Metal Mario is a character who first appears in Super Smash Bros. as an independent character based off of regular Mario's Metal Suit from Super Mario 64. He appears as a playable character in Mario Kart 7. He also reappears in Mario Kart 8.
Metal Mario to moc którą może używać do pokonywania wrogów.Mario musi skoczyć na pudełko z znakiem wykrzyknika Mario podniesie metalową czapkę i Stanie się Metal Mario (będzie tymczasowo) nieśmiertelny.
Metal Mario è un personaggio apparso come Boss in Super Smash Bros. e Super Smash Bros. Melee. Da Melee in poi, in ogni caso, è possibile utilizzare Metal Mario grazie ai nuovi strumenti e alle nuove modalità introdotte.
Metal Mario is a character who first appears in Super Smash Bros. as an independent character based off of regular Mario's Metal Suit from Super Mario 64. He appears as a playable character in Mario Kart 7. He also reappears in Mario Kart 8.
Metal Mario is an alternative version of Mario that has first appeared in both Super Mario 64 and all four Super Smash Bros. games.
Its Is Mario But He Has A Metal Suit On The Metal Suit is Awesome His Bro Is Metal Luigi Issac the daave is his rival, he is in Mario Hoops 5-on-5 HE IS ON (: THAT Means that is the coolest article evar!
Metal Mario is a character from the Mario series. He is listed as one of Mario's many rivals, alongside Shadow Mario, Wario and Bowser.