| - 19
- 19 (nineteen) is a positive integer following 18 and preceding 20. Its ordinal form is written "19th" or "ninteenth".
- The year 19 AD
- El diecinueve (19) es el número natural que sigue al dieciocho y precede al veinte. Categoría:Números
- This is the 20th episode of the game, and the tenth and final episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
- Bill and Sam talk on and off about Carolyn and Burke. Sam immediately suspects Burke when Bill tells him about Roger's accident; Maggie is sick. Joe begins to suspect Carolyn's immature games. They go to Collinwood; Carolyn learns of Roger's accident and Joe is interrogated by Elizabeth. Elizabeth accuses Burke of murder to Joe; Roger is missing. Elizabeth repeats her accusation to Carolyn, who disbelieves it. Elizabeth tells her about the trial and orders her not to protect Burke, 'not even in her mind.'
- 19 is a mystical number that appears regularly throughout the works of Stephen King, particularly the Dark Tower series. It is the eighth smallest prime number, and the tenth smallest postive odd number.
- 19 is a number. It is a prime number and half of 38.
- 19 is Takahashi Ai's 5th photobook. It was released on January 27, 2006.
- This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "19" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years.
* Ray Giannelli (1991)
* Domingo Martinez (1992)
* Fred McGriff (1986-1990)
* Paul Molitor (1993-1995)
* Dan Plesac (1997-1999*, 2001-2002)
* Cliff Politte (2002*-2003)
* Marco Scutaro (2008-2009)
* David Segui (1999*)
* Otto Velez (1977-1982)
* Frank Viola (1996)
* Jose Bautista ( 2010 - )
- Placez ici toutes vos remarques sur le fameux 19, mais attention ! Aucun Spoiler n'est accepté sur cette page ! (comme dans tout le reste du site, d'ailleurs). Stephen King a été victime d'un accident de voiture qui l'a profondément marqué. Sa date ? Le 19 juin 1999 (à confirmer !) Stephen King a commencé a écrire le premier tome du pistoler a l'age de 19 ans (à confirmer !)
- 19 was a clone trooper Sergeant Major in the Coruscant Guard during the Clone Wars.
- [[Plik:19.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 19 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:1038+1065-19.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Dziewiętnastka w al. Jana Pawła II (2008)]] 19 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała z Piasków na Wyścigi.
- 19 is a number that comprises the sequence of digits 1 and 9 of the Arabic Numeral System—the most widely used numeral system in the world. It is the eighth prime number. 19 is also the age of Princess Melora in The Frog Prince, as recounted in the song "I'm Nineteen." A Muppet 19 appeared with Count von Count in a "Number of the Day" skit.
- Annette und Tim schmieden einen folgenreichen Plan, wie sie Julians und Dianas Glück auf die Sprünge helfen wollen. Simone boxt konsequent ihre neuen Dienst- und Etatpläne durch und tangiert dabei vor allem die Ballettlehrerin Nadja. Sichtlich irritiert von Simones neuem Einfluss stellt Nadja Richard, ihre heimliche Liebe, zur Rede. Er gibt vor, dass Simones Intermezzo nur von kurzer Dauer sein wird. Doch da hat er die Rechnung ohne Simone gemacht. Dieter ist beeindruckt von Juttas neuem Selbstbewusstsein und begreift plötzlich, dass er selbst sich ändern muss. Er schlägt seiner verwöhnten Tochter Nina gegenüber einen härteren Ton an und besorgt Jutta ein romantisches Geschenk. Jutta ist zutiefst gerührt und angetan. Bis sie herausfindet, wie teuer das Geschenk war ...
- 19 is a 2000 Japanese film written and directed by Kazushi Watanabe.
- This phenomenon is somewhat explained, saying the Keystone World (one of two worlds in the Dark Tower multiverse where time only can flow in one direction, the other being Roland's world of All-World) has the "ka of 19". Instances of that number may be indicators that the Keystone World is involved and that the ka-tet should pay special attention to it. It is well known that Stephen King started writing his Dark Tower series at the age of 19. It may be this that led him to the idea of choosing 19 to be of such importance in the books.
- #19 is the ninteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- 19 - linia tramwajowa zwykła. Jej trasa przebiega z Borku Fałęckiego na Dworzec Towarowy. Jest jedną z trzech linii kursujących tunelem Krakowskiego Szybkiego Tramwaju (kursuje tędy od 31 sierpnia 2015 r., przedtem kursowała z Łagiewnik przez Starowiślną, Westerplatte, Basztową i Długą, jeszcze wcześniej - do 16 listopada 2012 r. przez Kapelankę, Monte Cassino, Dietla, Starowiślną, Westerplatte i Pawią do Krowodrzy Górki). Kursuje co 10 minut w dni powszednie i co 20 minut w soboty, niedziele i święta. Kursują na niej wagony EU8N i Bombardier NGT6.
- Ask ThatGuy Episode 19 [August 22. 2008] [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, [Speaks in a clicking language]! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: If I'm a scaly man-fish who drinks baileys from a shoe and has a mangina, am I still loveable? Narrator: I love the feeling of ripping flesh, which is why I'm addicted to sticking pins and needles through my skin, it soothes me. I don't want my body to be scarred to shreds, so how do I stop?