Pete, better known by his nickname "Rusty Pete", was a space pirate, and the first mate of Captain Slag's pirate crew. He usually appeared alongside his captain singing an off-key Pirate melody. __TOC__
Rusty Pete (oversatt til norsk er det Rustne Pete) er Kaptein Slags førstestyrmann.
Pete, better known by his nickname "Rusty Pete", was a space pirate, and the first mate of Captain Slag's pirate crew. He usually appeared alongside his captain singing an off-key Pirate melody. __TOC__
"Bedaure Kumpel, was soll ich sagen? Ich bin ein Pirat! Pete enschuldigt sich bei Ratchet. Rust Pete war ein Pirat und erster Maat von Captain Romolus Slag. Im Gegensatz zu anderen seiner Sippe kann er durchaus nett sein, im Herzen jedoch ist er ein Betrügerischer Pirat.
, Pete was one of the radio-hosts in the radio channel, Pirate Radio after that he and Slag took a Vacation on Naboo
Rusty Pete (oversatt til norsk er det Rustne Pete) er Kaptein Slags førstestyrmann.
Pete, better known by his nickname "Rusty Pete", was a space pirate, and the first mate of Captain Slag's pirate crew. He usually appeared alongside his captain singing an off-key Pirate melody. __TOC__
"Bedaure Kumpel, was soll ich sagen? Ich bin ein Pirat! Pete enschuldigt sich bei Ratchet. Rust Pete war ein Pirat und erster Maat von Captain Romolus Slag. Im Gegensatz zu anderen seiner Sippe kann er durchaus nett sein, im Herzen jedoch ist er ein Betrügerischer Pirat.
, Pete was one of the radio-hosts in the radio channel, Pirate Radio after that he and Slag took a Vacation on Naboo