| - Tzeentch is a God of Chaos who represents the vitality and volatility of change. Tzeentch is closely associated with sorcery and magic, as well as dynamic mutation, and grand, convoluted scheming. The domains of history, destiny, intrigue and plots are his chief interests, and in pursuit of these aspects he listens to the dreams and hopes of all and watches their plans take form. He is not content to merely observe, however, and chooses to interfere in the skeins of fate in order to fulfill his own, unknowably complex schemes. Tzeentch is known by an endless multitude of names, but the chief titles he bears are the Changer of the Ways, the Master of Fortune, the Great Conspirator and the Architect of Fate.
- Bóg chaosu, zwany Panem Przemian. Jego cechą charakterystyczną jest ciągła zmienność, także brak określonego kształtu jego postaci. Darami tego boga dla wyznawców są zmiany mutacyjne (np. dodatkowe kończyny, odrosty). Tzeentch jest uważany za "ojca" magii, prawdopodobnie nie jest możliwe zagrożenie mu lub jego podwładnym za pomocą magii, gdyż odwróci się ona przeciwko atakującemu.
- Tzeentch is known by many titles, including the Changer of Ways, the Master of Fortune, the Great Conspirator, and the Architect of Fate. These titles reflect his masterly comprehension of destiny, history, intrigue, and plot. In his mind, he listens to the plans and hopes of every man and every nation. With his all-seeing eye, he watches these plans unfold into history. Tzeentch is not content to merely observe the fulfilment and disappointment brought by the passage of time. He has his own plans: schemes which are so complex and closely woven that they touch the lives of every living thing, whether they know it or not.
- Tzeentch is known by a hundred thousand titles across the galaxy, amongst them the Weaver of Destinies, the Great Conspirator, and the Architect of Fate. In his mind, he listens to the hopes of every sentient being from every planet in the universe. He watches over the plans of his playthings as they unfold into history, toying with fate and fortune; both for his own entertainment and to further his unfathomable schemes. Tzeentch feeds upon the need and desire for change that is an essential part of all life in the universe. All men dream of prosperity, freedom and a better tomorrow. These dreams are not just the preserve of the impoverished or the powerless -- even Imperial Planetary Governors and Imperial Navy battlefleet admirals dream of further riches, or perhaps even an end to their
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Tzeentch is the name give to a malevolent chaos deity who represents the vitality and volatility of change in the Warhammer roleplaying game series. Tzeentch is closely associated with sorcery and magic, as well as dynamic mutation and grand scheming.
- Titolo: Dio dell'Inganno e della Magia Allineamento: Neutrale Malvagio Classe: Maghi, Stregoni e Ladri che cercano assoluto potere, seguendo le trame incomprensibili del tessitore di inganni. Sacerdozio: Non ordinato poiche' clandestino, in genere nei templi di Tzeentch comanda il mago piu' potente. I seguaci mirano a inserirsi nell'alta societa' poiche' gli consente di avere piu' controllo su cio' che accade nel mondo. Domini da Chierico: Inganno, Magia, Conoscenza, Male Dettami di Tzeentch:
- thumb|250px|Tzeentch, El Que Cambia Los Caminos, el Gran Mutador, el Gran Hechicero. Tzeentch, también conocido como El Que Cambia Las Cosas, es el Dios del Caos del Cambio, la Evolución, la Intriga y la Hechicería, el que teje los hilos que conectan todas las acciones, tramas y sutiles intrigas en un juego de manipulación y subterfugio a escala galáctica. Al final de cada uno de esos hilos se encuentra la engañada alma de un títere humano; aquellos de sus sirvientes y agentes que creen que sirven al Señor del Cambio en pactos con un beneficio mutuo. La verdad es que todo acto de Tzeentch ha sido planeado con el fin definitivo de colocarse como el Poder del Caos preeminente en la Disformidad. Por supuesto, la misma naturaleza del Señor de la Entropía hace que, en caso de que obtuviese su t
- In grimoires prescribed by half-sane men, the devotees of Tzeentch scribble down their respective visions of their god. No two accounts are alike. Sometimes the god is depicted as a huge mass of shifting colours, or as a mighty daemon with a vulturous beak and multi-hued wings, and other times as a gangrel giant with its monstrous head set squarely in its chest, and with two serpents writhing from its shoulders. The followers of Tzeentch hold that he rules from an Impossible Fortress deep within the Realm of Chaos. At its heart, within a crystalline labyrinth of inconceivable geometry, lies the Hidden Library, a hall of eternal dimensions that houses the collective knowledge of the entire universe. Within it lies also the fabled Well of Eternity, and into its magic waters does Tzeentch gaz