| - "I will make a pleasant show, but that old goat had better watch his step."
- "Lord Hargest's a nasty old ram, but you won't get anywhere fighting him. He's the closest thing old Walder Frey has to a friend."
- "I did not provoke this quarrel, Ser Mallister! What would you do in my place?"
- "Under Lord Frey? What else?" Ser Andev sighs. "You bent the knee to Frey, will it kill you to make peace with Lord Hargest?"
- "I am to accept his murder of my men? What have I done to deserve this?"
- "Very well, my armsmen will stand down, so long as Lord Hargest's do the same."
- "My many achievements may wound his pride, but he has drawn the blood of my men."
- "[Your Character], you must not pursue a quarrel with Lord Hargest. With the Freys hovering over us, the Riverlands must stay peaceful."
- "Lord Hargest has been lord for a long time. Now you come along, earning a place at the side of Lord Edmure and the Blackfish. It hurt his pride."
- "Is this what we can expect in the Riverlands now, Ser Mallister? Murder and treachery?"