CT-5539, nicknamed "Hock Malsuum," was a clone trooper that was active during the Clone Wars and reported as dead, only to resurface during the early years of the Galactic Empire and join Darth Vader's 501st Legion of the Stormtrooper Corps.
CT-5539, apodado como "Hock Malsuum" fue un clon veterano, que participo en las Guerras Clon y fue reportado como muerto, para reaparecer durante los primeros años del Imperio Galáctico y unirse al cuerpo de soldados de asalto de la Legión 501 de Darth Vader.
CT-5539, nicknamed "Hock Malsuum," was a clone trooper that was active during the Clone Wars and reported as dead, only to resurface during the early years of the Galactic Empire and join Darth Vader's 501st Legion of the Stormtrooper Corps.
CT-5539, apodado como "Hock Malsuum" fue un clon veterano, que participo en las Guerras Clon y fue reportado como muerto, para reaparecer durante los primeros años del Imperio Galáctico y unirse al cuerpo de soldados de asalto de la Legión 501 de Darth Vader.
CT-5539, nicknamed "Hock Malsuum," was a clone trooper that was active during the Clone Wars and reported as dead, only to resurface during the early years of the Galactic Empire and join Darth Vader's 501st Legion of the Stormtrooper Corps.