| - Megtalálható az alábbi területek:
* Alterac Mountains
* Arathi Highlands
* Ashenvale
* Badlands
* The Barrens
* Desolace
* Duskwood
* Dustwallow Marsh
* Hillsbrad Foothills
* Stonetalon Mountains
* Stranglethorn Vale
* Swamp of Sorrows
* Thousand Needles
* Wetlands
- Kingsblood can be found in flat areas of fields or plains. It can be found in the following zones - Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Ashenvale, Badlands, The Barrens, Desolace, Duskwood, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand Needles and Wetlands.
| - Megtalálható az alábbi területek:
* Alterac Mountains
* Arathi Highlands
* Ashenvale
* Badlands
* The Barrens
* Desolace
* Duskwood
* Dustwallow Marsh
* Hillsbrad Foothills
* Stonetalon Mountains
* Stranglethorn Vale
* Swamp of Sorrows
* Thousand Needles
* Wetlands
- Kingsblood can be found in flat areas of fields or plains. It can be found in the following zones - Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Ashenvale, Badlands, The Barrens, Desolace, Duskwood, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand Needles and Wetlands.