| - Luthionia (/'luθioʊnə/; Dutch: Luthionië; French: Luthionie), officially the Republic of Luthionia, is a federal republic containing territories in Mazeria and Europe. It is a founding member of the Mazerian Assembly, and is currently a member of its Security Council. Luthionia covers an area of 83 746 square kilometres (32 335 sq mi). The nation consists of two main parts; Mazerian Luthionia, which is where the country's capital Saculium is located, and European Luthionia, the nation's original territory. The Mazerian section of Luthionia lies upon the continent of Meridia. The European section is located within Belgium in Western Europe. Luthionia only gained independence from Belgium quite recently, on the 13th of January 2002. When it first gained independence Luthionia consisted of a rather small territory surrounding the city of Leuven, at that time its capital. Four years later it acquired new land in Mazeria, and soon afterwards a new capital was constructed there. This new capital was named Saculium.