| - {Calm disgust. Security guard. / Disgust} Why don't you do the people here a favor and leave?
- {Worried about player's companion and dog. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about his friend and the dog?
- {Worried about a dog and Super Mutant/Ghoul/Synth friend. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about his dog and uh... friend here?
- {Matter of fact. Security guard. / Confident} Looks like we've got some serious training to do.
- {Suspicious, curious / Question} And what sort of business are you looking to take care of here in 81?
- {Bored, slightly irritated / Neutral} I'd appreciate it if you quit bothering me until you've got those cores.
- {Sarcastic, then to the point / Neutral} Yep, pretty good observation there, genius. Now, about that Pip-Boy?
- {Worried about a Super Mutant/Ghoul/Synth friend. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about her uh... friend here?
- {Bored, slightly irritated / Neutral} Look, you want in, you get the cores. Easy.
- {Losing patience / Irritated} It's called protocol. Think we just let anyone in here? Think again.
- {Friendly, but not over the top. Security guard being nice. / Confident} Sounds like you've turned out to be a pretty good ally for 81.
- {Slightly irritated / Neutral} Haven't heard otherwise.
- {Condescending / Neutral} Vault 81 security. Ready to explain that Pip-Boy?
- {Matter of fact / Neutral} But you're the first one to try it with a working Pip-Boy.
- {A bit commanding. / Neutral} I'm opening the door. Overseer McNamara and myself will meet you at the entrance.
- {Insulted, superior tone / Irritated} Keep it up, and you're never getting in here.
- {Worried about a Super Mutant/Ghoul/Synth friend. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about his uh... friend here?
- {last part is surprised and nervous / Irritated} Is that so? And you expect me to believe... oh. Overseer!
- {Matter of fact. Security guard. / Confident} I don't want to hear any negative reports about you, outsider.
- {Initially rude, cuts off, then surprised for Oh. Overseer! / Stern} Now... oh. Overseer!
- {Calm disgust. Security guard. / Disgust} I admit, we probably wouldn't have found that cure without you, but you sure make me regret the day we let you in here.
- {on the intercom, waiting for the player to say something} You're breaking up. Say again.
- {Matter of fact. Security guard. / Confident} Don't make me regret letting you in here.
- {Friendly, but not over the top. Security guard being nice. / Confident} We owe you. Not only did you save Austin, but I'm pretty sure lives would've been lost if we'd gone down there ourselves.
- {Matter of fact / Neutral} Would have opened the door if I hadn't picked up on it.
- {Annoyed / Question} Shouldn't you be tracking down some fusion cores?
- {Explaining / Neutral} Ma'am, some new Commonwealth traveler. Not one of our usual traders.
- {Matter of fact. Security guard. / Confident} I got two words on what I expect out of you: best behavior.
- {Matter of fact. Security guard. / Confident} Hope you're not making any trouble.
- {Demanding / Irritated} Now where'd you get it?
- {Dismissive / Neutral} Sure, sure.
- {Irritated} Come back when you learn some manners.
- {Irritated} I don't think so.
- {Matter of fact / Neutral} Alright.
- {irritated / Question} Hey, you still there?
- {oh well / Neutral} Guess not.
- {Speaking to himself. Player isn't responding. / Irritated} Oh god. I hate it when they're awkward.
- {Matter of fact. Security guard. / Confident} Don't go feeling all special because the Overseer let you in here. You weren't the first and certainly won't be the last.
- {Worried about player's companion. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about her friend here?
- {Bored, slightly irritated / Neutral} No cores, no entry.
- {Kinda bored, doesn't want the player to cause trouble that will cause work for him / Neutral} Now that you made it in, we'll be keeping an eye on you. So do us all a favor and behave yourself.
- {Sarcastic emphasis on "shiny red button." / Neutral} Everybody wants to get at the shiny red button.
- {Worried about a dog in Vault 81. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about the dog?
- {To the point / Neutral} Come back when you're ready to cooperate.
- {Explaining / Neutral} We get plenty of scavengers and traders passing by the entrance.
- {Worried about player's companion and dog. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about her friend and the dog?
- {Calm disgust. Security guard. / Disgust} I think it'd be best if you left... Sooner rather than later.
- {Initially rude, cuts off, then surprised for Oh. Overseer! / Angry} See what... oh. Overseer!
- {Slightly threatening. / Suspicious} Oh, and behave yourself. You start any trouble, we'll toss your ass right back outside.
- {on the intercom, waiting for the player to say something} Hello?
- {Calm disgust. Security guard. / Disgust} You let a ten year old die to save yourself from a little cold? I think it's time you left 81 for good.
- {Matter of fact - Somewhat sheepish since he didn't deliver this information earlier. / Neutral} Excuse me, ma'am. Before you arrived, she did say she was from Vault 111, and she's in possession of a working Pip-Boy.
- {Worried about player's companion. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about his friend here?
- {Matter of fact. Slightly bored. / Neutral} So, you're back. I take it you got what Overseer McNamara was looking for?
- {Slightly rude, player was being sarcastic/rude. / Irritated} Alright, smart ass.
- {Speaking to himself. Player isn't responding. / Irritated} Must be one of those socially challenged outsiders.
- {angry / Angry} That's it. I hope the rads fry you out there.
- {Demanding, small pause between Hold it right there and Vault 81 security. / Concerned} Hold it right there. Vault 81 security. I don't know where you got your hands on a working Pip-Boy, but you better start talking.
- {Matter of fact - Somewhat sheepish since he didn't deliver this information earlier. / Neutral} Excuse me, ma'am. Before you arrived, he did say he was from Vault 111, and he's in possession of a working Pip-Boy.
- {Demanding. Player isn't responding. / Irritated} You got something to say, say it.
- {on the intercom, waiting for the player to say something} Are you still there?
- {Bored, slightly irritated / Neutral} Not letting you in until you've got what the Overseer wants.
- {Surprised at first. Thinking it over, suspicious / Suspicious} Vault 111? Haven't heard of that one yet.
- {Worried about a dog and Super Mutant/Ghoul/Synth friend. / Concerned} Ma'am, what about her dog and uh... friend here?