| - Stella: Uhm... anybody out? Bloom: Winx Enchantix!
* Enchantix transformation* Stella: Stella! Flora: Flora. Musa: Musa. Tecna: Tecna. Layla: Layla. Bloom: Bloom!
* Transformation ends* Tecna: Magnetic Storm! Stella: Sea of Light! Bloom: These guys are ice cold. And I'm going to turn them to heat. Layla: Go for it, Bloom. We'll cover you. Flora: And Stella Unsure line their noses. Musa: Sonic Shield! Layla: Musa! Look out! Stella: This is a problem. They're tougher than we thought. And uglier, too. Flora: Maybe this will slow them down. Magic Winding Ivy! Unsure voice: Unsure line Bloom: Are you hurt? Layla: It's hurt. I think I'm okay. I'll be fine. Stella: Flora! Are you okay? Flora: It's hurt. But I can hold them... Tecna: Scanning now. The control unit is behind that wall! Flora: Please hurry. I can't hold them anymore... Bloom: Winx, get ready! Full Dragon Energy!
* Bloom destroys the guards surrounding her and flies to the wall* Bloom: Fusion Fire! Musa: Sweet move, Bloom! An entire army of evil robots Unsure word scrap metal in less than two minutes. Nice! Bloom: That's what I call "team work", girls. Flora: No way. It's more than just "team work". Layla: "Winx Club team work". Tecna: We might need more. I detected another presence nearby and it's coming right at us. Bloom: Hagen the swordsman. Keep your eyes open.
* Bloom opens a door* Bloom: Hagen, master of the shiny steel, are you in here? Stella, can you give us a little light? Stella: Sure thing! Shining is what I do best.
* Someone attacks them* Bloom: Hey! What's going on? Hagen, the swordsman from the Company of Light? Voice #1: Now I'm more comfortable in the shuttle. Take another step and it'll be your last.
* The person appears to be Hagen. Another person appears in Hoggar* Voice #2: At last I found them. Woah! Good heavens. I can only hope it's not too late.
* That person disappears* Hagen: You and your friends have invaded my fortress and destroyed my guards. But you won't have such luck against me!
* That person appears again* Voice #2: Hagen! We're all a little bored with your Unsure word. Stella: Headmistress Faragonda! Hagen: By a thousand stars! Faragonda? Is it really you? Faragonda: My dear Hagen, it's been ages. Hagen: Centuries at least. Since the mighty Company of Light disbanded. And you... Faragonda: Oh dear. But what we lose in use we gain in wisdom if we paid attention along the way. Now know your sword to the presence of Bloom, the last survival princess of Sparks. Hagen: Oritel and Marion's daughter? She's alive? I-I thought she was... Faragonda: No, my old friend. Our Bloom was rescued. She grew up on Earth under the care of adoptive parents. And now she's come back here to find her natural parets. This is not the place to shed light on the past. Now it's the time for you to finally accept the invitation you've been avoiding for all these long dark years. Hagen: Hmm. Fine, Faragonda. I Unsure word with a beautiful adversary. Faragonda: Good. Then we can finally talk about Alfea.