| - Charles Robert Downey Jr. Darwin (Shrewsbury 1809 - Lontra 1882) è stato un biologo, ornitologo, geologo, zoologo, proctologo e monologo affermato, nonché cosplayer di mago Merlino, nonché conoscitore di più di 100 modi diversi per dire "Tu puzzi", nonché cugino di suo cugino Ernest, il beone del paese. Sua è la teoria dell'evoluzione, nonché la scoperta dell'umidità e dell'alopecia: famoso il trattato "L'origine delle alopecie".
- O naturalista inglês Charles Darwin, quando passou pelos Açores em 1836, cometeu um erro de avaliação ao considerar o arquipélago pouco interessante em termos de evolução das espécies. Darwin esteve na Ilha Terceira, no regresso a Inglaterra, entre 20 e 24 de Setembro de 1836. Quando aportou em Angra do Heroísmo, foi-lhe dito que havia no centro da ilha uma enorme cratera ativa. Ele dirigiu-se para lá e o que viu foram as Furnas do Enxofre, que são os buracos por onde sai o fumo, nada daquilo que ele estava à procurava. No seu relatório da viagem, Darwin concluiu que "não há nada digno de ser registado". Mas isso foi um evidente erro. Existe nos Açores "o mesmo tipo de evolução que Darwin registou no arquipelago dos Galápagos". Categoria:Geografia dos Açores
- Charles Darwin was a British naturalist best known for his writings on evolution such as Origin of Species.
- (1809-1882), englischer Naturwissenschaftler.
- At the end of his life Darwin realized he was wrong about all his views on evolution and converted to Christianity on his deathbed.
- Charles Robert Darwin (12 février 1809 – 19 avril 1882) est un naturaliste anglais qui a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie à démontrer des choses évidentes à des personnes parfaitement au fait. Célèbre au sein de la communauté scientifique de son époque, il n'a pourtant jamais révolutionné quoi que ce soit au petit monde de la biologie, loin s'en faut. À vrai dire, si l'histoire a retenu son nom, c'est uniquement grâce à son père, médecin, financier prospère et mécène notable.
- The Third Doctor also claimed to have met Darwin. (PROSE: Island of Death) The Seventh Doctor laughed at the idea that Darwin's theory of evolution was unproven. (PROSE: Human Nature) Darwin wrote Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. (PROSE: The Age of Ambition)
- Charles Darwin était un naturaliste terrien sur Terre au 19ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *)
- Charles Robert Darwin war ein britischer Naturforscher während des Viktorianischen Zeitalter, der besonders durch seine Evolutionstheorie sehr bekannt wurde. Bei seinen Recherchen über den Übersprung von Starricks Beruhigungssirup traf er auf den Assassinen Jacob Frye und verbündete sich mit ihm.
- Charles Darwin is the man who came up with the Theory of Evolution.
- Charles Darwin is credited with establishing the 'evolution' theory, based on the Malthusian catastrophe. __TOC__
- Charles Darwin was a British atheist liberal nut-job, scientist and media whore. He lived back in the day, and decided he would go on a scientific exploration with his friend "Mary Jane" and discover something that would blow humanity's collective mind nearly as much as when God face fucked Jesus and layed a turd on humanities chest Some believe that his theories were the result of an hallucination that was caused when an iguana bit him in a very special part while he was doing his "research". The truthiness will never be known. But with his depraved mind anything is possible!
- Charles Darwin (* 12. február 1809, Anglicko – † 19. apríl 1882, Spojené kráľovstvo) je jeden z najslávnejších premožiteľov Boha. Religionisti, tohto pána preklínajú a považujú za stelesnenie Satana. Okrem toho, že je uznávaný aj ako symbol vedy, nadčlovek a idol pragmatikov. Zvláštnosťou je, že takmer na sto percent dokázané, že údajne aj žil.
- Charles Robert Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was a Human scientist who proposed that natural selection allowed adaptable species to survive in changing environments. His 1859 book On the Origin of Species established evolution as a theory. On Stardate 6451.3, Leonard McCoy suggested that Doctor Katalya Tremain was on the same level with Darwin. (TOS novel: Vulcan!)
