| - Feats are a set of accomplishments requiring a certain action to be done a certain amount of times similar to survival skills. Unlike skills, progress towards feats is tracked across all of a player's sandboxes and challenges. When a feat is completed it will unlock a permanent bonus for all sandbox games.
- Feats are awards in the original Section 8 earned in a single life during a match. A team's collective feat accomplishments during a match add up to earn Dynamic Combat Missions, which allow a team to earn additional points and requisition; the type of mission spawned reflects the play style of that team.
- Superman 1.jpg Superman 2.jpg Superman 3.jpg Feats is a term used in debates when a debater want 'visual proof' of a claim be it from a Comic,Anime,Manga, and or Video Game as feats determines the entirety of the Fictional battle more than Statements (Unless its DIRECTLY from the author themselves.) or Powerscaling
- As you advance in level, you gain a number of benefits that improve your capabilities. These benefits are called feats. Typically, a feat doesn't give you a new ability, but instead improves something you're already able to do. A feat might provide a bonus to a skill check, grant a bonus to one of your defense scores, or allow you to ignore a particular restriction or penalty in certain situations. Some feats also allow you to use skills in different ways, alter the effects of your powers, improve your racial traits, or even grant you capabilities from another class. Multiclass feats, domain feats, and combat style feats have their own pages.
- Feats are the sum of Abilities and Attributes. Each feat is usually obtained by adding an Ability score and an Attribute score together. They are also what determines a characters success or failure in gameplay terms.
- Table of Feats Polaqu, being the warring land it is, has many feats, relating to all aspects of warfare: Melee Feats, Ranged Feats, Magic Feats, Divine Feats, Psionic Feats, and others. To add a feat, simply make a new page with the name of the feat. Enter the following for the text of the page: {{feats}} __TOC__ ==Prerequisites== ==Benefit== ==Normal== ==Special== Under each header, put the information that the header describes. For instance, under the ==Benefit== header, type the benefit the feat gives you. If the feat does not have information under a certain header, delete the header. Now put a link to it in its appropriate starting letter. Categorize it. Of course, if a feat lacks a certain category, do not include it. End the page with the categories it is part of. For instance, for a feat that improves magical arrow shooting, you could put [[Category:Magic Feats]][[Category:Ranged Feats]]. Before making a new Feat category, please check to make sure that it is not covered by an existing one. There is no need to put [[Category:Feats]] on a page, because the {{feats}} will take care of that for you. If you don't understand what all this means, just type it up how you like, and someone else will help you out.
- A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides. At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking that feature to take a feat of your choice instead. You can take each feat only once, unless the feat’s description says otherwise. You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat to take that feat. If you ever lose a feat’s prerequisite, you can’t use that feat until you regain the prerequisite. For example, the Grappler feat requires you to have a Strength of 13 or higher. If your Strength is reduced below 13 somehow—perhaps by a withering curse—you can’t benefit from the Grappler feat until your Strength is restored. It is important to note that Unearthed Arcana, while discussed on the D&D website, is strictly "R&D" and not an actual resource book. As such, it is not accepted in the D&D Adventurer's League.
- Feats are special abilities that set your character apart from others. These could be unique capabilites, special connections, or talents you've acquired through your career. Two people might both be archers, but their own individual talents and experiences can make them both very different. Feats on the wiki are divided into seperate pages according to their type. Currently we have the following articles.
* Martial Feats - for those feats that specifically deal with improvements to combat capabilities or grant additional benefits to melee or ranged combat attacks.
* Spellcaster Feats - for those feats that specifically deal with magic either arcane or divine, though not including metamagic or item creation feats.
* Psionic Feats - for those feats that specifically deal with psionic abilities.
* Metamagic Feats - for those feats that are metamagic in nature specifically dealing with the augmentation of magical energies.
* Item Creation Feats - for those feats that are needed to craft magical or unique items.
* General Feats - for those feats that don't fit specifically into any of the other categories. On the wiki we will not post prerequisite or game effects of specific feats, rather we will include page references for feats as well as a general idea of what the feat provides for a character. It is also important that you put the feat in it's appropriate article.
- One of the many features in DC Universe Online is the Feats section. Feats are self-contained challenges that award points upon completion. File:Feat - Challenge Dynamo.png DC Universe Online feats contain challenges covering every aspect of gameplay, including Exploration, Alerts, Raids and PvP. More feats will be added as new content becomes available in game, so additional feats can be expected on a regular basis.
- Feats are cards that have abilities such as movement, regeneration, etc. They cost "points" to use them in the game. The amount of "points" they cost is in the bottom left hand corner of the card. Usually one side is in english and the the other in spanish. Some, such as "thundering blow", have one side telling what it does and the other saying "heroclix".
- Feats are specific tasks in The 3rd Birthday that can be cleared to unlock various rewards, such as new upgrade parts for weapons, and new cheat codes. Each chapter in the game has a fixed set of feats available in it. Many feat descriptions are at best vague hints as to what is required; some of the more obscure ones are compounded by tending to need particular strategies to actually meet the requirement, such as targeting certain enemies first, or moving soldiers around in a particular way. Episodes 0 and 6 have no feats. The shower scene can be viewed between episodes in either the locker room at CTI HQ or the shower room in Maeda's hideout; the requirement to view it is that Aya must accomplish a particular feat in the preceding episode. The feat required is different on each difficulty level, but if Aya fails the required feat, examining the shower will give an indication of which feat was needed, such as "I can't let those Snatchers take me!" for the first feat of chapter 3-2. Unsurprisingly, the shower scene is not viewable between Episodes 0 and 1, due to episode 0 having no feats; also, between Episodes 5 and 6, there is no opportunity to view it, so Episode 5 feats are not relevant to the scene. There are five different "ranks" of feat, defined by the BP reward. These will be referred to as ranks 1 to 5 in this article (as an alphabetical scale would risk confusion with the game's Episode ranks); the BP rewards are as follows:
- Some feats have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he or she gains the prerequisite. A character can’t use a feat if he or she has lost a prerequisite.
- Feats are a way to gain unique traits and upgrade stats. They can be obtained in one of four ways:
* Selecting feats from the Feat menu (when you are given the chance to)
* Being of a particular race (each race has its own racial feats)
* Wearing equipment (the feat will be presented in the Feat menu with the words "Your equipment" preceding it.)
* Using certain items. Characters get to select 3 free feats at generation and can earn a new feat every 5 levels for a total of 13 feats from gaining levels. A Secret experience of Kumiromi can also be used once for every 10 levels you have; it allows you to select one extra feat every time you use it. If you drink a potion of descent at a feat-gaining level, you do not get another feat when you regain that level. Elona+: Certain feats have been removed, altered, or given different effects in E+; in addition, several new feats have been added. For information on E+ specifically, reference here.
- Hier findet ihr Informationen über das Feat-System von Age of Conan.
- Feats are actions performed by various characters/entities that are used to show their power. Feats are one of the most important ways to gauge a character's power, and therefore, they are also the main points of argument on almost any thread. There are different types of feats, such as strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, destructive power feats, intelligence/prep feats, etc. Some feats are more useful than others since they are more easily quantified. For example, a character dodging a bullet from what looks like a Glock 17 can be analysed since we all know the muzzle velocity. A character dodging a Ray Gun beam from an unknown type of weapon cannot be analysed, since we don't know how fast it moves. Feats are often collected and explained in respect threads. Characters/Universes with a lot of hyperbole claims and few feedbacks to back them up are generally looked upon with skepticism. However, even feats can be discredited if they are unsupported by context of the story, whether being far outliers, or retconned out of canonization.
- Your driving skills are more than amazing, they're Riddick. You once drifted through a shopping mall without hitting anything, ramped through a basement window in an SUV and you even found a parking spot once during rush hour. Any feat you possess can be applied to your vehicle. For example, if you have the toughness feat, the vehicle gains additional hit points while you are piloting it. Any effects you grant them are immediately ended if you stop piloting it. Your driving skills are so amazing you can pull off those stunts they do in open world games, and maybe even defeat the legendary Racer X. While driving a vehicle, you can use any class ability you possess. For instance, you could apply your monk's unarmored AC bonus to the vehicle's armor class. In addition, the vehicle uses your saving throws instead of it's own if your saving throws are higher. See the invisible, Do the impossible. Raw Raw, Bite the carrot. Your eyes are so developed you can sense an ameoba wiggling around on a non stick surface. Your Blindsense increases by 10 feet. This feat can be taken multiple times. Skills passed on from delinquent to delinquent. These skills aren't just abilities one can use to make their educational habits better, these are a way of life. Your body, mind, and soul will burn with these 48 skills, and your delinquent heart will shine so brightly that all honor students that stand in your path will be subdued through sheer educational value alone. Sit back kid, you might learn something. When you gain this feat, you gain access to the following abilities, so long as you possess the prerequisites listed to use the abilities). · Discipline With Love (Intimidate 5 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Knowledge History 5 ranks): If words can't reach them, give them a nice, hard, fist. Once per day, if a diplomacy check that you make fails, you can make an attack on that creature and deal your normal damage. The attack roll is then treated as another diplomacy check instead of an attack action, and is applied to their diplomacy DC. · Raise your Hand (Knowledge Local 5 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Improved initiative): You must learn to raise your hand and wait to be called on. Whenever you enter an encounter, you can choose to go in the last initiative place and make a diplomacy check, applying any bonuses to imitative you may possess from anything other than dexterity. On the next round of combat, your initiative automatically becomes the result of your diplomacy check. Additionally, if you are targeted for an attack on the first round of combat, you immediately take your turn as if you had spent a hero point to act immediately. · Don't talk back to the Teacher (Diplomacy 10 ranks, Intimidate 10 ranks) : You can't talk back to the teacher! Accept her words as LAW. Once per encounter, as an immediate action, you can make a diplomacy check or intimidate check against a single creature within 60 feet whom is about to speak or use a verbal component to a spell. If you beat their diplomacy DC, they must make a fortitude saving with a DC equal to your diplomacy check or be unable to speak for 1 round. · Share your Text Book (10 ranks in at least 4 knowledge skills, and Knowledge skill unlock or Skill focus in knowledge): You need to share your text book with your classmates when they forget theirs or they'll never learn anything! Whenever you aid another on a knowledge check, the bonus you grant to their check increases by +4. #1 Holding Hands (Delinquent): The first skill to learn when showing affection to your lover. Soon you'll be sending smiley faces on your cellphone. You can aid another in combat as a move action. In addition, if that creature is at least at a 75% with you on your relationship chart, you grant an extra +1 bonus to them with aid another. #5 Embrace (Improved Grapple): You know how to take hold of your friends and loved ones and crush them in your arms. Whether it's a "Glomp" or a "Bear Hug" you've got it down! You gain a +2 bonus to grapple CMD checks against enemies whom have harmed a friend of yours. In addition, as an immediate action, you can make a grapple check against the grapple CMD of an ally whom is adjacent to you and has at least a 75% with you on the relationship chart. If successful, you can take 1/2 of the damage that the target should take from all attacks that round for as long as you have the creature grappled. #10 Violent Display of Affection (Power Attack): Sometimes when you love someone, you just need to show them your love with a legendary technique! After your fight you can fall into each other's arms and laugh into the sunset. You gain a +1 bonus to damage when using power attack. This increases by +1 for every attack you have available in a round. If used against an ally whom you have at least a 75% with on your relationship chart, all damage dealt with the attack can be treated as non-lethal damage. #39 One Sided Love (5 Ranks in Diplomacy, 1 teamwork feat): The first step to Lovesickness is One Sided Love. Loving someone who doesn't return your affection. Select a single creature when you gain this ability and a single teamwork feat you possess. You treat that creature as if it possessed the teamwork feat for the purpose of you being able to use it. If the creature eventually gains the teamwork feat, you select a different teamwork feat that it doesn't possess. #40 Lovesickness (Relationship 100% or higher, Star Crossed Lovers, and see text): You know of matters of the heart, and feel positively ill when the person closest to you is away for a while. When you gain this ability, select a creature with whom you have a 100% relationship with or more and the star-crossed lovers feat for. When you are away from that creature for 24 hours, you are sickened as per the sickened condition. This cannot be negated or lessened in any way. While in this sickened state, you gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells with any sort of emotional attachment (Such as Waves of ecstasy, crushing despair, rage, ect.). Alternatively, if you have spent an hour with that creature recently, you gain a +1 bonus to skill checks and 1d6+4 temporary hit points for 24 hours. #41 Kiss (Relationship 100% or higher, Star-crossed Lovers, and see text): Your skills of affection have allowed you to learn the many ways to kiss, whether it's a cute peck on the cheek or the most legendary deep kiss in existence, you know your stuff. When you gain this ability, select a creature with whom you have a 100% relationship with or more and whom you have the Star-Crossed lovers feat for. As a standard action, once per day, you can take an action to kiss that person to gain a small boon depending on how long you do so for. If you do so as a swift action, you gain a +2 bonus to any one d20 roll made within the next minute. If you do so as a move action, you gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws for one minute. If you do so as a standard action, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute, and if you do so as a Full round action, you gain all of the listed bonuses for 1 minute. #43 Lover's Quarrel (Relationship 100%, Star-Crossed Lovers, Power attack, Antagonize, or Honor Student): Sometimes you fight, but you still love eachother, and you have learned the art of pissing your lover off in a way that will make them return loving you even more. Select a single creature that you have the Star-Crossed Lover's feat with, You can choose to make an intimidate check against that ally as a swift action. If successful, your percentage on your friendship chart decreases by -1%, however for their next attack, that person gains a bonus to damage equal to the base damage the person who used this feat would deal. This also applies if your next attack is a spell or technique. If it has multiple attacks or rays, it applies only to the first one. The 48 skills of Friendship are paramount in delinquent skill mastery. Though not as adored and reviled as the 48 skills of affection, and more feared than the 48 educational skills, the 48 skills of friendship push the boundaries of time and space in their pursuit of being a legendary buddy. Learn how to share snacks, homework, and even a room together, and then put those skills to good use and pick up new allies all over the multi-verse. When you select this feat, you gain the following abilities, however you must possess the proper prerequisites to use each ability. · #22 Time of Youth (Diplomacy 5 ranks): Bust into their house, fight them, and collapse laughing, you'll be friends forever. Whenever you enter an encounter, you can immediately make a diplomacy check against a single enemy that you can see within the encounter. If the diplomacy check is successful, that enemy must make a will saving throw with a DC equal to the Diplomacy check result. If it fails, it is effected by a lesser confusion spell. Once it wears off, it is also effected by the effects of the diplomacy skill · # 31 Being Humble (Delinquent, Diplomacy 5 ranks): Humility is key to friendship! Even if you want to brag all the time, sometimes being humble is much more agreeable. · # 35 Make up Handshake (Diplomacy 7 ranks, Legendary Delinquent): When you and your friend have been fighting, sometimes you both need to just show that you're both sorry by giving a nice, firm, handshake. Once per day as a full round action, you can effect any one creature that you have previously done battle with that day with a Charm Monster spell DC equal to your diplomacy check. The creature takes a -1 penalty to this save for every 10% it possesses in it's friendship rank with you already. · #40 Love Slap (Diplomacy 10 ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike, 100% friendship with at least one creature): Sometimes when you really love a friend and they piss you off, you just have to biff them really hard in the face to make them snap back to their senses. Once per encounter, you can make a Diplomacy check in place of an attack roll against a creature. If this attack hits, it deals normal damage, though the damage is non-lethal, and the Diplomacy effect takes place as well. This deals critical damage if the diplomacy check was a critical hit. · # 45 Eternal Rival (Diplomacy or Intimidate 5 ranks, Fierce Rivalry): Like a wall that's always in your way, your goal is to stand out more than your rival in the end. When using your Fierce rivalry feat, you can make a diplomacy check or intimidate check against your rival as an instant action after the rival deals damage with a spell or technique. If successful, you must on your turn, expend the same number of technique slots or a spell slot of the same level and you are exhausted, however you deal the same damage your rival just did and add an additional amount of damage equal to your Charisma modifier. This can be used once per day. You can grip and thrust a spear better than anyone else. Work that shaft and bring all the ladies to their knees. Also, you're good with spears. You gain a +1 bonus to your "caster" level when performing martial techniques with Polearms/ Spears... why is this called Ace of Spades?! Snake, To access the vehicle, use the action button (Triangle). You can accelerate with (R2) and Brake with (L2). It's sure to come in handy on your mission. You can use the fast mount or dismount action for any vehicle no matter the size, however the Drive DC increases by +4 for every size category beyond your basic category it is. You've retired three times and every time they drag you back into the madness. You don't need a scouter to tell you what their power level is and you can literally smell evil from a mile away. You know the intricacies of battle to a T. So long as you possess at least 20 ranks in each of the listed skills, you can use the following abilities.. Know the Enemy(any Knowledge): When using Know the enemy, you can expend an additional 4 points from your combat stamina pool. In doing this, you gain a +1 bonus on all d20 rolls against that enemy. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 points by which you beat the knowledge DC (Max +5). Cut it close (Bluff): When using Cut it close, you can wait one additional round before the damage effects you. Detect Power Level (Perception): When using your detect power level ability, You begin on the second round of detect magic. In addition, the area of effect is increased by 200 feet. Finally, If a magic creature was previously in the area, you can make a perception check against that creature's Stealth or sleight of hand check. If successful you know the general direction that creature went unless it left via teleportation or some other means. After Image (Acrobatics): By spending an additional 12 points from your stamina pool, your after image cannot be seen through with a true seeing spell. Quicker than the eye (Sleight of hand): When expending the points from your combat stamina pool for this ability, it applies to 2 attacks every time it's spent instead of costing the points for each attack. Alternatively, you can double the cost on a single attack, and the enemy must make a perception check against that sleight of hand check. If the creature fails it cannot detect where the attack came from for 1 round. Close Call (Stealth): When using Close Call, you gain a +6 bonus to the stealth check and your move speed is increased by 30 feet. Fear from the Fearless (Intimidate): When using Fear it's self, you can expend another 5 points to effect every creature within 100 feet that can see or hear you with your intimidate check. Battle Senses (Sense Motive): When using Battle Senses, You gain the Scent ability, any creature you detect with the scent ability is effected by a detect alignment spell. If they have a method of masking their alignment, you can make a sense motive check against their opposed bluff check. If successful you know their true alignment. You are a spirit of not only nature, but of the changing seasons. You can spring into a sunny, summer mood, or even fall deep into a winter depression, always invoking the feelings of the seasons. Every level that you gain a level in a favored class, you gain 2 hit points or skill points. These points cannot be split up amongst the two, whenever you choose which bonus you wish to take you simply get 2 points instead of 1. Alternatively, you can choose to take this and treat all classes you possess as a favored class and gain your 1 hit point or 1 skill point every level. My name's Illuminati, but you can call me Nate. Your Darkvision increases by 30 feet. In addition you gain a +4 bonus to all perception checks based on sight. Whether you're attempting to fuel a new holy spell or just "Going Green", You never have enough energy to do everything you want to do in a day. As a swift action, You can sacrifice two uses of a first level domain power to gain an additional use of channeled energy. Sup baby, hows about you and me-Oh shit you're a guy. You are a man with very curvaceous hips and feminine wiles, or a woman with handsome features and broad shoulders. Whichever it is, you are wonderful at tricking the sexually confused populous world wide. If your class has different evilties available for different sexes, you can access the evilties of the sex opposite your natural one. Additionally, if you are male you treat yourself as female, and if you are female you treat yourself as male for the purpose of abilities you have that effect the opposite sex. (Such as succubus evilities) An apple a day keeps the professors of netherscience from extracting your delicious nutrients... or something like that. You gain 3 additional uses of your appleseed cure light wounds ability. Your holiness is radiant and your wings are the fluffiest things anyone has ever seen. You have six halos and like... 12... other angel things... You gain a second Angel trait when you select this feat. It must be taken at first level. You're not necessarily the bad guy, but you could never be known as a hero. You save the day to your own tune, defeating the villains and thwarting heroes, so long as your goals and sense of justice are fulfilled. You're oftentimes cooler than the main character and show up to give profound monologues. When using your Mid Boss effect you gain the Defiant Armor enchantment against the Mid Boss target. You like your personal space and often give people talks about not invading your bubble. When being targeted by a thief hand, you can use deflect or snatch arrow against it as if it were a missile. Not later. Right Effin Now! Your disease is spreading like wildfire and the world suffers from mass hysteria and zombie flick sales are up 200% At will, you can cast Lesser Animate dead on a creature you have slain. Only one creature can be animated at a time with this and it lasts for 24 hours. You like to grow plants with strange names, start gardens of sin full of living beasties, and once sold poison to some exiled asshole from Verona. When using poisons or medical poisons, the save DC to overcome them becomes 10+ 1/2 character level+ Charisma or Wisdom modifier (Selected when you select the feat). If the poison naturally has a higher save, that saving throw is used instead. Using your magic conch, you can summon up your allies from the sea to kick some land lubbers asses post haste. Comes with a free speedo and sun tan lotion. Gain summon monster 3 as a spell like ability usable 3 times a day. This can only be used to summon aquatic creatures. Under the sea, Under the sea! We don't all live in a yellow submarine, but occasionally the Aqua-lads and lasses will work together to build a rapturous community, Working together and sharing their secrets in this Titanic, Deep blue sea. You qualify as a Neriad, Mer-Folk, or a Sea Angel for the purpose of taking feats. Neriads and Mer-folk are treated as Sea angels of 4 levels lower for the purposes of taking Sea Angel feats. Feats that grant extra uses of a racial ability grant the use of the racial ability instead. Now go grab life by the jaws and make this water world a safer place! This Feat cannot be taken if you are just using the Halfblood feat. Fierce arcane powers flow through your blood, as such, your martial techniques are infused with a hefty dose of magic. All of your techniques are considered arcane spells for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes. If you have multiple classes you must choose which class to apply it to. You may not be skilled at wielding a mighty axe, or brandishing a deadly blade, but you ARE amazing at touching people where you aren't supposed to. Your hands are just so grabby it's amazing you haven't been arrested yet. You can use your relevant caster ability modifier on touch and ranged touch attack rolls instead of Strength or Dexterity. For example, a Wizard would use