| - Kaupungin kiinnostavin asia on kaivosvaunuradat kaupungista:
* Jäävuorelle
* Valkoisen suden vuorille
* Dorgesh-Kaaniin (Vaatii Another Slice of H.A.M.in suorittamisen. Kaupunki on pääosassa tehtävissä:
* The Giant Dwarf
* Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf Huom! Kartassa eivät näy jäsenten kaupat ja paikat. en:Keldagrim Luokka:Paikat Luokka:Tyngät
- left|100px Keldagrim é a gigantesca cidade subterrânea dos anões, disponível apenas para membros. Ela fica situada ao nordeste de Rellekka, no subterrâneo de Trollweiss. É possível acessar fácilmente a cidade através do alçapão dentro do Mercado Geral, se não for a primeira ida do jogador ao local. A cidade é considerada um bom local para treinar metalurgia, mineração e roubo, e também está envolvida com diversas missões envolvendo os anões como O Anão Gigante e Perdão do anão do caos.
- Including the mines to the south and the Arzinian Mine within those mines, Keldagrim is one of the largest dungeons in all of RuneScape. The only other dungeons that rival its size are Varrock Sewers, Taverley Dungeon, the Underground Pass, Dorgesh-Kaan, Brimhaven Dungeon, and the God Wars Dungeon. Despite its size and large array of features, Keldagrim is rarely visited by the vast majority of players. The exception to this is on World 358, which has been declared the official Blast Furnace world. Although the city often lacks players, it has no shortage of non-player inhabitants - Keldagrim boasts one of the largest NPC populations of any city in the game along with Dorgesh-Kaan, which is also seldom visited.
- Keldagrim jest olbrzymim podziemnym miastem Krasnoludów. Dostać się do niego można poprzez tunel, mający wejście na wschód od Rellekka. Wliczając kopalnie na południu i Kopalnie Arzinian, Keldagrim jest jednym z największych miast w RuneScape. Innymi miastami porównywalnej wielkości są Varrock, Meiyerditch oraz Dorgesh-Kaan. Keldagrim jest głównym miejscem akcji serii questów The Rise of the Red Axe. Wbrew jego wielkości i ilości usług Keldagrim jest rzadko uczęszczane przez większe ilości graczy. Wyjątkiem jest world 58, na którym gracze gromadzą się, żeby zagrać w Blast Furnace.
- Including the mines to the south and the Arzinian Mine within those mines, Keldagrim is one of the largest dungeons in RuneScape. The only other dungeons that rival its size are Varrock Sewers, Taverley Dungeon, the Underground Pass, Dorgesh-Kaan, Brimhaven Dungeon and the God Wars Dungeon. Despite its size and large array of features, Keldagrim is rarely visited by the vast majority of players. The exception to this is on World 58, which has been declared the official Blast Furnace world. On this world, there are often people in the city doing activities such as thieving, buying and selling items in the bank, and, of course, operating the Blast Furnace.
- Keldagrim is een gigantische, ondergrondse dwergen stad toegankelijk door de tunnel ten oosten van Rellekka. Als je de mijnen ten zuiden van de stad, en de Arzinian Mine meetelt, en wat er binnenin zit, is Keldagrim een van de grootste steden in Runescape. De enige andere steden die groter zijn, zijn Varrock, Meiyerditch en Dorgesh-Kaan. Keldagrim wordt gezien als een goede plek voor spelers om Thieving, Mining en Smithing te trainen. Het is ook de plek waar de quest serie The Rise of the Red Axe zich afspeelt.