- Charles Robert Darwin (12 de febrero de 1809 - 19 de abril de 1882), biólogo británico. Sentó las bases de la moderna teoría de la evolución, al plantear el concepto de evolución de las especies a través de un lento proceso de selección natural.
- Charles Darwin var en manlig Tau'ri och var en engelsk naturforskare och geolog, mest känd för sina bidrag till evolutionsteorin och naturligt urval. När Doktor Janet Fraiser och Major Samantha Carter teoretiserade att människan kan ha utvecklats långt innan man tidigare trott och kanske inte på Jorden, Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill sa att "Darwin skulle krossas. (SG1: "Frozen")
- Charles Darwin was an English naturalist. Darwin's expedition of sailors sailed around the world on the HMS Beagle. One of the sailors, Paul Caulfield, was killed by a Wolf in Antarctica. The other sailors decided not to mention the Wolf to Darwin or the meteorite artefacts that they had found. Stephen Barr was to be the only surving sailor and he sold off his artefact in England.
- Charles Darwin was an English scientist, best known for his theory on the evolution of species.
- Charles Robert Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist who proposed and provided scientific evidence to show that all species of life have evolved over time from one or a few common ancestors through the process of natural selection. The Australian seaport of Darwin is named after him.
- Charles Darwin est un savant célèbre à l'origine de la théorie de l'évolution.
- The event which changed the course of Darwin’s life happened when he joined the Voyage of the Beagle to study the natural history of the places the ship visited. During the voyage Darwin read, Lyell's "Principles of Geology" which gave good evidence that the Earth is millions of years old rather than a recent creation. Darwin’s own observations confirmed this. What Darwin saw did not seem consistent with a purposeful benevolent creator. When the Beagle studied the Galapagos Islands Darwin noted that the finches, mockingbirds and tortoises varied from island to island. Later he came to see that these animals had evolved differently on different islands.
- right|thumb|Einer der größten Fälscher und Pseudowissenschaftler aller Zeiten neben Konrad Kujau und Ranga Yogeshwar. Charles Darwin (* 12. Februar 1809 in The Mount (einem Teil von Shrewsbury), England; † 19. April 1882 in Downe) war ein Naturforscher, Hochstapler, Scharlatan und Religionsgründer.
- Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882) was a famous scientist. An actor portraying him appears in the commercial to promote Mr. Burns' running for governor of Springfield. In "The Monkey Suit", he is portrayed as an evil and cowardly drunk and makes out with Satan. His voice is quite similar, if not identical to, Sideshow Mel's voice.
- Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England in 1809 to his parents Dr. Robert Darwin and Susannah Wedgewood. Darwin's mother was a religious woman but his father was, for the most part, a weak deist. Despite his lack of theistic religious belief, Darwin's father allowed him to be baptized into the Anglican Church and encouraged him to become a clergyman. Darwin's mother died in 1817. In 1825 Charles Darwin went on to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh. There, he became horrified with the brutality of surgery before anesthesia was invented and quit his medical studies.
- Charles Robert Darwin (1882 - 1809) was an English jelly bean who changed Biology forever (since he wrote The Origin of Species). The book describes Darwin's sexual fantasies such as little boys. It also includes Darwin's fan-fiction in which Spider-man and the Hulk have homosexual intercourse on top of the Eiffel Tower. Charles was very afraid of cobras. The Origin of Species also talks about who would win in a fight, Goku or Superman, and Darwin's favorite color (it was blue for a while then green). Darwin, like his fellow scientist Robert Hooke discovered his true identity at the age of 12, a left testicle. From there Darwin went sailing and found the Galapagos Islands after blowing all his gas money on crack and having to make a pit stop. There he discovered the Galapagos Penguin and h
- Charles Robert Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an eminent English naturalist[I] who achieved lasting fame by convincing the scientific community that species develop over time from a common origin. His theories explaining this phenomenon through natural and sexual selection are central to the modern understanding of evolution as the unifying theory of the life sciences, essential in biology and important in other disciplines such as anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
- Charles Darwin ("txarlz daruin") ia nase en Shrewsbury, England, a 12 febrero 1809. Se padre ia es Robert Waring Darwin, un dotor e la fio de Erasmus Darwin, un dotor, scrivor, e naturiste famos. Se madre ia es Susannah Wedgwood Darwin, ci ia mori cuando Charles ia ave oto anios.