their Intelligence modifier instead of strength to make attack rolls with a touch or ranged touch spell. The magical energies of the world revitalize you. The very cosmic essence of the world wishes to keep you alive. And it gives rather nice tingly massages that keep you going on those rough days. At levels where you gain a new spell level, you gain a number of hit points equal to the spell's level. You wear the same shirt every day no matter how bad it smells. That stink is just your lucky stench cloud from wearing such an awesome shirt. Select a single type of armor, Light, Medium, or Heavy. Your armor class increases by +1 when wearing armor of that type. This can be taken multiple times, selecting a different armor type each time. You specialize in this kind of pants. No other pants are as good as these. Brand name or not, you know when you're wearing them because everything just feels allllll right! Choose a single type of armor, Light, Medium, or Heavy. Your maximum dexterity bonus increases by +1 and your armor check penalty decreases by -1. This feat can be taken multiple times, selecting a different armor type each time. Resurrecting a PS2 Era game with lackluster recent sequels, you rush forward into battle, ready to pilot that mech suit, even though you're almost one yourself. You are treated as being human for the purpose of becoming a powered suit. This feat cannot be selected through the halfblood feat. That's right baby, let it all hang out. Strut your stuff and shake what your momma gave ya. Big or small it's all love up in here. Gain a +1 bonus to "Caster" level when performing techniques with Monster Weapons. Don't get "Chopped" off the roster, give the enemy the "axe" before they get a chance to fell you like a tree. And if someone doesn't murder you because of these terrible puns, you'll be able to get a +1 to "caster" level for Axe techniques. Your tattoos have tattoos, and your arm muscles are so thick you can punch a hole in solid titanium. You can use your strength or dexterity modifier to determine your saving throws for Close/Monk techniques. You have reached the point of immortality... or at least, your will to fight has. You leap into battle before everyone else, and sometimes before there is even a battle to leap into. Your initiative bonus Increases by a further +2. Lets-a-Go! You have learned well in the art of the fist. You can punch a car just as hard as you can punch a dog and that takes some skill because punching dogs is easy. You've also learned to punch so damn hard that the wind hurts. You can use your stunning fist ability at a range of 30 feet. By seasoning your fists, and allowing them to sauté in their own natural flavors, you can use the wonderful aroma of your spirit cooking to penetrate even the most intense barriers. As a standard action, while in the Fire Chaos Style Kitchen Fist stance, you can choose to make an attack against a magic wall or barrier (such as a wall of force, Blade Barrier, Flame Wall, Ect...). This works as Greater Dispel Magic, however it can only dispel magic walls and barriers, as well as effects such as Mage Armor, or Shield. This can be used once per round and costs 1 cuisine point to perform. In addition, the Telepathy from your Fire Chaos Style Kitchen Fist increases to 75 Feet. You may be a basic bitch, but you've got more power than 90% of the other Basic bitches out there. You gain another evility slot that can only be used to equip a basic evility that you possess. This can be selected twice. You've been around the block a few times. Carnage and bloodshed have been a part of your life for years now, and PTSD is a class feature for you. You know the intricacies of battle to a T. So long as you possess at least 10 ranks in each of the listed skills, you can use the following abilities.. Know the Enemy(any Knowledge): When making a knowledge check to know information about a creature, you can spend a full round doing so, as well as 3 points from your combat stamina pool to learn information on the specific one you're looking at. For every 5 points that you beat the Knowledge DC by, you can learn one of the following. (All Class levels, Number of Technique and spell slots left and total, Weaknesses, Hitpoint total, items, evilities, traits, feats, Skills, Techniques known, Bloodlines, domains, dominions, Order, Ect....). Other things can be learned but it's up to DM judgment to select some of those. Cut it close (Bluff): Whenever you are struck in combat, you can expend all of your combat stamina pool and make a bluff check. Every enemy that can see you must make an opposed sense motive check. If you successfully beat all of them, You take no damage or ill effects from that for 1 round. At the end of your next turn, you will take the damage you were supposed to take. Detect Power Level (Perception): By expending 3 points from your combat stamina pool you can be treated as if you were using the spell detect magic, however instead of a 60 foot cone, this effects a 100 foot area around you. This is not a magic effect and can be used in areas where you usually may not be able to use magic. You use your character level as your caster level for this spell. After Image (Acrobatics): By expending 12 points from your combat stamina pool, when you make an acrobatics check to avoid an attack of opportunity you can be effected by a mirror image spell. This is not a magical effect and has a duration as if you were a spell caster of your level. This can be done only once per day for every 5 levels you possess. Quicker than the eye (Sleight of hand): By expending 8 points from your combat stamina pool. You can use your sleight of hand check in place of an attack roll. This can be used by spending the points at any time you would make an attack roll. Close Call (Stealth): If you are spotted by an enemy, either during stealth or if an enemy just located you, you can spend 12 points from your combat stamina pool to move up to your speed and make a stealth check if you find cover. If you successfully make this stealth check, the enemy is treated as having not seen you. Fear from the Fearless (Intimidate): By expending 5 points from your combat stamina pool whenever you make an intimidate check, you can ignore immunity to fear effects. If the enemy is not immune to fear already, they take twice the bonuses from the fear. Battle Senses (Sense Motive): By expending 5 points from your combat Stamina pool, you can make a sense motive attempt against a creature within 100 feet against their bluff check. If successful you effect them with a detect alignment spell using your character level as the caster level. This is not a magical effect. Entering this stance, you shift all of your weight into your arms, allowing you to land heavy blows powerful enough to punch a demon's head clean off. While in this stance, you deal an additional 1d6 damage on all unarmed strikes, however you take a -4 penalty on all attacks made. In addition, when you use Stunning Fist, you can choose to blind your foe for 1 round instead of stunning them. Your cells regenerate quickly, like that one guy with the adamantine claws. And though you'll probably never be that awesome, you do gain Regeneration 2 that stacks with all other fast healing or regeneration. This regeneration is overcome by silver weapons. This feat can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. As you fall to your knees, you extend your hand and wish for your vengeance to be exacted. Your rage will carry on in your comrades like a curse. As you are defeated in battle, your body becomes a beacon of energy. An ally that comes in contact with your body after you have fallen, gains a +1 bonus to attack, armor class, damage, and saving throws for the remainder of the encounter. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 levels the creature possessed. The ability ends instantly if the creature with this feat comes back to life through whatever means. This ability does not stack with it's self. A Beast Master who selects an animal companion can choose from the following list: Aqua Demon, Baciel, Dragon, Holy Dragon, Serpent, Two headed Dragon, Eryngi, Flora Beast, Gargoyle, Leotaur, Marrionette, Moth Man, Imp, Red Imp, Mystic Beast, Devil Bear, Nekomata, Prinny, Roc, Slime, Treant, or Zombie. If those creatures ever qualify for a prestige class, they can enter the following: Dragonshroom, Faery, Galactic Demon, Lantern, Manticore, or Skeletal Dragon. These can be selected instead of the usual creatures. The creature gains hit dice and saving throw bonuses according to the Animal Companion Base Statistics chart, however it gains it's bonuses to ability scores as listed in the monster class instead of it's listed bonuses from being an animal companion. They still retain their Link, Devotion, and Share spells abilities at those levels, however they do not gain any other animal companion class abilities. The Monster class animal companion gains hit dice, Skills, and feats when listed, but does not gain the Natural armor, or tricks. Monster class animal companions gain the class abilities of that monster class, however they only gain class abilities as a monster of their own level -5 (minimum 1). If the creature would have spellcasting capability, it no longer possesses that. Creatures only gain 1 technique every 2 levels and are treated as 10 levels lower for the purpose of learning Monster Techniques. Finally, the creature only possesses an intelligence score of 3. Time to bring out the big guns. This kitty may be declawed but he hasn't lost his spirit! You can wield weapons one size category larger than usual at no penalties. This feat stacks with Monkey Grip, however you must select only a single weapon that you can wield in this way. Being a dark lord of the night, sometimes it's difficult to find something delicious to eat. On those days when it's hard to find snacks, you can cough up a delicious blood clot that you saved back from the old days... eww. Whenever you bite an enemy, instead of healing from the damage you deal, you can choose to hold the healing for later. You can hold a number of hit points equal to your character level. As an instant action, you can heal these hit points back as usual when biting an opponent. Utilizing the sanguine lifeforce you stole from your opponents, you can craft deadly spells that destroy the very fabric of life it's self. And they're pretty damn awesome too. You can sacrifice a number of blood points from your blood pool, to perform techniques. You can sacrifice a number of points equal to twice the level of the spell or technique to perform it without having to use a spell or technique slot. You possess within you the blood of God. You have the right genetic makeup to be a deity and stand against the forces of evil and you have been training to be able to one day defeat them all. You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against Evil Outsiders, and against creatures that have traveled from one plane to another within the last 24 hours. In addition they also gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws and to their armor class against such creatures. You have assimilated with a higher power and as such have become one with your own inner workings. You gain telepathy out to 1 mile, but only with other androids or cyborgs that possess the borgification feat. If you spend a full round action and make a DC: 30 Computer use check however, you can relay the information to any cyborg, machine, computer, Android, or similar system without them possessing the feat. You also gain a +2 bonus to all Perception checks and Use Computer checks. This feat cannot be selected through the halfblood feat. You recklessly dash into battle, charging from light-years away to smash the enemy. As a full round action you can move your full run speed before you make your attack in a charge. You stand by your allies, no matter how bad they smell. When the goin gets rough, you don't just tough it out, you make sure everyone else can do it too. You're also known for holding a place for a friend in a long line. When you roll initiative, you can choose to forgo your roll and give a single ally a bonus to initiative based on your own initiative bonus, you however go at the end of the round. You may not have fasted for 49 days straight but my god are you good at coming back from the dead. Like a Pheonix you rise from the ashes and live again, and again, and again, and sometimes people just wish you'd stay dead. You gain a +1 to your level when determining your Reincarnation abilities. You really should get a map because you keep taking those wrong turns in Albuquerque. You gain a burrow speed equal to 1/2 your base land speed. The Fire burns strong with this one. You can run a marathon with your eyes closed... and your arms tied behind your back. And without your legs. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fire attacks and spells with the fire descriptor or light descriptor. As a swift action, you can make up to two weapons become red-hot for 1 round, dealing 1 additional point of fire damage with a successful hit. In addition, you now count as an ifrit for the purpose of selecting feats. You are one of the most delicious carnival foods in existence. You are sticky, delicious, and no one can escape you. You gain a +2 bonus to grapple checks. A weapon that strikes an Carmel Corn corn man is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a DC 10+ 1/2 hit die+ Strength modifier Reflex save save. A successful Strength check of the same DC is needed to pry off a stuck weapon. You are so delicious and healthy, it's crazy. You gain fast healing 2 that stacks with all other fast healing. This feat can be taken more than once. GROW CARROT MAN GROW! You always happen to find a little extra treasure whenever you finish a battle. When you defeat an enemy, you gain an amount of hl equal to 5X it's CR. While wizards are off studying their arcane lore and cult members are studying their evil tomes, you prefer to actually go out and have fun. However on occasion you do check out a good book from the library, but usually underground things, because you're an arcane hipster. When performing techniques with a Makai Book weapon, you can use your Charisma or Wisdom modifier to determine the saving throws instead of Intelligence. You have a tally of how many Demons asses you've kicked, and they often tell scary stories about you around campfires. Once per day you can activate a Holy effect on your weapons that works as the enchant of the same name. This lasts until the end of the encounter. Using the spirit of your ancestors and channeling the hatred of the people who died without ever getting to hit someone in the balls, you strike true with a bag tag that could shatter a brick. You deal unarmed damage as if you were one size category larger. This does not stack with any other ability that increases damage by size other than through racial abilities such as the stump. Now stay away from me. *Monks and Fighters can choose this as one of their bonus feats Whether it's hatches or cookies, you can toss like a champ. You PWN at Baseball but no one ever wants to play four square or catch with you. Something about losing an eye? You gain a +1 bonus to "Caster" level when performing Thrown Techniques. You have mastered the art of sticking ghosts inside of things. I even found a ghost inside of my turkey sandwich the other day and nearly crapped myself, it was horrible. As such, when you confine a Phantom, that Phantom gains a +2 bonus to any one ability score of your choice. Once selected it can only be changed if you summon the phantom again. You can summon up a beast from the deepest depths of the unknown reaches of scary places. The things are so strong that sometimes people wonder whether you are the puppeteer or the puppet. When summoning an Eidolon, Phantom, Great Power, or any other similar ability, you can apply the Augment Summon feat to it's abilities as if it were a summoned creature. This follows all of the rules of the Augment summon feat and can only be applied to one creature at a time. You are a beefy and powerful force to be reckoned with, and today, mankind will receive a grim reminder of why they fear your existence. Your size category increases by 1 step. You gain a +2 bonus to strength and constitution and a -2 penalty to dexterity as well as any armor class, attack roll, or skill check penalties normally gained from increasing in size. Your mamma was a Toaster, your Pappy was a Truck, and your heritage traces back to the ancient Golems and war machines of the past and as such you know how to call upon your mechanical heritage. You qualify as an Android, Cyborg, Golem, Dark Knight, or a Marionette for the purpose of taking feats. You are treated as Golems, Dark Knights, and Marionettes of 4 levels lower for the purposes of taking any of their feats. Feats that grant extra uses of a racial ability grant the use of the racial ability instead. This Feat cannot be taken if you are just using the Halfblood feat to replicate being one of these races. Lego of my robot! Built to perfection and with a lifelike kung-fu grip that can destroy even the strongest of balsa wood. You have crafted the world's best magic machine and want to show it off. When crafting a Golem or other construct, or animating an undead. You choose to grant it any one feat that you possess, so long as it meets the prerequisites. Nothing wrong with a little constructive criticism. You just wish they wouldn't bring up all of the little flaws in your oddly crafted body. You grin and bear it but secretly hope they all drown in a lake. You are treated as having the Monster sub type for the purpose of choosing construct only Monster feats. You have to stick it to the man and stand up for yourself. Group together and form mobs to get what you want, non-violent sit-ins don't do shit though. Bite some limbs and shuffle them feet. You qualify as an Undead or Zombie for the purpose of taking feats. Undead are treated as Zombies of 4 levels lower for the purposes of taking Zombie feats. Feats that grant extra uses of a racial ability grant the use of the racial ability instead. This Feat cannot be taken if you are just using the Halfblood feat to emulate a race. Sometimes you just can't keep it in, everyone creams their corn from time to time whether they want to or not. Due to your much more liquidy form, you gain 25% fortification. This feat can be taken multiple times, but never more than once per 4 levels. It's effects stack. You are a crystal gem, you'll always save the day, and if you don't think you can, you'll always find a way. You increase your weapon and armor maximum enhancement modifier by +2 for the purpose of equipping jag or hex gems, thus raising your maximum to +12. You must go on a quest to save the world from a bunch of ugly ass puppets with a magic crystal. You gain +2 to your crystal mana pool. This can be taken multiple times. Learning the style of beheading kenpo is a long path and you have reached a great point in your training. Your moves are more deadly than ever before and your attacks more swift. You gain an additional +2 damage to all unarmed strikes, and the penalty to attacks in this stance is lessened by 2. Creatures effected by the blinding ability of your Beheading Kenpo Stance are also deafened, and the duration is increased to 2 rounds. Helpful as can be, and as sweet as a viper coated in honey, a Delinquent is the scourge of the netherworld. Delinquents do their homework and volunteer at blood drives, they also make sure to never snap off the little clip things on their pens and mechanical pencils because that... that is just evil. Delinquents grant an additional +2 bonus to any aid another check made. In addition, as a full round action, a Delinquent can grant a further +2 bonus to any one attack roll an ally makes. Huge, red skinned, and horned, you are a great depiction of evil. Your cloven hooves leave the best horseshoe prints and your forked tongue is an actual fork. Gain an additional demon trait when you take this feat. You are predestined to be a destroyer of evil. A great hero not amongst man, or the angels, but a great god that faces the darkness and stands strong, You may not be good at lotteries in life, but in celestia your luck is even worse. Your eyes are able to see the truth, and as such, for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level, you can see into the ethereal plane as well as the material. This is activated as a swift action and can be deactivated as a free action, not all rounds must be used consecutively. Your finesse with a small, light blade makes people worried that their jugular has already been sliced and it's only a matter of time until they realize they're already dead. When performing techniques with a dagger, rapier, you can use your dexterity modifier to determine saving throws for techniques instead of your Strength modifier. Your beauty crushes armies and topples cities. A sexy wink can destroy a man's will to fight, and a simple toss of the hair can set the world on fire. When using your Battle Vixin Feat, the additional damage applies to all attacks made in a round. In addition, when crafting food, you add your charisma modifier to craft checks. You are a digital celebrity that just oozes E-Popularity. Can you say #Camwhore? Whether you run Helltube channels like Darkiplier or Mewdiepie, Have a celebrity twitter page, are a master at blogging, or just have a really photogenic butt, your internet popularity has soared above and beyond, pushing you into digital idol status. WORSHIP ME E-PEONS #Betterthanyou. This feat works like the feat Leadership, however you don't gain a cohort, and your followers are mostly followers through online activity and fan works. Because of this, you gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma based skill checks, and the following abilities. Gather Information: By spending a full round action, you can gather info from your allies on a certain topic. This grants you a +10 circumstance bonus on knowledge checks, Bluff checks, or diplomacy checks for 1 minute. Spread Rumor: You can effect one creature that you know of that is on the same plane of existence as you with the spell Pox of Rumors. This takes 1d6+3 days to do and costs 1,000 hl. That creature gains a saving throw and the save DC is 10+1/2 character level+ Charisma modifier, or your Leadership score, whichever is higher. Locate Object: You can rally your fans to locate specific items for you. This can be any item you know about, or a vague idea of an item. Doing so takes 1d6 weeks and costs 1,000 hl, but works like a Locate Object spell. This has no range, and so long as you have fans that span on other netherworlds, it can effect multiple planes of existence. In addition, a layer of lead does not effect this effect. At the end of the 1d6 weeks, the item may be found, or it may not depending on how difficult to locate the item is. Locate Creature: You can rally your friends to find a specific creature for you. This can be any creature you know about, or a vague idea of a creature, this can also be a specific person. Doing so takes 4d6 weeks of work and costs 8,000 hl. This works like Discern Location, however it can be used in anti-magic zones or areas of dead magic. At the end of the allotted time, the creature may be located unless something prevented the creature from being found. It is up to the DM on how powerful and useful your fans are, and whether or not they can copy the exact specifics of the Discern location spell to find something for you. It is also possible that the creature in question knows you are looking for it now and knows to lay low. You want to be friends still, but it's better to keep your distance. You can be 20 feet further away from your Dimensional Gate than usual while still receiving it's effects. This feat can be taken more than once. So yeah this other day I was..... but anyway I..... Yeah, sorry, I keep seeing that chick over there. No, not that one that looks like a horse, the one behind her. Yeah, she's amazing isn't she? DAMN! And just like that you are distractingly sexy. Enemies whom may find you attractive or would be romantically interested in whatever sex you may be, are often distracted when around you. Whenever they attack you, they must succeed in a Will save DC: 10+1/2 your character level + Charisma modifier, or lose their attack against you... What was I saying? You worship the gods and overlords and they have granted you power. Your blade is divine and cuts down all who stand in your way. All of your techniques are considered divine spells for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes. If you have multiple classes you must choose which class to apply it to. Your body shudders as you take a breath that could be your last. You grip your blade with determination despite how tired you are. Blood trickles down your chin and yo-OH MY GOD REALLY!? A FALSE ALARM AGAIN!? I HAD THE EPIC MUSIC READY AND EVRYTHING YOU ASS HAT! When in revenge mode, any evilities that you possess that only work while under 25% of your hitpoints are activated as well. It's a rule for fighting zombies, and it's really good for beating people with sticks. Double tap gives you a +1 to "caster" level for double weapons. Now go on, get out there and tap dat ass. Your family tree is pretty normal, however someone has some explaining to do because I'm pretty sure the 40 foot tall fire breathing lizard shouldn't have married your Great Uncle Jim. This feat works as one of the following feats when selected. Fafnir, Beef Cakes, Dragon's Health, or Hit Me, using your character level as your dragon level to determine anything level dependant. You must meet the prerequisites, just not the requirement to have the monster subtype. This can be selected multiple times, once for each selection. Your skin is thick and nearly impenetrable. Like those little juice pouches you have to try and get the straw into without squeezing the juice out. You gain Damage Reduction 2/- that stacks with all other forms of Damage reduction. This feat can be selected only once. You can protect yourself and you never let a basketball get past your enormous and scary hands. Your skin just seems to absorb energy like some sort of freakish draconic sponge. You gain Energy resistance 5 to any one energy type other than the type you selected at 1st level. In addition, select one of the following. You can only select it if you have energy resistance of that type. Fire: Fire Domain Ice: Ice Domain, Good Domain, Holy Domain Electricity or Sonic: Air Domain Acid: Earth Domain Whichever you select, qualifies you as that domain of Dragon for the purpose of taking feats that require a dragon domain. You giveth life and you can taketh away! With the words of life you breathe new strength into your artificial lackies and make them a force to be reckoned with. Choose a single Golem, Construct, or general monster feat. That feat is now usable by all constructs that you create, however it must meet at least the level requirement of the feat. Alternatively you can choose a single Zombie, Undead, or general monster feat and grant it to undead that you create, following the same stipulations. Here at the Owl Aided Enrichment center, you can become wise beyond your years. Hoo can? YOU CAN! When you receive the effects of an Owl's Wisdom spell, you gain the usual bonus, however the bonus granted is considered a Morale Bonus instead. Sometimes the only thing that stands between you and the jaws of death is a two ton spiked wrecking ball on an adamantine chain.... so really YOU'RE the one with the upper hand here, Death better get some better jaws. So swing that ball and chain overhead and let the steel force come crashing down! You gain a +1 to "Caster" level with Flail techniques. You are best at what you do best.... And that thing is.... Something. Select a single class ability that has a saving throw DC. The save DC of that ability is increased by +2. if selecting this for spell casting, you must select a level of spells and that level increases it's save DC's by 2, if selecting it for a technique, you select a single technique and it gains this ability. This can be taken multiple times, each time for a new ability. You're such a nerd that you even study extra for things outside of class. You pour over arcane notes and funny rituals involving party hats and moon dances, Whatever the hell that is. You gain an extra Ancient Study. This can be taken multiple