| - Isla (イスラ Isura?) is a supporting character in Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2. She is the fiance of Yurgen Kitarl and caretaker of Alvin's mother, Leticia.
- Isla (ジュリエッタ, Giulietta) is one of the main support characters in Dragon Quest Heroes.
- Isla es un Mapa Multijugador de Gears of War: Judgment incluido en el juego desde el principio y esta disponible para los modos Invasión y Supervivencia.
- In the present, after Elize and Alvin were taken by Exodus agents, Jiao reminsed to Jude and the party about what happened between Isla and Elize. After they got back, they interrigated her about Exodus. She tells them that back then, she felt like she had no other choice but to do their bidding. Isla begged them not for her secret to be revealed or that she would never be married to her fiancce. During a sidequest, Isla ended up having the same mental illness Alvin's mother had (before she died). Isla is last seen mumbling out loud.
- thumb|Isla en GameBoy. Isla (island en inglés) es, como dice su nombre, una isla alejada del pueblo, sólo accesible en Animal Crossing (GameCube) y Animal Crossing: New Leaf. En ella aguardan palmeras, flores exóticas y fauna extraordinaria.
- Isla is a collaborative album by record label "Livin' Life Records, released on March 26, 2016. It features covers by the labelmates of deceased friend and collaborator Isla Chan, who died on March 26, 2015 in a car accident. Chan's family said they were honoured by the album and happy about the covers. The lead single from "Isla" was released the day before the album, and was the cover of "Zero Fucks Given" by Amara and Helena Fasesha.
- 'Isla is the planet where Cosmic Kenpō Master Pachacamac XII was sealed. Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
- Isla is a character in The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below.
- She is friends with Christie. 1266 lisaloeb.jpg|Isla
- thumb|200px Isla is een gekruide rum en Libertaans merk van de Noordhoff Groep. Isla wordt gedestilleerd in Skeend uit suikerriet. Er zijn diverse variëteiten die allemaal sinds de oprichting in 1958 geproduceerd worden. In 1987 werd het merk overgekocht door de Noordhoff Groep, bekend voor zijn wodka. Isla is ook erg populair in combinatie met bijvoorbeeld tequila, frisdrank of 37, een likeur die eveneens door de Noordhoff Groep gedestilleerd wordt. Categorie:Alcoholische drank
- thumb|200px Isla is een gekruide rum en Libertaans merk van de Noordhoff Groep. Isla wordt gedestilleerd in Skeend uit suikerriet. Er zijn diverse variëteiten die allemaal sinds de oprichting in 1958 geproduceerd worden. In 1987 werd het merk overgekocht door de Noordhoff Groep, bekend voor zijn wodka. Isla is ook erg populair in combinatie met bijvoorbeeld tequila, frisdrank of 37, een likeur die eveneens door de Noordhoff Groep gedestilleerd wordt. Categorie:Alcoholische drank
- Sweet seventeen women that serve the magic Institute of Director. It is wearing a purple hat and apron dress. A native of the village of primordial, head of the granddaughter of "mediator" with the role of maintaining the balance of light and darkness. It has the title of magic large inventor, sometimes me bestowed the invention to help in the battle. Kotolda magic bullet gun also what she invented. And there is a scholar, but also performs as fighting in Boomerang. When high tension is skipping the pale magic that to push down the handle in the invention of gun type with a handle of the pump, you can activate a deathblow "passion of bazooka" that exploded in the landing point.
- Isla là nữ nhân vật chính của câu truyện, cô được cho là marksman giỏi nhất trong phòng dịch vụ hậu kì số 1.
- Isla es un tipo de tierra básica que conlleva la habilidad "T: Agrega U a tu reserva de maná". También es el nombre de la tierra básica correspondiente, que a partir de la Sexta Edición y la expansión Máscaras de Mercadia sustituye el texto de dicha habilidad por un símbolo de maná azul de gran tamaño. Por ahora existen 10 tierras distintas con el tipo "isla": El Pez isla Jasconius tiene un solo tipo de criatura: pez-isla, y no el tipo pez y el tipo isla, que podría inducir a los jugadores a buscarlo con un delta contaminado, por ejemplo.