| - K'Tal was a high-ranking councilor of the Klingon High Council in the 24th century. In 2367, he oversaw the ascension of Gowron to Klingon chancellor after Chancellor K'mpec was assassinated. (TNG: "Redemption" ) K'Tal was also present when Gowron gave the life of Toral to Worf, who refused to kill him. (TNG: "Redemption II" )
- thumb|K'Tal (2367) K'Tal ist im 24. Jahrhundert ein hochrangiges Mitglied des klingonischen Hohen Rates. Im Jahre 2367 beaufsichtigt er die Amtsübernahme von Gowron als klingonischen Kanzler, nachdem Kanzler K'mpec ermordet worden ist. (TNG: ) K'Tal ist auch dabei, als Gowron Worf das Leben von Toral in die Hände legt. Worf weigert sich allerdings, diesen zu töten. (TNG: ) K'Tal wurde von Ben Slack gespielt und in von Alexander Herzog synchronisiert.
- K'Tal was a male Klingon in the 24th century, head of the House of K'Tal and a high-ranking member of the Klingon High Council. Despite his position, K'Tal did not serve any agenda or issue, but the Klingon Empire herself, making him respected as a true Klingon of honor. He earned the respect of his colleagues, who felt that while others would age and die, K'Tal would endure. In the early days of the Betreka Nebula Incident, K'Tal supported a proposal from Federation ambassador Curzon Dax for a competition with the Cardassian Union for the rights to the disputed world of Raknal V.
| - K'Tal was a high-ranking councilor of the Klingon High Council in the 24th century. In 2367, he oversaw the ascension of Gowron to Klingon chancellor after Chancellor K'mpec was assassinated. (TNG: "Redemption" ) K'Tal was also present when Gowron gave the life of Toral to Worf, who refused to kill him. (TNG: "Redemption II" ) When Captain Picard needed a cloaked ship to get to Romulus in 2368 and Gowron didn't respond to Picard's messages, Picard asked Worf to contact somebody else on the Council, and suggested K'Tal specifically. Neither K'Tal nor Gowron responded, but junior adjutant B'iJik did state that Gowron and the High Council were unable to talk to Picard. (TNG: "Unification I" ) K'Tal was played by late actor Ben Slack in his appearances in "Redemption" and "Redemption II". According to K'Tal's back story found in the script for "Redemption": "K'Tal is an older member of the Council. He follows neither Gowron nor the [Duras] sisters. He serves the Empire. A man who has been on the Council longer than anyone else and will probably still be here when the others are all gone." K'Tal makes an appearance in the non-canon novel The Art of the Impossible. He is also mentioned in the Star Trek: Klingon Empire (formerly IKS Gorkon) series; both Captain Kargan (who appeared in TNG: "A Matter Of Honor" ) and his father, General Talak, belong to K'Tal's House, but are described as not sharing his sense of honor.
- thumb|K'Tal (2367) K'Tal ist im 24. Jahrhundert ein hochrangiges Mitglied des klingonischen Hohen Rates. Im Jahre 2367 beaufsichtigt er die Amtsübernahme von Gowron als klingonischen Kanzler, nachdem Kanzler K'mpec ermordet worden ist. (TNG: ) K'Tal ist auch dabei, als Gowron Worf das Leben von Toral in die Hände legt. Worf weigert sich allerdings, diesen zu töten. (TNG: ) Als Captain Picard 2368 ein getarntes Raumschiff benötigt, um nach Romulus zu gelangen und Gowron nicht auf Picards Nachricht reagiert, bittet Picard Worf, sich mit jemand anderem im Rat in Verbindung zu setzen, und schlägt K'Tal ausdrücklich vor. Weder K'Tal noch Gowron antworten, aber B'iJik gibt an, dass Gowron und der Hohe Rat nicht in der Lage wären, mit Picard zu sprechen. (TNG: ) K'Tal wurde von Ben Slack gespielt und in von Alexander Herzog synchronisiert.
- K'Tal was a male Klingon in the 24th century, head of the House of K'Tal and a high-ranking member of the Klingon High Council. Despite his position, K'Tal did not serve any agenda or issue, but the Klingon Empire herself, making him respected as a true Klingon of honor. He earned the respect of his colleagues, who felt that while others would age and die, K'Tal would endure. In the early days of the Betreka Nebula Incident, K'Tal supported a proposal from Federation ambassador Curzon Dax for a competition with the Cardassian Union for the rights to the disputed world of Raknal V. In 2334, K'Tal was named as Chancellor Ditagh's Arbiter of Succession when the Chancellor fell ill. K'Tal narrowed the field down to two candidates: Kravohk and Grivak. The position was eventually won by Kravohk. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible) Following the assassination of Chancellor K'mpec in 2367, K'Tal oversaw the ascension of Gowron to power. Later, he was the only member of the High Council to side with Gowron when Toral, son of Duras contested his place for leadership, believing the Empire needed strong and experienced leadership, instead of a meager child. (TNG episode: "Redemption") In 2368, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who had grown a respect for K'Tal and other honorable council members, told B'iJik, Gowron's Junior Adjutant to the Diplomatic Delegation, that he would contact them for the purpose of acquiring a cloak ship for a mission into Romulan space, in exchange he would bestow great political and social standing for whoever would aid them. Gowron relented and offered the services of a bird-of-prey. (TNG novelization: Unification) In 2371, K'Tal defended the actions of Governor Torrik before the High Council, and argued no actions be taken against his House. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment) In early 2373, K'Tal was the Councillor in charge of Imperial Intelligence, and was investigating rumors of a plot to assassinate Starfleet Captains Jean-Luc Picard and Benjamin Sisko, in order to prevent a renewed alliance with the Federation. At the same time, those conspirators used K'Tal's name and image to lure the humans into their own deaths. Once the plot was revealed, K'Tal had the surviving conspirators bound by law. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment) Other notable members of the house of K'Tal included Captain Kargan and General Talak, two individuals who did not share K'Tal's sense of honor. (GKN novels: Honor Bound, A Good Day to Die)