times, but only once every 5 levels. An expert at bothering your disgruntled octopus neighbor with your stupid antics, you are a master at blowing bubbles and all of the other sea creatures are jealous. You gain 3 additional uses of your bubble attack, this can be taken multiple times and it's effects stack. Channeling the endless power of awesome, you fire blasts of energy into your foes waiting mug. Unfortunately you can only do that so much. OR CAN YOU? With this you can squeeze a little more fun out of eldritch magic and gain 2 extra uses of Darkbolt. This can be taken multiple times, however only once every 5 levels. You are more dragon than the others in your lineage. Maybe that makes you a... DOUBLE DRAGONEWT! Gain 3 additional uses of the Dragonewt Heritage ability. You can select this multiple times, it's effects stack. You will guide their fate to a revolution! That is, if you're lucky enough! You gain an additional 2 points in your Guided Fate Pool. This can be taken multiple times, but only once for every 5 character levels you possess. You are exceptionally trained in the art of destruction. As such you gain 2 additional uses of your Hellblast ability. You have broken your soul into so many little pieces you can toss em here and there and never really notice it's missing! You gain 2 additional uses of Lifecharge. Your Mind's eye likes to stare a lot, which gets you in trouble with the girls. Eww! Stop staring at me you LOSER! Gain 2 additional uses per day of your mind's eye ability. This can be taken multiple times. You gain 3 additional uses of Mind's Eye Foresight per day. This can be taken multiple times. You can use the Nanite Surge an additional 2 times per day. You gain additional uses of your Fox Spirit's Note. You must have studied extra hard in Fox school huh? You gain additional uses of you Snow Cat Spirit. CAT TEAM SPIRIT. You are a master of the sonic energies. A swift zephyr through the world, moving swiftly and gracefully, controlling the very essence of wind it's self. But really, you're good at hitting people in the junk with sonic energy. You get another 3 uses of your sonic blade ability. This can be taken multiple times and it's effects stack. You shroud yourself with powerful magics and sometimes you even shroud your bra with tissues to make yourself look more "Intimidating". You gain 2 extra points in your Veil pool. This can be taken multiple times however only once every 5 levels. Your heritage extends as far back as the dawn of time it's self, where the first primal fairy folk lived amongst the primal elements. Select One of the following races, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undine, that you possess a feat for. You gain the racial traits and abilities of that race on top of your own. This can be selected once for each race, and only once for every 5 levels you possess. No longer basic, you've been upgraded. You are now hella stylish and even more powered up. The Evility slot you gain from the Basic Evility slot feat can now be used for any evility that you possess. This can be selected only once. If you possess the Basic Evility slot feat multiple times it only applies once. Your body shudders as you take a breath that could be your last. You grip your blade with determination despite how tired you are. Blood trickles down your chin and yo-Oh, Wait, Nevermind, false alarm everyone, I'm fine, I'm not even hurt at all. Haha. Oh well. When you go into revenge mode, you gain the effects of the Overdrive feat, and subsequently any feats that apply only when you are in Overdrive. You drive a hundred miles per hour down a school lane at 2:30, Little ones are worth 100 points, old ones are worth 500. Once per round when your Vehicle is hit in combat, you may attempt a Drive check (as an immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Drive check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll. Dead but not buried, your life as a penguin is an annoying new development, however that won't stop you from being the best demon you can be. Gain 1 trait from the list of the Demon Race traits. You have a beefy arm, good for whacking things. And because of that, you are the undisputed thumb wrestling champion of the tri state area. Whenever you wield a weapon with one hand, you still deal damage as if it was two handed. Whenever you wield a weapon two handed, you add twice your strength modifier to damage instead of 1 1/2. This cannot be used in conjunction with two weapon fighting. *Fighters can choose this as a bonus feat. You're nearly dead, your breathing shallow and the enemy is standing over you, You clutch that sword your legendary grandpa chef demon slayer dragon champion gave you and look into the eyes of the demon dinosaur insect monster king as your theme plays. It's one of those kinds of days. While using the Overdrive feat, all techniques and spells you perform deal an additional +1 damage per level you possess. This doesn't affect any spell or ability that doesn't deal hit point damage. So long as you don't act Pig-headed towards people, you'll squeal by just swine. By taking this feat, you qualify for the Boar style combat feats, and are not required to meet the prerequisites (Save for any other boar style feats) to select them. You have bathed in sea salts and cracked pepper, meditating your mind in a savory stew of discipline and delicacy, and through this training you have learned to harness your inner fire to preheat your foes to 300 degrees. While in this stance, you gain +1d6 fire damage on all unarmed strikes you make. In addition you learn to speak to your ingredients, and as a great chef, the world is your kitchen. You gain Telepathy out to 100 feet, and in addition by spending a standard action and a point from your cuisine pool, you can utilize the spells Speak with plants, and Speak with Animals. your tail is so flexible it can reach ALL of your favorite places. Under the bed, inside the VCR, even in the vent where you dropped your lucky penny. Your tail is treated as a free hand for the purpose of any abilities that require a free hand. As a great chef, one must know their customer's allergies so that they can find out the most efficient way to shove those allergies down their throats. One can only overcome their physical inadequacies through constant exposure to what ails them! As a standard action, you can force an enemy within melee range to eat a magic food. You must make an attack against their CMD, and if it hits they are considered to have eaten the item. By spending a number of cuisine points equal to the spell's level within the food, and so long as you are of the same or greater caster level of the food item in question, you can reverse the spell's effect. For example, a chef using an Eclair for this ability would impart a -1 penalty on attack rolls and saves vs. Fear and deal 1d8 + caster level damage to the creature instead of the usual Aid ability. Creatures effected gain a saving throw to negate the effect, DC: 10+ spell level +Wisdom modifier. If the spell normally has no save it's a Fortitude save. Lumpy and like a Tar-made-toad, you jiggle, and wiggle, weeble and wobble and people just can't seem to hit that weakpoint for massive damage. You gain 25% fortification. This can be taken multiple times, with each feat adding 25% fortification up to a maximum of 75%. This feat can only be taken once every 5 levels. Stand above the rest with UNLIMITED POWER! Shock your opponents with your extreme force and harness the very fabric of reality to bring nations crashing down. Or do some neat parlor tricks, your call bro. With this feat you gain the ability to utilize Galactic power. You can now learn Terra and Peta spells without being a specialist in a certain element. Good goin jackass, you cheated the system. Male? Female? Cranberry juice? You're so gender fluid you might as well be a liquid. Or maybe a solid! Your state is in constant flux, no need to settle on one. As a free action every round, you can choose whether or not you are treated as a male or female. This will alter how you are effected by certain evilities or abilities that effect you based on your sex. Your movements rise and fall with the tide and you can punch a brick into dust. You can even do that one thing, where there are three pans, and you punch the first one, and it goes through the second one to hit the third one... how the hell do you do that? As such you gain a +1 bonus to your "caster" level when performing martial techniques with Close/ Monk Weapons. No really, how do you do that? You are the magic emperor, champion of magic.. and caster of.... magic. There is magic in everything you do and say, hell I'm pretty sure I even saw pixie dust fly out yesterday when you farted. As such you gain a +1 bonus to caster level for any one school of magic. Your weaving has increased drastically. You can weave wrathful curses flawlessly into your spell casting. You're basically the Busta Rhymes of the Mage world. When using your Hex Weaver, you can now effect all creatures in the spell's area of effect with your hex. If you only wear the same outfit every day, you'll look like the main character of an awesome Saturday morning cartoon series. Everyone will make fun of you, but who will be getting the last laugh when they see the money you're raking in? Select a single type of armor you possess the Armor focus feat for. Your bonus to armor increases by further +1. This feat can be taken multiple times, selecting a different type each time. You wear the costume to every con you attend and everyone always loves it. It's your specialty. Select a type of armor that you possess Armor Specialization in. Your maximum dexterity bonus increases by a further +1 and your armor check penalty decreases by another -1. This feat can be taken multiple times, selecting a different armor type each time. You have ascended to that great cube in the sky that threatens to one day assimilate us all and turn us into mindless drones. Big Borg is always watching you. Your range for the Telepathy increases to 100 miles. When making a computer use check to contact a creature without the Borgification feat, it only takes a move action and the DC is 20. You can take a full round action to use computer with a DC of 40 to increase the reach to the entire material plane for as long as you focus. All creatures within your range with the Borgification feat are effected by a status spell when you contact them mentally. That enemy can attempt to mask their presence with a use computer check against your own use computer check. Finally, you gain another +2 bonus to Perception checks and Use Computer Checks. This feat cannot be selected through the halfblood feat. You are smart enough to know what cup the walnut is under, and you can bend a fork into a pretzel without using your hands (Or feet). If your power keeps growing, you'll be a god in no time! Unless... the world ends and you collapse into a colossal meat baby, that's always an alternative... Your Psychic spells from Diviner are usable at will. The spells from Improved Diviner are usable 2 times per day, and you can use the spells Placebo Effect, Mind Thrust II, Mental Block, Thought Shield I, and Analyze Aura once per day each. Your skills are unmatched. You can tell someone the exact land speed of an African Swallow, or jump to the moon and back. Your bonus from Skill Focus doubles. You can take this feat multiple times. It's effects do not stack, every time it is taken, you choose a different skill you have skill focus for. The spirits of the cosmos REALLY want you to live. You gain an additional use of your magic release ability. You are exceptionally pathetic and everyone just wants to hug you and make you feel better when you cry. As such, your bonus to your Mercy ability is doubled. Even better than before, you have trained your eye to sparkle on command and it always looks super adorbs in selfies. When accessing your Chakras, you gain the following effects. Root Chakra: The DR granted by this ability is doubled. Sacral Chakra: The Fly speed is increased by 20 feet for the duration. Navel Chakra: The damage dealt by this is increased by 3d8. In addition, As a full round action, the perfomer of this can apply it's effects to a technique of 3rd level or lower that deals fire damage and takes no longer than a standard action to perform. Heart Chakra: You can remove an additional effect using this, and the healing is doubled. Throat Chakra: The Staggering effect's duration is increased by 1 round. Brow Chakra: The True Seeing lasts for 2 additional rounds. Crown Chakra: You can access 3 chakras at once. This animal's service is amazing. It has a Medal of honor, Prisoner of war medal, and a medal from every war we've fought in for the last 1,000 years.... Plus he has a 5 star store on Hell-Bay, so, that's something. Your animal companions or familiars are much more healthy and skilled. Your animal companions gain a bonus to all trained skills that they possess equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, so long as they are within 100 feet of you, if you are wearing a muscle magic item, they gain temporary hitpoints equal to the bonus granted by that muscle. Finally, once per round when the animal makes an attack roll for whatever reason, it can use your bonus to hit instead of it's own, and add your charisma modifier to the damage roll. You watch Kung Fu and action movies so closely you can mimic each frame flawlessly, as such you've picked up some supernatural enter the dragon level techniques that you can use to throw the smackdown on some sorry nerds. Select a single Humanoid class (But not prestige class), You use your total character level -5 as your level in that class to determine if you can use techniques that only that class can learn. You must still learn techniques normally through this by spending mana and time training, it just allows you access to techniques you normally would not have access to. This can be taken multiple times, however only once for every 10 levels you possess. You have focused even more since last time. You can swing a sword once and cut an onion into 12 pieces and bring a hammer down on a pig to make bacon. Your skills are amazing, and it's all in the focus. Add +1 to the save DC of techniques of a single type that you have Technique Focus in. This can be taken multiple times, however only once for every type of technique. You add +1 to the DC of any Evocation spell you cast. In addition, you can cast Fire as the spell, 3 times a day. A master of speed, you dash around on land, sea, and air without giving a crap about anyone. You run on walls sideways, and can fly faster than a dragon on Crack. As such, any time one of your movement speeds increases, your other movement speeds increase by the same amount. Bad ass. You were trained by Monks in the Tarantino Mountains, and have learned to survive despite just how gritty and detailed everything you do is. Like, seriously, you're so gritty you wipe with sandpaper. You gain a Ki pool of 2 points as well as an additional amount equal to your wisdom modifier. You also gain the ki strike class feature of a 4th level monk , as well as the ability to spend a point of ki to gain an additional attack, increase your move speed, and gain the bonus to dodge. This feat allows you to qualify for any abilities that require you to have a Ki pool including feats. By shouting about team spirit and coercing your conjured buddies with a gentle punch to the neck, you have earned their trust and got them pumped up for the big game against their rivals! Select a single type of creature you can summon with a summoning spell (Animal, Elemental, Magical Beast, Undead Ect...) All creatures of that type that you summon possess a single Evility slot. You can purchase an evility, just as you would for yourself, and grant it to the summoned creatures instead of yourself. Once bought, you cannot use it, and the summoned creatures cannot use any of your other evilities. You can purchase more to switch out with them as often as you'd like. Bombsters are obsessed with the feel of metal and get turned on by the smell of gunpowder. Gun Fanatic Bombsters are so in tuned with guns that they have learned to use them better than anyone else. You can take feats usually listed as fighter only feats, so long as you take them for a type of gun. You can hack your friend's hellbook with great skill, and no, I totally don't mean they just left Hellbook open and typed a funny post on their page. You Gain a +2 bonus to Computer use skill checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 10 ranks. This also raises the DC of anyone trying to oppose any of your computer's systems by the same amount. Half of your blood is something and half of it is something else... gravy maybe? Frosting? who knows, regardless, select one additional race other than your own. You can take feats as if you were a member of that race. If you take this feat to gain additional uses of an ability (Such as the Nereid's Bubble or the Whirwin's Sonic blade) you gan the ability to use the ability, however only once per day. You are still not eligible to take monster feats with this. This feat can be taken multiple times, each time you gain a new race that you can take feats for. Time to get out your old parachute pants and grip your mallet tight. Used for smashing demons or the deadliest games of Whack-a-mole, You can swing a hammer better than that Penguin in that one Series, You know the one. You gain a +1 to "Caster" level with Hammer Techniques. By finding an object's harmonic seam and hitting it with enough force, you can successfully split it perfectly down the center. I heard that from a guy on TV who was smashing watermelons so it can't be a lie. As a full attack action, make a single attack against an object, this attack deals double damage (X3 on a critical hit). This can be used to attempt a sunder as well. Your blood is amazingly delicious and can cure any disease. You can use your blood to heal and restore creatures. By taking a number of points of constitution damage equal to the spell level, you can cast any spell with the healing descriptor. These points of constitution can only be healed through normal means however and cannot be cured through magic. Furthering your great health, you gain an additional 1 hit point per hit die you possess. A deadly stance where one uses their hand as if it were a spear, mimicking stances and lashes with the tips of their fingers to pierce their foe's chest. When in this stance, all damage you deal with your unarmed strike becomes piercing damage. In addition, you can take a -2 penalty to attack rolls to increase your reach by 5 feet for 1 round. Finally, you treat your unarmed strike as a Polearm and a 1 handed reach weapon for all purposes such as class abilities or feat selection. You have learned to chop the wind and stab with the best using only your fingers as your weapon. Your spear like movements terrify your foes and the wounds you leave behind are nigh impossible to heal. When in hell spear stance, you gain the brace weapon quality as well as the Trip weapon quality for your fists. If you land a successful critical hit with your unarmed strikes, the multiplier becomes X3. When using stunning fist, you can choose instead of stunning your foe to deal bleed damage to creatures who fail their saving throw. The bleed damage is equal to your total Ki pool amount and lasts for 1 round per 3 levels you possess. Finally, when you take a penalty to attack rolls to increase your reach, you take a -4 penalty to increase your reach by 10 feet for 1 round. You have reached the epitome of the Hell Spear Stance. You know how to pierce your hand straight through the chest of an enemy and take their heart with you. When in the hell spear stance, you can use Polearm spear techniques with your unarmed strike. In addition, you can spend one point of ki to treat your fist as if it were a 2 handed polearm weapon for 1 round. This allows you to deal damage as if wielding a 2 handed weapon. When you take a penalty to attack rolls, your penalty becomes -6 and your reach increases by 15 feet. While in this stance, you can choose to expend three uses of stunning fist to make a Slicing Hand Chop attack. You make single attack as a standard action at a -8 penalty, if this attack hits, you deal double damage and bleed damage as per the lunging halberd feat, but the enemy must also make a Fortitude saving throw DC: 10+ 1/2 character level+ Wisdom modifier are also treated as if you landed a critical hit to the enemy's heart as per the called shot rules. Critical Called Shot: A critical hit to the heart pierces the organ, causing exhaustion and 1d4 points of Constitution bleed damage. A successful Fortitude save reduces this to fatigue and 1 point of Constitution bleed damage. In either case, stopping the bleeding requires either regeneration (spell or special ability), magic healing that heals as many points of damage (from one or more sources) as the original blow dealt, or a successful DC 20 Heal check that takes 1d4 rounds to complete. Alternatively, by spending a use of Quivering Palm, you can make the same attack and gain the same effects, however the hit is treated as a Debilitating Blow to the heart instead. Just like quivering palm, the enemy gains a saving throw, and if it fails, you can choose to have the ability effect the creature at any time as a free action. This is treated as a quivering palm, however you can have a normal quivering palm active at the same time as this. Debilitating Blow: A debilitating blow to the heart destroys it, instantly killing any creature that relies on its heart to survive. Creatures that succeed at a Fortitude save suffer exhaustion and take 1d6 points of Constitution damage and 1d4 points of Constitution bleed damage, as do creatures that can survive without a heart. Hell hath no fury like a five fingered salute. You know how to hit em and make it hurt more than it should. When using Power attack, you deal an additional +1 damage. This damage scales with power attack gaining an additional +1 for every 4 levels you possess. When a girl cheers for the Unlosing ranger, the chakra engine in his belt goes into overdrive and grants him extra power. When a female uses the aid another action on an Unlosing Ranger he gains an additional +1 bonus to his roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every female aiding the unlosing ranger. Forget about weaving baskets, you weave hexes. You know how to string magic power into underwear when you're sewing, and you can curse a sweater to be so itchy that the person wearing it will want to roll on a bed of nails. By expending 2 uses of one of your witch hexes, you can apply it to a spell you cast. The witch hex only effects a single creature, regardless of the spell's area of effect. If the spell would effect multiple creatures, select a single creature to be effected by this spell. Clasping your hands together, your voice resonates through the realms as you release a mighty prayer to God. Whether this prayer is for world peace, or for them to stop releasing HD remakes of games without much thought put into them, your prayer will surely reach it's target. This feat works like Technique acquisition, however instead of a single spell, an Angel can select 2 spells so long as they're on the cleric spell list. They must still learn them the same way as with Technique acquisition. Never attending class, and receiving negative scores on all of your tests, You stand at the peak of douchbagery. No one can overcome the sheer jackassery that emanates from your person. Whether it's farting in the pool or stealing someone's favorite snack, You are at the top of the demonic class. Enemies within 30 feet of you that attempt to aid another must roll twice and take the lowest result. Sometimes you get so pissed off, so UNDENIABLY angry that you just explode! Not like... with a bad temper, but like... you physically burst. Whenever you are dropped to enough hit points to kill you, creatures within 30 feet must make a reflex saving throw DC: 10+Constitution modifier+1/2 of your overall character level, or take 1d4 fire damage per 2 levels. A successful save halves the damage. An uber secret Fire Chaos Style Kitchen Fist technique, only written in the cook books of the greatest masters. Using rare ingredients and simmering your soul, you are able to sooth not only your own spirit, but bring out the sweet flavors in everyone around you. While in the Fire Chaos Style Kitchen Fist stance, you can expend 2 cuisine points to make a touch, or ranged touch attack out to 30 feet against a creature as a standard action. If it hits, the creature immediately ends any Rage, or frenzy abilities effecting it. If the creature is possessed or being influenced by magic in any way, it gains another saving throw vs. the spell with a +4 bonus to the saving throw. Creatures effected by this gain a will saving throw DC: 10+1/2 level +Wisdom modifier to negate the effect. Aren't you that one guy, from that one show? Yeah, totally, you're badass with a gun and could shoot a fly's left nut off of it mid flight. You gain a +1 bonus to your "caster" level when performing martial techniques with Crossbows/Firearms (light). Bang Bang! You are cute and tiny, and like to tweet about your newest song lyrics, which has attracted a massive fanbase! You can select the monster feats Hot Stuff, Inured to Energy, One with the Elements, Bookworm, and Old Sage as if you were a monster type. In addition you can select any feats that require you to be a construct. You must meet the prerequisites to select each of them. Your body is strong and impregnable. Even the hardest of steel and the sharpest blade cannot pierce your battle hardened flesh. While in the Total Defense master Stance, your Dodge bonus from the stance is increased to +2 and your Damage reduction is increased to 4/-. In addition while in this stance you can enter total defense stance as a move action instead of a standard action. Your mind has transcended your body and your will to stand against your foes is stronger than any attack you could take. While in the Total Defense Master Stance, your Dodge bonus from the stance becomes +3 and your damage reduction is increased to 6/-. In addition while in the stance, you can perform attacks of opportunity while in a total defense stance. You are emotionless, efficient, and make a loud whirring noise whenever you move your limbs. You should really get that checked out, My grandma had something like that going on and she needed surgery. Your range increases to 10 miles, in addition, if you are within 30 feet of another creature that possesses this feat, you and those creatures can all roll when making an ability check that requires a mental ability score and use the highest D20 roll, applying your own bonuses as usual afterward. Finally, you gain aanother +2 bonus to all perception checks and use computer checks. This feat cannot be selected through the halfblood feat. You are much better at gathering friends than a certain Ranger I know, and as such can gather help from very powerful sources. You can instead choose from this list of creatures when you choose an animal companion. Their statistics as a companion are listed in their monster class entry. Prinny, Mystic Beast, Flora Beast, Gargoyle, Imp, Manticore, Moth Man, Nekomatta, Roc, Shroom, Sludge, or Slumbercat. You feel even more in tune with your people and dogs than usual members of your kind. As such, you gain an additional +2 bonus to attack and damage whenever you are at full hit points. Your mind has leveled up. Some say that it was caused by a mysterious level upper device found in a scientific mecca, but really I just think it's because you ate your Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Your Psychic spells from Diviner can be used 3 times a day now. In addition, you gain Enshroud Thoughts, Hypercognition, Mental Barrier I, and Mental Block all usable once per day. I foresee in your future, ME kicking your ass! Your mind's eye ability increases by +1 when you use it. You are much more healthy than the other kids, you never scrape your knee and you always stuff yourself with vegetables. You gain an additional 1 hit point per hit die you possess. You have honed your elemental power into a new form. As such you can use your elemental fist ability with monk weapons instead of just unarmed strikes. Your sleight of hand capability is so exceptional that the mere sight of