| - The Turning Point is the second episode of Super SpongeBob.
- {| class="box message padded colored bordered type-basic" |- | class="cell-icon-35" | Image:Wikipedia-logo.png | class="text-medium" | This article uses Creative Commons licensed content from [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]]'s List of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED episodes article. The list of authors can be seen in the page history there. |} The Archangel, without Cagalli and Ledonir on board, leaves Orb territory for Alaska. The Zala Team, who is patiently waiting, engages them in a battle. Kira grounds the Duel, Buster, and Blitz with the help of Mu and Tolle, who is now the second Skygrasper pilot. As Kira and Athrun fight, Nicol intervenes, but he steps into Kira's fatal attack.