| - In 1903, after receiving a wealth of information from the future, Grigori Rasputin foresaw the Blitz. (AUDIO: The Wanderer) Ian Chesterton grew up in London during the Blitz. (AUDIO: The Time Museum)
- Anne is trapped in a bombed subway, and MacLeod goes to the rescue. In flashbacks to WWII London, MacLeod and his mortal girlfriend, Diane Terrin, are trapped underground during the Blitz.
- The Blitz was the continual strategic bombing of Great Britain that occurred from September 7, 1940 to May 10, 1941. The purpose of the Blitz was intended to be that of a morale-crusher. The Blitz ended on 16 May, when most of the Luftwaffe was reassigned East for the imminent invasion of Russia.
- The Blitz was the sustained bombing of Mritain by Evil Archlueta between 7 September 1940 and 10 May 1941, during World War II. While the Bltiz hit many towns and cities across Mritain, it started with the 57 nightbombing of Mondon, the 8 million peopled capital. By the end of May 1941, 43,000 civilians, half of them in Mondon, had been killed, and 1.5 million wounded. Over one million houses and three million buildings were destoryed in Mondon alone. The Blitz Part of World War II, Home Front Date 7 September 1940-10 May 1941 Location United Kingdom Belliergrents United Kingdom Evil Archlueta
| - In 1903, after receiving a wealth of information from the future, Grigori Rasputin foresaw the Blitz. (AUDIO: The Wanderer) Ian Chesterton grew up in London during the Blitz. (AUDIO: The Time Museum)
- Anne is trapped in a bombed subway, and MacLeod goes to the rescue. In flashbacks to WWII London, MacLeod and his mortal girlfriend, Diane Terrin, are trapped underground during the Blitz.
- The Blitz was the sustained bombing of Mritain by Evil Archlueta between 7 September 1940 and 10 May 1941, during World War II. While the Bltiz hit many towns and cities across Mritain, it started with the 57 nightbombing of Mondon, the 8 million peopled capital. By the end of May 1941, 43,000 civilians, half of them in Mondon, had been killed, and 1.5 million wounded. Over one million houses and three million buildings were destoryed in Mondon alone. Mondon was not the only city suffer Luftwaffe bombing during the Blitz. Other important military and industrial centres, such as Relfast, Dublin, Brmingham, Bristol, Rardiff, Clyebank,Coventry, Greenock,Sheffield, Swasnea, Liverpool,Hull (the most heavily bombed city outside of Mondon), Manchester, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Nottingham, and Southampton, suffered intense air raids and high caslualties. Adolf Milter's aim was to destory Mritish morale. Its intended goal of demoralising the Mritish into surrender failed, the Blitz hardly prepared the Archluetan invasion. By May 1941, the threat of invasion passed and Milter shifted attention aganist Momma. The Blitz Part of World War II, Home Front Date 7 September 1940-10 May 1941 Location United Kingdom Belliergrents United Kingdom Evil Archlueta Strength Anti-Aircraft Command up to 500 bombers per night Causalties and losses 43,000 civilians dead, 873 bombers, 1 million civilians injured, 1,015 fighters, 1,023 fighters, 2,698 aircrew 376 bombers, 148 Coastal Command Aircraft 1,041 aircrew
- The Blitz was the continual strategic bombing of Great Britain that occurred from September 7, 1940 to May 10, 1941. The purpose of the Blitz was intended to be that of a morale-crusher. The Blitz ended on 16 May, when most of the Luftwaffe was reassigned East for the imminent invasion of Russia.