it's weird motions sends those who witness it into spiraling madness for aeons. When making a sleight of hand check, you can hide items that should be impossible to hide. If the item is medium sized you take a -5 penalty, and a cumulative -5 for every size larger than that it is. When you reveal this item, you pull it from "Hammerspace" or out of nowhere, similarly to how a cartoon character would. This item must be one you can carry on your person. That heart of yours glows with an awesome power! Your burning grip tells you to defeat them! Give them your Love, your anger, and all your sorrow! Or maybe.... maybe, all of that burning is because of syphilis. This qualifies Androids and Cyborgs to take levels in the monster prestige class Flame God. When selecting this feat, you must also select a single humanoid class. After you complete any levels in flame god in this life, you can only level up in the class you selected, and therefore can never multiclass into anything else in this life. A beast among beasts. You do 666 pushups every morning and wipe your ass with pages of holy text. Once per day you can activate an Unholy effect on your weapons that works as the enchant of the same name. This lasts until the end of the encounter. Your mind has wandered into a strange part of the zone, laden with mystical powers that other Paladin have never even comprehended wielding. You gain the ability to prepare Wizard spells for your Paladin Spell slots. No go whoop some wizard ass. Demons with an innocent heart are sought after by evil demons to be destroyed most of the time, though some have become popular due to innocence being attractive to some demons. You gain Damage Reduction 5/Evil. If you have Damage Reduction of any other type, Good is added to it to determine what overcomes it. If an enemy smites you, it must have the ability to treat it's weapons as if they were evil aligned or you only cut your damage reduction in half. Finally, you gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor or abilities from evil aligned creatures Your fortitude is strong and hearty. So strong in fact that you once went to an all you can eat buffett and ate 30 plates while you were suffering from Food poisoning. Whenever making a Fortitude saving throw, you critically succeed on the saving throw at a 19-20 instead of a 20. Your reflexes are so good, one time you even caught a ball that was tossed to you. That's crazy man. Whenever making a reflex saving throw, you critically succeed on the saving throw at a 19-20 instead of a 20. Will you or won't you? Chances are, if you take this feat, Will you! I mean, you will! Whenever making a Will saving throw, you critically succeed on the saving throw at a 19-20 instead of a 20. Like gum stuck under a desk, your body is nearly impenetrable and tastes horrible. You gain DR1/-. This feat can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. You have a passion for fashion. You shop till you drop when a sale is posted at the mall, and have actually, literally killed a man for even looking at a DVD Box Set of McGuyver on Black Friday. As such you have developed an unhealthy bond with items and know them inside and out. life in plastic is fantastic. When in the item world, You deal an additional amount of damage equal to twice your character level to creatures you attack. This only applies while in the item world. Name is the game if you want to be successful. Fighting against the forces of justice is much easier if your name is Nuke Voidwraith, however it's a wee bit more difficult if you have a name like Ass Bitchinz. When you are using an item with a name you gain additional bonuses. Only items named officially in a meeting with the Dark Assembly, artifacts, or specific magic items can be used with this. When selecting this feat you must select a single named item you possess. The item when wielded grants one of the following, selected when you gain this feat. · +1 to attack rolls when the item is wielded · +1 to damage rolls when the item is wielded · +1 to armor class when the item is equipped. · +1 to the save DC of any effect it creates while it is equipped. · +1 charges if the item possesses charges. · +2 bonus to 2 different skills while equipped. · +1 bonus to all saving throws while equipped. All of the bonuses are Morale Bonuses. These morale bonuses stack with morale bonuses granted by spells, techniques, and class features, but not with themselves. You can select this multiple times, each time selecting a new named item or a new bonus. When you reach 10th level, you gain another effect from the list, or double the effects of the first one. You travel the world, sewing your seeds in the fertile lands, making sure your people continue on forever. Once per day you can use the Treant special ability Animate Trees. The only difference is that it can make ranged attacks that deal 1d4+strength modifier damage as it can whip apples at people. This lasts for 10 minutes per level. You know all about bad Juju as you practically invented it. Whether it's collecting alligator feet to grind into a powder or reciting rituals to summon Super mega Ultra Chickens, you know your Voodoos from your Voodon'ts. When you Animate undead, or create undead through magic means, you use strange alchemical methods to allow them to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. You can create vials of your own blood. This takes 10 minutes, and deals constitution damage to you (Charisma if you possess no constitution) equal to 2 points for every vial you create. These vials last for 1 day per level. By injecting this blood into a dead creature before animating it, you grant it a +4 bonus from all effects that can harm or otherwise have an undesired effect against undead as well as an additional +1 hit points per level you possess. In addition, if you inject your blood into a creature that is paralyzed, you can use them as a zombie until their paralysis ends by casting animate dead on it. Creatures animated in this way cannot use techniques or class abilities, however can still utilize their weapons as normal. These creatures gain all of the effects that you grant to undead if you have any abilities that improve their power. Finally, when animating undead normally, you can animate the undead as a Juju zombie without expending any additional resources instead of animating it as a normal zombie. You are strong young grasshopper, but can you take the fly from the air, or the grain of rice from my hand? Or my dog for a walk? Or my little sister to school? I have a lot of chores, can you do them for me? When taking a fighting stance, you can choose to use two style feats at once. This stacks with the Master of Many Styles ability that grants a similar ability. While using a style, you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws and damage rolls. This bonus is doubled for one round after you switch styles. You also gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw DC's of close/monk techniques. Finally, once per round as an instant action, by spending a point of ki, when you see an attack coming your way with a melee weapon, you can make a sunder check against that weapon. If the weapon is successfully destroyed, the attack deals no damage to you. You have mastered Kung Fu, Your belt is black with the blood of your enemies. You can now take that vacation to the mystic mountains you've always wanted to visit and stroke your beard and eyebrows all day thinking about philosophy and probably videogames. When taking a fighting stance, you gain an increased awareness of your surroundings. You gain a +6 bonus on all Sense motive and perception checks, as well as to Acrobatics checks. In addition, All of the bonuses granted by the Kung fu style are increased by +1. Finally when using your sunder ability of Kung Fu Initiate style, you can once per day, as an instant action, spend 3 points of ki and negate the damage dealt by a single attack, and automatically deal double sunder damage to the weapon that struck you. If a natural attack, the creature takes the damage, and is treated as if it took a critical called shot to the hand. A fighting style so powerful it once defeated the entire internet singlehandedly back in 1999. Though this is a style feat, it is applied to all styles you possess instead of being a style in of it's self. While in the Kung Fu Master style, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, CMB, CMD, and armor class so long as you are currently using a stance feat. This bonus is doubled on your next attack after you switch styles. You also gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw DC's of close/monk techniques. your name is spoken of in hushed whispers. legends of your deeds are ingrained into the very minds of your peers. This is not only fear, but respect, as your deeds are so incomprehensibly kind that they both love and hate you at the same time. You grant allies a further +2 bonus to checks when you aid another. In addition, a Delinquent can grant the additional +2 bonus from the delinquent feat as a standard action instead of a full round action. You are known for your tom-foolery and your great pranks. From ding dong ditching an entire country to flipping the skirts of every woman ever, you are a true evil legend. Creatures with a morale bonus from any effect, take a -2 penalty to attack, damage, and skill checks against you. Your constructs seem even more lifelike. They march around like soldiers and possess all of the enthusiasm of a high school dropout working at a fast food place. Each of your constructs and or Undead gain a single evility slot. The Slot can be filled with any evility, however you must buy the evility for each construct separately in the usual method. You have studied the writings and practices of the church so closely that you can say all of your prayers backwards.... but don't do that, it's heresy and they'll have you burned on the cross for it. You can learn any spell with the word "Litany" in it's name as a technique of the same level by training to learn it as you would any other technique. You're running late for a date! It's been years since you've been with anyone and you can't believe you slept through your alarm! All you can hope for now is Godspeed. You gain a +10 bonus to your land speed. This feat can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. You're the life of the party. You are a master of the slam dance, and have never not broke a table when at a house party. Enemies adjacent to you take a -4 penalty to all concentration checks so long as you have made an attack in the round they try to make it. Your soul is more stuffed than a turkey on thanksgiving dinner. A single ounce of more love and care inside of you and you'll burst like some kind of Love Balloon. Nasty. You can select another Lifecharge to add to your list of Lifecharges. You must meet prerequisites as usual. What is this I don't even... Confound your opponents and laugh at even the most obscure internet references, and don't forget to make people angry with your endless rants about cats and cheese burgers. You gain a +1 bonus to "Caster" level when performing techniques with Novelty weapons. Your voice is what the Sirens attempt to imitate, the angels are jealous of your beautiful hymns, and you are listened to by people all over the internet but not actually on the radio since that popular shit is always on instead. But don't worry, WE appreciate you. You can purchase the evility "Lovely Song" at the same price a Bard would be able to instead of at 3X the cost. This Feat cannot be taken if you are just using the Halfblood feat. Your Biceps have Biceps and your Pectorals are ripped on the microscopic level. I heard that you can bench a whole galaxy and one time you crushed a can on your forehead into an adamantine greatsword. BITCHIN! You can purchase the evility "Boar Charge" at the same price a Nether Noble would be able to instead of at 3X the cost. This Feat cannot be taken if you are just using the Halfblood feat. You like to crack the skulls of those old hairy guys who read magic books in their big towers. They think they're so cool, practicing magic, learning how to use it in battle. Well you trained too, and you know their secrets. When a spell caster attempts to cast defensively around you, their DC to do so increases by your relevant ability modifier. Your eye is so big that all the ladies just wanna rub it.... or something weird like that. So get some eye drops and stare at something. You gain a +4 bonus on all perception checks You were a good kid in school, you shared your crayons with other kids and you also made sure to share your recorder with the pretty girls because, that counts as an indirect kiss ya know? Other spell casters whom possess this feat can utilize spells from your list, and you can do so with theirs so long as they stand within 5 feet of you. You can access eachother's known spells as if you were 1/2 their level, using your own spell slots to cast their spells. This is considered a teamwork feat. Your intuition tells you everything you need to know. You can tell if a man is cheating on their boyfriend, or where cute clothes are going to be on sale before it even happens. You gain a +2 bonus to Sense motive and perception, at 10 ranks of either of those skills, this bonus increases to +4. This bonus is doubled when using those skills against a male. You gather all sorts of attention everywhere you go and people keep mentioning something about the "Lich King" and the "Cave to the North". You rummage through people's drawers and often talk to random people about completely outlandish topics. Your fate is destined to be grand and you can bend the world to your will. You only spend 1 hero point to cheat death instead of the usual 2. Your vampiric powers are so extreme that you can suck blood out of someone from a distance. As a full round action, you can perform a martial technique. If it hits, you can choose to deal your bite damage and blood drain to that creature for free. This cannot be used on a technique that takes a full round action or longer to perform. You are a master of either Martial, Divine, or Arcane powers. More specifically, you are known for always spamming the same attack over and over again and no one likes fighting you because you're a cheap bastard... Choose a single Martial Technique, Arcane, or Divine spell that you can cast. Applying meta magic feats take one slot less than normal (To a minimum of 0 extra slots) and applying them to techniques lowers the number of additional techniques you must sacrifice by 1. In addition, you are considered 1 level higher for determining effects of that spell, and it's save DC is 2 points higher. *Fighters can choose this as one of their bonus feats No one cared who you were until you put on the mask. You're not the hero this town wants, but you're the one it deserves. You gain a +4 bonus to disguise checks to pretend to be someone else. This bonus doubles when you have 10 ranks in Disguise. You stand atop a mountain of your foe's slain corpses and the seas run red with their blood. The Dragons scream to the night your praises and the undead that curse this earth all cower beneath you. Or... At least that's what you tell people, really this just changes an evility. Select an Evility that applies a bonus to an ability score. You can select a different ability score for that evility to target. If it targets multiple ability scores you can change one of them. If it gives an inverse penalty to an ability score that matches the new score you select, you can alter that as well. For example if an evility gives a +4 bonus to Charisma and a -4 to Wisdom, you could choose to switch the two values to +4 Wisdom and -4 Charisma. This can be taken multiple times, each time to alter the effects of an evility. Some have called you master, other a manslayer, and sometimes they just call you "Dangerous Sword Guy" but regardless, everyone knows that you kick ass with a sword. As such you gain a +1 bonus to your "caster" level when performing martial techniques with heavy blades. Slice and Dice baby, Slice and Dice. Sometimes getting touchy feely doesn't pay off, and when that's the case it sucks to lose your hand. Wait... are we talking about the same things here? When using a thief hand, if your attempt was unsuccessful, your item is not expended. You are coated in a fine layer of steel, like an ice cream crunch bar, but... ya know... for war. You gain the Composite Plating racial ability of the Cyborg Template. If you already possess this ability, you gain a +2 bonus to armor class. After you all shout out your powered Suit's name, you leap into the air and shift around, your forms contorting as you all combine into a SUPER ROBOT! Fan girls squeal and fanboys shed a manly tear. You gain the Monster's Fusion combat maneuver that you can perform with other creatures that possess this feat. You cannot use this to perform the fusion with another Powered suit if you are already using the fusion action normally. This fusion's duration is cut in half from the usual length of time. Your weapon descends from the heavens, surrounded by lightning, explosions, and other green screen effects. Pyrotechnics on a saturday morning never felt so hyped. Select a single weapon. You can now Magichange into that sort of weapon as if you were a monster class. This only lasts for 1/2 of the time however, and you can only magichange with another creature that possesses this feat. Calling your allies together, you all combine to make a super, ultra, powered suit! But there are so many of you that it takes the rest of the animation budget to combine. Way to go assholes. If fused with a creature already using Megazodiac, another creature with the Megazodiac feat can fuse with you as well. Doing so does not grant the effects of fusing, but instead grants one of the following. These bonuses don't stack with themselves from multiple fusions. · A Bonus to attack rolls equal to 1/2 of their Powered Suit Level · A Bonus to Armor class equal to 1/2 of their powered Suit level · A single Powered Suit Upgrade you don't already possess · A +20 bonus to all forms of move speed · A bonus to damage reduction equal to 1/2 of their Powered Suit level. if you possess no damage reduction, you gain DR/- equal to that amount. M-M-MID BOSS!? You show up halfway through important events to give a bit of helpful advice or to rile up the heroes, you may not like the job but hey, it's a living. Once per day you can activate a "Bane" ability that works just like the enchantment of the same name on any weapon you hold. This lasts for a single encounter. You have long, gross fingers, great for gripping things and holding on forever. When you give high fives it's like fly paper and when you give purple nurples it feels like someone just twisted you with a brillo pad. You take no penalty for wielding a weapon of one size category larger than usual. This does not stack with any other ability that allows you to wield a larger weapon. *Fighters can choose this as a bonus feat. You know how to put a sweet 80's song to clips of things you do to make you stronger, and your video editing skills are unmatched. This lessens the time it takes to learn new techniques by 1 week to a minimum of instantly. In the name of the moon you punish them, and you do it in intergalactic style. You gain access to prismatic abilities. You can access "Omega" spells without specializing in the proper element. You are like a rainbow... a dangerous ass rainbow... The moon gives you strength, like a big white cookie of awesomeness in the sky. It also makes your skin thicker and more resilient. You gain Damage Reduction 2, Overcome by Silver. This stacks with other Damage Reduction. This feat can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. Stiff and groggy, you have a log that won't roll over. So re-kindle that campfire and pitch your tent, time for sawing logs is over we've got work to do! Gain DR 2/ Axe. This feat can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. You're like Sherlock Holmes if he was a body builder who solved problems by flexing real hard. You use your constitution modifier for perception checks instead of your wisdom modifier. Your heritage is spread through many different places and goes as far back as the planet it's self. Your family tree is also an actual tree. You can select Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undine feats and favored class bonuses for classes as if you were one of them. You are a living, breathing, GPS. Even going so far as to use an annoying robotic voice when you give directions. You gain the spell "Know Direction" as a spell like ability usable three times a day. A demon must relish solitude. You know the oaths of the demon by heart and have no friends to speak of. You are bitter, mean, and lonely, but that's just how you like it. When using Aid another, you can roll off against a DC of 20 instead to make an enemy take a penalty to something equal to 1/2 of the bonus you would grant someone with aid another. (Usually a +1) No matter the danger, a hero must stand forward and face it! A hero must relish friendship and do a good turn daily! These hero oaths are burned into your mind and you follow them with your entire being. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and armor class against evil creatures. You are so human, it's scary. Your name is Hugh Mann and you like to do very humanly things. You gain an additional skill point at every level, and you gain an extra +2 to any ability score. It cannot be the same ability score you chose for being a human however. However you also take a -6 penalty on disguise checks to be anything other than a human. Go on with your human self. Your life is in the skies, and on the battle field and your body hones your capabilities for both. When you select this feat, it works as either "Bulls eye" or "Beef Cake" when you select it. It cannot be changed. You can select the feat a second time to get it's secondary ability. As a show of superiority, you can face off against your foes with only a single finger. Though this is not as effective as using your full fists, you can learn to make it a legitimate way to face your foes. When in the One finger fighting style stance, you deal piercing damage with all attacks made with unarmed strikes. When making attacks against an enemy, you take a -4 penalty, and deal minimum damage (Except for against objects), however you also ignore 1 point of the enemy's Armor, Shield, Natural armor, and damage reduction when you land a successful hit. This amount increases by 1 for every 5 levels you possess. By spending a point from your ki pool, you can ignore 1 additional point of natural armor, armor, Shield, and damage reduction for 1 round. When in this stance, your penalty is -3. When making an attack, you ignore another 2 points of damage reduction and deal +1d4 force damage on all attacks. When hitting an enemy on it's touch armor class, you ignore armor and shield bonuses, even if granted by force effects such as mage armor. By spending a point of ki from your ki pool, you can choose to apply the penalty to armor class and damage reduction to energy resistances, Insight bonuses, and Deflection bonuses as well for 1 round. While in this stance, you can use Stunning fist 1 additional time in a round. If you use stunning fist with this style, you can choose to stagger the enemy for 2 rounds instead of stunning them for 1 round. When in this stance, your penalty is -2. When making an attack, you ignore another 2 points of damage reduction and deal +1d6 force damage on all attacks instead of +1d4. When making attacks, you cut that enemy's deflection bonuses to armor class in half. You no longer deal minimum damage on each attack. Finally, you can spend a point of ki from your ki pool to double the amount of damage reduction you ignore through this ability for a single attack. While in this stance you can use Stunning fist 2 additional times in a round instead of 1 additional time a round. If you use stunning fist with this style, you can choose to stagger the enemy for 1d6+2 rounds instead of stunning them for 1 round. You grow moss on your head and the birds land on your rough, barklike skin. You never shave and I swear to god if you piss in my flower garden again I'll tear IT off! Select a single ability from the Geo Assimilation chart of the geo Beast. You gain this ability so long as your Geo beast is within 30 feet of you and grant it to the Geo Beast as well. You were raised by wolves and suckled from the fangs of vipers as a baby. You live in nature and nature lives in you. And you can lick ANY part of your body. Select a single monster class. This must be a monster class from which you possess a monster as an animal companion. You can now select monster feats that a creature of that type could take, treating your Beast Tamer level as your monster level to qualify. You're like one of those lizards who grows back their tail, but it's your whole body. Sometimes you even remove limbs just to get out of going to work. Gain Regeneration 2 overcome by Ice damage. This stacks with all other fast healing or regeneration. This can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. You are a master at lifting boulders. Big or small, it doesn't matter, you enjoy lifting them up and feeling their weight against your hands. You're also good at throwing rocks, but that's a completely different story. Gain the rock tossing and rock catching abilities of a Giant. Damage is 2d6 + 1 and 1/2 your strength modifier for medium sized creatures. (1d6+ 1 and 1/2 strength modifier if small sized). This damage increases by +2d6 for every size category beyond Medium you are. You can select this feat multiple times, each time increasing the size category you are treated as by one step for the purpose of throwing and catching rocks. By reaching through the twilight and into the outer limits, you can pass through a scary door and reach a darkside that will give you goosebumps. You can apply summoning feats that add templates to a creature to your Eidolon. You can do so by spending a number of evolution points equal to twice the level adjustment of the template added. Do you feel that? Aww Shit. You're down and out, the enemy has won, he's standing over you and he knows he's better than you, but you have something badass up your sleeve. Whenever you are in Danger (25% hit points) you gain a +2 bonus to Attack and damage rolls. You gain an Overload skill. You must follow the following rules to use your overload. Endless hours of practice – and the sore, bloody throats to prove it – have honed your lovely song to perfect pitch. When you use your Lovely Song evility, for every five points for which your Perform check beats the DC (20, 25, etc), inspired allies gain 4 additional temporary hit points and the morale bonus to their attack rolls and AC increases by +1. This feat cannot provide greater than a +5 morale bonus and more than 20 additional temporary hit points. When using this ability, instances of Lovely Song do not stack with each other. You have died, but still you fight on, pushing yourself up and out of your early grave. A ghost on the field of battle, you know nothing else. You are war. You are conquest. So long as you possess at least 25 ranks in each of the listed skills, you can use the following abilities.. Know the Enemy(any Knowledge): When using Know the enemy, You gain a +1 bonus to armor class. This increases whenever your bonus to d20 rolls increases. In addition if you beat a DC of 20+Enemy hit dice+Enemy's Charisma modifier when using the knowledge check, you can ignore abilities they have such as evasion, mettle, willful evasion, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge until the end of your next turn. Cut it close (Bluff): When using Cut it close, You can negate the damage for 1 round for every 5 points you beat their check by. Detect Power Level (Perception): When using your detect power level ability, You begin on the third round of detect magic. In addition, the area of effect is increased to 2 miles. In addition if an effect is being masked as not being magic, you can make a perception check against the wielder's Caster level check to realize it's magic. After Image (Acrobatics): You can now use this ability whenever you make an acrobatics check to jump as well. Quicker than the eye (Sleight of hand): When using Quicker than the eye, you can double the cost to add your Sleight