| - ==See Also==__NOEDITSECTION__
* Bow Ammunitions ()
* Ammunitions ()
* Weapons ()
- Arrows have a chance of breaking after being fired, losing the arrow. According to Roddeck, if the arrow has been broken, the arrow will not appear on the ground to be picked up. The chance of losing an arrow after shooting is approximately 20%, but this decreases gradually with an increase in the player's Ranged level. One method of preventing losing dropped arrows is to use Ava's device, which collects dropped arrows. This requires the player to have completed the Animal Magnetism quest.
- "Arrows made from carved branches, fletched with feathers and affixed with metal heads. 1 quiver holds 10 arrows."
- Arrows are used by archers throughout the hemisphere. Along with the Rangers; the Royal scouts; the boys in Araluan villages of one hundred or more; the Araluen-Skandian archery units; the Temujai; the Senshi bowmen; the Outsiders; and every other archer also uses arrows. Each arrow has a tip, a shaft and feathers on the end to make it fly straight. Arrows differ from bolts, the ammunition of the crossbow. Arrows vary greatly from archer to archer. For example, Halt uses black shafted arrows and Will uses grey shafted arrows. There are many types found throughout the hemisphere.
- Arrows are a special type of ammunition used with classes. There are two main categories of arrows: Bows and Crossbows, which only work with their respective weapons.
- Laten je meer schade schieten, zo kan je ook hogere vijanden makkelijker aan.
* Normal Arrow
* Normal Curved Arrow
* Bronze Arrow
* Bronze Curved Arrow
* Iron Arrow
* Iron Curved Arrow
* Steel Arrow
* Steel Curved Arrow
* Mithril Arrow
* Mithril Curved Arrow
* Adamantium Arrow
* Adamantium Curved Arrow
* Posthonium Arrow
* Posthonium Curved Arrow
* Platina Arrow
* Platina Curved Arrow
* Obbic Arrow
* Obbic Curved Arrow
* Emerald Arrow
* Emerald Curved Arrow
* Saphire Arrow
* Saphire Curved Arrow
* Ruby Arrow
* Ruby Curved Arrow
* Diamond Arrow
* Diamond Curved Arrow
* Ultima Arrow
* Ultima Curved Arrow
- Arrows are light wooden projectiles with sharp metal heads and stabilizers (usually made of feathers), used to fire ranged weapons, propelled with immense force to impale the target.
- This page is still under construction. Scroll down for the chart. We have a bunch of breaks so the ads don't cover the information.
- Arrows er noe man bruke som "pil og bue", eller sammen med en bow på engelsk, på RuneScape. Heretter vil det bli omtalt på engelsk, med ordene man bruker i RuneScape. Arrows brukes i skillen Ranged, det skytes med en bow. Bows og arrows kan forøvrig bli laget i skillen Fletching, og bow string og crossbow string (brukt til crossbow) blir laget i skillen Crafting.
- Arrows are projectiles used with Predator Bow in Crysis 3.
- Magical arrows are magical weapons and can wound creatures that are immune to normal weapons. They do not dispel Aura spells on a successful hit; their magic is not sufficiently powerful.
- All arrows need the Bow Special Attack skill to use them. Their advantage is that they can be used beside the "normal" arrows as special attack like fling shot or burst.
- The arrows are available as a large group. They are seen as a standard wooden arrow shaft with metallic point and feathered fletching. However, the nock at the end of the arrows are missing. To purchase this item from the order scroll, you must unlock the Tier 0 Rogue skill. The buy and sell values for this item are 14 File:Shoppe coin.png coins.
- Arrows are ammunition for longbows and shortbows in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
- Arrows are the ammunition used by archers and are equipped in the arrows slot. Arrows are items that have unlimited use and are not affected by durability. Arrows can be dropped with bonuses just like any other item. Before version 1.9.0, arrows were bought in large stacks, and each Normal hit consumed 1 arrow. Powers did not use arrows.
- The Arrows is an unreleased ammunition type added to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game files in May 31, 2016 update.
- Arrows are a type of ammunition used with the Recurve Bow and Hunter Bow in Far Cry 3 and in Far Cry 4. There are three arrow types that can be created by Crafting the appropriate materials.
- Arrows can be bought from archery shops owned by NPCs in Varrock (Lowe's Archery Emporium), Rimmington, Catherby (Hickton's Archery Emporium), and the Ranging Guild (Level 40 Ranged). There is a 20% chance arrows will be lost when shot. If you wear the Ava's attractor, the arrows you keep will be added to the Ammunition slot automatically, instead of being dropped on the ground.
