Sakkaku Ao, also known as "Sapphire Magician Ao", is a former Revolutionary from the Grand Line from an unknown island. Originally known as Sapphire Gemstone, he discarded this name and decided to join the Revolutionary Army due to not wanting to become corrupt like the rest of his family. He, with the rest of the Heiko Pirates, are the Main Protagonists of Trials of the World. Shortly after leaving the Revolutionary Army, Ao decided to venture out in the Grand Line by himself. However, due to his poor navigational skills, he washed up on the shore of Shokurin.
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| - Sakkaku Ao, also known as "Sapphire Magician Ao", is a former Revolutionary from the Grand Line from an unknown island. Originally known as Sapphire Gemstone, he discarded this name and decided to join the Revolutionary Army due to not wanting to become corrupt like the rest of his family. He, with the rest of the Heiko Pirates, are the Main Protagonists of Trials of the World. Shortly after leaving the Revolutionary Army, Ao decided to venture out in the Grand Line by himself. However, due to his poor navigational skills, he washed up on the shore of Shokurin.
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| - History
- Introduction
- Misc.
- Abilities and Powers
- Personality and Relationships
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| - Sakkaku Ao, also known as "Sapphire Magician Ao", is a former Revolutionary from the Grand Line from an unknown island. Originally known as Sapphire Gemstone, he discarded this name and decided to join the Revolutionary Army due to not wanting to become corrupt like the rest of his family. He, with the rest of the Heiko Pirates, are the Main Protagonists of Trials of the World. Shortly after leaving the Revolutionary Army, Ao decided to venture out in the Grand Line by himself. However, due to his poor navigational skills, he washed up on the shore of Shokurin. During Shiro's quest in finding more crew members for the Heiko Pirates, he found Ao on Shokurin. After fending off against the invading Pirates, Shiro asked Ao if he would like to join the Heiko Pirates, to which he said yes.
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