of hand check to damage dealt with your attack. This can be applied to one attack a round. Close Call (Stealth): When using Close Call, you can expend 12 more points from your pool. If you do, the enemy is blinded for 1 round if they fail their perception check. When using fear it's self to target multiple creatures, you can spend 15 additional points. Creatures that are effected take damage equal to your Intimidate check. Battle Senses (Sense Motive): When using Battle Senses, you bypass immunity to scent. In addition, your scent isn't effected by the wind. You did it. You paid for Win Rar. You are the ultimate delinquent. No one can possibly stand up to your purity and grace. We bow before your immaculate beauty. At the start of the day you can make a diplomacy check DC: 25+2 for every delinquent feat you have+2 for every 48 skills feat you have. If successful, you can select one of the abilities from one of the 48 skills feats that you don't meet the prerequisites for and have access to it for the day. You can select another ability off of that list for every 5 you beat the DC by. This must be done again every time this is attempted but can only be done once every 24 hours. You cannot take 10 or 20 on this. Your psychic powers are completely at your command. But your constant training has left you awkward and anti-social. Better if you... avoided the prom this year I think. Your Psychic Spells from Improved Diviner are usable at will, the spells from Greater Diviner are usable 2 times per day each. And you can use the spells, Mind Thrust III, Node of Blasting, Telekinetic Maneuver, and Thought Shield II once per day each. You stand above all others in the prank department. And you know the secrets to filling whoopie cushions with real farts. I hear you've even unlocked the true comedic secrets of hitting someone with a pie. As a standard action, you can make a bluff check against all opponents within 60 feet. This is against their opposed sense motive. These enemies collectively use the highest sense motive among them. If successful you can benefit from a single combat feat that you meet the prerequisites for against that opponent for the remainder of the encounter. For every 10 points you beat their sense motive by you can use another combat feat (Maximum of +3 feats). If another enemy would interact with you and your feat would apply, You can make a bluff check against that enemy too. If you ever fail, you lose the effects of that combat feat. No creature can be effected by your paragon Honor Student feat more than once within 24 hours, even if they failed. The benefits from this last until the end of the encounter or for 5 rounds, whichever comes first. Ira (Anger): If a creature has enraged you in combat, you take a -6 penalty to all skill checks used (Except for intimidate), and a -4 to will saving throws until you have made your intimidate or attack roll against that creature. You gain the spell Murderous command as a spell or technique added to the list you can use. You gain this only if you can use techniques or spells of this spell level. If you take the feat technique acquisition, you can select Wrathful mantle, Rage, and Disintegrate, instead of a single spell. Your bonus to attack rolls against creatures whom have attacked you at least once increases to +2. and your bonus gained if you have successfully intimidated or defeated a creature becomes +2 to Attack rolls, damage rolls, and a +6 to intimidate checks for 1 hour or until you do it again. Creatures adjacent to you cannot consider other characters allies for the purpose of any actions or use any teamwork feats. The effect ends immediately if the creature is no longer adjacent to you. You're an unstable ball of destructive Fury, The slightest movement can set you leaping into a blood Frenzy. You can lash out at any given moment. As such, Once per encounter you only need to travel 5 feet to make a charge attack. You also see a Counselor 2 times a week. You are talked about all over the world and you even appear in long winded survival shows on TV! You gain DR 2/ Crossbows/firearms. This feat can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. Your tail has been with you through thick and thin, long and short, especially short that time you caught it in the vacuum cleaner. No matter what though the tail always prevails! You can qualify for the multi weapon fighting feats instead of two weapon fighting, using your tail as your third arm. Whether it was your sense of color that was off, or everyone just wanted to be red (The leader), you are stuck with a group of similarly colored rangers. Never let a mishap in the washing machine screw you over again, and let the others know what color you're supposed to be! Treat yourself as any one color of prism ranger of your choice, but only if there is already a prism ranger the same color as you usually are in a party. A teacher of prinnies and a lover of penguins. You know when to use "Dood" and when to toss them a fish in appreciation. You gain a Prinny as a cohort, This replaces your normal cohort, however the Prinny will never leave regardless of your leadership score. Man, I'll cut you so hard, you wish I didn't cut you so hard. You can rip and tear with a knife like Jack the Ripper at a Hooker Convention. You gain a +1 to "caster level" when performing techniques with light blades. You are a king among Pump Kin, and you show your dominance over the others by being the best at slinking through the shadows. You gain a +4 bonus on stealth Checks. Demons with pure hearts are incredibly rare and nearly impossible to find as most of them have turned away from purity or were slain by those who did. Everyone hates you for it. You are treated as having an aura of good as a cleric or paladin. When effected by abilities that deal ability score damage from an evil creature, you subtract all ability damage by 1 point (To a minimum of 0). The aristocratic are pawfully difficult to approach due to their closely kittened social order. They work together in a purrfectly eloquent manner, being sure to never accept an outsider and always pussyfooting around the subject. Becoming part of this group is quite fantasticat~ You qualify as a Snow Cat Spirit, Nyan, Nekomata, or Slumber Cat for the purpose of taking feats. Snow Cat Spirits and Nyans are treated as Nekomatas or Slumbercats of 4 levels lower for the purposes of taking their feats. Feats that grant extra uses of a racial ability grant the use of the racial ability instead. This Feat cannot be taken if you are just using the Halfblood feat. As a spirit of nature you like to cause mischief. However sometimes you prefer to use mother nature to lend a helping hand. You grant an additional +2 bonus when using the Aid-Another action. When your jacket is in the wash, and your pants are nowhere to be found, simply reach into your putty pocket when no one else is around..... Ok, that's not nearly as dirty as it sounds, it's like... an... extra... dimensional space... When you select this feat, you gain an interdimensional space in which you can store things. You can store up to one item per point in your wisdom, intelligence, or charisma modifier, selected when you choose this feat. Every time you take this feat, you can store an additional number of items equal to your previously selected modifier. You are masterful in the art of going against the system. Like a computer hacker, but in real life with the government, and you don't get a sweet 80's synth beat as you crack the code. When in the dark senate, you gain a +4 bonus to all charisma based skill checks against them. This bonus doubles when you have 10 ranks in any of those skills and increases by another +2 if you possess 20 ranks in that skill. In addition, when battling against a member of the dark senate when trying to persuade by force, you deal an additional +1 damage per character level. You have been cooped up in basements performing strange alchemical rituals and combining strange mixtures to make your unliving minions much less.... un. Just hope that headless guy with the suitcase doesn't interfere with your work anymore. You have learned to animate the dead with such great skill and accuracy that it's nearly impossible to even tell that the creatures are undead. When animating an undead creature whom you have injected with your blood, The creature is treated as an aberration instead of an undead for the purpose of being effected by spells. The Undead are still healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, though they gain positive energy resistance 10. They do not detect still with Life sense, however still detect with Detect undead. Finally, if reanimated as a super zombie, Creatures animated in this way can access techniques that they possessed in life, so long as they still possess the faculties to access the techniques. They can use 1st level techniques at 1-5 hit dice, 2nd level techniques at 6-10 hit dice, 3rd level techniques at 11-15 hit dice, and 4th-5th level techniques at 16-20 hit dice. You can select 2 techniques from their list for each level of techniques they can perform and use each one once per day. And he still whooped your ass, even after you entered Overdrive and everything! That means you have to break out the big guns. Whenever you are in Danger, you gain an additional +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls as well as a +2 bonus to saving throws. Your skill with making comments and then dashing off into the night is exquisite. As a full round action, you can move twice your land speed and make a Diplomacy or Intimidate check against the enemy. This has a DC equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier. You cannot make this check against a creature that does not understand you or has an Intelligence score of 3 or lower. Before you make these checks, you may make a Sense Motive check (DC 20) as a swift action to gain an insight bonus on these Diplomacy or Intimidate checks equal to your Charisma bonus until the end of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect. The enemy is staggered for 1 round due to the stupidity of your comment. A creature cannot be effected with this more than once every 5 rounds. This activates with an intimidate check. You trip and fall down, break things, and almost always get a moldy piece of bread when you get a sandwich. All enemies within 30 feet of you take a -1 penalty to saving throws, however you take a -1 penalty to saving throws as well. You have a righteous demeanor and are morally upstanding, causing you to be a target of ridicule and hate from your peers. You are a class A Delinquent who excels at beating people up until they can't stand anymore. Your aura is always considered to be overwhelming. If a creature casts detect good, or can see auras whom is of an evil alignment, they must make a DC: 10+ 1/2 character level+ Charisma modifier will saving throw or take 1 negative level (2 if their save is a critical failure). A single creature can only be effected with this once by the same creature in a 24 hour period. If a good aligned creature can see auras, that creature gains fast healing 2 so long as you are within 100 feet and visible to that creature. When you land a critical hit against a chaotic evil creature, you impose a negative level on that creature that lasts for 1 round per level you possess. Slow and shambling, you are the epitome of what everyone loves. Hobble along and nibble some defenseless teenagers. You gain a +1 bonus to Natural armor. This feat cannot be taken multiple times, however it does qualify you for the improved natural armor feat. Your eye is sacred. As such you particularly like to decorate it with the cutest of eye shadows and the most badass cosmetic contact lenses the Netherworld has to offer. Upon selecting this feat, you gain a Ki pool with a number of Ki equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you already possess a Ki pool it increases by this much. This Ki, if you do not possess a ki pool, allows you to access the Chakras ability as described in the Occult Adventures. Yo also gain a +4 bonus to any saving throws necessary when using these chakras. You are so beastly that even your fists are beasts. You can choose to use your claws in place of your unarmed strike for any technique or feat that requires you to use your fists. In addition, you can increase the damage of your claws through improved unarmed strike or a Monk's Robe the same as a character can improve their unarmed strike damage. You may have trained it to look like it's helping you to maneuver with your poor vision, but we all really know you just wanted to bring your dog in the library so it could poop in the back. After selecting this feat, animal companions that you possess can try to intercept attacks meant for you. As an instant action, an animal companion can move up to 1/2 of it's move speed in your direction when you are the target of an attack or area effect. The animal gains a reflex saving throw, an acrobatics check, or an attack roll against the attack roll or save DC of the incoming attack. Alternatively, if within 10 feet, you can make a handle animal check and use your own instant action instead. If successful, the animal takes the damage, and can choose to move you 5 feet for every point in it's strength modifier. If this pushes you out of the area effect then you take no damage. The animal does not get a saving throw against this attack and will take full damage from it if successful. If a failure, you take the damage like usual. You can see the opponent's hit points above their head and the glowing orange weakpoint hidden on their body. As a full round action, you can spend a Ki Point to deal an additional number of damage equal to your character level on the next attack you make. You can pierce a man's heart with anything that can sail smoothly through the air and even then sometimes with things that don't sail so smoothly through the air. You add your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls when using a ranged, finesse, or rapier weapon. This does not stack with Monstrous finesse. You're a Detective, in Space. You comb the galaxy like your pompadour on the hunt for aliens. Planet after planet you search, discovering bizarre new creatures both friendly and not. These are the spectacular adventures of the space detective and his brave space crew in space. You use your Charisma modifier instead of your wisdom modifier when making perception checks. Your beef is just as good as theirs. In fact, now you not only are beef, but you've got a BEEF with THEM! When you select this feat, you must choose whether or not it is treated as the Beef Cake or Hit Me Monster feats. You gain the effect of whichever you choose. This feat can be taken multiple times, but only once for each choice. A Steven King Movie about a werewolf that fights a kid in a wheelchair. And just like in that movie, you are a very powerful and creepy werewolf of destruction. However unlike in that movie, you don't die. Though you are still knocked unconscious at negative hit points, you cannot be killed unless they put a silver bullet (or any silver object) through your heart (Or heart like thing). While at negative hit points, you only receive 1/2 of the normal effects of healing spells and class abilities, your spells and techniques end as if you were killed, and your fast healing or regeneration does not begin working again until you've received enough hit points to be considered alive again. Feats and abilities such as diehard that allow you to remain conscious at negative hit points still allow you to do so, however you can only take actions until your hit points reach two times your constitution modifier. Finally, only full blooded werewolves can select this feat, not creatures treated as werewolves from the Half blood feat. Even death or disintegration effects are only temporary... unless it's like.. silver death or... silver disintegration. That's scary. Graceful as a swan and as deadly as a chainsaw Bazooka, you can shoot someone through the head from 300 feet away... around a corner... through traffic... in space... on fire... You get the picture. You add your dexterity modifier to all damage with ranged attacks. *Fighters can choose this as a bonus feat. You're bad to the core, a mean, green, caramel covered machine. You can use Inflict Light wounds in place of cure light wounds from your racial ability at any time. Channeling grand energies from beyond the realm, you smite your opponent. used for defeating dragons, and getting ahead in line to buy the new Slay-station system, you can sacrifice a prepared technique or spell to get a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the level of the technique or spell until the beginning of your next turn. Using this is an instant action. You are amongst the Bibliomaniacs and Bibliophiles that live within the halls of the Spirit world Library. A massive and topsy turvey library full of billions upon billions of books from all over the cosmos. As such you've picked up a spell or two. You gain 1 additional spell at every level as a wizard. This is retroactive, however you must select a spell you would have been able to learn when you had gained that level (I. E. A wizard at level 5 selecting this feat cannot select 5 level 3 spells, he must select spells of the level he could cast at the level he would have got it.) You're a pro at guitar based Slaystation games and you can do Expert mode with your eyes closed. Oh, and you're pretty good at harnessing the power of the Galaxy to destroy things but that part isn't as important. When you have this feat you can choose spells with "Star" in their descriptor and are treated as a "Star specialist" for purposes of determining the Omega, Terra and Peta spells you can choose. Rock on Champ. You sit strong in the ground and even the most powerful axe cannot splinter your resolve. You gain an additional +1 hit point per hit dice. You are so short and dangerous that people often hit their shins on you and many times, they even faceplant. You gain a +2 bonus on all trip attempts and to your CMD against trip attempts. You like to keep up with the most current trends and switch yourself to better meld with the "In" crowd, and that current trend is Sub classing. When selecting this feat, select a single class, Prestige Class, or Monster class. You add evilities from that class to your list of evilities, and therefore do not need to pay a higher price to select them. Hey yeah, I'm the one that you wanted, Hey yeah, I'm your super beast! Your animal companion now gains monster class abilities as if it were 3 levels higher (With the penalty making it gain class levels as a creature of it's level -2). In addition, if it would have spell casting, it gains the casting, however it casts spells at it's own level -5. Finally, it is only treated as if it were a monster of 5 levels lower when determining the level of techniques it can learn. It's certainly a popular crowd pleaser but it's insanely hard on the Knees. Whenever you make an acrobatics check to negate fall damage, you can negate an additional 10 ft. of falling damage for every 5 points by which you beat the DC. You have a 4 headed Leprechaun with 7 rabbit legs superglued to your awesome gland and it shows. Your luck bonus to saving throws increases by +1. You are the kind of person who can fill a cup up over the top and still manage to keep the fizz in without it flowing out and soaking the table. While in your overload form, you gain a +4 bonus to all of your ability scores for it's duration as well as a +3 bonus to armor class and saving throws. You smash windows, chug kegs of beer, and drive pools into your neighbor's car. No, I didn't write that backwards. Enemies that you force to make a concentration check must roll twice and take the lowest result. Whether you have curves in all the right places or charm your way through life without any curves at all, you are super sexy. As such you gain a +2 bonus on charisma based skill checks against creatures that would be sexually attracted to you and your save DC on spells to influence them increases by +1. You are so ready that it hurts. No. Really. Stop that, you're crushing my organs. You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative that stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Initiative. LLLLLETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!! You like to run really fast, even though for some reason you refuse to join the track team. You gain an additional use of your sprint ability. You have a way of getting what you want. Using spell books or martial practice, you can learn powerful skills thought to be impossible. If you are a martial class, you can choose a spell from any spell list and learn it as a martial technique. This technique, once learned, is then added to your list of techniques permanently and is performed as if it were one of your techniques. Alternately, spell casters can add a martial technique to their spell list in the same way. Alternatively, if you are a monster class, you can select a monster technique of a level you can perform that is on your list of monster techniques and learn it by spending the mana and time. You have focused on training to use a single type of weapon, and skilled with that weapon you are. Add +1 to the save DC of techniques of a single type. (I.E. Monster weapon, Blades, Axes, Ect...) This can be taken multiple times, however only once for every type of technique. After training atop the mountains for over 100 years you have perfected the most deadly techniques, and you've picked up a mighty stink from not bathing for 100 years. Pick one Technique which you have the ability to perform. Whenever you perform that technique you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without spending additional technique slots. To determine if you can use the meta magic feat on a technique in this way you must increase the technique's level by the same amount you would increase a spell's level, if it would push it beyond 9th level it cannot be used. In addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this spell (such as Technique Focus, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus, and so on), double the bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell. This feat can only be used once per encounter. You can select this feat multiple times, each time it can be selected to increase the number of uses per encounter for this feat, or for another technique. The sea, she be rough tonight. But luckily, I like it rough. Gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against spells. It's easy to keep the sea in, keeping it out is the difficult part. You push and push and all you get is wet. Gain spell resistance 8+ Character level. Protecting you from blindness since 1993, You have learned to rely on your third eye when your others have failed you. Whether it's a deadly sand storm, or sawdust kicking into your eyes because you've neglected safety goggles like a proper demon should, Eye numero tres has always been there for you. Once per day, you can choose to nullify any blinding effect on yourself for a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier. While doing this, you take a -10 penalty on all sight based perception checks, however you are unaffected by the miss chance blindness gives you. Finally, once the duration wears off for this technique, the duration of the blindness continues where it left off. Other than sounding like some sort of fishing pole brand name, you are a King of Thunder and all that. You can fly through the skies raining loud noises on the unsuspecting people below. You gain 3 additional uses per day of your Thunderstrike ability. Make sure to wrap your lighting bolt before you split the sky. It may be embarrassing to buy in that aisle of the convenience store but it'll keep you out of trouble. Gain 3 extra uses of your thundershield ability. Say hello to my little... ahh you know the rest. Be it a bazooka or a mini gun you like your guns to be huge and fully loaded. Standing out more than anyone else's in a crowd. You gain a +1 bonus to your "caster" level when performing martial techniques with Crossbows/Firearms (Heavy). You are a beacon of awesomeness to everyone around you, but only when it comes to blocking. You always have to play goalie in Soccer, and Hockey and you're known for blocking hallways so the other kids can't get through to the lunch line... you know, and then by the time they get there aren't any enchiladas left... yeah. Anyway, while in this fighting stance, you gain Damage Reduction 2/- as well as an additional +1 dodge bonus to armor class, this bonus increases by +1 if fighting defensively or in a total defense stance. Moving from one school to another can be difficult, especially when it involves traversing deadly hell-scapes and trying to fit in with your classmates. Once per day you can treat a single spell as if it were a spell of a different school. (I.E. Someone could treat a Charm Person spell as an Evocation spell to negate a bonus to saves vs. Enhancement spells). You live in a trash can and complain when people won't leave you alone. Oh I love Trash! Whenever you eat something that's been diseased, poisoned, or the flesh of a creature who has recently been effected by a disease or poison (A small eating ritual that takes a full round action to perform), you gain a +2 bonus to your constitution score for 1 hour. In addition the range of your stench spreads by 10 feet. You know your apple cores from your pear centers, and know that a good, aged, diaper goes well with a few banana peels and a moldy biscuit. When using your Trash Eater feat, you can choose to release the disease or poison as a standard action, and effect every creature within your stench aura. The save for the disease or poison uses your Stench DC . You show up at the beginning, middle, and end of the game and always as a dangerous sub-boss that uses too many of the hero's resources. Your mid-boss effect now can effect 1 additional creature for it's duration. You can select this feat multiple times, it's effects stack. The camera pans over the villain and he notices a flash out of the corner of his eye. He turns and there it is. The music starts, that catchy tune as you land and strike a pose ready to whoop ass. You have a badass theme song that should get ya millions. Once per day as a swift action, you can cast a Bless spell that lasts for 1 minute per character level. This overlaps with an actual bless spell, but doesn't overlap with it's self if another is being used. You have laserguns for fists and fists for feet, and you can still punch someone harder than anyone else. When you gain a weapon graft that replaces your hand with a specific weapon, you can treat that weapon as an unarmed strike for the purposes of feats or Unlosing ranger abilities that pertain to unarmed strike. You would deal whatever damage the weapon deals instead of the damage granted from your normal unarmed strike. You drive the fury road with a belt of dynamite and a fist full of molitov. LIVE, DIE, AND LIVE AGAIN! While driving a vehicle, you can perform any technique that you possess, so long as the vehicle could do so too. For instance, if you are piloting a vehicle with a gun equipped to it, you can use gun techniques, and if it has some sort of blade equipped you can use blade techniques. You use the vehicle's bonuses to hit if it has differing modifiers than you. You are the epitome of a burning spirit. You've got so much fight in you that you uppercut people in the room with you when a fight breaks out on TV. When dealing damage with power attack, you deal an additional amount of fire damage equal to your power attack damage. The ultimate skill of a Beheading Kenpo Master, the Vorpal Knuckle is a deadly skill, used by only the elites. While in the beheading Kenpo Stance, Your damage is increased further by +2, and the penalty to attack rolls is decreased to -1. When you use your ability to blind and deafen creatures, they must also make a second saving throw or be stunned for 1 round as well as Deafened and blinded for 3 rounds. If you roll a natural 20 while in this stance, your fist is considered to be a vorpal weapon. A cute little dance, often times learned by witches in training as a way to get their magical juices flowing and to help them focus on their spells. This dance is usually considered by most spell casters to be really lame if anyone other than a cute girl