| - The Knothole Freedom Fighters are having fun on the riverside when the temperature suddenly drops. A number of snow clouds appear in the sky nearby and Sally, concerned by the unnatural weather, asks NICOLE where the clouds came from. NICOLE informs them that they were artificially created, and a sudden snowstorm covers the area. Just outside of Robotropolis, Dr. Robotnik and Snively are testing their new Weather Annihilator, a machine designed to freeze their entire side of Mobius. "Way, Way Past Cool" - Part Two "Way, Way Past Cool" - Part Three
| - The Knothole Freedom Fighters are having fun on the riverside when the temperature suddenly drops. A number of snow clouds appear in the sky nearby and Sally, concerned by the unnatural weather, asks NICOLE where the clouds came from. NICOLE informs them that they were artificially created, and a sudden snowstorm covers the area. Just outside of Robotropolis, Dr. Robotnik and Snively are testing their new Weather Annihilator, a machine designed to freeze their entire side of Mobius. Robotnik plans to use the cold to his advantage, finding any and all nearby lifeforms by using infra-red scanners to detect their body heat. Meanwhile, the Freedom Fighters are unable to find their way back to Knothole in the storm and seek shelter. NICOLE tells them that a cave is nearby. Robotnik, riding in a mechanical "sled", closes in on Sonic and his friends while they sit shivering in the cave, but a stranger offers to help them out. "Way, Way Past Cool" - Part Two Robotnik arrives at the cave, but the Freedom Fighters are nowhere to be seen. Deep in the cave, the team is led by a Penguin named Flip to a hideout where he introduces his friends: Guntiver, Erma, Sealia, and Augustus. Guntiver tells the Freedom Fighters that he and his companions had traveled south to visit their families years ago, only to be stranded when Robotnik seized power in the region. Taking shelter in the cave, they used Robotnik's discarded machines to create an artificial Arctic Zone to keep themselves comfortable. Sonic is determined determined to fight Robotnik despite Sally warning that he would freeze to death before he could reach him. Their hosts graciously offer to use their Arctic Zone to train the Freedom Fighters to adapt in cold weather. A week later, the cold has become so severe that Snively begs Robotnik to turn off the Weather Annihilator. He reasons that if the Freedom Fighters hadn't attacked yet, they most likely can't attack at all. Robotnik is about to head inside to celebrate his apparent victory and shut off the machine when a giant snowball lands next to him. The Freedom Fighters have set up a catapult to fight Robotnik. "Way, Way Past Cool" - Part Three Robotnik heads inside to crank up the power on the Annihilator and Snively realizes that he needs to redeem himself in his master's eyes for almost calling off their plan. The Freedom Fighters, unable to hit the Weather Annihilator with their snowballs, decide to charge at the machine themselves. Before they can get close, Snively uses a freeze ray to trap them in a giant block of ice. He pushes them along in his sled, planning to roboticize them, when Augustus grabs hold of the vehicle to stop him. Snively tries to shoot him with his freeze ray when Guntiver jumps in, chasing Snively out of the sled. Snively calls for the SWATbots to help him, but Flip trips them up while Sealia and Erma try to free the Freedom Fighters from the ice block. Sonic asks them to not bother freeing him completely, but to load him into the catapult and launch him at the Annihilator. They do so, and Sonic crashes into Robotnik, crushing the ice block he was encased in. Sonic easily spin dashes through the machine, destroying it. The Arctic Freedom Fighters decide to head for home in Robotnik's sled, inspired by Sonic's bravery to stand up to any danger that faces them instead of running away. Sonic suggests the Freedom Fighters have a snowball fight, only for his friends to pelt him with snowballs.