- Darwin was one of the most famed aviators ever. Since childhood, Darwin had a deep desire to fly with the birds. Darwin spent the entire first half of his life flying here and there, while giving lectures criticizing Lamarckian Evolution. This made the incident where he inexplicably sprouted wings even more embarrassing. Darwin and Lamarck debated through the night amalgamating their theories, reaching agreement after a funny incident involving dice and genitalia.
- Charles Robert Darwin FRS (12 February 1809–19 April 1882) was an English naturalist who realized and presented compelling evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors, through the process he called natural selection. The fact that evolution occurs became accepted by the scientific community and much of the general public in his lifetime, while his theory of natural selection came to be widely seen as the primary explanation of the process of evolution in the 1930s, and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory. In modified form, Darwin’s scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, providing logical explanation for the diversity of life.
- Name = Charles Darwin Birth name = Charles Robert Darwin Portrait photograph of Darwin, probably taken in 1854 when he was 45 years old and working towards publication of On the Origin of Species Birth date = 2, 12, 1809 Birth place = The Mount, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England Death date = 4, 19, 1882 Death place = Down House, Kent, England Residence = England Citizenship = British subject Nationality = British Fields = Natural history, geology Workplaces Tertiary education:, University of Edinburgh Medical School (medicine), Christ's College, Cambridge (BA), Awards Spouse = Emma Wedgwood|1839
- Charles Darwin was a great British naturalist of the 19th Century who, together with Alfred Russell Wallace discovered the process of Evolution by natural selection. When Darwin was on the Galapagos islands he found that most or all the islands had their own species of tortoise or finches and he could not understand why a god should have made so many different types. Gradually Darwin came to see that each species evolved to survive under local conditions on the island where it lived.
- Charles Robert Darwin FRS (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist[I] who realised and presented compelling evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors, through the process he called natural selection. The fact that evolution occurs became accepted by the scientific community and much of the general public in his lifetime, while his theory of natural selection came to be widely seen as the primary explanation of the process of evolution in the 1930s,[1] and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary theory. In modified form, Darwin’s scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, providing logical explanation for the diversity of life.[2]
- thumb|Eine Büste von Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin (* 12. Februar 1809; † 19. April 1882) ist ein irdischer Wissenschaftler, der die so genannte Evolutionstheorie aufgestellt hat. Diese Theorie entwickelt er in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, als er auf der HMS Beagle eine Reise nach Südamerika macht und die dort beheimatete Tierwelt studiert. Er wird unter anderem im Handbook of Exobiology erwähnt. Darwins Entdeckung der Evolution wird heute als ebenso bahnbrechend angesehen wie Hodgkins Gesetz der parallelen planetaren Entwicklung. (ENT: )
- thumb|Charles Darwin byl opravdu pozoruhodná osoba Když se 37. října 1836 vesmírná loď Darwin Fast vrátila po 151 letech (všimněte si, že je to prvočíslo) ze svých cest, stal se Charles Darwin uznávanou osobností ve vězeňských vědeckých kruzích. Mezitím Darwinův opičák Mambo získal vhodnými defenestracemi demonstracemi dostatek finančních prostředků. V Mogadishu Darwin přesvědčil Umlabapunka, aby pracoval na zoofilských zoologických zákonech nového druhu, které ze svých cest vesmírem přivezl. Ve snaze získat ty nejlepší psychopatyKategorie:Cenzurováno pro orgasmaciKategorie:Cenzurováno svých dalších zvířátek a jejich včasnou devastaci navštívil Darwin také různé instituce u Dobřan a Bohnic.
- His work was mentioned in the Handbook of Exobiology read by Elizabeth Cutler in 2151, regarding the evolution of termites observed on Loracus Prime. (ENT: "Strange New World") A bust of Darwin was kept by Noonian Soong in his lab on Terlina III by 2367. (TNG: "Brothers" )