| - Their mouth is formed so they can even crush small mineral stones laying around (Giedi Prime is rich of minerals) or eating smaller animals or even miscellaneous trash laying around near (or in) the big cities. The stones of Giedi Prime are most over red, that's why the plates of the Platiarcas also are redish- it makes them more invisible over the distance. During the days they normally hide in the ground and just come out at night. When the special Holiday dinner approaches, the Harkonnens start to hunt the Platiarcas- they normally catch them unharmed and bringing them to big fabrics, where hell comes alive for these creatures. Every single leg get ripped off the platiarcas, which is a huge pain for them. The Harkonnens also break the plates of the Platiarcas away- these plates are linked with the skin of the creatures. As a result, the skin get ripped away on the same time. As if that wouldn't be enough, the Harkonnens also decided that two halves of a platiarca would surely taste better than a whole platiarca. So their bodies get stretched, till the bones crack and the flesh bursts. After this torture the Platiarcas finally die, full of pain, and get served to the feast. A special kind of ‘decoration’ are the young Platiarcas, which get placed into the brain of the adult one- Nests of Platiarcas are really well hidden, so it's always very expensive to get the full palette of the Holiday Dinner. The young ones won’t be killed before the feast, they still alive when being served. Also, the bodies of the adults won’t be cooked too much, their meat is still cold and bloody- perfect for the Harkonnens.