| - In the prairies north of Morn, Toc the Younger, Lady Envy, and Onos T'oolan make camp. Lady Envy has been making Toc uncomfortable with her flirting, knowing her to be capable of overthrowing his mind if she so wanted. Tool has assembled materials which he and Toc can use to make arrows. Lady Envy tasks the Seguleh with preparing her bath and cooking a meal. Toc sets to pitching the tents. Toc and Tool talk about Lady Envy. Tool says she was once a companion of Anomander Rake's. They once traveled with Caladan Brood and a Soletaken named Osseric, but Brood took to traveling alone and reappeared a thousand years ago carrying a large hammer. It is said that the hammer has the ability to awaken Burn. No one knows where Osseric is. Lady Envy and Anomander Rake split when the ascendants gathered to chain the Crippled God. Envy did not participate in the chaining. Toc mentions the Seguleh, saying that the oldest, Mok, has a mask with two marks, making him the third strongest warrior on their island. There exists a Seguleh with an unmarked mask whom the Seguleh consider their leader. They are both curious as to why the Seguleh were on the mainland. Tool asks Senu, who respects Tool as a superior after being defeated by him. Senu says that they are a punitive army, seeking to kill the Pannion Seer for sending his missionaries to their island and rejecting their invitation to go to war. With the meal cooked, Lady Envy approaches with the other two Seguleh warriors. Thurule suddenly draws both his swords and attacks Tool, who backs away into the darkness as he parries the blows. Despite her anger at being disobeyed, Lady Envy admits that their duel is an impressive one. She tells Toc of how Anomander Rake once visited the island of the Seguleh in disguise. For two hours he was constantly under attack and escaped into his warren after killing twenty warriors, the last wearing a mask with seven marks. Mok says that Rake must come back to the island and claim the mask, as he is now the seventh among the island - the story of his battle having survived for centuries. Tool returns with Thurule unconscious. Tool admits Thurule was a worthy opponent, but only used the flat of his blade. Mok is impressed by this, but when he attempts to prevent Lady Envy from healing Thurule magically, she attacks him with sorcery. The camp begins their meal.