- Voting is still open on past polls! Which American athlete has captured your heart the most? Michael Phelps Ryan Lochte Missy Franklin Gabby Douglas Other File:Michael phelps.jpeg Michael Phelps needs 3 medals of any color to break the all-time Olympic record. He is competing in 5 events. How many medals will he get? 5 golds, baby! At least 3 to break the record, but with bronzes and/or silvers. Not enough to break the record. Ryan Lochte will steal his thunder. File:Olympic mascots 2012.jpg What do you think about the London Olympic Mascots? I love them! They are ok. Nothing special. Terrible! They scare me.
- This is an archive of the polls featured on the main page. The date under which each poll is found is the date on which the poll was made. The polls are left on the main page until the date of the next poll.
- Old polls that we'd like to keep as a record. Please do not vote on these. Which is your favourite Britbot? Gareth Galahad Lancelot
- Previous polls are not the actual polls that were used, since that data couldn't be recovered. Instead, the result of the most voted option is added below.
- This is the list of all the polls ever conducted on this wiki. If you want, you can even vote on them, but usually they refer to decisions that were already made. Please propose any new polls you'd like to see and discuss results so far in the talk page.
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- The poll archive is the place to view past polls and vote on new ones. Each poll will be changed on the 1st of every month, and can be viewed on the main page. Users are encouraged to vote on the polls and request questions in the comment section. Users are also encouraged not to interfere with the polls as the user LegenDove is responsible for editing them.
- What do you look foward to seeing in Season 7? Dany and her Dragons returning to Westeros Watching how the reign of Cersei unfolds Who will Arya assassin next? Will Littlefinger and Sansa plot? Watch how Jon leads the north. Watching the houses unite against the Lannisters and Kings Landing for revenge Tyrion returning to see his sister perhaps? How Jaime will react to Cersei on the throne? Will Ser Jorah be cured from Greyscale? More than one Other Main page from May 12 2016 to December 8 2016, Winner: "More than one" (50.26%) Other than the cliffhanger about Jon Snow and the Wall, which storyline are you most looking forward to in Season 6? Return of Bran Stark, now having visions of the past like his father during Robert's Rebellion The delayed major Greyjoy subplot from the fourth-fifth novels (Balon, Yara, Euron) The delayed major Riverlands subplot from the fourth-fifth novels (the Tullys and the Freys) Tyrion & Co. now in Meereen The North (specifically the Boltons, Sansa, Littlefinger, not Jon and the Wall) King's Landing (Cersei, the Tyrells, the Faith Militant) Daenerys with the Dothraki Samwell and Gilly's travels by sea to Oldtown through the Free Cities Better and longer Dorne/Martell material to make up for their brief appearance last season. Blind Arya in Braavos Main page from February 14 2016 to May 12 2016, 5909 total votes. Winner: "Return of Bran Stark, now having visions of the past like his father during Robert's Rebellion " (32.53%) What did you think about Season 5 of Game of Thrones? Loved it! Dany finally rode Drogon and Tyrion made it to Meereen! I liked it, but too many unnecessary deaths. Disliked it. I have definitely enjoyed past seasons more. Main page from June 15 2015 to February 14 2016, 9177 total votes. Winner: "Loved it! Dany finally rode Drogon and Tyrion made it to Meereen!" (57.36%) There was no way to fit the Vale storyline in, it involved too many new characters and was too removed from the other plots. Merging them was a good idea to keep Sansa in the narrative. Merging the plotlines was a good idea in principle, though I dislike how they are handling it. Merging the two plotlines wasn't a good idea, why not just give Sansa a year off the way they did with her brother Bran, instead of radically altering her story? If they're that worried about not having time to fit in Sansa's Vale storyline, the Martells are truncated, and the Greyjoys have barely been around since Season 2...why aren't they pushing for more Main page from June 07 2015 to June 15 2015, 1491 total votes Winner: "...why aren't they pushing for more than 7 seasons again?" (62%) Commit suicide or charge off to a quick death in battle, rather than face the ravages of the disease. Cling to every last moment of life by fleeing to one of the leper-colonies for people with greyscale, like the ruins of Valyria, as the disease takes years to slowly consume you. Damn the odds by staying in civilization to seek medical treatment, desperately hoping that you are one of the few people who rarely gets miraculously cured (like Shireen), but knowing that if you fail (as you almost certainly will), the local population will eventually put you to the torch to keep the disease from