- Arrows are long range missiles shot from a bow and occasionally a crossbow or magonel. The arrow consists of a straight wooden- usualy ash- shaft. One end is fitted with a sharp piece of bone, metal or wood, the other end is thrice fletched to let it fly straight. Ripping a fletch off will cause the arrow to do more damage by spinning, but this should only be tried by experts. The best wood for arrows is ash, and the best fletching comes from goose feathers.
- File:Arrows.gifArrows are used with ranged weapons in fights. They can be bought from a stall in the Castle courtyard, or can be made from a combination of feathers, a log and arrowheads (which require a Smithing level of 45 and iron and coal ores to make.)
- Hard rock band known for performing the original version of I Love Rock and Roll, successfully covered by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.
- Arrows, called Ya in Rokugani, came in a variety of shapes and uses in Rokugan, to be used with various bows.
- Several specialized kinds of arrows exist by the time of Ultima VII:
* Magic Arrows, which always hit. (They also add +4 to the effectiveness rating of the bow)
* Burst Arrows, which explode at contact.
* Lucky Arrows, which are much stronger
* Tseramed Arrows, which can put Giant Bees to sleep.
* Love Arrows, whose function should be clear.
* Serpent Arrows, as Burst Arrows, but available only in Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle.
- Episode 52 of Robin & Batgirl. The episode starts with Blue Bowman securing his 100 captives.The captives are screaming.He said,"If you want yourselves to stay alive,then shut your mouths up".Meanwhile in Robin and Batgirl's headquarters,Robin,Batgirl,Green Arrow,Speedy,and Batwoman are watching news.They saw the news that Blue Bowman held 100 captives in his hideout.Now,the heroes rode the Arrowcar.They went to Blue Bowman's hideout.They saw a Hideout Guard strangling the chief.They saved him.Now,the heroes took out the other Hideout Guards and then,they told the chief to go away.The chief did so.They entered the hideout."Oh no",said Green Arrow."They remodeled the structure"."Golly",said Speedy.Then,the Bowmen Minions,Robot Bowmen,and Bowmen Criminals came.They took out all of those.Then
- Collaborate! If you wish, you can add to my story. We were walking through the forest which seemed to go on forever, when we came across a huge opening in the vegetation. Beams of sun shone once more on our heads. "Uh... I'm not really sure about this, Huk." Krut said. "We need somewhere to set up or something, we can't just keep on." I thought for a moment. No, he was right. We should rest for the night. We strolled up and down looking for a good position to setup. *****
- Arrows (NL: Pijlen) zijn een type munitie die gebruikt worden in combinatie met bogen, wapens die gebruik worden in gevechten op afstand. Ze kunnen gemaakt worden door Betalende leden door middel van de Fletching vaardigheid, op training pijlen na. Om dat te doen, moet de speler Arrowshafts hebben (gesneden uit normale houtblokken), Veren en Pijlpunten. De pijl die wordt gemaakt is afhankelijk van het type pijlpunten dat gebruikt wordt. Pijlen kunnen alleen geschoten worden met bogen die sterk genoeg zijn om ze weg te schieten. Pijlen hebben een kans om te breken nadat ze afgevuurd zijn, waardoor je je pijl verliest. Volgens Roddeck zal de pijl niet op de grond verschijnen om op te pakken nadat het gebroken is. De verhouding tussen het verliezen van een pijl na het schieten ervan en het h
- Arrows Grand Prix International were a British Formula One team, founded by Tom Walkinshaw and his crew, billed as one of the best teams to never win a Grand Prix. They came close to a first win in the 1997 Hungarian Grand Prix with defending champion Damon Hill but lost out to Jacques Villeneuve. The other time they almost won was at the 1985 San Marino Grand Prix, when Thierry Boutsen was briefly promoted to first after Elio de Angelis and Alain Prost were disqualified, but afterwards, de Angelis was reinstated, demoting Boutsen to second.
- Arrows are a type of ammunition used with bows in the ranged skill to inflict damage on opponents. They can be created by members through the Fletching skill. To do that, the player must have some arrow shafts (cut from normal logs), feathers and arrowheads. The arrow made is determined by the type of arrowheads used. Arrows can only be fired from bows that are strong enough to use them. During Underground Pass quest damp cloth is used on an arrow to produce doused arrow. The arrow is lit and shot at an old bridge in order to progress in the dungeon.