| - The Galra Empire is a massive intergalactic empire ruled over by Emperor Zarkon and consisting of the majority of the Galra species in Voltron: Legendary Defender.
- The Galra Empire is a powerful political and military force led by Emperor Zarkon and comprised mainly of the Galrans, purple-skinned or purpled-furred aliens with yellow eyes and many beastly facial features. The known exceptions to this are Zarkon himself, who has gray skin and violet eyes, Haggar, who has blue skin and yellow eyes, and her druids, who have blue skin. The empire has destroyed and conquered much of the known universe under Zarkon's leadership for the past 10,000 years after the disappearance and disbursement of Voltron and its paladins.
- Galran society is ordered in several divisions or castes. The main divisions being the Ruling caste, the Warrior, Working civilians and finally Slaves. The Galra caste system is an elaborate and complex social system that combines elements of occupation, social class, and political power.
| - Galran society is ordered in several divisions or castes. The main divisions being the Ruling caste, the Warrior, Working civilians and finally Slaves. The Galra caste system is an elaborate and complex social system that combines elements of occupation, social class, and political power.
* Ruling Caste - Emperor Daibazaal and his son Sincline fall into this caste, they are the supreme rulers of the Galra Empire. However, in a number of episodes such as ep. 30 "The Prince Imperial's Dark Love", one can clearly see Daibazaal holding court with a number of nobles. While during the series these nobles are little more than background for various throne room scenes, they would still fit into the ruling class.
* Warrior Caste - Most of the Galran characters that are seen in the series belong to this caste. As its name would suggest, this is the caste of warriors, fighters and soldiers; in other words they are basically the entire military. Actual named characters that fall into this cast are Sadak and Gibra.
* Working Civilian Caste - This caste is never actually seen by the viewer during the course of the series. It is, however, talked of on occasion by the military caste whom wish that Daibazaal and Sincline would think about what would benefit "the people of Galra" more often.
* Slaves - The slaves are the lowest of the low and are not citizens of the Empire but rather property (as would already be implied by the word "slave"). They are the captured populations of defeated worlds that had the gall to stand up to the Empire. Most of the slaves seen in the anime are human, however, as seen in ep. 1 "Escape from Slave Castle" the Empire does posses a small number of non-human slaves. These poor alien souls, however, are never given the opportunity of becoming actual characters and (like the Galran nobility) are really just window dressing in the backgrounds. Such a pity.
- The Galra Empire is a powerful political and military force led by Emperor Zarkon and comprised mainly of the Galrans, purple-skinned or purpled-furred aliens with yellow eyes and many beastly facial features. The known exceptions to this are Zarkon himself, who has gray skin and violet eyes, Haggar, who has blue skin and yellow eyes, and her druids, who have blue skin. The empire has destroyed and conquered much of the known universe under Zarkon's leadership for the past 10,000 years after the disappearance and disbursement of Voltron and its paladins. Zarkon governs his empire from its very center, and has Commanders designated by various sections of the conquered areas to do his bidding in his place. He relays his orders through the screens of his Commander's warships. Many of the empire's forces are simple robotic sentries that follow set paths and patterns as they guard their ships and stations; they are equipped with heavy laser rifles that have retractable bayonets. It's usually not possible to activate or interface with Galra technology such as locked door switches or command consoles unless the hand being used is that of a Galra sentry, a Galra prosthetic such as Shiro's arm, or a Galran alien. The Galra Empire styles much of its technology in black and purple, with many of its power crystals and lights glowing brightly violet; its command consoles are bright red. This is all in contrast to Altean themes of white and blue. The Galra technology is fueled by Quintessence, which Haggar extracts from entire planets using her dark magic. Allura states that prior to Zarkon's rebellion, as he was the former Black Paladin of Voltron, that she traveled through many Galran ships and areas, implying the Galrans once had an alliance with the Alteans.
- The Galra Empire is a massive intergalactic empire ruled over by Emperor Zarkon and consisting of the majority of the Galra species in Voltron: Legendary Defender.