Munch worked in the Expressionist Idiom, which is a coffee bar in the suburbs of Oslo. His excessive consumption of coffee led to his expressionist manner of furiously dashing off a painting on the back of a cereal packet in under thirty minutes and then punching a hole through it with his fist. Modern Norwegians all over the world look at him as their god and honour him each and every day before breakfast by hammering their brains out of their head with a hammer onto a fresh, white tablecloth, previously innocent of human blood.
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| - Edvard Munch
- Edvard Munch
- Edvard Munch
| - Munch worked in the Expressionist Idiom, which is a coffee bar in the suburbs of Oslo. His excessive consumption of coffee led to his expressionist manner of furiously dashing off a painting on the back of a cereal packet in under thirty minutes and then punching a hole through it with his fist. Modern Norwegians all over the world look at him as their god and honour him each and every day before breakfast by hammering their brains out of their head with a hammer onto a fresh, white tablecloth, previously innocent of human blood.
- Edvard Munch, pittore norvegese, uno dei massimi esponenti del Decadentismo, dell'espressionismo e di tutte le correnti tristi che finiscono con ismo visse in un periodo imprecisato fra l'Ottocento e il Duemila ed è conosciuto dai più per essere uno dei dieci artisti più sfigati della storia secondo Novella 2000.
- Edvard Munch (1863-1944) was a Norwegian expressionist painter and printmaker, who is well-known for his 1893 painting "The Scream".
- Edvard Munch was a 19th century Norwegian painter whose subconscious was entered by the Warp Core. After struggling with it, he eventually trapped it in his painting The Scream. (AUDIO: Dust Breeding)
- Edvard Munch (12/12/1863 - 23/1/1944) was a famous painter (and still is) during the modernist timeline. Edvard was an expressionist and is the maker of one of the most notable artworks in history, The Scream.
- thumb|"Schrei - wenn Du kannst..." - Edvard Munch findet die Farben seines eigenen Werks zum Schreien... "schön"! Edvard Munch (IPA: [ɛdvɒ:rt munk], geboren * am 12. Dezember 1863 in einem skandinavischen Kaff, gestorben (?) † am 23. Jänuar 1944 auf Ekely bei Oslo) war ein norwegischer okkulter Maler, Aktionskünstler und vermutlich Zombie und/oder Meta-Wesen.
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| - The Royal School of Art and Design of Christinia
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| - Munch worked in the Expressionist Idiom, which is a coffee bar in the suburbs of Oslo. His excessive consumption of coffee led to his expressionist manner of furiously dashing off a painting on the back of a cereal packet in under thirty minutes and then punching a hole through it with his fist. Modern Norwegians all over the world look at him as their god and honour him each and every day before breakfast by hammering their brains out of their head with a hammer onto a fresh, white tablecloth, previously innocent of human blood.
- Edvard Munch, pittore norvegese, uno dei massimi esponenti del Decadentismo, dell'espressionismo e di tutte le correnti tristi che finiscono con ismo visse in un periodo imprecisato fra l'Ottocento e il Duemila ed è conosciuto dai più per essere uno dei dieci artisti più sfigati della storia secondo Novella 2000.
- Edvard Munch (1863-1944) was a Norwegian expressionist painter and printmaker, who is well-known for his 1893 painting "The Scream".
- Edvard Munch was a 19th century Norwegian painter whose subconscious was entered by the Warp Core. After struggling with it, he eventually trapped it in his painting The Scream. (AUDIO: Dust Breeding)
- Edvard Munch (12/12/1863 - 23/1/1944) was a famous painter (and still is) during the modernist timeline. Edvard was an expressionist and is the maker of one of the most notable artworks in history, The Scream.
- thumb|"Schrei - wenn Du kannst..." - Edvard Munch findet die Farben seines eigenen Werks zum Schreien... "schön"! Edvard Munch (IPA: [ɛdvɒ:rt munk], geboren * am 12. Dezember 1863 in einem skandinavischen Kaff, gestorben (?) † am 23. Jänuar 1944 auf Ekely bei Oslo) war ein norwegischer okkulter Maler, Aktionskünstler und vermutlich Zombie und/oder Meta-Wesen. Weit über die üblichen Verdächtigen der Kunst-Szene hinaus wurde er durch seine verstörenden schreienden Selbstportraits bekannt. Diese enthalten dem Vernehmen nach derart viel misantrophische Magie, daß ihre - Originalton eines Kritikers: "Unheilvollen Schwingungen" - bislang noch jeden Bilderdieb, Kunsträuber, Art-Nepper und Museumsvandalen veranlassten, umgehend von seinem Rückgaberecht Gebrauch zu machen. Der Umsatz des Museumscafes mit Psychopharmaka und die Verkaufszahlen von Ohrenstöpseln erreichen - wann immer eines seiner Bilder öffentlich gezeigt wird - Rekordhöhen. Zur Schonung von Glasvitrinen sowie Nervenkostüm und Ohren von Nachtwächtern & Museumsbesuchern erwägt das Kultusministerium in Oslo, eines seiner berüchtigtsten Werke einer der Grussbotschaften für den Erstkontakt mit Außerirdischen beizulegen, welche von der NASA per Sonde in den Weltraum geschossen wird. Houston und Cape Caneveral lehnten dies bislang mit der Begründung des unkalkulierbaren Risikos einen interstellaren Konflikt zu provozieren höflich aber entschlossen ab.
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