| - Mithril Ore is mined from Mithril Deposits, with a minimum mining skill of 150, but with the additional +10 from the mining pick it can be mined at the skill of 140.
- Mithril ore is an item which may be obtained by players with level 55 or higher in the mining skill from a mithril rock. It is smelted with 4 coal to create a mithril bar, which may be used in the smithing skill to produce various types of mithril equipment. For a list of mithril rock locations, see mithril rock locations.
- Noted ores can occasionally be found inside barrels around RuneScape.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Mithril Ore is a consumable in FarmVille. It's used for upgrading Rivermist Fortress on Enchanted Glen (farm), along with Star Rock and Warpstone.
- Mithril ore is obtained from mining rocks at various locations in Soulsplit. A Mining level of 55 is required to mine it. Three common places to find Mithril ore are North neitiznot, on the Skilling Teleport, the Al Kharid mining site, which is best accessed by teleporting to the Duel Arena via the Minigame Teleport and running North-west, and the Dwarven mines via the Dungeon Teleport. At a Smithing level of 55, players can use Mithril Ore on a furnace, creating Mithril bars, and 7500 gp. These bars can be further melded using the Smithing skill to create various forms of armor.
- An ore containing mythril which can be purified to make Mithril.
- File:Mithril Ore.png Mithril ore is obtained through the Mining skill in various places throughout Arteropk by mining mithril ore rocks. It can be smelted with 4 heaps of coal through the Smithing skill at level 50 to form a Mithril Bar, which can then be smithed into various types of weapons and armour.
- Mithril is the most valuable ore in Middle-earth. It is extremely rare, but the best weapons, tools and armour can be crafted out of mithril.
- Mithril ore is een high level ore dat verkrijgbaar is met de Mining skill op verscheidene locaties in RuneScape. Het kan samengesmolten worden met 4 coal met behulp van de Smithing skill, met een Smithing level van 50 of hoger, om een mithril bar te vormen, die dan omgevormd kan worden in verscheidene soorten wapens en armour. Mithril ore kan gedolven worden met een Mining level van 55 of hoger. Dit geeft 80 Mining experience. Nadat het gedolven is, duurt het drie minuten voordat het respawnt.
- Rudę mithrilu można zacząć wydobywać od 55 poziomu górnictwa, Otrzymuje się wtedy 80 doświadczenia. Po wydobyciu rudy z złoża mithrilu należy poczekać 3 minuty, by się odnowiła.
- Mithril ore can be mined with a Mining level of 55 or higher, granting 80 Mining experience.
- Billede:Mithril.PNG Mithril orer er ores der kan hakkes fra level 55 Mining. De giver 80 Mining xp når man miner dem, og 30 Smithing når du smelter dem til bars. Du skal bruge en Mithril ore og fire Coal for at lave en Mithril bar. Kategori:Ting
- 300px|right Mithril on malmi, jota voidaan hakata kaivuutasolta 55 lähtien. Mithril oresta voi tehdä sulattamalla mithrilharkkoja. Tähän tarvitaan sulatustasoa 50 ja neljää hiiltä yhtä mithrilmalmia kohden. Mithrilin kaivamisesta saa 80 kokemuspistettä.
- Mithril ore can be mined with a Mining level of 55 or higher, granting 80 Mining experience. After being mined, a mithril rock takes 2 minutes to respawn.
- File:TerrainSpecial Mithril.png Mithril Ore is a relatively-common type of Terrain Special - specifically one of the Minerals. It appears as group of white streaks on the overland map. Mithril Ore is very common on Myrror, but can also be found on Arcanus. It appears mostly on Mountain tiles, and with some frequency on Hills as well. If the Mithril Ore tile is within the catchment area of a Town, that town will produce an extra File:Icon Power.png , added directly to the town's owner's Power level. This bonus is doubled if the town has a Miners' Guild present.