| - The Earth Civil War (known as the Confederate War of Independence by the Confederate States of Earth) was a war between pro-Separatist and pro-Republic factions of Earth, the Separatist side was led by President Jane Zarkan and the Confederate States of Earth, whilst the Republic side was led by President Richard Williams and the Union of Earth States. Initially, the civil war was used as a proxy war by the Galactic Republic against the CIS and the C.S.E, butConfederate successes meant that the Republic Senate didn't see the results it wanted, meaning they decided to invade Earth to support the vastly outnumbered pro-Republic Union forces. In 21 BBY the Republic and Union forces launched an unprovoked attack on the Confederacy, resulting in the anger of many Union citizens, and a spate of secessions from the Union, the result of the Republic-led attack was that many Union states were driven away from the Union to the Confederacy, significantly weakening the Union, and strengthening the Confederacy, as a result the Republic lost the respect of the Union. Following the Confederate victory there was an uneasy peace for a further year and a half, the Confederacy deployed the Army of Occupation to the Union, which was an army of reservists and volunteers which was intended to maintain forces with Union territory in order to ensure the Union did not attempt to restart the civil war. The Galactic Empire invaded in 18 BBY, beginning the Third Battle of Earth, the Confederacy and the Union were forced to ally, resulting in the short-lived Confederate-Union Alliance of 18 BBY, the alliance was ended mere weeks after being signed, following the fall of the Union of Earth States to the Empire, and transformation into the Earth Empire puppet state. Later, pro-Confederate and pro-Union resistance forces would ally during the Liberation of Earth, which would result in the Confederate-Union Alliance of 4 ABY. Even as late as 40 ABY the war was a very tense area in Earth's politics, the Confederates viewed the war as a war of oppression and tyranny by the Union, a war to enforce a tyrannical dictatorship on the Confederacy, something which made many Confederates very bitter towards the Union, President of the Confederacy Jane Zarkan II briefly mentioned the war in an argument with Union President Adam Williams over the Union's refusal to support the Confederate States of Earth's rebellion against the Galactic Alliance. Damn the warmongers in our Senate! Their invasion was illegal, the Confederacy is a free and independent sovereign nation, and she has the right to exist! I for one would be happy to fight my own government to defend her! She is a beacon of hope, hope that one day true freedom will be restored and our government will be cleansed of corruption, our Confederate brothers went and made their own nation to escape from greed and corruption in our Senate, as well as our unfair taxation, and I fully support their right to!—A Union citizen being interviewed on his opinion of the Republic-Union invasion of the Confederacy