| - The language uses Latin letters, but not all of them. To make it as simple as possible, letters such as C and J has been taken out of the language. Other letters that aren't being used in the languae are Q, W, X and Y. The words are spelled exactly as they sound. The R letter is pronounced as in Latin, but pronouncing it any other way would not be considered as an error. To add a new word to the language, one must look up the word in the common Latin languages (with a preference to the Roman languages rather than the German languages, excluding English, which has a great importance). The most popular way to name a thing in these languages shall be inserted to Parlomas. For example, the word "cat" is "katze" in German, "chat" in French and "cat" in English, but "gatto" in Italian and "gato" in Spanish, therefore the word "gato" is added to Parlomas because of the preference of Roman languages.