| - Note, the entire Discworld series is essentialy one decades long crowning moment of awesomeness for Terry Pratchett himself. The man has a rare form of Alzheimers and is stil able to write books like the Discworld series. Upon being made a knight, the man MADE HIS OWN FREAKING SWORD, just because he wanted one. He's even taken precautions for euthanasia in the most sensible way ever seen. The discworld books ARE a crowning moment of awesome purely for having been written by this guy. To expand: the first book was published in 1983, so he has been writing the Discworld series for twenty-seven years. In this time he has written 37 Discworld books proper (including the four Younger Readers books), helped with the writing of twelve Other Books About the Discworld, four Discworld Map(p)s, ten or so other Non-Discworld books (this does not count those books written before the publication of The Colour of Magic, plus presumably helping with the games, the film and cartoon adaptations of books, the plays and every other thing to do with the Discworld series). So, that's sixty-three books/compendia, and everything else in only twenty-nine years. One man! (with occasional assists). Warning: unmarked spoilers may be present. Now reworked into folders so people who haven't read every book can look at this page without fear of spoilers. Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels have have more Crowning Moments Of Awesome per book than some series do in their entirety. All of the main characters, most of the recurring minor characters, and a good number of the villains have at least one of these. Per book.
* The narration gets more than its share of moments that make you sit back and go "Mr. Pratchett, you are indeed a genius." Now in convenient folders divided by book, so you don't have to read the entire series to read this page and not be spoiled! Please keep examples in the folder belonging to the relevant book.