| - Narrator: Jon began his battle against Falkner. Narrator: Cyndaquil defeated Pidgey but Pidgeotto was too much, knocking out both of Jon's Pokemon. Narrator: We now go over to the Pokemon Center, for Tyler's chance against Falkner. Tyler: Right, it’s now our turn to beat Falkner. Kabuto, Totodile, I am counting on you two! Totodile: Totodile! Kabuto: Buto. Tyler: Jon, you okay? Jon: I lost so easily. I thought Volt Tackle would do a lot to Pidgeotto but it didn't do a thing. Nate: You were too confident. That is a weakness. Jon: I'm going to see how Tyler battles. Good luck. Jon: Come on out.
| - Narrator: Jon began his battle against Falkner. Narrator: Cyndaquil defeated Pidgey but Pidgeotto was too much, knocking out both of Jon's Pokemon. Narrator: We now go over to the Pokemon Center, for Tyler's chance against Falkner. Tyler: Right, it’s now our turn to beat Falkner. Kabuto, Totodile, I am counting on you two! Totodile: Totodile! Kabuto: Buto. Tyler: Jon, you okay? Jon: I lost so easily. I thought Volt Tackle would do a lot to Pidgeotto but it didn't do a thing. Nate: You were too confident. That is a weakness. Jon: I'm going to see how Tyler battles. Good luck. Jon: Come on out. Pichu: Pichu! Wooper: Wooper! Cyndaquil: Cyndaquil! Jon: I want you guys to observe how Tyler battles, especially Pichu and Cyndaquil. This way we can be stronger in our rematch. Referee: The Gym battle against Tyler, the challenger, and Falkner, the Gym Leader is about to begin. Both trainers can use two Pokemon, the battle is over when either sides Pokemon are unable to battle. Furthermore, only the challenger can substitute Pokemon. Battle Begin. Battle Music: ---------------------------------------------> Jon: Pidgey VS Kabuto. Tyler: Okay Kabuto, use Iron Defence! Falkner: I'm impressed. Now, Pidgey use Steel Wing! Tyler: Aqua Jet! Falkner: Now that is some power. Aerial Ace! Nate: Aerial Ace will not do a lot of damage to Kabuto. Cyndaquil: Quil, Cyndaquil, Cynda. Jon: I see. Falkner: Now Steel Wing! Jon: So Pidgey became invisible to Kabuto in a sense. Pichu: Pichu. Wooper: Per. Nate: Using a move to replicate Sand Attack is a good strategy. Tyler: Aqua Jet, then Scratch. Falkner: Dodge them both! Pichu: Pichu?! Jon (In head): Tyler is so good. How do I make his battle mean something in my rematch? How will I be able to win against Falkner? Falkner: Pidgey isn't out yet. Use Tackle! Tyler: Kabuto, use Aqua Jet. Referee: Pidgey is unable to battle, Kabuto wins! Tyler: All right Kabuto. Now, come next to me, it’s Totodile's turn. Falkner: Now a Totodile huh. Tyler: This will be a good win. Tyler: Use Water Gun. Falkner: Now Pidgeotto, use Steel Wing! Tyler: Totodile! Tyler: Totodile, use Water Gun! Falkner: I see what you are trying to do with Totodile, and it is not going to work. Aerial Ace! Tyler: That was so fast. We need to be more diverse. Falkner: If you don’t attack, then I will. Steel Wing! Tyler: Dragon Claw! Totodile: Dile…. Tyler: Totodile is losing strength. Need to finish this soon. Falkner: Brave Bird! Tyler: Totodile, Water Gun on the floor. Tyler: Now, aim beneath you! Tyler: Finish with Dragon Claw! Referee: Pidgeotto is no longer able to battle, Totodile wins. Which means the victor is Tyler, the challenger! Tyler: All right! Totodile: Toto, Toto, Totodile! Falkner: You done well to beat Pidgeotto. Here, you deserve it. The Zephyr Badge. Tyler: Thanks Falkner. Jon: Falkner? Falkner: Yes? Jon: Can we battle tomorrow afternoon? Nate: That soon? Jon: Yeah. After watching Tyler battle, I know what I need to do to win. Falkner: You seem confident. I accept. See you here tomorrow afternoon. Jon: Right, we need to get some practice in. Cyndaquil: Cyndaquil! Wooper: Wooper! Pichu: Pichu! Narrator: Tyler won his gym battle, but unexpectedly, Jon asked Falkner for a rematch, even though he only lost a few hours ago. How will Jon use Tyler’s gym battle experience to good use?