| - Plague Island is the location where all who have contracted the Bubonic Plauge are banished to. In the episode K'nuckles is a Filthy Rat, it was also the location where Flapjack had to send K'nuckles II to in order to prevent any further infection.
- Plague Island is a video game where the Jonas Brothers has created an Island to take over the world. It sends diseases to everybody, making them lose their color and have symptoms like sneezing and coughing. Your goal is to find a cure for the disease, and to stop the Jonas Brothers' evil plan. Your Mii Mickey Mouse Minnie Mouse Donald Duck Daisy Duck Darkwing Duck Hercules Milo Mulan Prince Eric Prince Philip Prince Edward Kaa Fillmore (The hippie van from Cars) Burn-e Dumbo Timon and Pumbaa The Jonas brothers- They have created the disease because their music is terrible and nobody likes it, which made them evil and twisted and bent on world domination The robots that they have created to spread the plague (Jonas-bots). There are six types of Jonas bots. Lvl 1- these are small and can shoot the disease as well as small missels. They can hover. lvl 2 These bots are larger then the lvl ones, but they can't fly. They have 4 fast moving legs and shoot out larger missels lvl 3 These are the largest bots of the three and the most powerful. It can fly, shoot lasers, and has mechanical tentacles that can grab things and throw them. The Kevin Bot The Joe Bot The Nick Bot India Savanah Under the sea Mickey mouse neighborhood New York Wonderland China Mt. Olympus Bald Mountain Las Vegas Orlando The Hundred-Acre-Woods Toad Hall Atlantis Axiom Never Land Coughing, sneezing, headaches, stomachaches, sweating and losing ones color. For the last one, the victim gets pale and their skin and clothing begin to tint. Evantually they just become white with black lines.