implicitly supported by the way any RPG Maker works (without the addition of scripts). Note that Mana Points and MP simply refer to the game mechanic representing the concept of Mana, the details of which can be found in its respective article.
- Mana is de energie die vereist is om magie te bedrijven. Voor een volledige omschrijving van Mana is het aan te raden het artikel over magie te lezen. Mana onttrekt warmte aan de omgeving en bij gebrek aan voldoende warmte, licht. Mana is tijdelijk op te slaan in zielecellen. categorie:Amaroth Categorie:Magie
- [[Archivo:GwenAtaque10.png|thumb|288px|Gwen usando maná ]]Maná, también conocido como Energía Vital, Chakra, Ki, o Quintaesencia es el nombre dado a la energía vital que está presente en todos los seres vivos e inanimados en todo el universo. El concepto fue introducido en El potencial de Gwen. En este mismo episodio se presenta a los Anoditas, una raza de "seres de energía", compuestos enteramente de maná, siendo capaces de controlarlo y manipularlo libremente a su gusto. Mana es la fuente que le da poder a los Anoditas, además de fuerza y energía. Si bien es increíblemente poderosa.
- Mana is energy that powers magic. Mana is used sometimes to activate certain skills. Wizards , Necromancers , and Mages rely highly on magic. Intellect is used to increase how much mana you can have at a time. To restore mana, you can either become a Necromancer and use Necro Heal that you can use to trade HP for MP, or you can drink a mana potion.
- Os Pontos de Mana (MP) são pontos usados para conjurar(usar) magias. São uma espécie de energia vital do corpo dos personagens. Os Pontos de Mana são essenciais para os Sorcerers e Druids, já que eles os usam para muitas magias de ataque e defesa.
- Mana is used for casting most Spells. Some spells cost a percentage, but most a set amount. A few monsters can drain your mana. You can regain mana by eating food containing Vitoa B and by using mana potions. Each time you level up your VitoaB through the consumption system you gain 2 mana.
- Mana is necessary for the use of many types of gems, most often Blue, Green, Grey, and Red magic. Maximum mana is determined by the Mental Stamina stat, and mana regeneration is determined by the Mental Resilience stat.
- Mana is the currency of magic, and is spent each time you cast a spell in Dungeon Keeper 2. Mana is also used to keep imps alive, at a cost of 7 mana per imp per turn. Mana is generated from owned land (including Reinforced Walls) at a rate of 1 mana per tile, but your 5x5-tile Dungeon Heart generates an extra 5, for a total of 30 per turn. The maximum amount of mana that can be stored in the Dungeon Heart is 200,000, with a maximum base income of 500/turn. Mana vaults add 100 to the income cap and to the income. Some traps impose a continuous drain on your mana, as well as consuming a larger amount each time they are activated.
- Mana is the energy that powers spells. Worlds in GURPS have different mana levels. Magic does not work on worlds with no mana.
- Mana is the power behind all magic in Tibia. Every spell that is cast requires mana to be effective (except house spells). Mana is also required to create runes, and in some cases, mana is required to use runes. Mana is regained over time, when you eat any kind of food, or by using some special items, like mana potion. See the page on Regeneration and the pages for each vocation (Knight, Paladin, Druid, Sorcerer) for more information on mana regeneration.
- Mana ist eine Freundin von Atemu und Mahado, dies schon seit den Kindertagen. Sie ist großherzig, offen, freundlich, lebendig und fürsorglich.
- Blue Mana is ammo for Serpent Staff, Timon's Axe, Frost Shards and it's Ammo Number 1 for Quietus,Wraithverge and BloodScourge.
- Le Mana est l'énergie nécessaire au lancement de sorts de magie.
- One of Lyndbaum's special future is it’s great stock of Mana, a very precious type of energy, especially for those from other worlds. It's clean, has no volatility and is abundant. It certainly is a miraculous energy.
- Mana is a fictional, proprietary special stat of Stick Ranger, exclusive for the Wizard class only. This stat replaces the MP bar, and alike Fuel, stores the available amount of attacks the Wizard can use for each attack. It is worth mentioning that Mana is spent by each projectile, not for each attack (e.g., Hail 3 summons up to 50 spikes each 2 Mana, which spends out 100 Mana each attack.) Even if the Wizard doesn't have enough Mana to unleash an attack, then it will be spent anyways for a lesser amount of projectiles depending on how much Mana is left.
- If mana is too low, casting the costly spells will be temporarily disabled, until the character has generated enough mana again. Mana bar sphere is depicted as a glass orb filled with bright blue glowing liquid in all three games. Some monsters' attacks, like Baal's abilities or Finger Mages' strikes, may drain the character's mana, leaving them severely weakened in battle.
