: Tomix! You are busy, I know. You are always busy! But... : I need your help. Time grows short, and the evil I fight against is moving forward quickly. : I can FEEL it in the air! : If I am going to stand against Sepulchure and thwart his nefarious plans- Tomix: What plans are those? : He is attempting to gather all of the Elemental Orbs. : We are racing against each other, each trying to find the Orbs before the other. Tomix: I see. That is indeed a necessary quest! I thank you for spending so much time helping me. Tomix: We are both on incredibly important missions. : I knew you would understand! So you will help me? : Right now, neither Sepulchure nor I control the Darkness Orb. It isn't even an ORB right now! : It is fused to the soul of a woman I know. Tomix: Fused to the SOUL? You h
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| - : Tomix! You are busy, I know. You are always busy! But... : I need your help. Time grows short, and the evil I fight against is moving forward quickly. : I can FEEL it in the air! : If I am going to stand against Sepulchure and thwart his nefarious plans- Tomix: What plans are those? : He is attempting to gather all of the Elemental Orbs. : We are racing against each other, each trying to find the Orbs before the other. Tomix: I see. That is indeed a necessary quest! I thank you for spending so much time helping me. Tomix: We are both on incredibly important missions. : I knew you would understand! So you will help me? : Right now, neither Sepulchure nor I control the Darkness Orb. It isn't even an ORB right now! : It is fused to the soul of a woman I know. Tomix: Fused to the SOUL? You h
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| - Necropolis -> Artix -> Quests -> Next Page -> A Dark Letter
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| - : Tomix! You are busy, I know. You are always busy! But... : I need your help. Time grows short, and the evil I fight against is moving forward quickly. : I can FEEL it in the air! : If I am going to stand against Sepulchure and thwart his nefarious plans- Tomix: What plans are those? : He is attempting to gather all of the Elemental Orbs. : We are racing against each other, each trying to find the Orbs before the other. Tomix: I see. That is indeed a necessary quest! I thank you for spending so much time helping me. Tomix: We are both on incredibly important missions. : I knew you would understand! So you will help me? : Right now, neither Sepulchure nor I control the Darkness Orb. It isn't even an ORB right now! : It is fused to the soul of a woman I know. Tomix: Fused to the SOUL? You have my attention, . Continue. : Yes, her name is Vayle. And I think... : I think she is not quite a friend, but also not quite an enemy. : I would welcome your help in tracking her down and talking to her. Tomix: Yes, I can understand why you would want aid finding someone like that. Tomix: Soul-fusions... they are highly dangerous and not well-understood. Tomix: I will do what I can to help you find her. And possibly, if all goes well, more. Tomix: Do you know where to begin looking? : I have some idea where to start. It will give us a clue, hopefully.