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| - Image:Marylandmanson.jpg Goth-rocker Maryland Manson
- Goths were Germanic people, their leader, Alaric, and his people, went and seiged Rome in the early 5th century. They became one of the main powers after the fall the Western Roman, they were the people who ended the Western Roman Empire. The Goths ruled Spain were the Visigoths, the Goths that ruled Italy were the Ostrogoths.
- The Ghots are a religious organization in Earth VII, apparently modelled after, or a corrupted version of, christianity, even though it is unknown wether 'christianity' even exists in that world, being that its history differs gravely from our world's. The closest equivalent, and propably the deity worshipped by them as 'God', is Kyrios. The goths clearly make use of christian symbolism and their center of operations is a medieval cathedral in the Slums of Metropolis.
- Alt flag used by Tedv for the Grudge Match event. Image:Flag.png Arr! This article about a flag in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Les Goths sont un peuple germanique de la branche dite orientale.
- (Foils) Like the Goobers, these kids are really into the Occult, but more with an eye towards practicing than being Ghostbusters. Unfortunately, they tend to be pretty inept about it most of the time. Not being actual magic users either, they tend to rely on old books of spells, tomes that have been poorly translated before they get hold of them or even translations they’ve done themselves. (Ack!) Now if that isn’t a recipe for potential disasters what would be?
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| - The Goths were an East Germanic people, two of whose branches, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, played an important role in the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Medieval Europe.
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| - Infantry Flush, Boom into Infantry Flood
| - Image:Marylandmanson.jpg Goth-rocker Maryland Manson
- Goths were Germanic people, their leader, Alaric, and his people, went and seiged Rome in the early 5th century. They became one of the main powers after the fall the Western Roman, they were the people who ended the Western Roman Empire. The Goths ruled Spain were the Visigoths, the Goths that ruled Italy were the Ostrogoths.
- (Foils) Like the Goobers, these kids are really into the Occult, but more with an eye towards practicing than being Ghostbusters. Unfortunately, they tend to be pretty inept about it most of the time. Not being actual magic users either, they tend to rely on old books of spells, tomes that have been poorly translated before they get hold of them or even translations they’ve done themselves. (Ack!) Now if that isn’t a recipe for potential disasters what would be? These kids are into tarot cards, crystal balls, half-baked spell books bought in used bookstores, or swiped from libraries. (Oh, sorry, borrowed from libraries. Just a sort of permanent kind of borrowed.) They do keep the local occult stores in some sort of business, though, so I guess in a way it’s good for the economy of Dunwich. Needless to say, the real Magic users at Whateley want little or nothing to do with these kids. The stunts they pull are most often pretty silly in the eyes of the kids who actually use the stuff, and sometimes even manage to be dangerous. Like the time a group of them got a book on demonology and tried calling up a minor demon. It worked, but they lost control of the spell, and the demon got away. Fortunately for all concerned (the demon included) It was the middle of February, with lots of snow on the ground. The demon got cold, and bored since the residents of Whateley and Dunwich tend to see a lot or weird things and definitely do not invite them in during the dead of night. Just the opposite, in fact. The demon walked around trying to coerce, coax, or otherwise convince someone to pay attention to no avail. He even begged the Goths who had raised him to send him back. They couldn’t manage that part, so the demon is now a fairly permanent fixture around Whateley. Everyone calls it Breezy and the older kids tend to pick on the poor thing, while using him as something to scare the new kids with. He currently lives in the furnace of the main building and keeps hoping someone is bright enough to use an Abjure spell on him so he can go home. It won’t be the Goth Squad. Having called up a real demon is a super coup for them and they like to show off the fact when they can. Then there is the fact that they can’t figure out how to do it. One other thing. A few, very few of the Goths, have a more sinister agenda. They are actively trying to steal the magic using abilities of other students. More on that in the group character descriptions. So that’s why the older students generally warn the new ones (magic users do tend to stick together most of the time) about the Goths, and to stay away from them as much as practical. As would be expected, this bunch does the ‘goth look’ to whatever extremes they are able. The black clothing, makeup, and all that. So what? They think it’s cool.
- The Ghots are a religious organization in Earth VII, apparently modelled after, or a corrupted version of, christianity, even though it is unknown wether 'christianity' even exists in that world, being that its history differs gravely from our world's. The closest equivalent, and propably the deity worshipped by them as 'God', is Kyrios. The goths clearly make use of christian symbolism and their center of operations is a medieval cathedral in the Slums of Metropolis.
- Alt flag used by Tedv for the Grudge Match event. Image:Flag.png Arr! This article about a flag in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Les Goths sont un peuple germanique de la branche dite orientale.
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