spreading. Main page from May 11 to June 07 2015 Winner: "Damn the odds by staying in civilization to seek medical treatment, desperately hoping that you are one of the few people who rarely gets miraculously cured (like Shireen), but knowing that if you fail (as you almost certainly will), the local population will eventually put you to the torch to keep the disease from spreading." (66.46%) Did changing Jeyne Westerling from the books into "Talisa from Volantis" back in Season 2 help prepare you for the on-screen introduction of Volantis in Season 5? Yes, I remember her descriptions of Volantis from Season 2, and it paid off in this episode. I remember that Talisa mentioned she was from Volantis in Season 2, but don't remember anything specific she said about it; her presence did not help to set up Volantis in Season 5. I don't even remember that Talisa said she was from Volantis. I don't distinctly remember who this "Talisa" person is. Main page from April 27 to May 11 2015 Winner: "I remember that Talisa mentioned she was from Volantis in Season 2, but don't remember anything specific she said about it; her presence did not help to set up Volantis in Season 5." (50.47%) Main page from April 23 2015 to April 27 2015 Winner: "She was right to try to give the Harpy a fair trial, but she should have spared Mossador, for the pragmatic reason that killing him would anger the former slaves who agreed with him." (61.56%) Main page from April 15 2015 to April 23 2015 Winner: I thought it was great, and hope they do more flashbacks (64.56%) Main page from January 4 2015 to April 15 2015 Winner: Removing the revelation of what happened to Tysha as the real reason that Tyrion kills his father Tywin ("Where do whores go?") (37.68%) Which new casting are you most excited about? Alexander Siddig as Prince Doran Martell Toby Sebastian as Prince Trystane Martell Nell Tiger Free as Princess Myrcella Baratheon DeObia Oparei as Areo Hotah Enzo Cilenti as Yezzan zo Qaggaz Jessica Henwick as Nymeria Sand Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow To hell with them, I want Arianne Martell! To hell with them, I want Quentyn Martell! To hell with them, I want Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy! To hell with them, I want Victarion Greyjoy! To hell with them, I want Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy! To hell with them, I want Griff! To hell with them, I want Young Griff! To hell with them, I want Griff! To hell with them, I want Skahaz mo Kandaq! To hell with them, I want the Tattered Prince! To hell with them, I want "Brown" Ben Plumm! Main page from July 25 2014 to January 4 2015 Winner: Alexander Siddig as Prince Doran Martell (28.03%) As of late Season 4, which faction currently presents the greatest threat to Lannister rule of the Seven Kingdoms? House Stark and House Tully (their armies destroyed and lands occupied) House Greyjoy (in open rebellion and raiding the west coasts) Stannis's House Baratheon of Dragonstone (lost most of his army, but Robert's rightful heir) House Tyrell (insinuating themselves at court, with the Lannisters dependent on their wealth and resources) House Martell (fresh armies, angered at Oberyn's death) House Arryn (fresh armies, functionally controlled by Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish) House Targaryen (led by Daenerys, with 3 dragons and 8,000 Unsullied but facing major occupation problems in Slaver's Bay) The wildling horde led by Mance Rayder The Iron Bank of Braavos (over 2 million Gold Dragons in debt) The Lannisters themselves Main page from June 8 2014 to July 25 2014 Winner: The Lannisters themselves (45.81%) Now that the Lannisters have defeated the Starks, how would you historically rank King Joffrey, First of His Name? A great king The greatest king Main page from March 24 2014 to June 8 2014. What new casting are you most excited about? Pedro Pascal as... Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper of Dorne Indira Varma as... Ellaria Sand Roger Ashton-Griffiths as... Lord Mace Tyrell, the Warden of the South and Lord of Highgarden Mark Gatiss as... Tycho Nestoris Rupert Vansittart as... Lord Yohn Royce Paola Dionisotti as... Lady Anya Waynwood Elizabeth Webster as... "Fat Walda" Frey Joseph Gatt as... err... someone Hafþór "Thor" Björnsson as... the new Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain Michiel Huisman as... the new Daario Naharis Main page from September 9 2013 to March 24 2014. What did you think of the season 3 finale? Loved it! Meh, it was okay Didn't care for it Main page from June 10 to September 9 2013. Have you read the A Song of Ice and Fire books? All of them I'm reading them now I'm planning to I am going to stick to just watching the show Main page week 1 September to 8 September 2012. After 654 votes most people are in the process of reading the books 308 votes. What was your favorite new location in season 2? Pyke Qarth Dragonstone Harrenhal Craster's Keep Fist of the First Men If you can't recall the