is doing it and it's really not recommended to do at dance clubs. Like... Relly man, they WILL laugh. As a full round action, you must sacrifice a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell slot, the save DC of all arcane spells performed by the dancer for a number of rounds equal to the spell sacrificed, has it's save DC increased by +2 or it gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the spell. If the spell deals negative levels or ability damage this bonus to damage is +1 instead. If the spell does not grant any of those and instead has a duration, your level is treated as 2 higher for the purpose of determining it's duration. You are strangely warm hearted for a demon and often offer your aid to those in need. You gain a +4 bonus to diplomacy checks against other demons and when aiding another, you can take 10 on the roll. You just want some peace and quiet. This is no time to share adventures, you just want to sit in your hole and do nothing. When you burrow, you leave no tunnel behind. I dunno who William Tell is but I hope he was good with a bow otherwise this feat makes no sense. You can snipe like that one guy in that super hero movie, and you're pretty good at robbing the rich and giving to the poor. You gain a +1 to "caster" level for bow techniques. You have a lovely bunch of coconuts and are noted for your vast tracts of land. When you run, it looks like two midgets are wrestling in your shirt and you often get frisked for trying to smuggle beach balls out of Hell-Mart. Big and busty, even succubi look amazed by the size of your chest. These can come in handy however, as they allow for a great hiding space for stolen goods and random knickknacks. You gain a +2 bonus to slight of hand checks, and the ability to Instantly retrieve any small item on your person as a free action. Finally, if you've moved within the round, enemies whom would find you attractive or romantically involved take a -2 penalty on attack rolls made against you. OH GOD THE JIGGLING IS SO DAMN DISTRACTING! You excel at chewing with your mouth open and at turnarounds, especially those involving "Wabbit Season". When eating a carrot, you can eat the carrot as a swift action. If the carrot possesses a healing effect, you increase it by +1 for every 2 levels you possess. You are too hot to handle and too cold to hold, have spent ten thousand years as the intercontinental champion, and your tower of power is too sweet to be sour, OH YEAAAAAAHH! You gain a second item slot for belts. This does not allow belts with similar effects to stack, only for you to wear two belts that grant different abilities. Built with the finest prinny skins, and imbued with the powers of over 1,000 souls, your suit has undergone an X construction and has unlocked some of the secret powers of the legendary Pringer X. You gain one of Pringer X's pringer focus abilities. This can be accessed only while in your Powered Suit and can be applied only while in your powered suit. The strength of this ability uses your Powered Suit level as your Pringer X level. This can only be taken a maximum of 3 times. Your heart is so full of love that it'll probably burst before you reach adulthood. However this love aids in conquering evil and as such makes it so that you can pierce the hateful hearts of your foes. Enemies effected by a Love Power Spell take an additional +1 damage per level if they are evil. This uses a spell slot 3 levels higher than usual. If the technique has multiple rays in a touch attack it only applies to the first one. Your spells are the fancy, French dessert version of normal spells, and you flaunt that power and finesse with every divine movement and arcane word. This increases the spell's level by 5. An Elite spell ignores abilities that allow no damage on a successful saving throw, such as Evasion, Mettle, and Evasive Mind. If the creature has the improved version of the ability, it works as the lesser version (I.E. Improved evasion becomes evasion.) This cannot be combined with technique or spell perfection. A spell so impossible it bends your mind. This increases the spell's level by 5. When casting a mind bending spell, you can choose a different kind of saving throw than the one listed (Example: Reflex to fortitude, or will to Reflex, Ext...). If a creature can use abilities like evasion or mettle, they only apply if the save being made is the same as that ability. (Example, Reflex gets turned into a fortitude save, they no longer gain evasion, but they could use mettle). Your hate for them drives you into a burning frenzy and a smoldering rage. You will do anything to eliminate the people who stand before you. Enemies effected by a Thousandfold Hate Spell take an additional +1 damage per level if they are good. This uses a spell slot 3 levels higher than usual. If the technique has multiple rays in a touch attack it only applies to the first one. This here town's not big enough for the both of us pardner. And as such I reckon you bedder git'. And after that you took an English language class and were far more well off. Enemies effected by a Martial law Spell take an additional +1 damage per level if they are Chaotic. This uses a spell slot 3 levels higher than usual. If the technique has multiple rays in a touch attack it only applies to the first one. Cause a ruckus and throw some shit, break a window, steal a TV, it's all in a day's work. Let's start a riot up in this bitch. Enemies effected by a Great Anarchy Spell take an additional +1 damage per level if they are Lawful. This uses a spell slot 3 levels higher than usual. If the technique has multiple rays in a touch attack it only applies to the first one You are a great Baciel whom has never been caught. Your evasive maneuvers and funny glasses/moustache disguise always keeps the enemy guessing. You gain a continuous freedom of movement effect cast on you as a caster level equal to your character level. This can be dispelled but it returns after 1d4 rounds. Your impishness has won you a few jackpots at casinos and everyone hates you for it, you also gain this luck in battle. You add your Charisma bonus to all saving throws as a luck bonus. Don't just be the man in the box covered in shit, Feed your eyes! Jesus Christ! For a number of rounds per day equal to it's Strength modifier, A Leotaur can control up to four chains within 20 feet as a standard action, making the chains dance or move as it wishes. In addition, a Leotaur can increase these chains' length by up to 15 feet and cause them to sprout razor-edged barbs. These chains attack as effectively as the Leotaur itself. If a chain is in another creature's possession, the creature can attempt a DC 10+1/2 character level+ Strength modifier Will save to break the Leotaur's power over that chain. If the save is successful, the Leotaur cannot attempt to control that particular chain again for 24 hours or until the chain leaves the creature's possession. A Leotaur can climb chains it controls at its normal speed without making Climb checks. With Quad Core Nether class processors, INVISIA Geo-Force XXL 1060 Graphics power and over 12 TB of ram, this baby purrs like a kitten. A technologically advanced telekinetic Kitten from a distant solar system, but still TECHNICALLY a kitten. For one item per 4 levels you possess, you can treat it as if it possessed the Alien Enchantment. This does not count towards the maximum enchantment modifier for these items. Selecting the item is a ritual that takes 4 hours to perform. This cannot be removed from the object other than by permenantly destroying the object in question. This only works in the hands of the crafter and does not grant the alien ability to anyone else, unless they too possess this feat. You smell like a sweet and delicious piece of candied fruit, and you have the delicious charm of an apple pie. I COULD JUST EAT YOU UP. As a move action, once a day for every point in your dexterity modifier, you can release A supernaturally sweet perfume that calms the nerves and blunts aggression constantly surrounds you to a radius of 60 feet. Any creature in this area of effect must make a Will save at the start of its turn to avoid falling under the effects of calm emotions for 1 round. Creatures that could be attracted to the flora beast's apparent gender take a -2 penalty on this Will save, while all other creatures gain a +2 bonus on the save. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is 10+ 1/2 Flora beast's level+ Dexterity modifier. Your scales are harder than the candies at the bottom of your grandma's drawers. 1/2 of your natural armor bonus now becomes a deflection modifier that stacks with all other deflection bonuses. You have no way of knowing, which way you are going~ The Two Headed Dragon functions normally even if cut in half. If dealt a critical hit with a slashing weapon, the creature can choose to be cut in half but continues to function as two separate creatures, each with half the original dragon's current hit points (rounded down) after the damage from the critical hit is applied. Once split, it cannot be split again. If left alone for 1 full round, the split Dragon can rejoin its two halves and become a single whole creature again (add the two creatures’ hit points together). If one of the split creatures is slain, the Dragon can regrow the lost portion over the course of 1d6 minutes, or if fully healed. Can't stop, won't stop. You rampage in and out, and never rest, only wanting to destroy. You can use your laser cannon natural attack at melee range without provoking an attack of opportunity. You have been a doll for quite some time and have seen your share of puppet shows. You gain a Rogue talent that a rogue of your level could take. This feat can be taken multiple times but you must choose a different talent each time. Your breath smells so bad it can literally curl wall paper and chip paint. You gain a poison bite attack 3 times a day. It deals 1d4 Strength and 1d4 constitution damage, and the save is 10+1/2 level+ Strength modifier. No matter what they took from you, you will always return, you will always rebuild. Better, and Stronger than before. There will be a lingering Phantom pain, but you will carry on for long enough to make them pay for what they did. Go for the balls. That always works. You gain the Phantom Limb Alchemist discovery. This uses your Charisma modifier instead of your intelligence modifier to determine it's strength and uses your Ghost level instead of your Alchemist level to determine the damage dealt. Standing tall as a massive burning beast of darkness and mowing down wizards, or strapping on your gloves and messing everyone up in the boxing ring, you are a BALROG. They may say you can't pass, but when you're doing an extra 1d6 fire damage on each one of your attacks they can't say shit. You are like a fleshy mountain of pulsating beef, and regardless of how disgusting that sounds, no one will mess with you when you look like you could beat the crap out of even Overlord Baal himself. You gain a Permanent +2 Bonus to your Strength Score. Very useful for shaking down kids for lunch money. Three times per day, as soon as you wake from resting, a single dose of the poison Belladonna emerges from your roots and vines. This dose can last indefinitely and though it works just like belladonna, it has no monetary value. It can be used to supplicate Belladonna in any weird ass ritual or recipe you may find though. You like to stride through the forest and really like the blurry parts of the woods. You can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Undergrowth that has been magically manipulated to impede movement still affects the Bear. In addition, you gain a +10 bonus to stealth checks in forested areas. When you're causing trouble for Scotland Yard, it's good to be able to slink around in the shadows and follow your nose wherever it goes. You gain the scent ability. You add the Shinigami techniques, Hug me Headless, and Remote Trail to your list of Nether Noble Techniques. These use your Character level and your Strength modifier to determine the saving throws instead of Charisma, and to determine the technique performance level instead of the Shinigami level. Flavored like Blue Raspberry and known for turning kid's mouths blue, you are a delicious and not very nutritious jiggly treat. However you are also very dangerous. You gain a special Paralysis attack usable 3 times per day. On a touch the creature must make a save DC: 10+1/2 HD+ Con mod or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. Your lips are too big and your ass isn't big enough. Don't worry you sad, pathetic piece of meat! We have just the right medical procedures to get you looking the way you've always wanted! Gain the ability to add a single body modification to yourself, following the rules for doing so as an Unlosing Ranger. This cannot be made to work in an anti-magic field however. A horrible haunting bastard, you are loud, obnoxious and overall confusing. Once per day, as a full-round action, a boggart can unleash a screech that confuses all those hearing it within 30 ft. of the boggart. The confusion lasts for 1 round per level. An affected creature can make a DC 10+1/2 HD+ Cha mod will save to end the ability. Each additional boggart within 10 feet that joins the screeching increases the save DC by +1. You were a nerd in school, no one loves you, no one ever will. But with your extreme smarts, who needs friends? You gain a Permanent +2 bonus to your Intelligence score. Now go and start mind-bending them spoons Smarty pants! You possess a legendary dragon's breath. When you open your mouth, you let spew fourth a torrent of dastardly breath that even the strongest of foes can't survive. Please. For everyone's sake. Do me a favor. Brush your teeth. You can cast the spell Dragon's Breath 5 times per day, however the damage dealt depends on your domain or Discipline. This can be taken multiple times if you possess multiple domains or disciplines. Doing so grants you 2 additional uses and allows you to use the method of breath attack listed in that domain's description below. The maximum damage granted by this spell becomes 20d6 instead of 12d6. The save DC of this is 10+1/2 character level+ Strength Modifier. Air Domain: 60 foot line of Electricity or 30 foot cone of Sonic Good/Holy: 60 foot line of cold Water/Oceans: 60 foot line of cold Earth: 30 foot cone of Acid You were raised in an intelligent family, but you hate studying. You've longed for the days when you could go around beating the shit out of books rather than read them. You gain the ability to wield "Physical Monster Weapons" instead of mental ones. You also switch your skill around to be Physical as well. You bend in all the right ways, and sometimes in ways that really aren't correct. Yu can catch the little ball in the cup on your first try and you could peg a principal in the eye with a spit wad from 30 feet away... around a corner. You gain a Permanent +2 bonus to your Dexterity Score, you flexible little beast~ You are a fuzzy beast that prowls the forests, slinking around and dashing through trees when caught. You gain the Woodland stride ability. This is the chain of command. It's like, super kinky, you'd better do what it says. A number of times per day equal to 3+ Strength modifier, you can apply a murderous command spell to a single attack from your dancing chains. This can be applied as a part of any attack roll, if it misses the use is wasted. The save DC is 10+ 1/2 Leotaur level+ Charisma modifier. What's better than a whip? One made of metal chunks and pointy bits, guaranteed to put welts where it hurts. You gain proficiency in the Spiked Chain weapon as a monster weapon. You aren't just a Champion! You're a Champinion!! When using your pheromone ability, you can expend an additional 2 uses to apply one of the following spells to it. Slow, Confusion, Bestow curse, ray of sickening, ray of enfeeblement, or touch of idiocy. They all require a separate save DC equal to the normal DC of the pheromones. You were known in school for giving the most devastating swirlies known to man. A charybdis can generate a whirlpool as a standard action at will. This ability functions identically to the whirlwind special attack, but the whirlpool can only form underwater and cannot leave the water. It’s a DC 10+1/2 HD+ Con modifier Reflex save to avoid being caught by the charybdis’s vortex. The vortex itself is 20 feet across and 120 feet deep, and deals 2d6+12 points of damage per round. Though usually busy orchestrating demons atop mountains, you have learned to hone your dark powers and pierce the deepest veils. Your darkvision works in all forms of magical darkness as if it were normal darkness. You may be a sack of felt filled with sin, but my god you will deny it until the day you're tossed. You gain +1 skill point per level. You spend your days scared out of your wits, reading books beneath your covers. You have no friends, but these books and your vast intellect are better anyway. Gain the ability to make any knowledge check untrained. You make people hard. Rock hard. No really, everyone wants to Gravel at your feet and you just take them for granite as they marble at your power. But really, you turn people into stone. A cockatrice's bite causes flesh to calcify and harden—multiple bites can cause a living creature to fossilize into stone. Each time a creature is damaged by a cockatrice's bite attack, it must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+ Con mod Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Dexterity damage as its flesh and bones stiffen and harden. (This slow petrification does not alter a bitten creature's natural armor.) A creature that is reduced to 0 Dexterity by a cockatrice's bites immediately turns completely to stone, as if petrified by a flesh to stone spell. Every day, a creature petrified by a cockatrice in this manner can attempt a new Fortitude save to recover from the petrification, at which point the victim returns to flesh with 1 Dexterity (and thereafter can be restored to full Dexterity by natural healing or magic as normal)—but after a petrified creature fails three of these Fortitude saves in a row, the petrified state becomes permanent. A creature restored to flesh via magic has its Dexterity damage caused by cockatrice bites removed, but not any existing Dexterity damage from other sources. Whether it's building a full scale model of your house with Legos or Binding souls into a hodgepodge of mechanical limbs, you are a master at learning little tricks of the trade and have learned to make the most with your own construct capabilities. After selecting this, you gain the following abilities. You can access specific abilities so long as you possess the proper feats or class features for the ability to work. Cephalophore (Destroy Everything, Improved Sunder): Whenever a character strikes you with a weapon (magical or non-magical), the weapon takes 3d6 points of damage. Apply the weapon’s hardness normally. Weapons that take any amount of damage in excess of their hardness gain the broken condition. Clockwork Goliath (Size Large, Toughness): When your hit points are reduced to 0 or less, you self-destruct on the next turn, bursting in an explosion of metal scraps and steam that deals 1d6 points of slashing damage plus 1d6 points of fire damage to all creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst. This increases by 1d6 fire and 1d6 slashing damage for every 2 levels you possess. A successful DC 10+1/2 Construct level+Strength Modifier Reflex save halves the damage. Clockwork Leviathan (Hold on, Improved Grapple): You deal an additional 1d8+Strength modifier points of slashing damage when you make a successful grapple check because of the myriad twisting gears and churning pistons that make up your jagged underbelly. Guardian Doll (Sneak attack 8d6, Skill Focus Stealth, Sleight of Hand 8 Ranks): Your weapon is treated as a masterwork weapon and delivers 1d6 points of cold damage in addition to its normal damage. Those struck by the weapon during a sneak attack, must succeed at a DC 10+ 1/2 level+ Dexterity modifier fortitude save or be paralyzed by the supernatural cold of the weapon for 1d4 rounds. Golden Guardian (Challenge, BAB +10): The intense heat radiating from the creature's body creates a wavering shimmer in the air that makes the Construct difficult to see clearly. This functions as a blur spell and effects your challenge target. (CL equal to your own), except it cannot be dispelled. Annihilator (Fleet, Acrobatics 5 ranks): As a swift action up to 10 times per hour, an annihilator can gain a fly speed of 60 feet (poor maneuverability) for a duration of 1 minute. Gearsman (Toughness): Your nanites heal you, restoring a number of hit points equal to your Hit Dice every hour. Once per day, as a full-round action, You can heal yourself or any construct you touch of 1d6 points of damage as well as an additional 1d6 per level (Max 15d6). Mannequin (Skill Focus Disguise): The synthetic flesh and hair of a mannequin gives you a +8 bonus on Disguise checks to appear human (but not to impersonate a specific human). Closely inspecting it or touching its cold, synthetic skin automatically reveals its non-human nature. Scarecrow (Sneak attack 4d6, Assassin Doll): Target is fascinated, 30 feet, Will DC 10+1/2 construct level+Dexterity modifier negates. Fascination lasts as long as you remain within 300 feet of the fascinated creature. Your approach or animation does not count as an obvious threat to the victim of this particular fascination effect (although your attack does count as an obvious threat and ends the fascination immediately). This is a mind-affecting effect. Set sail for Adventure and take your favorite fantasy RPG to the stars! What are you waiting for? The Galaxy needs you! Coming in August 2017. your ship can survive in the void of outer space, and it can support life for creatures in that environment despite the lack of air. It flies through space at incredible speeds. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system normally takes 3d20 months, while a trip beyond normally takes 3d20 years (or more, at the GM's discretion)—provided the captain knows the way to its destination. Aqua demons are said to have come from UFO's, and I mean.... look at em. I'm not saying aliens, but there's a high probability that at least ONE of them has asked you to phone home at some point. You gain the Phrenic Pool ability of a Psychic, and one Phrenic Amplification. This uses your Constitution modifier to determine your pool size and saving throws and your Aqua Demon level as your Psychic level to determine what you can select. You can take this multiple times, each time gaining a new Phrenic Amplification, but never more than once per 5 levels and never more than 3 times. An Alpha Draconis selecting this feat uses it's Intelligence modifier instead of constitution. Not the running, sitting, or even stooping chaos, no no no, this is faaaar too advanced. This is. CRAWLING CHAOS. Gain Access to the Chaos domain. You gain all of the abilities that the Chaos Domain grants using your Desco level as your Cleric level to determine your abilities, and you add the spells to your technique list, and can use them whenever you gain access to techniques of an equivalent level. You use your constitution modifier instead of your wisdom to determine any domain power saving throws. You follow the dark arts and have joined a cult of weirdoes that made you wear pants made of butter for initiation... but really you gain access to a Cavalier's order ability and gain it's abilities using your Dark Knight level as your Cavalier level. You prefer your puppet shows with Music, and so once per day you can mimic the effects of a bardic music as if you were a bard of your Marionette level. You walk the line of life or death and you know when that line was stepped over with great finesse. You gain access to the death Domain, with the Murder Subdomain ability replacing some of it's powers. All this death and so many rules, someone should make a notebook with all of em in it. Do you hear that? The ghostly call, it's ringing... It's ringing for you.... No really who is 42-42-564 I don't recognize that number. Once per day as a standard action, a Dark Knight may place death’s calling on a challenge target within 60 feet (DC 10+1/2 character level+ Strength modifier Fortitude negates). If the Dark Knight knows and speaks the target’s name, the target takes a –2 penalty on the save. If the victim fails the save, he becomes staggered for 1round. For the next 24 hours (or until the Dark Knight is defeated), all critical hits against the victim automatically confirm. Finally, the victim automatically fails all Constitution checks to stabilize while dying. This is a mind-affecting curse effect. Your Desco senses are tingling! And whether it's an immediate threat from a legendary ninja assassin or an internal onslaught a bad burrito is leading on your intestines, you're ready for the task! You can use the spell Moment of prescience once per day as a spell like ability, using your Desco Unit level as your caster level to determine the bonus granted. Your childhood toys are crumpled heaps of mangled wood and plastic scraps, and you often tear the zippers clean off of people's chair covers. I hear you once even broke someone's futon because you sat down on it GENTLY. You gain the ability to use the Sunder combat maneuver. You wanna be the very best like no one every was and based on your right hook you're almost there. You deal 1 and 1/2 your strength modifier on damage dealt with your natural attack instead of the usual. Wishing Destruction on your foes with the purest hateful intent, you learn to focus your rage almost as if it were god's wrath it's self. You gain the Badass domain and all of it's abilities as if you were a Cleric. The spells get added to your list of techniques you can perform. Save DC's for abilities are based off of your Strength modifier instead of Wisdom. You resist the worst that nature throws at you and even some things Nature had nothing to do with. Select one element (Fire, Ice, Electricity, Sonic, or Acid) You gain resistance 5 to that element. This stacks with other forms of energy resistance. This feat can be taken multiple times, but only once for each energy type. You talk with a Boston accent and often times cause trouble for Mark Walberg. All living creatures (except those with the stench special ability) within 30 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Strength modifier;) or be sickened for 1d6+2 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same Bear's stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws. You were built using fluffy clouds, pixie dust, and the essence of another world's armageddon. You gain the Whirlwind super natural ability usable once per day. We regret to inform you that your great uncle Draconius Maximus III has recently passed, he lived a good life, consuming children and cows and burning down houses, but now he burns in hell. And that means you get some of that rich old bastard's inheritance! You inherit draconic powers based on your dragon domain or discipline. If you possess more than one, you can select this multiple times, selecting a new domain or discipline each time. As a standard action, a Fire Dragon can vomit forth a ball of molten rock that explodes upon striking a target, showering the target and adjacent creatures in magma. This attack has a range of 100 feet, and deals 6d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 10+1/2 character level+ Strength modifier half) to the primary target and 3d6 points of fire damage to any creatures within 20 feet of the primary target. The magma continues to burn for 1d3 rounds, dealing an additional 3d6 points of fire damage per round to the primary target and 1d6 points of fire damage per round to any secondary targets. After the magma cools, it crumbles to dust. Once a fire dragon has used its pyroclastic vomit, it cannot do so again for 1d4 rounds.
* 1st—detect magic;
* 4th—pyrotechnics;
* 8th—suggestion;
* 12th—wall of fire;
* 16th—find the path;
* 20th—discern location. An Ice Dragon learns to see perfectly well in snowy conditions. An ice dragon does not suffer any penalties to Perception checks while in snow. Three times per day as a swift action, a frigid discipline Dragon may draw on its draconic heritage for a boost of strength and speed to take an additional move action in that round.