- Mana is the amount of magical energy a hero or unit has. Mana is like health; when there a unit has no mana, it may not cast spells that require mana. Some abilities, such as Avalanche's Blink, do not require mana, and thus, are not affected by it. Almost every hero has mana regeneration, which they can use to recover lost, or spent, mana. Through items a hero can boost its mana regeneration and total amount. In Footmen Frenzy heroes can gain mana by going to the center of the map, where there is a mana regeneration aura given off the by Archvault. Items that boost mana regeneration or amount:
- Mana, also referred to as Magic or Mana Points (MP), is a supernatural power resource available to casters which they draw upon when casting spells. Non-caster classes also have a Mana bar in Aion, which they use for certain skills or abilities. The amount of mana currently available to the character is denoted with a special blue mana bar below their health bar. By default, casters start with a full bar of mana which is then depleted as they cast spells.
- Mana, also known as Life Energy, is the name given to the life energy that is present in all living things (except Ectonurites) throughout the entire universe. Mana was introduced in What Are Little Girls Made Of?; it is explained that Anodites, a race of "energy beings", are entirely comprised of mana and can freely manipulate it to their every whim. Humans and Geochelone Aerios can be taught to manipulate mana at a lesser degree than Anodites.
- Mana is the magical energy used in the game Total Annihilation Kingdoms. It is the only resource used for building structures and producing units. There are two types of mana. The player's mana supply and the unit's personal magic supply.
- thumb|Barra de maná El Maná, o la barra de "magia" representa un atributo presente en The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim que afecta la cantidad de hechizos que se pueden lanzar. El maná o magia se llama a una aptitud latente en todos los seres Humanos y Mer, que se utiliza para realizar hechizos. Un hechizo es la utilización de la energía maná, para conjurar, alterar, destruir, restaurar, trasformar, etc. es decir las escuelas de magia presentes en el mundo de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Mana is a magical power resource available to casters which they draw upon when casting spells. It has some parallels with the warrior's rage, the rogue's energy, and the hunter pet's focus. The amount of mana currently available to the caster is denoted with a special blue mana bar below their health bar. By default, casters start with a full bar of mana which is then depleted as they cast spells. Base mana is a term used to refer how much mana a character has before it is modified by intellect and other item effects. Many spells require a percentage of your base mana to be cast.
- Mana is an Anodite's source of power, energy and strength. While it is incredibly powerful, it is not invincible. Constructs made out of mana seem to have similar properties to either glass, light, or what appears to be. In What Are Little Girls Made Of?, Verdona mentions how most of her corporeal descendants did not inherit "the spark", the catalyst that allows for the control and manipulation of mana. Humans can be taught to manipulate mana at a lesser degree than Anodites.
- It is possible to reduce current mana below 0 by equipping an item that increases maximum mana, use all mana, then remove said item.
* Negative mana is always displayed as 0.
* There is no known limit on the amount of negative mana a character can have.
* Mana is regenerated by the following means:
* Naturally regenerates at a constant rate of 1 point per 20 seconds, or 0.05 per second.
* At night (6:00pm to 6:00am in game time), mana regeneration is tripled, regenerating 1 point per 6.67 seconds or 0.15 per second.
* Meditation, Enduring Melody, or Restful Wind speeds up this recovery rate.
* Transforming or Mana Potions instantly restore mana.
* Standing near a Mana Tunnel or using Fantastic Chorus's Life Anthem or Awakening of Light instantly restores
- Mana was born in Hiroshima on March 19th (year unknown). His parents were music teachers, and he started to play the piano in his childhood, listening almost only to classical music (he still keeps classical music as his favourite, in particular Johann Sebastian Bach and compositions for organ and harpsichord). As a teen he discovered other music genres such as Punk, Hard Rock and Heavy Metal. The first concert he watched was Mötley Crüe and the first record he bought was Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind. Mana said that the first band he played in was a Mötley Crüe cover band and he was on vocals. It was after that performance that he retired from singing. Another musical influence on Mana was horror movies soundtracks. He likes especially Italian horror movies from the Eighties: Mario Bava, Lu
- Mana är hemligheten bakom all magi i Tibia. Varenda magi som används kräver mana för att kunna användas(förutom house "magier"). Mana behövs även för att göra runor, och i vissa fall, behövs [[mana] för att använda en runa. När din mana inte är full så kan du får upp den genom att äta mat eller använda saker, som att dricka mana drycker(mana potion). Hur mycket mer mana som du får vid en ny level
* Inget vocation (Rookgaard): 5
* Knight: 5
* Paladin: 15
* Druid/Sorcerer(magees): 30
- Mana (ang. Mana w skrócie MP – Mana Points) to statystyka będąca zasobem większości bohaterów, potrzebnym do aktywacji umiejętności. Większość bohaterów posiada aktualny oraz maksymalny poziom many, wyświetlany nad jej modelem jako cienki, niebieski pasek pod paskiem zdrowia. Na poziomie 18 bazowa wartość many waha się od 745 do 1538 . Mana kosztuje około 2 zł za każdy .