places listed, here are some links - Pyke, Qarth, Dragonstone, Harrenhal, Craster's Keep, and Fist of the First Men. Main page week 25 August to 1 September 2012. After 209 votes most people chose Qarth or the Fist of the First Men as their favorite new location in the second season with 66 votes each. On August 17 news broke that Ciarán Hinds has been cast as Mance Rayder. Which most closely represents your reaction to the news? Great actor, perfect fit. Great actor, but older than I imagined Mance. He'll do. I'll reserve judgement until I see him in the role. Not that guy! Who is that guy? Main page week 11 August to 25 August 2012. After 361 votes most people wanted to reserve judgement on Ciaran Hinds casting as Mance Rayder until they had seen him in the role with 40% of the vote. Which was your favorite season? Season 1 Season 2 Main page week 11 August to 18 August 2012. Results: After 397 votes Season 1 won with 213 votes, just 53.65% of the vote. Who do you want to see dead in Season 3? Theon Greyjoy Jaime Lannister Melisandre Cersei Lannister Stannis Baratheon Tyrion Lannister Joffrey Baratheon Tywin Lannister Main page week results: After more than 2000 votes more than 78% of people wanted to see Joffrey Baratheon dead in Season 3! What was your favorite episode of the second season? 1. "The North Remembers" 2. "The Night Lands" 3. "What is Dead May Never Die" 4. "Garden of Bones" 5. "The Ghost of Harrenhal" 6. "The Old Gods and the New" 7. "A Man Without Honor" 8. "The Prince of Winterfell" 9. "Blackwater" 10. "Valar Morghulis" Main page week results: After more than 150 votes "Blackwater" was the most popular episode with more than 60% of the vote. Which new cast member are you most excited about for season 3? Kerry Ingram as Princess Shireen Baratheon Charlotte Hope as Myranda Clive Russell as Ser Brynden Tully Diana Rigg as Lady Olenna Redwyne Mackenzie Crook as Orell Nathalie Emannuel as Missandei Paul Kaye as Thoros of Myr Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Jojen Reed Ellie Kendrick as Meera Reed Richard Dormer as Lord Beric Dondarrion Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane Philip McGinley as Anguy Tara Fitzgerald as Queen Selyse Baratheon Tobias Menzies as Edmure Tully Anton Lesser as Qyburn Main page week results: After more than 390 votes were tallied people were most excited to see Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Jojen Reed out of the newly announced season 3 cast members! 24% voted for Brodie-Sangster. What did you think of the season finale? Amazing! Loved every minute! Wanted a bit more action! Didn't like it! Main page week results: After more than 5200 votes were tallied 83% of people loved every minute of the season finale "Valar Morghulis"! Who would you like to survive the finale? Stannis Baratheon Davos Seaworth Tyrion Lannister Theon Greyjoy Daenerys Targaryen Main page week results: After more than 1000 votes were tallied 70% of you wanted to see Tyrion Lannister survive the finale! Who would you like to win the forthcoming battle? House Lannister and House Baratheon of King's Landing under King Joffrey I Baratheon and Tyrion Lannister House Baratheon of Dragonstone and Storm's End under King Stannis I Baratheon Main page week results: After more than 580 votes were tallied Stannis Baratheon emerged as our reader's choice to win the battle with 77% of the vote. Unfortunately they were disappointed by the Lannister victory but the 23% who backed Tyrion and his family can rejoice. What is your favorite great house? House Arryn House Baratheon House Greyjoy House Lannister House Martell House Stark House Targaryen House Tyrell House Tully Once you have chosen a house you could show your allegiance on your user page with one of the new userboxes created by The Dragon Demands, available from the forum. Main page week results: After more than 1500 votes were tallied House Stark emerged as our reader's favorite house with 63% of the vote. House Targaryen came a distant second with 19% and House Lannister third with just 8%. The other houses all received less than 3% of the vote each. Who stole the dragons? The Spice King The warlock Pyat Pree Xaro Xhoan Daxos Quaithe Doreah Ser Jorah Mormont After more than 700 votes were tallied, 70% correctly guessed that Pyat Pree stole the dragons, however only 9% implicated his co-conspirator Xaro Xhoan Daxos.
- NOTE:The Polls are found under the Newsboys timeline category. It will be changed soon.
* Favorite Worship Song (Febuary 2-Febuary 12)
* Favorite song off of "Born Again" (Febuary 12-March 13)
* Favorite Lead Singer (March 13 - Present)
- On here you are able to vote for the previous polls and the current poll aswell. There will be a new poll every Month, have your say on what you want the poll to be about PLEASE USE THE TALK PAGE IF YOU WANT YOUR POLL TO BE HERE!!. (Have your poll)
- Should the egg be used on Watanuki in the future? No Yes After 155 votes most people believe that the egg should be used, with 87 votes.