* 1st—obscuring mist
* 4th—fog cloud
* 8th—solid fog
* 12th—cloudkill
* 16th—wind walk
* 20th—storm of vengeance The Holy Dragon is under the effects of constant detect evil that effects any creature the holy dragon can see. 1st—create water 4th—fog cloud 8th—wind wall 12th—solid fog 16th—control winds 20th—control water An Earth Dragon can glide through stone, dirt, or any sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. Move earth cast on an area containing a burrowing cave dragon flings the dragon back 30 ft., stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. As a free action, a Rage dragon can block movement within 5 ft. of its body, keeping enemies at bay. An Astral Dragon has a continual supply of tiny motes surrounding its body. Any non-blind creatures within 10 ft. of the dragon must make a Fortitude save, DC: 10+ 1/2 level+ Strength modifier, or become dazed. Those who succeed are still dazzled by the nimbus. These effects last while the creature is within the aura and an additional round after the creature leaves. As a standard action, a Diabolic Dragon can spit a compressed ball of jet-black dust that bursts into a spray of clinging motes that sap the spiritual strength of creatures in an area. The attack has a range of 60 feet and deals 5d6 points of disintegration damage (Will DC 10+1/2 character level+Strength modifier for half) to all creatures in a 20-foot radius. Affected creatures take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 1d4 rounds (or for 1 round on a successful Will save). As long as these motes cling to a creature, the effect of any conjuration (healing) effect used on that creature is halved. This is a curse effect. A creature within 30 feet of an Alpha Draconis must succeed at a Will save or become confused for 1d4 rounds. This gaze attack is a mind-affecting effect. You went to Dragon High School and learned from the Dragon health teacher what STD's are. You gain Fast healing equal to your constitution modifier. (Charisma modifier if you're a skeletal dragon) Your head was stolen by a jackass and you have a sweet motorcycle, your cell phone bill from texting so much is pretty damn high however. Your normal weapon inflicts +1d6 cold damage and gains the keen weapon property. You slink through the forest and you have a creepy ass theme song. You once tried to catch a guy and his kid on a horse so you could return the money he dropped but for some reason the kid was freaking the hell out... You gain the favored enemy ability of the ranger using your Treant level to determine your Favored enemy power. You are wise beyond your years and you've seen it all from sea to sea. You may not be able to remember things easily or bring up book smarts, however your intuition tends to always stand paramount to any facts. All Knowledge checks utilize your Wisdom score instead of intelligence. You don't mind packing on the pounds. You'll stuff till you've had enough, and won't be satisfied until your belly blows up like an atomic bomb. Because of this horrible, reckless abandon, you gain 2 extra calories at the start of every day and your maximum calorie pool increases by 2. You have studied the intricate details of picking up guys at the Mall, and have learned seven different types of look to shoot someone across the bar to ensure that they'll go home with you. Gain an additional Heritage Power that you qualify for. This can be taken multiple times, but only once for every 5 levels you possess. Your Spore count is much higher than most people's, and because of that you're often badgered by spore donors who are after your goods. Gain extra uses of your spore ability. You know better than anyone else that it's all about the technique. Even though you're out of SP in the first round of combat, you still want more! Gain another Monster technique from your list of monster techniques. This cannot be of the highest level monster technique you can perform. Your eyes are what makes you great. A lot of dragons possess powerful red eyes, but everyone knows you're much more popular if they're blue. Gain the spells Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, See Alignment, and Litany of Sight as techniques. You can use these techniques only if you can perform techniques of their usual spell level and use your dragon level as your caster level. You are rather greedy and like to take all of the pepperoni off of the pizza and put it on one slice. However for some reason you are also immune to poison. There is a fungus among us, and all of my sources point to you. You can use your spore ability as an instant action. When using your spores as a free action they deal an additional amount of damage equal to your constitution modifier on the first round and then 1/2 of that on the following rounds. You are known for your horrible lack of hygiene, and your armpits are known to grow cheese from time to time. All living creatures (except those with this ability) within 30 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Str mod) or be sickened. This lasts 1d4 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same creature’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws. Creatures with scent take a -4 penalty to these saves. A powerful beacon of undead strengths, you have mastered the art of resisting holy powers. You gain Resistance 5 to Positive energy. You don't share well and your nickname is "Snatchy McMuggandRob". You gain the Disarm combat maneuver. You like pulling things apart and knocking things over because you're a little douchebag. 3 times per day as a swift action that lasts until the end of the round, you can release an aura of unluck to a radius of 20 feet. Any creature in this area must roll two d20s whenever a situation calls for a d20 roll (such as an attack roll, a skill check, or a saving throw) and must use the lower of the two results generated. This is a mind-affecting effect. Were you built from Steel? Forged from Copper? Or maybe glued together meticulously by a table top miniature fanatic who just wanted a really big and badass set piece? You gain specific abilities based on the Golem type you select when picking this feat. Select a single type, you gain the listed ability. You can only ever select one type, unless you reincarnate and become a golem again, after which you can select this feat again and gain a different ability. Adamantine: Your natural attack threatens a critical hit on a 19-20. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit, you deal 1d10 damage+ strength modifier to that enemy's armor or shield in addition to the normal damage as if you made a successful sunder combat maneuver. This increases by 1d10 for every 4 levels you possess (Max of 6d10). Alchemical: As a standard action, an alchemical golem can throw a bomb as a ranged touch attack to a distance of 60 feet (no range increment). If the attack misses, treat it as a thrown splash weapon to determine where it lands. Anyone struck by an alchemical golem’s bomb takes 2d6 points of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage (determine type randomly). This damage increases by +1d6 for every 4 levels the creature possesses. All creatures adjacent to the location where the bomb hits take 1d6 points of energy damage of the same type. Brass: A brass golem's Slam deals damage as a Huge falchion, but is actually a primary natural attack, not a manufactured weapon, and cannot be disarmed. Cannon: The golem's cannon has a range increment of 100 feet and deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage on a hit with a x4 critical modifier. This damage increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels the Golem possesses. The cannon's magazine can hold up to 20 cannonballs at a time—reloading a single cannonball into this magazine is a standard action for the golem, while loading a cannonball into the cannon itself to fire it is a swift action; this allows the golem to take two shots per round with the cannon if it has multiple attacks. Fossil: The Fossil Golem's Damage Reductions all increase by 5. Glass: The Golem gains Spell Resistance of 8+ It's Golem Level. Iron: An iron golem inflicts Twice it's Strength modifier and threatens a critical hit on a 19–20 with its slam attacks. Mithral: A mithral golem’s body can take on a form like liquid silver as a swift action. While in this form, the mithral golem’s reach increases to 30 feet and its DR becomes bludgeoning and adamantine. A mithral golem in this form can also move through any crack or hole in a wall or door, no matter how small, without impeding its movement. A mithral golem can maintain this form for up to 10 rounds per day, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive. Reverting to its normal form is a free action. Robot: The Robot Golem gains the Rend monster attack. This deals the Golem's normal Damage As well as an additional amount equal to twice it's strength modifier if it hits with at least 2 slam attacks in a round and can be used once per round. Wood: The Wood Golem Gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity. You launch showers of blood on the battlefield when you kill your enemies. I heard that one time the blood got a kid and a dog. You gain a rend attack usable once per round after you hit an enemy with two attacks. You are known for breaking and entering, sneaking into people's rooms at night to watch them sleep, and have an unhealthy obsession with kidnapping cattle. Keep your hands away from my booty. You gain the ability to become out of phase, allowing you to pass through walls or material obstacles. Whenever you use a technological device on a creature, you can attempt to knock the creature unconscious as well. The creature struck must make a will saving throw DC: 10+1/2 Character level+Intelligence modifier or be put to sleep for 1d6 rounds. If a creature fails this saving throw and is subsequently woken up. They gain a cumulative +2 bonus to the save against it for each time they fail again in a 24 hour period. This ability can be used 3 times per day, plus one additional time every day for every 5 levels you possess. All jiggly and grey, you look like an old booger that someone left under the couch. You deal 1d6 acid damage on your attacks. You didn't eat your wheaties, you were friggen BUILT by them. Your body was forged in the deepest pits of awesome by the forgemaster supreme or some shit. Regardless, you gain construct hitpoints as if you were one size larger. You can take this twice, once at level 10, and you can take it again after 16th level. This is your Legacy! You have traveled far and wide and eventually decided to settle down here. Though space is the final frontier, This planet is surely the Summer Home you'd prefer to spend your time in. The Aqua Demon adds the spells Mind Thrust, Id Insinuation I, Ego Whip, Intellect Fortress I, Psychic Crush I, Mental barrier V, Tower of Iron Will III, Biolocation, and Microcosm to it's list of spells known. It can only cast these spells if it is of a level that they could be cast normally. In addition, the creature takes no penalty to level if it selects the eldritch heritage feats for the Psychic bloodline. If taken by an Alpha Draconis these are added to the list of techniques known. Your construction still shines through. Like the sphinx, or the Easter island heads, you can age and age and still stand strong. You may lose a nose or two, but no one's gonna notice. I mean, That one nameless wizard got pretty far without a nose didn't he? You gain specific abilities based on the Golem type you select when picking this feat. You can only ever select one type, unless you reincarnate and become a golem again, after which you can select this feat again and gain a different ability. Adamantine: You gain Fast Healing 2. An adamantine golem is nearly impossible to destroy. Even if reduced below 0 hit points, its fast healing continues to restore hit points, though the golem is helpless unless above 0 hit points. It can only be permanently destroyed if reduced to negative hit points and then decapitated using an adamantine vorpal weapon—alternatively, miracle or wish can be used to slay it while it is at negative hit points. Alchemical: When an alchemical golem strikes a foe, the attack has an additional random effect, chosen from the options below. The attack can
* deal 1d6 points of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage
* cause the target to become sickened (Fortitude DC 10+1/2 Golem Level+ Strength modifier negates) for 1d4 rounds
* cause the target to become entangled (Reflex DC 10+1/2 Golem Level+ Strength modifier negates) for 1d4 rounds Brass: As a free action once every 1d6 rounds, a brass golem can expel a cloud of smoke and cinders that fills a 20-foot cube. This functions as an incendiary cloud that persists for 1d6 rounds, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage (DC 10+ 1/2 golem level+ Strength modifier Reflex for half). This increases by +1d6 for every 3 levels you possess. Cannon: When a cannon golem confirms a critical hit with a slam attack, it can make one cannon attack against that target as a free action (as long as the cannon is loaded). Flesh: The golem has the supernatural ability to generate a blast of electricity that strikes one creature within 60 feet. The golem must make a ranged touch attack; if it hits, the bolt deals 4d6 points of electricity damage. The golem can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. The damage dealt by this increases by 1d6 for every 3 levels you possess. Fossil: The attacks of a fossil golem gradually turn living flesh to stone. Each time the golem hits a target with one of its natural attacks, the target must make a DC 10+1/2 golem level+ Strength modifier Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Dexterity damage. A creature that is reduced to 0 Dexterity by this attack turns completely to stone, as if by a flesh to stone spell. Casting stone to flesh on the creature removes all Dexterity drain caused by this attack. Glass: As a free action once every 1d6 rounds, a glass golem can align its internal structure to enhance its resistance to magic for 1 round. During this time, the golem reflects spells as if under the effect of a spell turning spell. Iron: As a free action once every 1d4+1 rounds, an iron golem can exhale a 10-foot cube of poisonous gas. This gas cloud persists for 1 round; any creature within the area when the golem creates it (as well as any creature that passes through the cloud during the remainder of that round) is exposed to the cloud's poisonous effects. This poison is magically created each time the golem uses this power. Breath weapon—inhaled; save Fort 10+ 1/2 golem level+ Strength modifier; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution damage; cure 2 saves. Mithral: Once every 1d4 rounds, A mithral golem is incredibly quick. It can take an extra move action during its turn each round. This means it can move up to double its speed and still make a full attack. Robot: A robot golem can release a pulse of electrical energy held within its nonfunctioning batteries as a standard action once every 1d4 rounds. This pulse is a 30-foot-radius spread that deals 4d6 points of electricity damage to all creatures in its area of effect (Reflex DC 10+1/2 Golem level+ Strength modifier for half). This damage increases by +1d6 for every 2 levels you possess. Wood: As a free action once every 1d4+1 rounds, a wood golem can launch a barrage of razor-sharp wooden splinters from its body in a 20-foot-radius burst. All creatures caught within this area take 1d6 points of slashing damage (Reflex DC 10+1/2 Golem level+ Strength modifier halves). This damage increases by +1d6 for every 3 levels you possess. You are a master at handling big guns. Some people say you're overcompensating for something, but those people are dead now, because you're wielding a goddamn catapult. You gain a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls with Siege Engines. In addition you are treated as 8 members of a crew to work a siege engine. Finally, it takes only a swift action for you to reload the siege engine. If another creature on the siege engine crew possesses this feat, the bonuses to attack and damage stack. Because normal rage isn't as great. You gain the Greater rage ability of a Barbarian. You resist spells with an insane greatness. It's so great it may be the greatest great that ever greatly greated greatness. You can apply your Natural armor bonus to your Spell Resistance as an instant action. This lasts for 1 round and can be upheld as a free action. This can be done for a number of rounds per day equal to your Gargoyle Level. Going all the way back to the tree of death to see if any of your family members are still hanging around, you have located your family's deepest, darkest, secrets. Some of them may be so deep and dark, that you'll need a nightlight to survive in their creepy, undead shadows. You gain another power based on the power selected from Undead Heritage. If you wish to select this feat again, you must follow the rules for selecting the Undead Heritage feat a second time once again for this. Mummy Lord (Zombie or Nosferatu Only): Mummy Rot: curse and disease—slam; save Fort; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha; cure —. Mummy rot is both a curse and disease and can only be cured if the curse is first removed, at which point the disease can be magically removed. Even after the curse element of mummy rot is lifted, a creature suffering from it cannot recover naturally over time. Anyone casting a conjuration (healing) spell on the afflicted creature must succeed on a DC 20 caster level check, or the spell is wasted and the healing has no effect. Anyone who dies from mummy rot turns to dust and cannot be raised without a resurrection or greater magic. Allip (Anubis, Ghost, Death, or Shinigami only): An allip constantly mutters to itself, creating a hypnotic effect. All creatures within 60 feet of the allip must succeed at a Will save or be fascinated for 2d4 rounds. While a target is fascinated, the allip can approach it without breaking the effect, but an attack by the allip does end the effect. This is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. Attic Whisperer: A creature struck by an attic whisperer must make a Will save or become fatigued for 1 hour. A fatigued creature that is bitten is instead exhausted for 1 hour, and an exhausted creature falls asleep for 1 hour if bitten. The sleeper can only be roused by killing the attic whisperer or by using dispel magic, remove curse, or similar effects. This ability can be used 6 times per day. Baykok: The Baykok can use a composite long bow, or long bow, as a natural attack now that deals the damage of it's normal monster weapon. A baykok creates arrows of bone as it fires its bow—it need not carry arrows as ammunition. These bone arrows do normal damage for arrows fired from the bow, but gain a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, unless you possess a monster weapon, in which it uses the Monster weapon's damage and enhancement bonus. In addition, each arrow deals an additional 1d6 points of negative energy on a hit. Further, the first creature struck in a round by a baykok's arrow must make a Fortitude save to avoid being paralyzed for 1 round. Cursed King (Killrider only): When a cursed king is defeated, it unleashes a final curse on all creatures within a 30-foot radius. This curse slowly robs the targets of their minds and bodies, eventually transforming them into animals. All creatures in the area must succeed at a Will save or take 1d6 points of Wisdom damage and 1d6 points of Charisma damage. The accursed creature doesn't benefit from effects that remove ability damage. Once cursed, the target must succeed at a Will save every 24 hours or take ability damage again. Once the target's Charisma or Wisdom score is reduced to 0, the victim is transformed into a mundane animal as per baleful polymorph, and is automatically treated as if it failed the second Will save to retain its mind. At this point, the creature receives the typical Wisdom and Charisma of that animal and stops taking ability damage. Crypt Thing : You gain the ability to cast a quickened Dimension door spell 3 times per day as a spell like ability using your own caster level to determine it's strength. Grim Reaper (Death, or Shinigami Only): Once every 1d6 rounds, you can select a creature within 20 feet of you that is living, when that living creature attempts an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, skill check, or saving throw within 20 feet of a grim reaper, it must roll two d20s and take the lowest roll before applying any modifiers. This lasts until the ability recharges. Mohrg (Zombie or Nosferatu Only): Humanoid creatures killed by a mohrg rise immediately as fast zombies under the mohrg's control. The sudden bloom of unlife when a mohrg's victim dies and becomes a zombie causes a surge of negative energy to flow through the mohrg. Whenever a mohrg creates a zombie in this manner, it is healed 1d6 hit points per HD possessed by the slain creature and acts as if hasted for the round immediately following the spawn's creation. Pharonic Guardian (Anubis Only): As a standard action every 1d4 rounds, the pharaonic guardian can flare its wings to fire rays of soul-cutting light in two 30-foot lines extending away from it. Living creatures in the lines take 1d4 negative levels (Reflex negates). A creature whose thoughts the pharaonic guardian has read via its judging gaze ability takes a –2 penalty on this save. The Fortitude save to remove these negative levels is the same, though without the –2 penalty from judging gaze. Ragewight (Zombie Only): A ragewight can trigger a savage fury as a free action. It can use this fury for a limited number of rounds each day as a Barbarian of it's level. These rounds don't need to be consecutive. The ragewight gains a +6 profane bonus to its Strength and Charisma and a +3 profane bonus on Will saves when using this fury. When a ragewight ends its fury, it is staggered for 1d4 rounds and can't resume its fury during this time. This ability otherwise functions as the greater rage barbarian class feature, treating the ragewight's racial Hit Dice as its barbarian level for the purposes of rage and any rage powers. Wyrmwraith (Skeletal Dragon Only): When a wyrmwraith strikes a creature with one of its claws, that creature is also affected by a targeted greater dispel magic (Caster level using your own level) that can dispel only divine spells. Classic gelatin, you are green, drippy, and lime flavored. You are prominently featured on a kid's channel as well often seen leaping upon people from high above. When you make a successful engulf attempt, you deal 1d4 constitution damage to any creature within you. You heal 1 hp per hit dice for every 2 points you deal. You gain the Plant domain. You can use all of the plant domain's abilities as a Cleric of your Flora beast levels. The spells get added to the list of techniques you can perform. Save DC's for abilities are based off of your Dexterity modifier instead of Wisdom. You like eating after midnight and having wild pool parties, you never invite anyone, but for some reason the pool's full by the end of the night. Whenever an attack fails to damage the Red Imp, whether due to the attack result being too low, a miss chance, or a failure to penetrate DR, the Red Imp can redirect the attack to any target that was in range of the original attack (if any). The attack can't be redirected against the original attacker. The attacker rolls a new attack and damage roll against the new target, and is considered to possess the Improved Critical feat for the redirected attack. Red Imps delight in using this ability to force creatures to destroy their own prized possessions. You have honed your little kitty paws to use weapons other than fish and string. You can choose to wield a Katana, Nunchaku, Flail, or Fishing pole as your monster weapon. You must also take a technique that can be performed by the weapon when you choose a monster technique and lose all access to your normal monster techniques other than magichange techs. You were built as an awesome fortress, and you were also built to keep out rain and cold, but I don't see those leaks fixing themselves... You can choose to take 1/2 of the damage any ally within 100 feet would have taken. This bypasses any defensive abilities such as damage reduction that the gargoyle normally has. You are incredibly fond of the color yellow, and you wear only the latest fashions that people are dying to wear. You are prone to great outbursts of random Iambic Pentameter. When you show up at parties, it often goes un noticed, however when you reveal your presence things tend to get pretty crazy. Gain a bonus to perform checks equal to 1/2 of your Character level. In addition, you add the spells Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Death, Symbol of Stunning, and Arcane mark to your list of techniques known. You like to prowl around and slink into dark rooms looking to make someone get lucky~ You gain Darkvision. If you gained Darkvision some other way, it doubles. Be a man! You must be swift as a coursing river! With all the force of a great typhoon! You must be strong as a raging fire! Mysterious as the dark side of the moon! You gain a +2 bonus to any one ability score. You breathe fire and you leave the biggest dookies on the front lawn. You also deal 1d6 fire damage on a natural attack. No matter how many purple nurples you’ve received, you will always stand strong and endure the twisting pain. You gain a Permanent +2 Bonus to your Constitution score. Also helpful for eating contests, and Bitch Slapping competitions. You are not the leg or the arm Orc, but you are the Head orc. You lead small armies and yell loudly at parties. You do not die, until your hit points reach negative 2x your constitution score. Your fingers are like grappling hooks and ladies always feel REALLY strange when you cop a feel. You gain the grapple combat maneuver... Imma call you GRIPPLY. You sexy thang you~ You possess a certain charm that others find attractive, whether it’s a beautiful personality, a spankin' Booty, Great boobs, or some sort of strange Moe’ personality, you have what it takes to drive people wild. You gain a Permanent +2 bonus to your Charisma Score. Now go on with your bad self. Your brain is always racing despite your physical supremacy. You just can't understand why you're so damn smart! Never fear, you can now use Magical monster weapons and your martial knowledge skill is changed as well. Foxy never dies, and you are proof that you can look good for an eternity without bathing in the blood of young virgins. You discover a cure for aging, and from this point forward you take no penalty to your physical ability scores from advanced age. If you are already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. This is an extraordinary ability. In addition, you gain additional hitpoints equal to twice the number of heritage powers you've gained. (Not the number of different powers, but the number you gained them on your level table). Your Breath has increased in magnitude. In secret telling rumors, your right guard has gone left, and your band is playing a song that was funky to death. Your breath kicks like Bruce Lee and Jim Kelly. Even if you do Brush, and brush, a sprinkle a day doesn't last for an hour. Whenever you use your Dragon's breath granted by the breath of the Dragon feat, or a Breath Technique, you gain the following effects depending on your domain. If you possess more than one, you can select this multiple times, selecting a different domain each time. Fire Discipline: A Firey Discipline dragon can breathe a cone of lava instead of fire. The damage is unchanged, but the magma clings to those it damages, dealing half damage each round thereafter for 1d3 rounds. After this magma cools, it crumbles to dust. Air Domain: An Air Dragon's breath weapon creates a cloud that persists in its cone shape for 1d4 rounds. Treat this cloud as a fog cloud that deals electricity damage equal to half the Dragon’s breath weapon damage to any creature that ends its turn still within the cloud (Reflex save halves the damage—DC equals the dragon’s breath weapon save DC). Good/Holy: A Holy Dragon's breath weapon creates a burst of holy damage. Half of the damage dealt with the dragon's breath is holy damage. Water/Oceans: An Ocean dragon’s Breath weapon is so laden with salt and acidic crystals that every time it strikes a creature with one of these attacks, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC equals the dragon’s breath weapon save DC) or be stunned for a round from the pain. Astral Discipline: Instead of dealing damage, an Astral dragon can breathe a 30 foot cone-shaped suffocation effect. An air-dependent creature that fails its Fortitude save suffocates for a number of rounds equal to the dragon's Astral Dragon Level. The save DC is the same as the breath weapon save DC. Diabolic Discipline: A Diabolic dragon can breathe a cone of shadowy death. Creatures who fail a Fortitude save of the same DC as the normal breath weapon, are blinded for 1d4 rounds and take 1 point of Str drain per level in the greatwyrm class. A successful save negates the blindness and reduces Str drain to 1d4 points. Alpha Draconis: Your Breath effects are considered Extraordinary effects instead of Supernatural now. Though you're tiny and funny looking, there's just something about you that turns the ladies on. You also have learned the dark arts of ripping apart souls. You deal an additional amount of damage equal to 1/2 your level when you land a critical hit. You take lava baths before tasing yourself in the crotch 50 times. Regardless, when you take this, one energy resistance type of your choice increases by 5. This can be taken multiple times but never for the same energy type. Ada Due Damballa, Give Me The Power I Beg Of You Leveu Mercier DePou Shiou Sacouse Entiene LeDevou DeMobocheu Adaleu Bwaseu Damballa. In other words, you gain DR 5/Adamantine. The box. You opened it. We came. Now you must come with us, taste our pleasures. No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering. We have such sights to show you! You gain access to the Evil domain with the Kyton Subdomain. You gain all of it's abilities as if you were a cleric of your Leotaur level. You also add the techniques to the list of techniques known. Sometimes you just can't pick where to go, and when you do, you're still not sure if it was the right choice, but when you do choose, you arrive in a grand fashion. when using a spell or technique that moves you instantly like Teleportation or dimension door, you can spend 2 points from your calorie pool to create an explosion upon your exit. This deals 1d6 damage per 3 levels in Hundred knight (Max 6d6). A reflex saving throw DC 10+ Your strength modifier+ 1/2 your class level halves the damage. You are destined to help the world end, and stand supreme as a horrid beast during ragnarok. Also you have no gag reflex. You gain the swallow whole ability. You have an awesome magic book that you keep your special secrets in. Also, porn. 3 times per day you can make a touch attack DC: 10+ 1/2 HD+ Cha mod will save or the enemy is paralyzed for one minute per level. Every day one of your sisters dies, but you avenge them by eating babies. Just kidding, you really just like to annoy babies until they cry. Parents hate you but can never find you. You gain telepathy out to 100 feet. You are a quick and funny little man, evading the bricks that people chuck your way. You gain the evasion ability. I wish I could say your bark is worse than your bite but seriously... you're a goddamn vampire tree. You deal 1 con damage on a natural attack. This heals you for 1 hp per level. Your body is made up of thousands of souls, none of which can agree on which channel you should watch or what to have for dinner tonight. You can call up your ancient heritage and memories of battles long since passed, and learn new techniques. You can learn techniques of the Axes/Hammers/Flails, Blades Heavy, and Polearms/Spears weapon type, however you are treated as being 8 levels lower in a humanoid class to learn the techniques. (So a 9th level Hundred Knight would be able to use 1st level techniques from those types). You waddle around, groping at Japanese women in a black and white movie, hoping one day you'll be digitally remastered. You can use the spell lesser confusion 3 times per day as a spell like ability using your level as the caster level and using your constitution as your relevant modifier. You may have a tough, rocky exterior, but inside, you're a real softie. And by that, I mean you are packed to the gills with ground beef. Why. Why would you do that? You can be effected by spells that only heal living creatures normally. If you are healed by a spell such as heal or Giga heal that heals with purely reconstructive magic, you heal an additional +1 per level. Snow, Sleet, or hail, you fly through the netherworld delivering the letters filled with the most heart. Your move speed increases by 5 feet. This can be taken multiple times. You appear everywhere and cause trouble. Some call you misfortune, and others call you a prankster, but in the end, you are just Mischief. In the blink of an eye, you can appear somewhere else. As an immediate action, after you are missed by a melee attack, you can teleport up to 10 feet to a space that you can see. This space must be inside the reach of the creature that attacked you. You can use this power a number of times each day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Your fangs are legendary and you poison the lives of the poor sailors you come across. You gain a poison bite attack 3 times a day. It deals 1d4 dexterity and 1d4 constitution damage, and the save is 10+1/2 level+ Dexterity modifier. You are part of a millitia of Orcs that have cast aside their monstrosity to learn new and powerful battle methods. You can choose to wield Crossbows and firearms heavy, Axes, or Heavy Blades as your monster weapon. You must also take a technique that can be performed by the weapon when you choose a monster technique and lose all access to your normal monster techniques other than magichange techs. You are so flexible it's... unnatural. You add your dexterity modifier to damage from weapons that you use for weapon finesse instead of your strength. You are the deadly witch doctor that crafts the bodies of darkness. And as such you gain a +4 on all craft checks you perform. 