| - Leading up until the NPO-ONOS War, ONOS had pledged independence under the banner of the Alliance Bloc GUARD. Attempting to form a strong alliance with IRON, another independent alliance, and signed an Optional Defense Pact with them. Internal strife amongst the highest officials caused one of the officials, Da Choice, to defect to the NPO. In retaliation to what he perceived as unfair treatment from ONOS, Da Choice told the Order of a supposed Spy Ring run by the ONOS officials. A Password provided to a G-Mail account he claimed was run by ONOS was provided, and this "damning evidence" started ONOS's quick down slide from Sanctioned to Couped. The evidence was brought to officials of the other GUARD alliances, and debate whether to defend ONOS or exile them soon followed. The decision fro
| - Leading up until the NPO-ONOS War, ONOS had pledged independence under the banner of the Alliance Bloc GUARD. Attempting to form a strong alliance with IRON, another independent alliance, and signed an Optional Defense Pact with them. Internal strife amongst the highest officials caused one of the officials, Da Choice, to defect to the NPO. In retaliation to what he perceived as unfair treatment from ONOS, Da Choice told the Order of a supposed Spy Ring run by the ONOS officials. A Password provided to a G-Mail account he claimed was run by ONOS was provided, and this "damning evidence" started ONOS's quick down slide from Sanctioned to Couped. The evidence was brought to officials of the other GUARD alliances, and debate whether to defend ONOS or exile them soon followed. The decision from an ONOS leader to leave GUARD to avoid causing it harm was made. The G-Mail account contained documents suggesting that ONOS was operating a spy ring against many of Planet Bob's largest alliances, including the NPO, GGA and GPA. The accusations were made by NPO, who claimed that ONOS had been using their trademark CN 101 guide without authorization. After the war, NPO produced questionable evidence to substantiate their claims. NPO gave ONOS the ultimatum of becoming a viceroyalty under the leadership of Ivan Moldavi or being destroyed. The highest officials fled into Peace Mode, and the NPO did not respond to their overtures. Without leadership, mid-level officials and normal ONOS members chose not to surrender, which led to war. After brief fighting, the NPO forced the status of a viceroyalty on ONOS' government. Despite the surrender and NPO's promise of safety, many ONOS nations were attacked promptly after leaving Peace Mode. The terms dictated that during the period of one month, no ONOS members were allowed to leave, but a number of nations refused to abide by these rules. It should be noted that NPO's "terms" included actions outside the scope of the game, including the usurpation of ONOS' offsite forum. The cause for this was to cripple ONOS member's ability and will to fight. Under Ivan Moldavi inept leadership, this effort failed, and ONOS numbers declined. This decline continued until ONOS merged with DUAL to form CORE.