| - Item #: SCP-578 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-578 is to be kept in the specially prepared warehouse at Site 14. Full lighting is to be used to illuminate the enclosure at all times. Due to the intermittent field effect displayed by SCP-578, all onsite electronic or electrical power systems are to be kept to essential apparatus with a replacement turnover of no longer then two weeks. In the event SCP-578-1 enters its second state all electrical devices active during the manifestation must be evaluated for replacement. Any personnel assigned to SCP-578 displaying premature senescence are to be removed from the project until further development of symptoms has ceased. The security team is to be equipped with self-defense conductive energy devices (CEDs) of a baton style. The specific combat advisories to be used in training of personnel dealing with SCP-578 are to be contained in Document 578-c. Current specific considerations attendant to each form of SCP-578 can be found in the description section. The internal chamber of SCP-578's containment area is to be spherical with no flat areas. A metal walkway in the inner chamber for researcher and security team access is approved. The inner chamber is to be painted red matching the Pantone 18-1555 "Molten Lava" color specification. Any time Foundation personnel or guests are in the inner chamber, it is to be lit completely. The lamps used for this are to be replaced regularly, and stored outside the containment area when not in use. With the exception of these lamps, all electronics are forbidden in the inner chamber. This includes personal headsets assigned to the security team, as well as the CEDs used to control SCP-578. The walls of the inner chamber are to be lined with a Faraday cage, and other forms of EM signal proofing. Inside the Faraday cage, but still within the walls of the inner chamber, an Arc Torus system (Please see the Reference section of the summary on SCP-578 for more information) is to be put in place. This inner chamber is to be suspended in an outer chamber. This outer chamber is to be shaped as a regular tetrahedron. The interior wall of the outer chamber and exterior wall of the inner chamber are to have every available surface covered by octagonal silver-backed mirrors. This chamber is to be completely lit so that no area is shadowed. The lighting must be adjusted so that personnel are able to work within the space without being blinded. It is suggested that four lamps be placed at the vertices of the outer chamber, as well as three lamps placed in the center of each face of the outer chamber pyramid. Minimal metal walkways may be used within the outer chamber for use by maintenance personnel as well as for access to the inner chamber. The exterior wall of the outer chamber is to contain a Faraday cage and Arc Torus system as per the one contained in the wall of inner chamber. Further specifics of construction are to be placed in Document 578-a. The containment chamber is to be constructed in the warehouse space assigned to SCP-578. A labyrinth-style design is to be painted on the floor. This design is to be changed upon every containment breech. Suitable complexity and randomness criteria for the design is to be specified in Document 578-d. The floor is to be strewn with ground rock salt. Before use, the salt must be confirmed to have been mined rather than harvested from the ocean. A four meter (4m or ~13') channel must be set in the warehouse floor, and filled with running water. Due to an increase in the rate of water fouling in the presence of SCP-578, the channel water must be replaced by a fresh or purified source every two hours. Metal walkways may be placed over this channel, but they must be kept clean of dust and other deposits twice a week. Description: SCP-578 appears as three distinct entities, labeled as SCP-578-1, SCP-578-2, and SCP-578-3. Each form of SCP-578 possesses a field effect that can induce damage in electrical devices, as well as inducing premature senescence in personnel. The damage to electrical devices can be permanent and cumulative, dictating a rigorous replacement schedule. The induced senescence appears to be temporary for the most part, though it has proven to be fatal with great exposure. While most damage heals with time, some effects are occasionally permanent, such as skin damage in the form of wrinkles or melanin spots. Damage to the telomeres of affected subjects have not been observed. SCP-578-1 codename "Child" appears as a female child, approximately aged 5 to 7. No transparency or lack of color is displayed by SCP-578-1. She is dressed in clothing characteristic of a modern Lolita style or modern reproductions of Baroque or Rococo style clothing. The field effect of SCP-578-1 takes the form of substantial electrical disruption with minimal induced senescence. While SCP-578-1 is active, there has been substantial interference with radio transmissions observed. It seems that these disruptions manifest as additional sounds or voices on the channel used by the Foundation radios, whatever encryption protocol for said channel is used. These disruptions are childlike screams of delight, murmurs and laughs, Baroque or Rococo style music, or a clicking sound described as the "ticks of a thousand clocks". It is advised during manifestations of SCP-578-1 that radio use is kept to a minimum. Though SCP-578-1 easily passes through physical obstruction, impedes the function of the Arc Torus system, and does not appear to be affected by the labyrinth design nor the salt spread, SCP-578-1 does not appear to actively threaten escape. SCP-578-1 rarely leaves the outer chamber of the containment area, often dancing in front of the mirrors. SCP-578-1 does not endanger any of the research personnel as long as suitable distance is kept from SCP-578-1. Any physical contact with SCP-578-1 by personnel directly or indirectly as with a CED induces a significant change in behavior in SCP-578-1. Whichever person had physical contact with SCP-578-1 experiences rapid development of