3 times per day you can release an aura of contagion out to 30 feet as a swift action. Creatures in this aura are effected by a contagion spell using your charisma modifier as the relevant modifier. This aura lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Clawing away at the roots of the tree of life, you are a draconic douche among douches. You have absorbed some awesome power however and can use a Breath weapon based monster technique once per day for free, This includes the techniques, Elemental Breath, Dragon Missile, Colored Nova, Dragon Nova, and Draconic Ultimate. This technique cannot be effected by meta magic feats. You wisp through the dreams of others, stealing away happy thoughts and puking out those more vile. You are the reason for many children wetting the bed and because of that you smell like a urinal. You gain the smoke supernatural ability usable once per day as a free action. You are a powerful nightwalker, a ghost among ghosts and your mere touch is enough to drain the strength of a warrior. You deal 1 strength damage on a natural attack. This damage heals 1 hp per level. Super sexy fey creatures who like to have bikini parties. You can often seduce people into giving you stuff and using this ability, you can escape into the night afterwards. As a standard action, a Fairy can stun a creature within 30 feet with a look. The target must succeed on a DC 10+ 1/2 fairy level+ Charisma modifier Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The kids in your neighborhood back in Hades thought it was fun to stuff you full of Nitro Glycerin and push you down the stairs. As such when thrown you deal an extra amount of damage equal to your dexterity modifier when you explode. Stupid Kids. You watch from the shadows, and oftentimes steal your neighbor's cable for years without them knowing. You gain a +4 bonus on all perception checks. You are chock full of strange wisdom and dating advice, you also have a part time job writing the stuff inside of fortune cookies. You gain a Permanent +2 bonus to Wisdom. Confucius say, Squirrel who climbs up skirt, finds no nuts. You can gain a further increase by 5 of your energy type chosen before. You are a leader among orcs, controlling all of those other idiots is an angering profession however. Whenever you take this feat you gain a barbarian rage power you qualify for. This can be taken multiple times, each time gaining a rage power. Your Orcship has sailed into royal territories and granted you some awesome servants. Your cohort from Leadership can be an Orc, two levels higher than most cohorts. You have mastered your arts of fighting and have honed your ability to not be bacon. With a weapon you have taken the prerequisites for, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage. This little piggy went to market, and this little piggy stayed home, This little piggy had a ballista, and this little piggy commanded a fleet of catapults. You gain proficiency with siege engines. In addition, you are treated as 2 size categories larger for the purpose of taking penalties when wielding a siege engine. Finally, you are treated as 4 members of a crew for the purpose of using the weapon in battle. Gooey and yellow, no one is sure if you are lemon or mustard flavored and no one wants to find out. Whenever you are defeated, you split into two small oozes with an amount of hit points equal to your constitution modifier, but otherwise identical to yourself. If the oozes are destroyed you are defeated as usual, but if you survive, you can have both ooze take a full round action to fuse back together and become whole again. The Ooze cannot receive magical healing while in this form unless the separate slimes meld back together. You have been chasing that little red light for your entire life, and your training has led to this. Today, you will catch it. 3 times a day, you can use true strike as a spell like ability. Whenever you use your Dragon's breath granted by the breath of the Dragon feat, you gain the following effects depending on your domain. If you possess more than one, you can select this multiple times, selecting a different domain each time. Fiery Discipline: A Fiery Discipline Dragon can spit lava onto a target within 120 feet, dealing damage normally for its breath weapon. This magma cools instantly—it does not continue doing damage at this point but does entrap the victim (DC equals the dragon’s breath weapon save DC, 3d6 minutes, hardness 8, hp 45). Ice Domain: An Ice dragon can use this instead of it's breath weapon. It is similar to an acid fog spell but deals cold damage instead of acid damage. It also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect. The save DC is the same as the dragon's Breath Weapon Frigid Discipline; A Frigid Discipline dragon can choose to instead of doing damage, force the enemy to make a Fortitude save (same DC as the dragon's breath weapon) or be petrified as the flesh to stone spell. Good/Holy: Your breath weapon also creates the effects of a Holy Ice spell, using your level as your caster level. Raging Discipline: A Raging Discipline Dragon can choose to deal no damage with its breath weapon. Instead, living creatures that fail their saving throws against the breath weapon must each succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be reduced to –1 hit points. This is a death effect. Astral Discipline: An Astral Discipline Dragon can choose to deal no damage with its breath weapon. Instead, Effecting creatures in the Breath Weapon's line with a Psychic Crush V spell of the same saving throw DC. Diabolic Discipline: As a full-round action, A Diabolic Dragon can burrow through the ground up to twice its land speed. At the end of that movement, if the dragon has use of its breath weapon, it can emerge from the ground spouting disintegration in a 30-foot-radius burst, dealing damage as the breath weapon. Alpha Draconis: A creature that fails its saving throw against a The Alpha Draconis' breath weapon emits light (as faerie fire) and is dazzled for 1d4 rounds. If the Alpha Draconis is 15th level or higher, the creature is also confused for 1d4 rounds. You hate being called tiny, but in all actuality you are pretty damn short. You gin bonuses to your attack and armor class as if you were one size category smaller than you actually are. Fluttering over your enemies, being pooped on is the least of their fears. As a free action, a peryton can make a ranged touch attack by flying over a target—the maximum range of this attack is 300 feet. If the peryton hits, its shadow transforms to match the shadow of the creature struck. Once a peryton has established this link, it gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made against that target, and every time the peryton hits that target with an attack, the creature must make a DC 10+ 1/2 HD+ Con Mod Will save or become frightened for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. A tiny invisible fairyfolk, or a cute and stylish haircut. Take your pick. You can make yourself Invisible as a swift action for a number of rounds per day equal to your Fairy level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. This otherwise functions as greater invisibility. You have learned to avoid the world, and are probably better off doing so. You feed off of solitude and as such have gained untold power in the process. Gain the Solitude domain and it's abilities as if it were one of your other domains. You gain proficiency with Scythe weapons as if they were a monster weapon. You also gain the ability to select blade techniques instead of Nethernoble techniques at levels when you would gain a Nether Noble Technique. Deliciously cherry flavored, gluttonous demons chase you all day long wanting to consume your life force. You can engulf creatures of your own size or smaller. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The red blob merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make attacks of opportunity against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity can attempt a DC 10+ 1/2 HD+ Con mod Reflex save to avoid being engulfed—on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent's choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube's natural attack damage, gain the pinned condition, are in danger of suffocating, and are trapped within its body until they are no longer pinned. You have taken over our world and have inherited all positions of power with your shape shifting ways, manipulating humans and twisting their goals to meet your own. Thanks Obama.... You can assume the appearance of a specific single Medium humanoid. You always take this specific form when you use this ability. The Creature gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear as that type of humanoid. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except the creature does not adjust its ability scores. An Alpha Draconis can select a new humanoid form by spending 1 week preparing itself for the change, but can then no longer assume its previous humanoid form. Your rage is unbridled, but all of those anger management classes have shown you that if you can focus your rage, you can be a better person. Selecting this feat allows a Baciel to select a rage power as if he were a barbarian of his Baciel level. Can be taken multiple times. Monsters who reincarnate into humanoids can use their monster weapon as a weapon of their choice for performing weapon techniques. Humanoids who become monsters can use a normal weapon as a monster weapon for the purpose of performing techniques as well. When using a monster weapon as a manufactured weapon, you must select which kind of manufactured weapon, and you can only use the monster weapon for those kinds of techniques, if using a manufactured weapon as a monster weapon, you must select a single kind of manufactured weapon to use. You can select this feat multiple times, each time for a different weapon. You sit atop your throne of skulls as the true god of death. 3 times per day, you can add the spell Finger of death to one of your normal attacks using your level as the caster level. Diving beneath the waves, you are a master of the sea and no fisherman can lure you in. You gain freedom of movement so long as you are in water. A God of Chaos with... wait... I already used that description... wait... isn't this guy already a feat? Weapons you use become infused with the power of death. Whenever you confirm a critical hit with a melee or ranged weapon, your attack deals an additional amount of bleed damage equal to half your character level. You can use this ability four times per day. A God of chaos with many pictures of yourself etched into old funny looking wall carvings, you are a master of destruction. You gain access to the Chaos domain and all of it's spells become techniques you can perform. Your Libido is 100x larger than a normal person's and you sometimes crotch thrust without even realizing it. You gain access to the charm domain with the lust sub domain changing some of it's abilities. Injury: save Fort DC 10+ 1/2 Rabbit Knight level+ Dexterity modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Wis and 1d2 Cha (or intoxication); cure 2 consecutive saves. Everyone's seen it, and everyone's waiting to see it again, it's your thing, YOUR SIGNATURE MOVE! Pick a Calorie Burn that you have access to and that you must spend calories to perform. You can perform this calorie burn for 1 fewer calorie (minimum 0). If the amount of calories needed to perform the calorie burn is reduced to 0, you can perform this calorie burn for the normal action cost as long as you have at least 1 calorie point. But Duck tape is silver. Your silence evilty extends to 10 feet rather than just 5. Like a flying squirrel but much more foxy. You no longer take falling damage, as though you were constantly under the effect of feather fall. The Kitsune is no longer affected by altitude sickness or natural or magical wind. Additionally, you may use your Fly skill in place of Acrobatics when making jump checks. You are like a bar of soap. Slippery and annoying to grab hold of. As such, you gain a continuous freedom of movement ability. You were injected with awesomeness when you were little and because of that you are a mutant with adamantine bones... or something like that. Choose a type of material (Adamantine, Cold Iron, Silver, ect..) Whichever you choose, your weapons are considered that for overcoming damage reduction. You long for the living, and mostly want to suck the life right out of their skulls like a juice box. 3 times per day you can make a touch attack on a creature that deals 1d4 negative levels. The creature must make a fortitude saving throw DC: 10+ 1/2 HD+ Cha modifier to resist this. You heal 1 hp per 2 negative levels you inflict on a creature. Creatures that are effected must make another save 24 hours later or the negative levels become permanent . You have slunk into every facility known to man, defeated a robot with a rail gun that can shoot to the moon and defeated an asian guy with a bladed hat, and even magic cannot find you. You gain a+6 bonus against any saving throw that involves scrying or a creature trying to find your location, and if your saving throw bonus is 5 over the saving throw or higher you instantly cast the same spell on the creature at it's own saving throw. You are a horrible undead master of darkness, sucking out a creature's life and filling it's body with a life you have crafted. You have the ability to create vampire spawn if you kill a creature with your bite attack. You can control one vampire spawn for every point in your charisma modifier. The creature gains all of the abilities of the vampire race but it's intelligence score is 0 and therefore it is mindless and only follows the vampire's orders. When facing off against a witch with fire hot enough to give a Fire Elemental a tan, sometimes you need some of that SPF 40K. Gain energy resistance that applies even if a creature has an ability that bypasses immunity. Select a single type of energy resistance or immunity that you possess. You gain Supreme resistance 10 in that energy type. This cannot be more than the energy resistance you already possess. if you possess energy immunity to a specific type of energy, this amount becomes resistance 15. This applies even when the ability would ignore or bypass your resistance. This can be taken multiple times, it's effects stack. Your cute and fluffy body has attracted fans from all around that like to give you gifts. Learning to accept all of these gifts you have adapted to using everything at once. You gain an extra ring slot located on your tail. You ignore bullies and you have to cut about 3 feet in before you get blood. Any damage reduction you have increases by 2. This can be taken multiple times it's effects stack. Queen of the dragons and she who allowed chaos to roll straight into existence, you are a scary bitch and rule over many dragons. You add the Summon Dragon spells to your technique list. You were a dick in school and still are. My chin's still shattered from last time. You gain the Trip combat maneuver. You just can't help but mug people all frickin day. You robbed another and another and a sister and a brother. You can use the steal combat maneuver. Known as a master of demons and "He who comes when called" you are a destructive force on deadly wings when you enter the battlefield. When charging, you increase your damage dealt by +2 damage dice. If flying, and you drop at least 20 feet in altitude as part of a charge deals +4 damage dice instead on an attack. Your family goes way back. Whether it's a family of chocolate cereal spokespeople, or a long lineage of cursed phantoms that walk this earth in search of their murderer, your family has some deep ties to death. Select a single creature from this list and you gain it's power. This can only be taken multiple times if you reincarnate into an undead creature and take this feat a second time. If any of the abilities have a saving throw, the save is 10+ 1/2 Undead level+ Charisma modifier unless specified otherwise elsewhere. Mummy (Iron Will, Knowledge Religion 10 ranks, Hot Stuff): All creatures within a 30-foot radius that see a mummy must make a Will save or be paralyzed by fear for 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same mummy's despair ability for 24 hours. This is a paralysis and a mind-affecting fear affect. Allip (Anubis, Ghost, Death, or Shinigami only): The touch of an allip deals 1d4 points of Wisdom damage (Will negates). A successful critical hit causes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and 1 point of Wisdom drain (instead of double Wisdom damage). With each successful attack, an allip gains 5 temporary hit points. Attic Whisperer: Any creature hit by an attic whisperer’s touch must make a Will save or lose its ability to speak for 1 hour. During that time, the creature cannot talk, cast spells with verbal components, use auditory bardic performances, or use any other ability that requires speech. Once an attic whisperer has stolen a creature’s voice, it can perfectly mimic that voice at any time, even after its victim’s voice has returned, and while using that voice can speak any languages the victim knew. Those familiar with an individual’s voice can make a Sense Motive check opposed by the attic whisperer’s Bluff check to realize a mimicked voice is inauthentic. Baykok: A baykok can take a standard action to devour the soul of an adjacent dead or dying creature. A dying creature can resist this attack with a Fortitude save. If it fails, the target is instantly slain. If the creature is already dead, it does not make a saving throw, although the body cannot be more than 1 hour dead. A creature subjected to this attack cannot be brought back to life via raise dead (resurrection and more powerful effects work normally). When a baykok devours a soul in this way, it heals 5d6+10 points of damage and becomes hasted for 4 rounds (as if affected by haste). Cursed King (Killrider only): Your critical hit range is lowered by 1 (20 becomes 19-20), And you gain a +4 natural armor bonus. Crypt Thing : Once per day, a crypt thing can teleport all creatures within 50 feet of it to randomly determined locations. The crypt thing can only affect creatures of which it is aware and to which it has line of sight. A successful Will save negates this effect. An affected creature is teleported in a random direction (roll 1d8, with 1 indicating north and the other numbers indicating compass going clockwise) and a random distance (1d10 × 100 feet) away from the crypt thing; determine each creature’s direction randomly. A teleported creature arrives in the closest open space to the determined destination, but must appear on a solid surface capable of supporting its weight. If there is no appropriate destination in that direction, the creature does not teleport at all. Grim Reaper (Death, or Shinigami Only): When a grim reaper gazes on a creature, it can see that creature's emotion aura and that creature's current health and overall well-being. This acts as the status spell, as well as the emotion aura aspect of the analyze aura spell. It can do this so long as it's death sight ability is active. Mohrg (Zombie or Nosferatu Only): Your reach increases by 5 feet and a poison that lasts for 5 rounds, does 1d4 Dexterity damage, and 3 saving throws ending the effect. Pharonic Guardian (Anubis Only): The pharaonic guardian's gaze attack allows it to read the minds of those within 30 feet, as per the detect thoughts spell with 3 rounds of concentration (Will negates). This is a mind-affecting divination effect. The pharaonic guardian gains a +4 insight bonus on attack rolls against foes whose thoughts it has read via its judging gaze ability. Ragewight (Zombie Only): Most humanoids slain by a ragewight rise as cairn wights (though with chaotic evil alignments) in 1d4 rounds. However, humanoids with 6 or more Hit Dice and the rage class feature instead become ragewights, retaining the rage powers they had in life. Such spawn are under the command of their creator until its death, at which point they become free-willed undead. Wyrmwraith (Skeletal Dragon Only): The Wyrmwraith can go incorporeal as a swift action for a number of rounds per day equal to it's charisma modifier. These rounds need not be consecutive. You hold justice in high regard. Though it may be scary out there, so long as you have a heart of gold and a will of steel you can get through it. Once per day, any creature within your aura can gain the effects of a smite evil ability. This works as if a Paladin of 1/2 of your level had activated it. You are not only a lord of the night, but you are a master of extreme transformation and stealth. At will, you can transform into a horrible wolf like creature. It is a standard action to transform and you gain a +4 bonus to strength and dexterity and a +2 bonus to constitution. Your bite attack deals one damage dice larger and your move speed increases by 30 feet and you gain +3 natural armor. You cannot use weapons other than your bite while in this form. Changing back is a standard action. You are a freaky beast surrounded by thick air. 3 times a day as a swift action, you can create a drowning aura out to 30 feet. Creatures standing near the Aqua Demon begin to have their lungs fill with water from the creature's drowning aura. If the creature is not already making Constitution checks to keep from drowning, the creature must succeed a DC 10 Constitution check. If the creature made a Constitution check in the previous round to keep from drowning (either from following the drowning rules or from previous drowning touch attacks), increase the DC by 1. This DC is in addition to the standard DC increase gained every round from the drowning rules and is cumulative with each successive drowning touch attack. The Constitution checks continue until the creature takes a full round action to spit up all the water accumulating in their lungs and breathes air, receives a DC 15 Heal check from another creature as a standard action to force the water out of their lungs, is the target of a remove curse or similar spell, sustains any amount of fire damage, or fails the Constitution check. Creatures that fail the Constitution check begin to drown as per the normal drowning rules. Creatures that do not need to breathe or can breathe water ignore drowning touch. Creatures effected must keep making saving throws as usual, but the aura only lasts until the beginning of the Aqua demon's next round. Once per day, when confronted with a situation that calls for a particular mundane item of equipment, you may make a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of 10 plus the item’s cost in gold pieces to “happen” to have such an item on your person. For example, having a crowbar would be DC 12, whereas a flask of acid would be DC 20. The item must be something you can easily carry—if you are on foot and have only a backpack, for example, you could not have a large iron cauldron. You cannot have magical items using this feat, nor can you have specific items, such as the key to a particular door. If you are stripped of your equipment or possessions, you lose the benefits of this feat until you have at least a day to resupply and “acquire” new items. You must pay of these items normally. Special: At the GM’s option, a character can substitute the Survival skill for Sleight of Hand with this feat. Such a choice is permanent. You can channel the power of the moon to gain an acute animal ferocity that fanboys can't help but adore. You gain the ability to use the Pounce special ability once per encounter. You can invoke the powers of pure cold and let loose a horrible blast of ice. Once per day you can breathe as a standard action, a 60 foot cone of cold that deals 1d8 ice damage per level. The Reflex save DC: is 10+1/2 HD+ Dex mod for half damage. Wight power! Hold your fist high and be a dick about things. Gain a +4 bonus to turn resistance from Clerics. Up in the sky! Is it a bird? A Plane? NO! It's Wonder Spore! The most useful fungus based super hero you've ever heard of. Your spore ability's initial damage becomes that of your monster weapon's base dice damage, or 1d10, whichever is higher. The following damage every round increases by +2. You once flew a fleet of airplanes to the Earth and forced a billion ghosts to watch boring movies in an IMAX theater, Or at least you claim you did, only the crazies really believe in that stuff. Add the spells Detect thoughts, Modify Memory, Blink, and Sleep to your list of techniques known. You can only perform these techniques if you can perform techniques of that spell level. You are a mistress of malign suggestiveness and are quite popular amongst the mortals. Your children may be a little weird, but the humans always get excited when they're around, you're always at the right place at the right time, and you've also never lost your car keys. Ever. You're just that good. You gain a single Oracle Revelation. This can only be selected from the Time Mystery. You treat your Desco level -5, as your Oracle level for the purpose of selecting abilities. This feat can be selected 3 times. You possess the powers of the tree of life, you can grant life and you can take life away. Once per day you can mimic the effects of a harm or health spell as a cleric of your treant level. Known for battling plumbers and stealing princesses, you are a popular villain amongst the retro community. The Two Headed Dragon gains a blinding gemstone. This ability affects all enemies within 30 feet of a Two Headed Dragon. Those who look directly at it must succeed on a DC 10+ 1/2 character level+ Dexterity modifier Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. A Two headed dragon can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. In addition, the Dragon can use the grapple combat maneuver, however only to grapple an attractive young lady. The dragon gains a +4 bonus to this attack. Make sure to get all of your tumors checked out by a dermatologist, not just the ones that can talk. The Zombie gains a sentient tumor on it's body as the Alchemist Discovery using the Zombie's zombie level as it's alchemist level to determine any abilities the tumor has. If the zombie already possesses this as an Alchemist. It gains another. Girl I'd guard your body any day, know what I mean Ehh? Ehh? Ahhh you don't get it. You can occupy the same area as any ally who is up to one size category larger than you. While standing in the same area, you may protect them from harm. You grant them any bonus to armor class you gain from a shield (Or Shield Spell) while sharing that space. While using the bodyguard feat, your ally also gains any armor bonus (Or from mage armor) to armor class from you may currently possess. While using the Bodyguard feat, you also grant your ally any deflection bonuses to armor class you may possess.