| - Ardorius is a man who stands with confidence and strength, and has a general aura which seems to enlighten the emotions of his fellows and friends, be it bliss or hope: valour or bravery. His build is one that is designed for battle and long-distance travelling, and is therefore well muscled through a combination of exercise and great nourishment. This indicates he can take most of his foes down, not to mention his proficiency with a blade or hammer, if you're one of the few to witness him in combat it simply adds to how deadly he may be deemed on the battlefield. Ardorius' face isn't the prettiest flower in Azeroth, but it has a charm in a rugged sort of way. His facial expression often boasts a hint of solemness, often covered up by his general cheerfulness. Those gifted with great people skills would be able to tell that this mask of happiness is an act. Others may sub-consciously feel something is there. This is the face of a man who has seen too much of the world and all it's horrors, and rarer still; the quiet, ancient beauty of it... A face of experience and wiseness. In terms of down-right obviousness, the face of Ardorius reveals two scars, clearly formed from some sort of slashing object, likely a set of claws. The skin has a light tan, pointing out that he is more of an outdoor person. In the brown skin of his forehead, mild wrinkles have formed, and minor crows feet at the end of each eye. A rough beard prevails from the top of his jaw, succeeding a few millimetres in length, stretch onto the facial hair of his mouth area. The colour of his hair is a chocolate-brunette, with the occasional grey hair. The mane on top of his head is a scruffy hair style, clearly not very attended to. The side of it has a few thick hairs leaning onto his forehead, whilst the rest of it reaches to his ears and around his head. Another note, his eyes are a perculiar type. Like some sort of bizarre spiral of contracting shades. In colour, they are a very eye-catching brown with hints of gold. A rather grizzled face, all in all.