substantial senescence. The senescence induced during at this time often proves fatal. Security personnel are advised to avoid all contact with SCP-578-1. Though SCP-578-1 displays no physical trauma in its initial state, violent physical contact with Foundation personnel has been shown to induce physical wounds on its form. Further, upon any physical contact SCP-578-1 ceases all movement, and starts to manifest slicing wounds that appear consistent to those caused by a knife. These wounds manifest over a period of twenty three (23) minutes, and eventually ends with what appears to be the death of SCP-578-1. Upon this "death", one of three forms of SCP-578 (including SCP-578-1, once again whole) will replace the corpse. The radio disruptions change, as well, and have proven to be somewhat psychologically damaging. The content of the disruptions are loud screams and [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is advised that if SCP-578-1 starts to manifest wounds, radios will be shut off for the duration of the manifestation. SCP-578-2 codename "Wretch" appears as an emaciated female in her late twenties (20s). SCP-578-2 appears without color, manifesting in black and white. It shows substantial skin scarification, trismus, bruxism and advanced tooth decay. These symptoms are consistent with methamphetamine abuse. SCP-578-2 initially manifested without clothes, however recently the SCP manifests with a t-shirt and brief style underwear. The reason for the change is currently unknown. SCP-578-2 shows an active desire to escape, coupled with physical strength and speed inconsistent with its unhealthy appearance (though still within human limits). Use of the CEDs will cause SCP-578-2 obvious physical pain, and may temporarily incapacitate it for a period of no longer then twenty (20) seconds. It must be stressed to the security team that even if SCP-578-2 appears to be neutralized, it will get back up. Unlike SCP-578-1 or SCP-578-3, SCP-578-2 does not manifest wounds resulting from physical confrontation with Foundation personnel. Personnel are to be advised of the deleterious effect of extended close contact with SCP-578-2. At no time has SCP-578-2 displayed an unconscious or sleep state. Use of the CED devices is to be focused on keeping SCP-578-2 at arms length, as well as discouraging further uncooperative behavior from SCP-578-2. Attempts to use firearms to manage 578-2 have led to manifestation of wounds, but no evidence of any sort of structural damage. SCP-578-2 displays both disruption of electronic systems brought near her as well as a senescence effect on anyone within arms length. This senescence effect is cumulative if adequate healing is not allowed to take place in between exposures. As such, to limit exposure time, it is advised that personnel cycle their time actively engaging SCP-578-2 until a portable Arc Torus system can be used to immobilize SCP-578-2. Unlike SCP-578-1, and like SCP578-3, SCP-578-2 is effectively contained by the Arc Torus system. SCP-578-2 manifests with a twelve point seven centimeter (12.7 cm or 5) steak knife in its lower back on its right side. This steak knife is called Phenomenon 578-2a in Foundation documents. Faced with significant resistance, SCP-578-2 will remove this from its side and use it as a weapon. Disarming SCP-578-2 is not advised. Holding Phenomenon 578-2a has resulted in fatal spontaneous senescence in every subject to date. At night, SCP-578-3 will always manifest following the appearance of SCP-578-2. It is unknown if SCP-578-2 actively intends for this to happen. In any case, it appears that SCP-578-2 will attempt to compensate for SCP-578-3's shortcomings by making its way out of the containment area to the warehouse enclosure beyond the channel and waiting for SCP-578-3 to manifest. The labyrinth-design and salt spreading has shown great utility in confusing or otherwise waylaying SCP-578-2. SCP-578-2 has been observed to spend at most eighteen (18) minutes actively attempting to trace the labyrinth or counting salt grains. SCP-578-2 appears to be aware of this limitation, and will actively attempt to avoid observing the floor of the warehouse area. SCP-578-2 shows no aversion to running water. Due to SCP-578-2's relationship to SCP-578-3, it is imperative that security staff do not let 578-2 cross the 4m water channel. SCP-578-3 codename "Feral" appears as a naked human female with very tan skin and dirty auburn-to-blonde hair. SCP-578-3 possesses the least powerful field effect of the three forms, showing minimal (though detectable and occasionally problematic) electronic effect. The senescence effect only appears on those subject to physical violence from the second state of SCP-578-3, and can substantially complicate recovery. SCP-578-3 manifests initially emaciated, apparently on the edge of starvation. It can further be observed suffering from ataxia, myoclonus, and shaking of the limbs. Upon manifestation, SCP-578-3 will wander aimlessly until spotting someone. It will slowly make its way to the person, and attempts to communicate nonverbally, bringing its fists to its lower abdomen and tapping them against its stomach. SCP-578-3 does not engage in this behavior for an extended period, opting after a few minutes to bite anyone nearby. This biting behavior appears to have consumption of the victim as the goal, however, due to the exceptional weakness of the initial state of SCP-578-3, these attempts to consume personnel are easily dealt with. Unlike SCP-578-1 or SCP-578-2 the initial state of SCP-578-3 has been known to vocalize, though only when alone. The sounds are not English. Additionally, they seem highly confused with many repeated sections and sudden pauses. All attempts to translate or analyze these vocalizations for grammar has failed. The Arc Torus system proves effective against the initial form of SCP-578-3. SCP-578-3 will be exceptionally entranced by mirrors during this period. This initial state of SCP-578-3 will manifest wounds dealt to it by Foundation personnel, which can hasten the emergence of the second state of the SCP. Taking note of its emaciated state, Dr. █████████ suggested that 578-3 be provided with a meal. 578-3 quickly consumes this meal, seeming to favor raw fruits and vegetables. However, it seems placing the food triggers regions of darkness around SCP-578-3 to manifest animals within a few minutes, including groups of wild dogs. In Foundation documents, these animals are called Phenomena 578-3a. Though upon emergence 578-3a will move to attack 578-3, instances of 578-3a can be interacted with. It should be cautioned that these interactions have often ended with personnel attacked. If the attack by 578-3a on SCP-578-3 is allowed to be successful, 578-3 will be left with substantial evident wounds. Sufficient lighting delays the appearance of 578-3a, allowing 578-3 to finish the provided food. Upon completion, however, it seems 578-3 will unwillingly regurgitate which triggers the appearance of 578-3a. SCP-578-3 will collapse quickly after first manifesting, from evident starvation or external attack by Foundation personnel or Phenomena 578-3a. All signs of life will quickly cease. After this seeming death, SCP-578-3 will resume movement. SCP-578-3 will move on all four limbs in a fashion similar to feral humans. Though one hesitates to describe the psychology of such an entity as 578-3, it appears frustration is a key motivator for this SCP. Occurrence of vocalizations and behaviors consistent with frustration often occur with changes to the musculature of 578-3. These alterations allow for faster and more agile movement of 578-3. Further physical feats have been associated with SCP-578-3, including an ability to adhere itself to the outer wall of the containment area and crawl along it. Though SCP-578-3 has been observed to pass through physical obstruction, SCP-578-3 shows an extreme reluctance to do so. Indeed, physical obstruction of considerable strength is an effective way to contain the SCP. SCP-578-3 shows an extreme aversion to running water as well. With significant impulse, however, SCP-578-3 has been observed to vault running water. Currently, SCP-578-3 has not been observed to jump far enough to exceed the 4m channel used in containment of the SCP. SCP-578-3 will not manifest during the day at Site 14. Though SCP-578-3 will emerge at random at other times during the night, SCP-578-3 has been shown to always emerge the night before the full moon, during the full moon, the night after it, and lately it has begun manifesting on nights of the new moon. The time of manifestation appears to be centered on the point when the full moon will reach its highest altitude in the night sky. The time of manifestation is variable, with longer times related to higher moonrises. At low levels of frustration the strewn salt and labyrinth pattern often prove to inhibit the SCP. SCP-578-3 will even count salt grains and trace labyrinth lines in a calm fashion dissimilar to its otherwise bestial behavior. The longest SCP-578-3 has been observed to engage in this behavior is five (5) minutes. If not at high levels of frustration, the Arc Torus will also contain SCP-578-3. SCP-578-3 displays a tremendous aversion to mirrors of all sorts at all levels of frustration while in the second state. 578-3 is attracted to and will consume portions of raw meat. It has recently been discovered, due to experiments suggested by Dr. █████████, that personnel who have recently eaten also attract the attention of 578-3. SCP-578-3 will display wounds dealt it by Foundation personnel or by any spectral manifestations in its initial state. However, many of these wounds are absorbed or ameliorated by the increased musculature displayed during the physical transformation of SCP-578-3. Unlike SCP-578-2, SCP-578-3 can be incapacitated for relatively long periods of time, though periods longer then five (5) minutes are rarely observed. Security personnel must work quickly to incapacitate SCP-578-3 before frustration levels peak. While SCP-578-3 is incapacitated the Arc Torus system can be set up to lead SCP-578-3 back to the containment area. Reference: The Arc Torus system was originally designed by Dr. █████████. The system proved effective in field testing, and was used during an encounter with [DATA EXPUNGED]. This encounter first outlined the potential liability with using the Arc Torus system. Later use at containing SCP-578 had some effectiveness. However, prolonged encounters with the ectoplasmic entity had a severe deleterious effect on any electronic system, and especially the Arc Torus system. After an incident involving SCP-578 where nearly twenty (20) Arc Torus systems failed in quick succession, allowing SCP-578-2 to escape into the general area of Site ██, it was determined new containment procedures would need to be enacted. Dr. ████ opted for a "folkloric" strategy. Though initially there was much resistance to such a system among researchers, certain aspects of it proved effective. Experimental results helped to isolate which factors and strategies proved most useful in containing SCP-578, and those strategies are reflected in the current special containment procedures. The Arc Torus system consists of wire of at least two point five four centimeters (2.54 cm or 1) in diameter, with larger diameters proving more effective at containing SCP-578. Such larger wire also presents greater difficulty in movement, larger chance of tearing, as well as expense. The wire must be made of a strongly conductive metal, with silver alloys currently being favored. The wire is one of many used to completely surround an area with a large degree of electrical current. This current also generates a strong magnetic field. It appears that some combination of the two impedes the movement of ectoplasm. The liability of such a system lies in the electromagnetic field effect displayed by many ectoplasmic entities. The Arc Torus, like any other system based on the movement of electrons, is subject to failure in the presence of entities with such a field effect. Use of Faraday cages can ameliorate this ectoplasmic field effect somewhat.